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Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:13 am
by Peter
I want that magazine!

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:15 am
by hoonding
I think at the minimum 2 million it'd turn out like something similar to a TellTale game.

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:38 am
by drunkensailor
it's already been confirmed a 1000x over it will be open world. still this famitsu article seems incredible. hope it garners some attention in the very much dead japanese gamingeconomy

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:39 am
by Henry Spencer
Ryo's model there is definitely better than the one in the trailer. His face is thinner and the hair is closer to his classic Shenmue model. Just goes to show that his model will be improved, so people shouldn't be worried anymore.

I will ask Kiyuu if she is around, to translate as much if the article as she can, would be much appreciated.

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:44 am
by Hyo Razuki
Yes, it looks about 100 times better than in the Kickstarter trailer. If the actual was to look like this I'd be more than happy.

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:14 am
by killthesagabeforeitkillsu
The initial stage of making any game is building 3D shapes and animations. The texture work that will make Ryo and Shenhua look great clearly wasn't done yet.

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:17 am
by Henry Spencer
When you have a guy working solely on the character models, who also did the models for 1 and 2, sure he is working on it. A different guy is working on the environments, who also worked on the previous Shenmue games. It is in good hands.

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:13 pm
by Miles Prower
Henry Spencer wrote: Ryo's model there is definitely better than the one in the trailer. His face is thinner and the hair is closer to his classic Shenmue model. Just goes to show that his model will be improved, so people shouldn't be worried anymore.

I will ask Kiyuu if she is around, to translate as much if the article as she can, would be much appreciated.

Glad it's not just me that thought the model looked different haha, yeah that looks so much better :D
These are some truly lovely shots, still crazy to think we're looking at real Shenmue III screenshots after all this time...And actually yeah, has Kiyuu posted since all this happened??

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:38 pm
by Lan Di-sama
Miles Prower wrote:
Henry Spencer wrote: Ryo's model there is definitely better than the one in the trailer. His face is thinner and the hair is closer to his classic Shenmue model. Just goes to show that his model will be improved, so people shouldn't be worried anymore.

I will ask Kiyuu if she is around, to translate as much if the article as she can, would be much appreciated.

Glad it's not just me that thought the model looked different haha, yeah that looks so much better :D
These are some truly lovely shots, still crazy to think we're looking at real Shenmue III screenshots after all this time...And actually yeah, has Kiyuu posted since all this happened??

She made a celebratory post in the main announcement topics, so she's around.

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:59 pm
by Supa
Goosebumps. I am SO EXCITED.

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:35 pm
by ShenmueTree
They should their Kickstarter page with these screenshots.

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:16 pm
by Ziming
Found this at GAF. ... count=6043

- He noticed that fans were getting more and more despondent about the chances of a Shenmue 3 ever coming out, and being willing to settle for just about any format (novel, manga etc.) just to see the conclusion of the story, but he really wanted to make the sequel as a game even if it didn't have all the bells and whistles he'd like to put in it.
- He first learned about Kickstarter about 3 years ago through a fan who'd used it before, although it took a while before he decided that was really the way to go forward. Tried looking for a major company to partner with, but couldn't find one that met his criteria. Eventually, he decided Kickstarter was the best option.
- Sega readily allowed him to make the game, and SCE gave their support too (nothing specific here).
- It'll be out on PS4 and PC. No mention of other platforms, no mention of considering any other platforms.
- 2 million is the bare minimum for the game to exist, and if that was all they got, it would just be focused on the story. The more money it gets, the more of the things he wants to do will be possible.
- He wants to give the fans what they want as much as possible, asking for their opinions during development and incorporating those into the final game. Like if they have two ideas for a character, they might ask backers to vote on which they prefer.
- As far as money goes, he expects the game's investment will primarily come from individual backers, so he wants them all to be happy with the finished product. Doesn't sound like Sony and others are giving them all THAT much.
- The story will take place in Guilin, beginning immediately after 2's end. You'll be able to go around the town(s) in that area, back to the mountains, infiltrate the Chi You Men's Guilin branch, etc.
- Back when he made Shenmue 2, he was determined that Shenmue 3's focus would be making a deeper open world rather than a bigger one. Fewer characters means they can have more to say, they can have more complex AI, etc. The character Ryo will talk to the most in 3 is Shenhua, so he wants to develop her as much as possible, making it so that talking to her lots makes her behaviour towards him change, makes quests involving her proceed differently, etc.
- Not that any of this is to say it won't be an open world game. Stretch goals will determine how much the town(s) can be expanded (presumably this is referring to stretch goals like those we can already see, the 'other towns' in that video aren't addressed here.)
- QTEs were originally designed so that people who weren't very good at battles could still enjoy the game.
- He wants to make 'free battles' (which are likely to have their name changed) less about pressing buttons at the right time and more about making the right decisions.
- He also wants to make them less about practising and inputting commands and more centred around the Technique Scrolls, so obtaining and using those is enough to win battles. These Technique Scrolls will ideally connect a number of different elements in the game together in a natural way.
"Shenmue had a number of minigames, gambling spots etc. that you could spend time playing around in, but I wanted something that would connect all of them somehow. I mean, obviously you can obtain money through part-time jobs, use that in gambling to get more of it and then buy weapons...but not that kind of connection, a closer one. If we can meet a number of our stretch goals and make the open world elements more elaborate, I'm hoping to be able to connect these side elements together, centred around the scrolls.
- He's desperately trying to find some way to include forklifts in the game in a way that will make sense, because Shenmue fans seem to love them.
- He wanted to gather as many of the people who worked on the earlier games as possible because it'd be reassuring to fans. They're planning to publish staff comments from a number of figures working on the game, including the writer Masahiro Yoshimoto.
- He's asked about whether he has an idea in his head about what'll come after Shenmue 3's done (presumably 4, but it doesn't come out and say this). He says he does, but right now he's focused on working on Shenmue 3. Certainly doesn't sound like this game will be 'it' at any rate.
- As the Kickstarter page says, he's hoping the game will be ready to release at the end of 2017.

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:27 pm
by SheepheadCG
Nice find!!! These 2 bullet points are the most crucial things that we need to get out in the open so that everyone can understand:

- 2 million is the bare minimum for the game to exist, and if that was all they got, it would just be focused on the story. The more money it gets, the more of the things he wants to do will be possible.

- As far as money goes, he expects the game's investment will primarily come from individual backers, so he wants them all to be happy with the finished product. Doesn't sound like Sony and others are giving them all THAT much.

We have so many people on the kickstarter and on GAF saying that Sony is going to drop loads of money on the game and the kickstarter was just there to find out if people are interested. These 2 comments prove that this is all rubbish and that the kickstarter is super super important.

We have to get this out there!

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:36 pm
by shenmue-tree
It is so wonderful to see all of this new Shenmue media popping up now!

Re: Famitsu scans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:47 pm
by killthesagabeforeitkillsu
I wonder if these "technique scrolls" mean there won't be a Virtua Fighter gameplay.