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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:56 am
by Riku Rose
ThyDarkAngel wrote: ^That gives him more credibility I would argue.

I'd say it just shows he has to much time on his hands that he can play a game he supposedly hates making him hate it more. If you are sitting there playing a game you dislike for hours on end you really need to look at what your doing with your free time.

The people who seem to have a problem with the Uncharted series seem to look at it with a 20 foot magnifying glass. It's meant to be the video game version of the summer blockbuster where you can just have some fun for 2 hours. It's the same as when people complain that Michael Bay isn't making a film as good as Citizen Kane

Segata Sanshiro Jr. wrote:
OL wrote: For anyone with a Vita (not many here, I'd guess) the Virtue's Last Reward demo is up on PSN. Didn't have time to go throught the whole thing, but it looks goddamn beautiful on the Vita's screen.
I love this little system. Just hoping the flow of games picks up eventually...

I think its just you, me and Axm.


Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:01 pm
by ThyDarkAngel
I don't know if it 'hates' it.
I think he hates the fact Uncharted is glorified not the game itself.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:05 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Who Really Cares? wrote:Problem is too many are abusing it.

True with locked content DLC, but a lot of the time, it's usually just bollocks like different skins n shit anyway. Besides, that's why DotW's so good.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:06 pm
by Dorian
Riku Rose wrote:I'd say it just shows he has to much time on his hands that he can play a game he supposedly hates making him hate it more. If you are sitting there playing a game you dislike for hours on end you really need to look at what your doing with your free time.

I have a lot of free time on my hands and I play a lot of VGs. Yes, it's so much worse than sitting behind a desk and browsing facebook while you're supposed to work. Plus, I always make sure to know what I'm criticizing. Unlike all these shallow cunts who think that reading wiki and watching screenshots is enough. Your logic is flawed as ever, Riku. You're just looking for ways of discrediting the opposition's character. If I didn't platinum both U1-2, you would say I have no idea about the series. When I did platinum them, you're saying that I have too much free time on my hands, once again using argumentum ad hominem and petitio principii.
Riku Rose wrote:It's the same as when people complain that Michael Bay isn't making a film as good as Citizen Kane

Lowering the standards as usual.

ThyDarkAngel wrote:I think he hates the fact Uncharted is glorified not the game itself.

I hate the dialogues and acting. I'm indifferent towards the rest.

My gaming thought of the day: I don't want Skies of Arcadia HD... I want a remake of Skies of Arcadia! This game deserves so much more!

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:01 pm
by St. Elmo's Fire
Dorian wrote:
My gaming thought of the day: I don't want Skies of Arcadia HD... I want a remake of Skies of Arcadia! This game deserves so much more!

What extra stuff would you put in it?

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:08 pm
Anyone having issues with the PlayStation Store? I'm trying to get in to download NiGHTS and it's coming up with an error each time.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:10 pm
by Dorian
St. Elmo's Fire wrote:
Dorian wrote:
My gaming thought of the day: I don't want Skies of Arcadia HD... I want a remake of Skies of Arcadia! This game deserves so much more!

What extra stuff would you put in it?

More backstory, (far) deeper battle system, bigger base expansion possibilities coming along with bigger maps and more NPCs. Basically, do the game again, but on a far bigger scale.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:15 pm
by Bluecast
Bayonetta is damn fun. I still agree with OL the main character is just meh. Hot toic hairy bitch. Kinda boring really. However the gameplay is quite damn good. Put Dante in there and it's just another DMC game but the pace is much faster action. The presentation is also DMC. It's a re skinned DMC.

Dear god they will change the Sonic references into Mario ones in 2. That will suck however.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:17 pm
by St. Elmo's Fire
Dorian wrote:
St. Elmo's Fire wrote:
Dorian wrote:
My gaming thought of the day: I don't want Skies of Arcadia HD... I want a remake of Skies of Arcadia! This game deserves so much more!

What extra stuff would you put in it?

More backstory, (far) deeper battle system, bigger base expansion possibilities coming along with bigger maps and more NPCs. Basically, do the game again, but on a far bigger scale.

That would be good. I imagine the Dark Rift could be made pretty special these days, as long as it was done right anyway...

IIRC, one of the few things the DC version of the game got quite a slating for was the frequency of the random encounters, but I never really found them to be that much/any worse than other games I played around that time that also had random battles.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:20 pm
by Bluecast
Gamecube version they added some side stories. Also less random battles. Was still quite frequent however.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:35 pm
by Dorian
The battles were annoying because of how easy they were, not because of how frequent you got into them per se.

The GCN was made even easier than the DC original, although it does have a little more backstory and more (easy) bosses. Sadly, the translation wasn’t uncensored.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:41 pm
Error code: 80710d23

You wait years for a NiGHTS remake and then when it drops you can't even fucking purchase it! ARGH!

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:45 pm
by Dorian
QWERTY™ wrote: Error code: 80710d23

You wait years for a NiGHTS remake and then when it drops you can't even fucking purchase it! ARGH!

Its anus is not prepared yet. Wait a little more.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:49 pm
by Who Really Cares?
QWERTY™ wrote: Error code: 80710d23

You wait years for a NiGHTS remake and then when it drops you can't even fucking purchase it! ARGH!

Unlucky but hey I'm getting it on XBLA and have to wait till Friday.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:08 pm
by ThyDarkAngel
If I won't get it no one will.
