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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:26 pm
by Peter
I really have jumped the gun with the xbox. No real classic gamss that are a proper must own yet, outside of hype and AAA production. Where are the old days where launch/first year with lots of releases. Damn k wish I coukd relkve the N64 and Dreamcast years. That will always be my true golden age of gaming.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:20 am
by AnimeGamer183
I know what ya mean peter. seems like we have to wait 2 or 3 years now before (half or more than half the life span of the old consoles) there is a decent selection of games. Launch games kind of fell off in the era of PS2 and Xbox and GC.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:37 am
by Axm
Its like the DC was a hell mary all or nothing launch the first couple of years. Sega was desperate to win back the audience and gave it their all. These days the big 3 just sit on their asses pumping out sequels and rehashes. Letting the smaller devs risk it pushing the line forward.
Xbone, PS4 and Wii U are good systems but ya the golden days are behind us when we could be wowed and see a step like 2D to 3D.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:45 am
by Crimson Ryan
Peter wrote: I really have jumped the gun with the xbox. No real classic gamss that are a proper must own yet, outside of hype and AAA production. Where are the old days where launch/first year with lots of releases. Damn k wish I coukd relkve the N64 and Dreamcast years. That will always be my true golden age of gaming.

My workmates have said the same thing. Since a lot of big name games have been delayed until next year, you're effectively waiting two years for a proper next generation game. By that I mean not also available on PS3 etc.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:11 pm
by Henry Spencer
Axm wrote:Its like the DC was a hell mary all or nothing launch the first couple of years. Sega was desperate to win back the audience and gave it their all. These days the big 3 just sit on their asses pumping out sequels and rehashes. Letting the smaller devs risk it pushing the line forward.
Xbone, PS4 and Wii U are good systems but ya the golden days are behind us when we could be wowed and see a step like 2D to 3D.

Agree with all of that. To add to this, I think that games are just that expensive to make nowadays that it has slowed down the production of games in general (remember when we used to get tons and I mean, tons of games coming out on the old consoles) and rather killed a lot of aspects of the creativity of the higher budgeted games, which is a shame.

They'll all playing it safe for a reason, remember, games just cost too damn much to make now.

I'm kind of a hypocrite though, despite holding off for as long as I can, I can't wait to get a PS4 any longer now that The Evil Within is coming out and Bloodborne is around the corner... #-o

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:34 pm
by ys
Peter wrote: I really have jumped the gun with the xbox. No real classic gamss that are a proper must own yet, outside of hype and AAA production. Where are the old days where launch/first year with lots of releases. Damn k wish I coukd relkve the N64 and Dreamcast years. That will always be my true golden age of gaming.

This is exactly why I haven't bought any of the new consoles yet. Out of the games that I've seen there has been maybe two or three that got me interested in buying a new console.

Earlier this week I read an article about classic gaming and why it might have been better in some ways. The writer added that it wasn't a case of "everything was better then" and looked beyond nostalgia. He also mentioned that games are so expensive to make that developers play it too safe nowadays.
RPG's like Fallout, Baldur's gate, Planescape Torment had less focus on graphics which allowed them to create deeper experiences with lots of branching paths. Compared to the guided, simpler linear action we very often get now.
Personally I don't mind modern blockbuster action/adventure games. I like a lot of them but I do get his point about gaming actually going "backwards" in that aspect.

I think part of it is that gaming becamae much more mainstream around that point. Maybe I'm the only one but things started to feel a bit more business and "soulless" when the previous generation arrived.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:06 pm
by Kenny
Serious question. Who here gives a flipping fuck about "corrupt gaming journalism" and "#gamergate"?

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:17 pm
by OL
Not me. I don't know why anyone gets so uppity about something as inconsequential as gaming journalism anyway.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:50 pm
by Axm
If their was more hard proof about it sure. But I havent seen any news story about a publisher paying off a journalist or organization. The closest thing to that was the Jeff Gertsman thing years ago but that was over advertizing on the site followed by a bad review. Horrible but slightly different and its the only example ive ever seen.
Everyone is so convinced theirs a huge pay off to good reviews but when you have a such a large industry like this and nobody has come out with evidence in support of wide spread corruption then I see it as just more fanboy rumor rage. Like the thousands and thousands of people that worked for Nasa and other independent organizations all kept their mouth shut about a fake moon landing.
If someone wants to present the hard evidence maybe id care.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 7:58 pm
by Kenny
It's mostly rambling on how some feminist game dev slept with a few gaming journalists to get them to plug her web-based text adventure game (which is boring as fuck btw). It blew up when those sites basically told them to fuck off.

Honestly, if you're buying $60 games based on a numerical metascore and get disappointed with it you only have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:00 am
by OL
Exactly. Even if there is "corruption" going on, it's in the realm of videogame journalism.
Why should anyone care, honestly? The internet is such nowadays that relying on the paid opinion of "professionals" to figure out what you should be playing may as well have been rendered moot. It's easy enough to quickly check out a youtube vid to get an idea of what something is like. I actually can't remember the last time I read or watched a legitimate game review, trying to see if I should go ahead and play something. I figure that shit out for myself. No one can tell me whether something appeals to me, so the corruption of gaming journalists is about as inconsequential in my mind as can be.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:09 pm
by Kenny
I remember doing that with Gametrailers before the advent of Youtube. Videogames are a medium that I need to see in motion because they're interactive, I need to see what it looks like when you play it. Same with music, I prefer to hear the song rather than read a review on it. In fact I remember reading reviews on music albums and I was like "what the hell are you babbling about with vibratos and lyrical beauty? Does it sound good like their previous albums or not?"

I think movies and tv shows are the only ones that make sense in review format because it's a medium that's entirely dependent on you sitting and watching. But even then, I ain't gonna watch it unless it comes highly recommended by people I know or if it interests me in the first place.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:10 pm
by Peter
@Anime, Axm, Henry, Crimson, YS

Absolutely agree. It's just not the same anymore. More complex hardware, more production delays, testing a debug for all the mad shit going on in the game......

Again, another reason why the ironic fact that the Dreamcast is the greatest console ever; demo discs. Part of a pastime of videogaming was buying the magazine every month. Official Dreamcast Magazine was just the best ever, arguably for a free disc you got every month. The absolute beauty of being introduced to a game, sometimes you more or less would have had zero interest in ever buying for various reasons, including the game being "just not my genre". But from Snow Surfers, Tony Hawks Skateboarding, to Toy Commander and POD2. These were not even sometimes the greatest of games, but I have played the demo disc versions of these games multiple times, and ended up buying the full game on those demo alone. Games which I would have never ever gave money for. That was a genius that added to that age of gaming, and brought money which may never have been made if it wasn't for those demo discs. How exciting was the "this game is still a work in progress, and may not represent the finished version" message.

Yea ok, that may still exist today. But how many gamers actually bother to go into the PS store or Xbox live and download a 2G file size just to try the demo, which can take ages anyway and also eat up valuable hardware space. There's no charm, personality or practicality to that. Again, another saddening part of today's gaming industry.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:27 pm
by AnimeGamer183
Also the fact that they develop certain games across both generations of consoles in the early stages of the "next gen consoles" as mentioned before. I always start to think well is the PS3 version more undertuned than the PS4 version or is the PS4 version just a slight upgrade from the PS3 version, for example, and I think in most cases its the latter since the game does have to be developed for both consoles they HAVE to hold back some what for the new consoles to baby sit the previous gen console so it can be successful and run smoothly on both right? It does make it feel like next gen doesnt truly kick in until later on in the new consoles life span. I know they have been using this model for sports games and certain other games for a long time, but there are some games that just need to be left alone from doing this to them, like Destiny and Titan Fall come to mind as some of the bigger releases that have implemented it.

And yeah peter, the practicality of the demo a turd these days, there are alot more of them and made available at the click of a download and thus are a bit more underwhelming and also because of reviews of the demos now... Since we are in a review heavy time in gaming, and metacritic fucking our favorite games in the ass, its most difficult for us old schoolers to enjoy many genres of yesteryear.

I also think the jump from 2d to 3d really wowed alot of people and I dont think we are going to see anything like that until we make the jump to VR, and get some even better tech than what we have now, as good as Oculus and the Playstation VR are rumored to be, I think there could be some more spectacular in the future.

Hopefully gaming will find a similar quality to those days again, we just need the right innovations to make it happen. Im sure it will eventually come.

Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:53 am
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
phpBB [video]

(also fuck gamergate)