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Re: Kickstarter Update #13 - Budget and Funding Statement

Basically I'm sayin in game if it brings extra funds. I don't mind Ryo turning to the screen every 60 secs and smiling while he tells us why Sensodyne is the number one toothpaste recommended by dentists. I'll just wait for a mod to sort it out before I play.
by MiTT3NZ
Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:15 pm
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Re: Joel "red shirt" Tess Discussion Topic (Twitch)

Oh really? I must have been looking somewhere else then cause last I checked the kick starter is doing quite well actually. If it ever got hurt to begin with its thanks to shitty journalism, x-box fanboys shit talking, and a general lack of understanding of how businesses work on the part of many in the gaming community. We are at 3.75 mil with 3 weeks left to go. A big push is coming on Friday with 30 on the 3rd, probably a lot more big investments with the next round of reward tiers, and of course the last minute bump. All in all it looks like Shenmue is on track to beat Bloodstained. Could the KS have been better, maybe. But it's doing relatively great and thus far there's nothing I can really pin on Awesome Japan as having done wrong. The twitch interview included which everyone is taking waaay to seriously. If there's a problem anywhere, its with the people on this forum and this thread in particular, who are being unsatisfiable and entitled cynical assholes who go around harassing and mocking undeserving people.

Yep, the gaming community on the internet dont have an ounce of respect for themselves or each other, with the exception of just a few that have their heads screwed on straight, I cant stand people that think they can talk how ever they want just cause they are behind a keyboard, and arent face to face to deal with the consequences of such harsh words, what cowards.

Anyway, I dont know how many times I am going to have to say this before we get our hands on this game, but everything is going to be fine with Shenmue 3, win lose or draw. I am keeping my expectations low, and so should everyone else, I know its a bit anxiety inducing here lately, but its pretty pointless to be tearing all the small details to shreds when its still so early with the announcement of the game, development still in early production, and so little detail known about what the game will be like. Relax guys... relaaaxxxxxxxx ](*,)
by AnimeGamer183
Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:24 pm
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Re: Joel "red shirt" Tess Discussion Topic (Twitch)

Jibby and go-ren are right. This is not 2003 and 2004, we are grown adults now. We should not be reverting back to our selves from that time period, I know its been a while since we have all been around each other like this, but still. These negative vibes are pointless and only hurting Shenmue III, maybe we dont want this as bad as we are saying, maybe we dont deserve Shenmue III. Acting like entitled spoiled immature brats certainly isnt going to fix the issues. The excitement has turned into negative, and while thats not exactly our fault, the reactions arent helping...
by AnimeGamer183
Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:24 pm
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Re: Joel "red shirt" Tess Discussion Topic (Twitch)

The way the Q&A was handled yesterday was a debacle, that's for certain. However we need to come together as a community and bury it. Let's push forward for the sake of the Kickstarter, Shenmue III and Suzuki-san. At this point we can offer constructive criticism (there is another thread for the Twitch stream) and continue on with our own separate efforts.

I should not need to say this, but I will. We do not support or condone any form of personal attacks within this community. Let's carry on as we always have, positively and respectfully. That is the voice other parties will pay attention to, respect and trust. Thank you.
by Yama
Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:34 pm
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Re: Joel "red shirt" Tess Discussion Topic (Twitch)

I concur. We have to make lemonade from lemons, friends.

We can't force them to change the style, design, or quality of the KS campaign just by complaining about it. They will surely respond to some of our constructive criticism, but at the end of the day, we must accept that we have no direct power over them.

To that end, I strongly believe we should instead refocus on the positive. Get the word out about the KS however we can, promote #30onthe3rd , and just generally try our utmost to create a positive, united face of this community that the outside world sees. In-fighting and so forth are not going to get even one person to back the project. But trying out damndest to remain focused and positive... just might. Even if it's only one backer at a time.

After 14 years, I believe it's worth it to buckle down and do that, no matter how critical we may be of the campaign. Politely make requests, yes, but stay focused on what we CAN change and do, both individually and collectively. Not on waiting for them to do what we WANT them to do. Because they may or may not, and then what? Are we going to waste this opportunity after 14 years?

Not me. I'm in this until the bitter end. 100%. Kidney stone agony and bloody urine and all! I bleed for Shenmue! :) (Too much info, sorry. Just underscoring my commitment!)
by Anonymous81
Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:32 pm
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Re: Joel "red shirt" Tess Discussion Topic (Twitch)

I cannot believe what I am reading right now.
He made a complete mockery of Yu Suzuki in front of a live twitch audience. I had to return the favor by creating this very topic.

I think attacking people is crass and pointless and does nothing for our cause.

Maybe not, but it's fun.

So this is how the Dojo operates now? By taking some sort of 'justified vengeance' and making a mockery of an individual because of the way he acted in an interview. Turning him into a laughing stock, criticizing him, posting links to his social media pages, claiming that he is ruining the Kickstarter campaign, and having fun doing so? How can somebody find hurting the feelings of another person fun? Joel Tess does not deserve this at all.

Absolutely disgusting.
The people acting like this should be ashamed.
by Jibby
Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:54 pm
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