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Re: "5% of what he knows" says Adam Koralik?

I'm suggesting ideas like a missing chapter being placed in the re-release or extra modes that weren't in the original releases doesn't seem likely based on what their portfolio looks like. Of course I don't know if that's true, but I'm very skeptical about the 5% figure meaning there's a whole load of new features coming to the games.

Of course, I'm always glad to be wrong when it comes to Shenmue.
by mjq jazz bar
Mon May 07, 2018 1:00 pm
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Re: "5% of what he knows" says Adam Koralik?

Has anyone played any of the titles D3T is credited with? Specifically, the ports, not the originals.

What kinds of features do these games have that are above and beyond the original source material?

I would measure my expectations against those releases.
by mjq jazz bar
Mon May 07, 2018 11:38 am
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Re: Shenmue HD in magazines

I'm not really sure I get what the writer of that article is trying to say with that example.

Is he suggesting doing away with the detective game elements and open-ended quests? I'm not sure it'd actually be Shenmue without it, and it'd be a fucking travesty if it was replaced with mini-map "run to marker, then run to other marker, then maybe have a fight" quest design. You'd miss out on so much world building through the incidental dialogue that comes with investigating, not to mention never really learning or paying attention to the game world layout.

Take asking in one of the Lucky Charm quarter electronic shops about the Heavens in II. The owner will get the wrong end of the stick and think Ryo is a gang member looking for protection money, and threatens to get Xiuying. Suddenly the reason why the Heavens stick to Aberdeen becomes obvious; they want to steer clear of the martial artists in Wan Chai. It's easy to miss, but the fact it's there is incredible. Shenmue rewards the player for being curious with these little bits and pieces about the world, the story, and the characters.

The way it ends makes me think they're asking for Yakuza with a Shenmue skin, and with no disrespect intended to that series which is great for its own reasons, but I cannot think of anything worse for Shenmue III.

It's a really reductive argument, and ignores a lot of what else builds up Shenmue as a whole, and that (surprise) people can still enjoy Shenmue as-is in 2018.
That's why I'm glad Yu Suzuki is the director and not whoever wrote that article. I don't think he'll do anything that isn't true to his original vision.
by mjq jazz bar
Wed May 09, 2018 10:12 am
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Re: New Shenmue III pics from THQ Nordic financial presentat

Apparently he's only working on backgrounds/environments.

Personally, I think his Ryo model is the weakest part of his concept trailers. It certainly looks plasticky/rough. I do think it looks 'closer' to the Dreamcast model, however.

The current Ryo looks a bit Malaysian or Filipino to me.
by mjq jazz bar
Mon May 21, 2018 2:43 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

A Shenmue IV Kickstarter would not have the same pull as the Shenmue III Kickstarter, particularly if III isn't strong enough on its own to sell--especially if it is anything less than great. Shenmue III was the perfect storm of 15 years of waiting & the great E3 announcement. Of course we'd all back it, but the randoms who backed 3 because of hype & interest would not be there. I also think Kickstarter has lost some appeal after a few less-than-perfect games were released through the platform.
by mjq jazz bar
Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:56 am
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

I completely agree with you, Spahgetti, but I definitely think a Shenmue IV Kickstarter approaching the world record-breaking performance of Shenmue III too unlikely to consider. We just need to hope 3 sells very well. Obviously, I'm frequently wrong and this is just my opinion, so your mileage may vary.
by mjq jazz bar
Thu Jun 07, 2018 4:23 pm
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Re: Adam Koralik explains the re-releases (4:3, audio etc)

The ultimate fact of the matter is it's obviously the most Sega is willing to do for Shenmue and until they see support and sales that merit their continued support of Shenmue, this is what we're getting. Buy 10 copies, tell your friends to buy 10 copies, buy your dog a copy--that's the only thing that's going to make a difference. It's not the ultra-deluxe package I would've personally wanted, but it's a start. I typically am very pro-consumer, but I will give Sega credit for releasing the games at a very, very reasonable price. To me, that shows they're not completely out of their minds and they do respect us.

There was just no way they were going to expend major funds and resources on a game that they have a very strange and strained relationship with.

As far as Denuvo is concerned, take it up with Sega. They put it on all their releases. It's not Shenmue-specific and I don't understand why some are acting like it is. I don't have a dog in that fight cuz I'm not a PC gamer, but there you go.
by mjq jazz bar
Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:18 am
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