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KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:57 pm
by Yokosuka
Greetings Shenmue Family!

We have come to the final three days of the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter! Your support and encouragement alone have already made this project a huge success. Thank you!!!

But we are not finished yet! It is our pleasure to announce the new scene from Shenmue 3! It is still a work in progress, but Yu Suzuki has sent it with loving care and hopes it will be all that the fans of the series have come to love, and will show those new to the game some of the wonder and magic they can expect from the continually unfolding world of Shenmue. Please enjoy!
phpBB [video]

Ryo and Shenhua arrive at the Lake of the Lantern Bugs after their long journey. Entranced, they watch the gentle flight of the lantern bugs upon the mirage-like oasis.


More NPC Last Minute Rewards!!!

Still want to be in the game as an NPC? Don’t miss out on this one! You don’t get to fight Ryo, but you can definitely make his acquaintance!

CHOUBU TRAVELLER / BE A NON-COMBAT NPC - $6,000 Appear as an NPC staying at a Choubu inn. No big battle scene with Ryo, but this is your chance to cameo in the world of Shenmue! Limit 4. RYO VOICE MESSAGE BY COREY MARSHALL Reward included.

These final hours are the most important, so please keep sharing and telling those sailors and random people you meet, that the game of decade, nay, the Holocene Era, is upon us! And for the betterment of all mankind, you should give it your support! ... ts/1294268

Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:09 pm
by Amir

Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:12 pm
by code l name
Neat little teaser but obviously many elements to be worked on.

Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:13 pm
by Ryo Fhan
that is a fine reward and makes sense, so I hope no one beats this down

New video should do well to push some media coverage. Who is able to hit all them up that already has the contacts??

Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:14 pm
by Three Blades
This scene takes place in Shenmue 2, right?
It's the part where she warns him to be careful, because sometimes the eyes of snakes in the grass look like the fireflies, and if you get too close you can get bit?

Also, is this the fixed Ryo's face? I think it looks more like Ryo than the first trailer's Ryo did, but it could just be because it's dark.

Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:22 pm
Beautiful trailer, I don't think that's the fixed Ryo face but Unreal Engine 4 really makes the game shine.

Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:22 pm
by TwiceFriedRice
Isn't this scene from Shenmue 2 though?

Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:25 pm
by Amir
TwiceFriedRice wrote: Isn't this scene from Shenmue 2 though?

Yeah, the beginning of Shenmue 3 will recap a bit of Disc 4 of Shenmue 2, Suzuki hasn't decided how much yet (i.e. you start before the cave). Will be interesting to see how much of the conversation is repeated, I'm hoping a lot so the Rapport System comes into play (and the idea back then would have been those choices would have carried on into 3).

Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:28 pm
by Three Blades
Yeah, the beginning of Shenmue 3 will recap a bit of Disc 4 of Shenmue 2, Suzuki hasn't decided how much yet (i.e. you start before the cave).

In playable form??? Woah, I was expecting it to just be a video. Did they really say they were remaking parts of Shenmue 2 that you can actually play in Shenmue 3?

Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:30 pm
by rome
Three Blades wrote: This scene takes place in Shenmue 2, right?
It's the part where she warns him to be careful, because sometimes the eyes of snakes in the grass look like the fireflies, and if you get too close you can get bit?

Also, is this the fixed Ryo's face? I think it looks more like Ryo than the first trailer's Ryo did, but it could just be because it's dark.

Much too dark to get a good look at it. If you pause it @ 6 sec mark when he turns his head to the right, you can get a decent look. Definitely better than the original trailer.


Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:34 pm
by Ryo Fhan
regarding ryo's head model. As far as I could tell everything still looked a bit bad, just in the dark with lighting. Texture work and character models still have a long way to go but it's good to see they can quickly do lighting and things with UE4

Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:37 pm
by Three Blades
Do you guys also find that this is just another video that only the existing fans will "get", though? I mean, for us, who already know and care about Ryo and ShenHua, we think this is awesome.
But to get new fans interested, I can't help but think that this won't really do much, because to them, it's just 2 random people looking at some fireflies.
I guess it can't really be helped at this point though since they haven't had any time to make a real trailer yet.

Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:39 pm
by Amir
Three Blades wrote:
Yeah, the beginning of Shenmue 3 will recap a bit of Disc 4 of Shenmue 2, Suzuki hasn't decided how much yet (i.e. you start before the cave).

In playable form??? Woah, I was expecting it to just be a video. Did they really say they were remaking parts of Shenmue 2 that you can actually play in Shenmue 3?

From the last #YouaskYu:

Q. Will Shenmue 3 start in the cave? I want the satisfaction of leaving it myself! don't skip the moment!

A. I am thinking either from Shenhua's house, or the road leading up to Bailu Village.

Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:42 pm
by Three Blades
Ah, yeah, I saw that, but I thought that meant after they get out of the cave? After going back to Shenhua's house, or on the road between her house and the actual village...
I wish he'd been more clear on that point.

Re: KS Update #36: New Trailer & NPC Reward Added

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:42 pm
by Supa
That doesn't mean it will recap Shenmue II. It may be Shenhua's house after the stone pit events, and before the way to Bailu Village.