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Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:51 am
by KX-5
Ello Dojo ^.^

So I stumbled across something interesting today that I thought I should share with you guys and get your opinion on. I frequent a website called eventhubs that focuses on fighting game news. I was attracted to this link because it mentioned a new Virtua Fighter game was rumored to be in development, but what really piqued my interest was number 8 on this list. Here is the link to the post that I'm referring to, I'll be continuing this post under the assumption that you've read number 8 on this posting, but I will still paste that little blurb below the link ... tcount=178

8. Another unnamed IP which is coming to Playstation exclusively from Sega should hopefully be announced next year. It's had teething issues which seems to be making it take longer than I thought, as have most other projects on current gen to be fair from the looks of it, but I'm happy to mention it again because it looks like we might finally get an announcement next year. I'm hoping at least. This one's not a fighting game.

Before I go any further into this I would like to point out that I've done my research and this isn't just a posting from some random guy on Neogaf. The poster Verendus has leaked a couple of big things a good 3-4 days before big shows such as E3 and TGS. He is responsible for revealing Final Fantasy XV's (formerly Final Fantasy Versus XIII) new name and platform change shortly E3 2013, he also brought up the possibility of the Demon/Dark Souls team working on a new IP due to a new studio taking over development of Dark Souls II. Judging from these ahead of schedule reveals and with how the wording on this list is, it sounds like this person has a small bit of inside knowledge within the industry due to whatever reasons. However, I would also like to note that he HAS been wrong before so please take what I have to say with a grain of salt, just as I am even with proposing this idea.

I personally feel that while it may be vague I feel like there is a small chance that the title being referred to coming from Sega to PS4 is Shenmue...something, be it HD/HD Remakes or III. I feel this way because Sega hasn't really announced any new IP's in the last few years. Sega would have no trouble getting a new Sonic or Hatsune Miku game (even though they just publish those) so I doubt its either of them. The next biggest franchise after those two for Sega currently (aside from future Atlus titles) Is the Yakuza series. However I do not believe it is related to the Yakuza series because Yakuza 5 was just recently announced to be getting a western release, and as a result it was leaked that Yakuza Zero will be getting a western release as well. Yakuza Zero won't even be out until March in Japan so the odds of it being a new Yakuza title are quite low. With Sega's big money makers already set on their paths for at least 2-3 games if not more its fairly safe to say that Sega will either be resurrecting something old that's been dead for years or they've created something ENTIRELY new for a new IP (which I highly doubt because DC era Sega SUCKS!). Now granted this title could be anything older really, I.e: Streets of Rage 4, Shinobi, Jet Set Radio, Chu Chu Rocket, Crazy Taxi....really anything if they want to make a ton of money for not too much work and investment on their behalf. But with all of the good news we've had this last year and Suzuki still seeking the funding on top of Sony really being the only company interested in Shenmue to at least a somewhat serious point, who knows perhaps its finally our time guys. I know the odds of this mysterious title being Shenmue related are pretty slim, but I would still like to hear what you guys think about this small finding.

Even if it turns out to be nothing I feel like 2014 was a VERY good year for us Shenmue fans and we made a very good showing this year. I look forward to seeing what 2015 holds for the future of Shenmue ^.^. I plan on making a couple of other big posts before the end of the month, one a small theory and the other regarding what we would all perhaps like to see within the future and where the series needs to go to become successful like it deserves.

Happy holidays to all :)

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:25 am
by Fenix
Since Shenmue's official site is down I really don't know what should we think.
Are they making a new one? It's strange because the site has been open 'til last 2 months more or less.

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:40 am
by Henry Spencer
This is what the guy from NeoGAF (who's verified as working as Sony in some sort of capacity, so take it with a grain of salt) said:

I can't wait to match my post to the 108 Stars of Destiny? It's fate Psycho.

1. New Suikoden game in the works now. This one is very far off though as it's a recent thing as far as I know. I'd think 2016 is the earliest we start hearing stuff about it.

2. Superman is looking to make his triumphant return to video games, in a non-fighting game this time.

3. New Virtua Fighter game to come.

4. Good news for some PC MGS fans, there are plans from the top to bring the HD collection to PC. Not that anyone isn't expecting that, I'm sure.

5. On the back of that, FFXII HD on current gen is basically confirmed at this point. As is one of the older Dragon Quest titles in HD (I've genuinely forgot which number though since it's been a while). In addition to that, there is a spin-off Final Fantasy title planned for consoles. Not big budget. Not FFX or FF7 in case people take it there. Not a traditional RPG either.

6. For you, thou shall bring a Xenosaga HD collection. I'm also looking forward to this as I've never played them. Took a whole lotta tryin' just to get up that hill. Now we're up in the big leagues, gettin' our turn at bat. As long as we live, it's you and me, baby.

7. You will start to hear about digital revivals of some old IPs in the next one to two years. Playstation and otherwise.

8. Another unnamed IP which is coming to Playstation exclusively from Sega should hopefully be announced next year. It's had teething issues which seems to be making it take longer than I thought, as have most other projects on current gen to be fair from the looks of it, but I'm happy to mention it again because it looks like we might finally get an announcement next year. I'm hoping at least. This one's not a fighting game.

9. Third Person IP which is big budget is coming and it's set in the Indian subcontinent. Mentioning this because I feel it's quite notable something big is going this route. I don't think I've ever seen a big title in this kind of setting. I find it very surprising, but also very exciting. Western developed.

10. Japanese new IP which is set in...Japan. Third person action adventure title with monsters and machines. Might have RPG elements, not too sure on that unfortunately. Futurisitic setting. Playstation exclusive.

Now for more something which is what you would say is a tease but actually makes perfect sense:

11. A new game which will be a pretty big deal, I'm sure.

12. An old game, which will be somewhat of a big deal I guess.

We should have news on all of the above over the coming 2 years I'd think. There's one or two "twists" here and there where one may not like what happens, but it's all true. I honestly think this is going to be an amazing generation.

My guesses are:

1. Probably a phone game. Suikoden is dead.

2. Probably true.



5. Final Fantasy XII HD was basically confirmed by Kitase a while back, so it's probably in the works for real now. Especially since FFX HD did so well. So yeah, SHOCKING!

6. Sounds cool and Harada was teasing this a while back. Guess Namco ended up getting a lot of interest after all for it.

7. So, just more ports, more "remasters" (again, totally shook by this news, never could see that one coming!), actual remakes/sequels or what? Seems like a really obvious thing to say.

8. Phantasy Star Online 2. Or Shenmue HD. Remember this is the guy who claimed that FFVII was "getting a remake on PS4" so he's only been half right before.

9. The setting is really not been done much, just depends whether they make the whole game brown or give it some nice visuals and done in an interesting way rather than just "kill the terrorists".

10. No idea. Sounds good though.

11. Sequel? Could literally mean anything.

12. Port? Again, any game could be announced and would fit that diameter.

Just seems like he's an attention grabbing idiot, tbh. Take anything he says with a large grain of salt.

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:03 am
by elfshadowreaper
It seems like a few of these claims could be Shenmue 3 or 1/2 remakes. If #8 really is Shenmue 3 the phrase "had teething issues which seems to be making it take longer than I thought" is the understatement of the century. I think #11 and #12 would point more to Shenmue 3 and remakes. The way he puts it almost seems like they could be related.

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:38 am
by Giorgio
There is no way Shenmue 3 would be the title... First announce it and then develop it? Did Sony gave Sega the money and Yu Suzuki is developing it right now? All that before releasing a Shenmue HD?

Henry Spencer wrote:[...]
8. Phantasy Star Online 2. [...]

Sounds plausible... Fans of this game has been requesting it continuously. SEGA lately said "PSO2 is still delayed. SEGA is currently working on bringing PSO2 to the West and will update as soon as we know more." [Source:] Furthermore, it may be the same case as with Yakuza 5; Sony funded the localization et cetera of PSO2 and they will bring it exclusively on ...PSN?

But then again, why PSO2 (or even Shenmue I-II HD) is an "unnamed IP"; its name is already established and it's also released in Japan. Also, localization can be considered a "teething issue"?

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:02 pm
by Fenix
PSO2 is already in Episode 3 in Japan. They delayed it too much.

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:25 pm
by Henry Spencer
Giorgio wrote:But then again, why PSO2 (or even Shenmue I-II HD) is an "unnamed IP"; its name is already established and it's also released in Japan. Also, localization can be considered a "teething issue"?

True, but the guy was off the mark regarding Final Fantasy VII getting a remake on PS4. Plus what he means by "unnamed IP" is anyone's guess. Does that mean new IP? Or a name change (renaming Phantasy Star Online in Western territories)? It could very well just be an unnamed Sonic game; it's just too vague to decipher.

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:38 pm
by Ryuman
C'mon guys, Verendus is legit, though not always 100%. That's not really an issue to discuss here.

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 2:59 pm
by BlueMue
I'd be happy enough if even just the thing about a new Virtua Fighter turns out to be true.

Nr. 8 sound of course very interesing. It pretty much screems Shenmue. But it could very well just be PSO2 or more of the Yakuza series makes the jump to the west... 11 and 12 also make me think of Shenmue but that's to be expected with these kinda statements.

I'll definately look forward to what next year will brings. It's probably because of BTTF 2 but 2015 is just that special year to me. But first let's see if Sega or Yu Suzuki do something special next monday...

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:53 pm
by KX-5
BlueMue wrote: I'd be happy enough if even just the thing about a new Virtua Fighter turns out to be true.

Nr. 8 sound of course very interesing. It pretty much screems Shenmue. But it could very well just be PSO2 or more of the Yakuza series makes the jump to the west... 11 and 12 also make me think of Shenmue but that's to be expected with these kinda statements.

I'll definately look forward to what next year will brings. It's probably because of BTTF 2 but 2015 is just that special year to me. But first let's see if Sega or Yu Suzuki do something special next monday...

I'm confused BlueMue, is Sega supposed to announce something new next monday?

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:01 pm
by KX-5
elfshadowreaper wrote: It seems like a few of these claims could be Shenmue 3 or 1/2 remakes. If #8 really is Shenmue 3 the phrase "had teething issues which seems to be making it take longer than I thought" is the understatement of the century. I think #11 and #12 would point more to Shenmue 3 and remakes. The way he puts it almost seems like they could be related.

I agree with you completely, but I think in the interview with Suzuki from last month, didn't David mention something about Suzuki having a bit of problems regarding licensing on Segas part or something? Sorry in advance if I'm recalling something older, but again "teething issues" could refer to that licensing problem >.>

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:08 pm
by Supa
I had heard that the licensing trouble might have had to do with some of the technologies being from companies who are now defunct, and so it involved figuring out who to get permission from to use those technologies. Might have just been some random guess, but this sticks in my head for some reason.

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:21 am
by BlueMue
KX-5 wrote:I'm confused BlueMue, is Sega supposed to announce something new next monday?

No, not that. Next monday is Shenmue's 15th anniversary. I'm just curious to see if they acknowledge that.

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:58 pm
by Supa
Did they bother to mention Shenmue's tenth anniversary? The most they'd do is give something away on Free Stuff Friday, I think. I'm not expecting anything special.

Re: Possible Shenmue announcement in 2015?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 9:27 am
by Axm
Supa wrote:I had heard that the licensing trouble might have had to do with some of the technologies being from companies who are now defunct, and so it involved figuring out who to get permission from to use those technologies. Might have just been some random guess, but this sticks in my head for some reason.

This. Yes this is true. Really a first step issue that Sega just cant be bothered to get off their ass about.