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Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 7:45 pm
by shredingskin
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For my game I had written an old man building an unknown structure for all his life, and just stumbling on youtube I found the real guy.

Love the guy.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:30 am
by Riku Rose
Riku Rose wrote:I appreciate people more when they don't feel the need to play the celebrity game to get more attention. You have someone like Kevin Spacey who is gay and he just keeps to himself and doesn't feel the need to make a Youtube video to tell his fans.

Crimson Ryan wrote: Kevin Spacey is gay?

Can answer this post from 2015 now without being sued I guess since he’s come out.

I have a friend who’s a waiter in one of the top London restaurants. Kevin Spacey was in the restaurant one night pretty drunk and flirting with him like crazy and at the end of the night he went up to Spacey’s room. Nice to know people will stop calling the story bullshit now.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:22 pm
by FlagshipFighter
I've been watching 'Wild China' documentary series on BBC iPlayer these past few weeks, absolutely lovin' it! It's gotten me really excited about how will capture that in Shenmue 3, it's going to be excellent roaming around all those rural areas and forests etc in a game environment, and what we've seen so far in the gamescom trailer the environments are stunning!
I really can't think of many games on the top of my head that have portrayed that outside of Shenmue 2 disc 4 (jade empire?). Gonna be guuud!

(Btw definitely recommend watching the series, it's just a shame a bunch of BBC stuff is quite hard to obtain depending on the region. Hopefully you'll find a way)

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:35 am
by myshtuff
I think I am starting to get why social media managers are becoming a legitimate position at companies. I signed up for a bunch of services/social media accounts (except Facebook which I really don't want to sign up for) for my podcast a couple months back and am now getting into the groove of updating them all when I release stuff. Holy hell there are so damn many that people use. Its getting absurd. Granted I barely have any traction yet, but for artists/companies who do have lots of followers, I can't imagine keeping up with all of it. Its honestly a wonder how anyone gets their stuff found nowadays.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:16 pm
by shredingskin
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Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 1:04 am
by Rakim
I hope Louis CK gets to keep making movies. I was really looking forward to the filmmaker phase of his career.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 2:39 pm
by OL
^^I feel like all this shit is being exaggerated anyway. I'm not some diehard, "he's never wrong" type of supporter of him or anything, I just think it all sounds a bit extreme for a guy who's comedy act is primarily based around taking a level-headed look at how weird and shitty the rest of the world can seem.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 5:06 pm
by Riku Rose
Louie has admitted to it, he said it was always with the woman’s consent but said sorry for putting them in that position. Sounds like he’s disputing them saying he just whipped it out.

My main issue at the moment is the automatic assumption that everyone is guilty without the chance to defend themselves. People like Spacey and Weinstein have admitted they did it so yeah bad mouth them all you like, but I see on Twitter some article that Brett Ratner denied the allegations and the first response was ‘who gives a fuck what this rapist says?’

The American justice system is a fucking joke with how you can pay people off and settle outside of court. Everyone should be talking to the police and not the press and the public should be holding their judgement rather then have this trial by social media. We live in this world now where everyone has to have an opinion on everything as soon as it happens so they can comment online and this just leads to people jumping to extremes and not actually listening.

Hollywood being a scummy place is hardly surprising but people need to step back and wait. Bryan Singer was once accused of rape in Hawaii and it was proven he was in Canada at the time. Sure 90% of these allegations may be true but everyone should have a right to defend themselves. I’m feeling bad for the innocent people that’s lives can be ruined with a tweet. We had this recently in the UK after the Jimmy Saville scandal where suddenly everyone on TV was a pedophile. The majority of those that were trialed and had their names dragged through the mud ended up being innocent.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 5:08 pm
by Thief
So he didn't commit a crime? So what the fuck is going on? Is verbal consent not even enough anymore? holy shit.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 1:17 am
by *Kenshin Himura*
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Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:04 pm
by Bambi
Riku Rose wrote:Kevin Spacey who is gay and he just keeps to himself

Well, half right I suppose.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:12 pm
by St. Elmo's Fire
See in that film, "See No Evil, Hear No Evil", how did that low-level scumbag-ish bookie who was looking for Wally (he gets shot by the hot hitwoman) end up having such a potentially world-changing superconductor technology in his grubby briefcase?

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:01 am
by Mr. Frozen
There is no way to order an odd number of chicken nuggets here in the US. On the menu, you can only order 4,6, or 10 nuggets. Since these numbers are even, there is no possible way to order an odd number of nuggets.

This saddens me because I have a weird OCD habit of only eating a prime number of countable food items. Stuff like fries are exempt because I always pick up like 2 or three at a time when I eat them. I that a 9 pack of nuggets exist in the UK, so I could happily order 13 nuggets there. Maybe I should move to the UK.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:24 pm
by shredingskin
Sam Harris turned into Deepak Chopra so gradually I didn't even notice.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 1:07 am
by shredingskin
There are at least 5 funny bits in this 1'33" clip (I counted 11).

phpBB [video]

Now I count 12 if I think about it, the way simpsons writers think about the simpsons today.

Look at this one, from 40'' to 48" they managed to pull 3 funny moments of a single dialogue in 8 seconds:
phpBB [video]

It's funny before while homer thinks he's on the peak of everything (funny0), but Lisa comes in with a non materialistic approach to happiness giving insight to her miserable life (funny1), then he stumbles and comes with a petty materialistic solution (funny2), and then lisa disregards everything and complies (funny3).

It works for the characters, it works for the narrative, it just fucking works. One bit, turned into 3 little "jokes". They were on the peak.