If F4F were to make Lan Di, how should he look?

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Re: If F4F were to make Lan Di, how should he look?

Postby TheTimeRanger » Mon May 27, 2013 10:40 am

Ziming wrote: There is a new poll at First 4 Figures.

If F4F were to make Lan Di, how should he look?

http://forum.first4figures.com/topic/13 ... entry13495

Cool! Just I requested and hoped they'd do last night :)
I would have to go with the one where he has his hands on his back, like you said Ziming, he will not attack unless he needs to.

A cool detail would be if he held the dragon mirror behind his back.. And the exclusive has to have him standing on the dragon mirror, a nice counter part to Ryo's exclusive :)
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Re: If F4F were to make Lan Di, how should he look?

Postby Let's Get Sweaty » Tue May 28, 2013 7:40 am

It's currently neck-and-neck between "fighting stance" and "hands behind back," after the latter had taken the early lead. The other options meanwhile are being left in the dust.
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