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Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:41 am
by Bluecast

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:55 am
by MiTT3NZ
Eh, I've been a mod at a few places, it emotionally stressful like youz are makin out.

Ironically, when I was goin through my old PMs, I found some from Spence when he warned me a few times, and there was no hint of "bad blood" or owt, it was all just pretty straight forward. He told me to cut some shit out and had to warn me, I said fair enough in my usually colourful style, and that was that.

Suppose it all depends on the person and how the situation's handled.

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:28 am
by Martin
Sonikku wrote:Becoming mod can carry a brief elation, though it is shortly lived. It can fracture friendships, as well as the way people you never had a problem with personally look at you. There comes a point were the fatigue from having to be "the decider" in matters of unending drama can take their toll. And it's never the black and white situations that are complicated, it's the thousands of shades of gray in between. There will be times when your knee-jerk reaction to snot faced members trying to call you out leaves you wanting to bop them in the nose, but you can't. A mod always has to be above fanning the flames of drama and has to be reserved in their responses. I think being given a mod title can be associated with prestige, or it being an honor in most regulars minds. But at the end of the day, putting out fires and taking flack for doing so can gradually over the years make you a little bitter to the point where there is no such "status" with being a mod any more, it's only worth it if you really love the community and want to help keep it healthy even if people come to resent you for doing so. The effect is subtle over time I suppose, but it is cumulative, like a snow ball effect. Think of it as being Batman, only not as cool. :P


There's no "prestige" to it in my mind. Just means you have a couple responsibilities that you didn't before, that's all. If people behave differently around you once you're a mod, that just means their normal behaviour isn't up to scratch. I don't know, I think people are being way too dramatic about mod status. It literally means nothing other than 'janitor'. You're the care-taker of the site of you're a mod. Walking around in your overalls with your bucket, mopping the halls. If someone's action literally piss you off - you're taking internet in general too seriously. I've done that in the past, but I'm 27 in a month. Won't be doing it any more.

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:34 am
by Bluecast
:sad: I will be 30 in 3 months.

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:52 am
by Martin

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:27 pm
by Peter
Was at a friends funeral yesterday, and only got on the PSN today to see Henry had replied to my messages. He confirmed that he is gone. He is in a very bad place right now, and wont be back anytime soon, or ever really unless Shenmue 3 is announced. Also mentioned that the Dojo isnt the best place right now, and i said i agreed with him on that. Just told him to take care, and if he ever needed anything at all, to just let me know and i will do whatever necessary just to help. Even listen. I will keep him in my prayers tonight. :cry:

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:46 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Shit... Will someone tell me what the fuck's goin on?

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:48 pm
by Bluecast
MiTT3NZ wrote: Shit... Will someone tell me what the fuck's goin on?

Well since Pete outed it. Henry's best friend killed himself. Henry overall is having a tough time in general with this added and won't be coming back. (well at least for some time)

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:51 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Fucking hell man. I've never had someone that close to me do it, but it's happened with a few of my mates over the years. I hope he can get through it alright.

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:54 pm
by Bluecast
I been close to doing it but always seemed to get help. I never had a friend do it either. :???:

I prayed for Henry last night.

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:58 pm
by Peter
Friend of mines hung herself last monday, and her funeral was yesterday. She was 28, and left 2 kids behind. The emotions that you experience cant be put into words. Take care Henry. I know we will see you again soon.

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:01 pm
by Who Really Cares?
Can i just say i was a mod for a few years over at OXM UK and it was a piss easy. Yes you might annoy someone for locking a topic or what ever but really no one got upset if something was moved/deleted or what ever and it was quickly forgotten about simply because in the end a topic really had to go off topic and arguing go to far for us to do anything about it.
No stress and it simply works if you post as you normally would and don't 'pick on' any users in any way.

It was also sweet for us mods because the staff would often tells us behind the scenes stuff as far as XBox news went as long as we kept it to ourselves.
Sadly magazine publisher decided to make over the forums and turned it to shit and then the decent staff members moved onto other jobs and its now a dead pile of shit.

Everyone has their views on suicide but i don't feel this is the place to say mine just that its not something i would ever even consider.

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:02 pm
by Peter
Bluecast wrote:
LAMEWAD wrote: I can understand why he's left, if he's left. This place has become a place I don't really want to post at any longer, which if fine because all of my recent posts have been pointless shit. I like a lot of people here, but I can't stay.

Peter wrote:Various personalities that linger around here that i just cant stand anymore, i fear posts will become less and less.

You shouldn't be a mod. I had a complaint and all you could say about it was that I'm a Ryudo supporter so "of course I'd say that". Then you ignored me. Fuck you.

All I had to say, goodbye.

I wonder if this post and Lamewads will be deleted. Have had it happen. Also had similar PM PM's like the other day I asked him something he said no which is fine and fair. Then went in some big tirade about the past and called me a douche. Whatever. He has a bit of a snarky attitude recently. Maybe he needs a breather as well. Pete used to be a real polite guy.

I had a response typed out for this, but there was no point in posting it, especially not in here. All i will say is these were private matters which were dealt with privately. If you, or anyone else has problems with staff on here, then get in contact with Yama.

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:06 pm
by Bluecast
Father inadvertently did but not the same thing. I knew of people I was ins school with that did it. JUst never known anyone directly that has done it. Just know what those feelings are that can lead to it. The people that get out of those ruts realize it's just a rut. When in that state of mind there is no reasoning. I had someone to turn to but not everyone has that option and others thing they have no one even if they do. Henry take your time and when ready even if a day from not or 3 years from now you will be welcomed with open arms. Stay strong man.

Re: Where did Henry Go?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:56 pm
by ys
Bluecast wrote: :sad: I will be 30 in 3 months.

Sadly I've already passed that border some years ago :P

As for Henry, that's tough. Some classmate of me did this (my brother actually found him...) and some others living nearby but it looks like it's someone very close to him which is harsh. Even with the people that I kind of knew it always felt strange in a way. Almost like disappointment added on top of everything.