Final Fantasy

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Re: Final Fantasy

Postby Tuffty » Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:50 pm

Put XIII-2 back in today, cause I promised I would finish it at some point. Didn't realise my last save game was right before the final boss fight :lol: Sorry, I should say fights. 3 of them back to back before you even fight the true end boss. But that last boss fight.....

It's ridiculous in many ways. For one, there's 3 enemies to fight, two sub ones and one main one. The idea is you have to kill the two subs before you have any chance of touching the main guy. But here's the thing, they will get revived, meaning you have to kill them again so you can attack the health of the main guy. Anytime you come to fight the main guy he does a cheap and I mean cheap attack at the very start, which is unavoidable, and puts you under so many status effects that there is no choice but to heal yourself immediately, already wasting the limited time you have to attack him. His attacks get stronger the more you bring his health down. It means I pretty much constantly have to have a medic at all times, but they're not strong enough to withstand the attacks. It takes forever to chip away at his health, and every round gets faster until you eventually come to attack him but you spend all your time healing and buffing that suddenly the time is over and you're back fighting one of the sub bosses again. Not only that, and this really annoys me, the main guy has a countdown attack, when it reaches 0, and if you are unprepared (which is hard to do) instant death. Instant. Death. It is absolutely unnecessary in a fight that's so long winded as this. It took me half an hour to get about 75% of his health down and then he goes and does that.

If you die, you either do it again, or revert back to your last savepoint, meaning you have to go through 3 boss battles again before even reaching this point.

Worst of all? I'm not even sure it's worth the hassle. I'm getting nothing out of the story and I'd stop caring about the world and the characters long before this happened.

I'm going to beat it. I will beat the game at some point, I've come too far. But right now? Fuck FFXIII-2.
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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby Shotaro Kaneda » Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:46 pm

Come on DS, where is your dedication mate? ;-)

I gave up on FF 13 to be fair, couldn't get in to it, not liked any of this generations FF's though in all honestly
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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby Bluecast » Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:09 pm

I know I know said it so many times no one cares but publicly asking if Manny agrees and if he can go into detail better than my fanboy sqee of why (well if he agrees with me) why TLS is the new Final Fantasy and Mistwalker is Square Soft of the 90's.
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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:29 pm

Shotaro Kaneda wrote: Come on DS, where is your dedication mate? ;-)

I gave up on FF 13 to be fair, couldn't get in to it, not liked any of this generations FF's though in all honestly

well to be fair theres only FF13, 14 and 13-2...and soon 13-3. The most final fantasy-ish games out there this gen are The Last Story and Lost Odyssey.

Ryudo wrote: I know I know said it so many times no one cares but publicly asking if Manny agrees and if he can go into detail better than my fanboy sqee of why (well if he agrees with me) why TLS is the new Final Fantasy and Mistwalker is Square Soft of the 90's.

Hmmmm, you know i don't i actually feel like TLS is pretty removed from FF, its all about this singular city with these really in depth battle that are all about how you use everything around you, like your team, and the environment. To be honest i think the nearest thing is Dragon Age 2 and even then it dosen't hold a candle to the kind of depth you get in the battles of TLS. Its pretty unique.

That aside gameplay wise, there isn't anything that is too close to Ito's atb system and Sakaguchi and Matsuda's worlds, again its too bad S-E thinks what makes the series different is all aesthetic.

Tuff, you'll get him if you keep trying, i think theres a way to stop him using his healing spells, you could also try getting one of the character crystals from the DLC.
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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:36 pm

Ryudo wrote: TLS is the new Final Fantasy and Mistwalker is Square Soft of the 90's.

Hmm, maybe. Its still far too early to tell, but mistwalker (and dare I say even Monolith) are on the right track. Comparing anything to squaresoft in the 90s and early 2000s is a high standard to compare to but the potential is there.
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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby Bluecast » Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:43 pm

Well I said before TLS besides name and logo feels like a modern take on FF if it had progressed like it should have. That or a somewhat reboot. I got a total ivalice vibe from the game.
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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:47 pm

Ryudo wrote: Well I said before TLS besides name and logo feels like a modern take on FF if it had progressed like it should have. That or a somewhat reboot. I got a total ivalice vibe from the game.

Nah, its not like staying turn based isn't progress, the system got totally remade for FF12, and that was great, but instead of using that for a few games they decided to retool it again and not bother playtesting it to see if there were redundancies.

I feel like TLS is like one of those series, like those one off games S-E did in the 90s like Bahamut Lagoon and Rudra no hihou, its similar to final fantasy but a totally different genre.
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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby Bluecast » Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:13 pm

Ah well I will agree to disagree but we can agree tops anything SE has put out last few years on a console.

I regret infinite undiscoverey. I only put maybe 2 hours in but that whole escape the forest in the dark was so shit it bored me so bad I quit and no plans to go back.
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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:18 pm

That was an engine game, and while it was a game that had an incredible amount of potential and really highlights what the Infinite Engine is capable of, the game itself was fucking trash.
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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby Bluecast » Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:22 pm

It's rare I dislike a RPG and even more rare to not like one within the first couple hours as you can almost never judge util about 15+ in. but man I agree it was garbage. It felt more like one of those early PS2 unknown RPG's you pay 5$ for then find out why. Stiff in every regard.
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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:28 pm

The last area with the tower, ughhhhhhhhhhh.

but thats a story for another thread lol.

I hope someday Yoichi wada lets Ito and Kawazu helm a new numbered final fantasy, that'd be nuts.
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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:44 pm

The last story is most comparible to FF1-6 form what I have seen so far, its not nearly as futuristic as the modern day FF. I like it just fine, it feels like a modern version of an old school JRPG, you could say FF but I think that is kind of wishful thinking only becaus sakaguchi is involved, its its own thing, and there are many other JRPGs it has much similarity to (but then again, what RPG doesnt?). I have heard some people compare Lost Odyssesy to FF as well if that is of any worth.
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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:40 am

Its too bad that so many new RPGs are afraid to do turn based (look at how great Resonance of Fate is)

The modern idea that Action>Turn based is a bit silly considering they're just so different its all about style. I think a series that highlights this is the Ogre series, theres people who think March of the black queen is rubbish and let us cling together is brilliant, then again theres people who think the opposite too. If a player want to slow things down and have more of a plan thats one thing, if they want to run in and make quick decisions based on a small pool of actions its another. Both are fun for different reasons.

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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby Bluecast » Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:12 am

I prefer ARPGS. To me turn base while I play plenty that do it and some I still enjoy. I just feel like it's a system that only exists because of the limits of the NES to have 3 characters fight multiple enemies.
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Re: Final Fantasy

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:27 am

Ryudo wrote: I prefer ARPGS. To me turn base while I play plenty that do it and some I still enjoy. I just feel like it's a system that only exists because of the limits of the NES to have 3 characters fight multiple enemies.

Its actually something I had to think about with TiBC, part of what makes it cool is these really long crazy combos that you can do. You could walk around using the "quick attack" button, which makes the game feel like a classic brawler, but you do a lot more damage if you use specific attacks in a specific order.

Having real time inputs for over 50 skills that have specific attributes would be impossible and even if I used button combos it'd be hard to think about why an uppercut(only a 50 accuracy rating but a sure fire knockback) would be great after a gutpunch (which gives the move before it a 100 accuracy rating) but is useless before a jab (which doesn't affect downed enemies) but could be used to facilitate (if playing as Lisa) an arm-bar(yea I forgot to mention theres like 3 types of attacks with like 50 commands in each type tab)

I put in something for people who like Arpgs and turn based, but I had to learn that each has specific strengths and weaknesses.

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