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Re: We should really push for full voice acting

Allways assumed full voice acting was a given, specially with all the translation languages made avaiable through the kickstarter stretch goals.

Exactly! Nice to find out it’s not.

…Here’s a question.
Why couldn’t those loveable f*cktards make this into a clear stretch goal?
(and no…not at the $11M tier)

This. I think it should have been in there. But then again, the budget for the VA has to go along with the scale of the game so maybe they don't even know how much voicing they will need yet.

Honestly, I would have preferred them to make the game Japanese voices only. Forget about English voices, save half of the voice budget and use that money for a full-fledged Japanese voice over. Then put English and the other languages as subtitles.

It worked perfectly fine for Shenmue 2 PAL on DC, it worked for some of the Yakuza games. They saved a lot of localization costs just by dumping English VA.

With all that said, keep in mind that Ys Net probably won't step down from either English VA or any of the subs. Especially not with a Frenchman in charge of the games financials. :lol:
by Hyo Razuki
Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:34 pm
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Re: Do you think you'll die before S3 release?

I think some die hard 'Muers have already died since the release of S2. Including the man, who recorded this here video. One of the best Shenmue piano videos. Makes me sad to think about him not having lived to see S3.

We should all be grateful to be alive and maybe when we play Shenmue 3 I hope that sometimes we will keep in mind that there are some fellow 'Muers who didn't live to see that lifetime dream come true.
by Hyo Razuki
Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:15 pm
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Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

Sega is non-existant anymore, the fact is, if they stopped making the Sonic, and to a lesser extant, Yakuza, no one would even of Sega these days.

Sega is not a developer anymore, all the skilled developers they have ever had, left long ago, and all they are, is some publisher that doesn't release stuff out side of Japan.

Sega might "own" ATLUS, but that's not the same thing as being considered the ones that create the games. It's also very obfious when Sega doesn't create somes, because X game doesn't suck to no end.

Do you know what Sega's idea of trying to revitalize/cash in on the Shenmue series is? A crappy mobile game(what a joke), and merchandise.

Do you not realize that the structure of Sega, is exactly the same as Konami, the only, and I mean the only thing different between the two, is they aren't assholes about it+they aren't about to leave a industry, just because their gambling machines make more money(they're completely different industries, It's beyond retarded to leave one industry if It's still profitable, just because another industry you're already a part of, is more profitable. As dumb as Sega is, I suppose we can be atleast thankful they aren't as dumb as Konami)

You may not have notice it but Sega today is a larger and more powerful organisation then it has ever been. Granted, the structure of Sega is vastly changed from the Dreamcast days but such things are inevitable, given the rapidly changing world that we live in. Regardless, Sega has been able to survive and even thrive despite the great difficulties affecting the global economy and the game's industry in particular. Where everything from Pachinko gambling machines to children toys all contribute to Sega's bottom line, in addition to the numerous AAA video games that Sega continues to create.

As a matter of course this means that Sega has also had to reorganise and expand its in house development teams. Some teams have been consolidated, others have been greatly expanded, while entirely new teams have joined Sega thanks to numerous acquisitions. The end result is that Sega has numerous elite developers all over the world able to make games to cater to the tastes of local audiences. Sega’s Japanese teams make games like Yakuza (for consoles) and Chain Chronicle (for mobile platforms). Sega’s Western teams make franchise like Total War (for consoles) and Sonic Runners (for mobile platforms). All of which bring Sega both prestige and profits.

Looking towards the future Sega will continue to expand the company’s reach by acquiring new development teams wherever possible. Under Sega’s oversight Atlus will soar to new heights, Persona 5 will bring the whole Persona franchise into the mainstream where it can stand toe to toe with the likes of Final Fantasy. This is just the latest of Sega’s successful acquisitions and it certainly won’t be the last. With time these new development teams added to Sega will also make Sega games, just as is the case with Atlus now. As is a perfectly reasonable and natural part of a how a major organisation, like Sega, actually functions.

As for the Shenmue franchise, merchandise has and always will play a significant part in its success and ultimate survival. The strong sales of merchandise will also help to determine the viability of a franchise, paving the way for new games, depending on how well that merchandise is received by its target audience. Suffice to say, the presence of Shenmue merchandise at this year’s TGS is welcome news indeed. We may not have Shenmue 1 and 2 HD yet but more Shenmue merchandise always bodes well. The sale of this merchandise, along with all the other Shenmue merchandise we’ve seen in recent years, helps to encourage further support from Sega in the near future.
by Kintor
Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:19 am
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Re: Can Nobuo Uematsu compete with the Classical greats?

He will never get the recognition he deserves, just because most of his compositions are focused on the videogame industry, it is as sad as it sounds...

My fave compositions from him are To Zanarkand (FFX) A Return Indeed (LO) and most of the Blue Dragon Soundtrack.
He was my inspiration to start learning piano on my own, I did this ( A return indeed) cover some time ago, I love that song.

Shitty/old/ cheap keyboard sound, sorry xD
by Esppiral
Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:32 pm
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Thanking Sony

It might only be my perception, but I feel that not enough people on these boards are giving Sony the credit they deserve. Sony actually saved Shenmue. They're much more than a valued partner here, they were the driving force behind all of this. If it wasn't for them, Shenmue III would not be happening.

They listened to fans demanding Shenmue III and Yakuza 5 during their "Building the List" campaign, first announcing a western release of Yakuza 5 at PlayStation Experience in 2014, which was then followed by the most unlikely thing: The Shenmue III Kickstarter at E3 2015.

Many of you still seem to be looking to SEGA for further Shenmue stuff. The thing is, without Sony's involvement, they won't lift a finger. They didn't support Shenmue during the past decade (you'd have to be quite the fanboy to claim otherwise, and I know some of you do and thus probably are), and they won't be starting to do so anytime soon. If you want Shenmue I&II HD, Sony are the ones to ask. Maybe we'll hear something about it at Sony's Paris Games Week conference in about a month. If you're glad about Shenmue III, which is most likely the case, Sony are the ones to thank.

Concerning SEGA's involvement, if it can be called that: Yes, they gave Yu the license. But why shouldn't they. All they had to do was say "Alright. Part of the profits in late 2017 to this bank account please: ...". They had no plans to do anything with it. Now they're allowing Yu to do something with it, which is as passive as it gets, while (most likely) still making a (small?) profit off it. I doubt that license came totally free.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure if an HD collection gets announced, it will be on one of Sony's stages. Sony's motivation behind all of this is obvious, of course. Shining as the most gamer/fan/consumer-friendly console manufacturer out there. Having much desired stuff for the hardcore audience on their system. And it works for me. The stuff they support is great. And it's more than great that they brought Shenmue III to life after all these years. They deserve our praise for it. So do Cedric Biscay and Shibuya Productions of course. So does Yu Suzuki. So do the guys at Neilo. But they are getting their praise on these boards, they are getting lots and lots of it. I feel Sony doesn't, even though they deserve it arguably the most for making it all possible. So let me conclude by saying:

by Monkei
Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:54 am
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Interview with the Lead Tester for NTSC Shenmue 1 at Sega


Hi all,

I am meeting with Mike Rhinehart tomorrow here in New York City.

Mike was the lead tester for Shenmue 1 who is currently selling the beta prototypes online.

Please place any questions here you may have for him.

He is listed in this block of credits:

Sega of America Dreamcast, Inc.

U.S. Executive in Charge: Shinobu Toyoda
Localization Coordination: Jin Shimazaki, Osamu Shibamiya
Producer: Jason Kuo
Dialogue Editors: Jason Kuo, Christopher Lucich
Director Promotions: Heather Kashner
Product Manager: Robert Alvarez
Product Marketing Specialist: Dennis Lee
Director Product Marketing: John Golden
Public Relations: Heather Hawkins
Director Event Planning: Kathleen Joyce
Creative Services: Angela Santos
Lead Tester: Michael Rhinehart
by shengoro86
Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:07 pm
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Shenmue Video Archive

Shenmue Videos (English)

Shenmue Videos (English):

Shenmue Videos (Japanese)

Shenmue Videos (Japanese):

Interviews | Trailers | Promos | Retro Footage


Reviews & Retrospectives


Shenmue Saturn | Project Berkley | What's Shenmue

by Ziming
Fri May 10, 2013 6:38 pm
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Re: DualShockers' upcoming Yu Suzuki Interview

Yokosuka wrote: I'm waiting for the David's interview before asking new questions.

Back in France and working on it.

Some questions fans asked were declined so I did my best with what I had left.

More to come soon !
by DEVILLE_David
Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:44 pm
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Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

Oh. I didn't read the Kuchera article. My mind becomes immediately blank when I see that name.
by Himuro
Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:35 pm
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Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

You should care because the negative press could impact the game sales.
Honestly, nobody who reads these kinds of things is going to play Shenmue anyway. Next to nobody reads Polygon, and those that do would rather complain about CIS white male privilege in video games on the Internet than actually play a video game.
by KidMarine
Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:20 pm
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Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

I remember Cédric saying the Kickstarter lost around 2 million dollars as well.

WHAT ?????

Journalist : What was your reaction to the problems embroiling the funding of the project, due to the clumsy statements of Andrew House (chief of Sony Computer Entertainment), and the reaction of certain journalists and players?

Cédric Biscay : It annoyed me because people forget that this game has never been able to be developed in the last 14 years, and so it's clear that the Kickstarter campaign played a vital role in its funding. I think that the media's desire to create buzz around this issue will strain our campaign by at least $2m. I don't have any words for the minority of journalists who seem to sometimes forget their duty to provide information by writing about their interpretations rather than facts. We know that to sell as much as we can we need to create a sensational game. Saying that Shenmue 3 is great and that it should be funded isn't going against the consensus, and so probably not interesting enough for them.
The people who have taken the time to read the statements and the official pages have all the information at their disposal. To put it clearly, without Kickstarter, Shenmue 3 would never have seen the light of day, and so the campaign is exactly what you're entitled to expect from participatory funding. Luckily, the Shenmue community is extraordinary and in the end I'm very happy with the campaign, especially from a human perspective. Most people understand that I committed Shibuya Productions to making Shenmue 3 so that the series could be brought back to life despite the risks that this entails. The thousands of thank-you messages I've received since E3 validate this approach and push us to keep on going.
by Yokosuka
Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:13 pm
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Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

It's funny how they are called polygon but only have one angle.
by shredingskin
Wed Oct 07, 2015 7:43 am
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Re: Sega Planning "String of High Quality PC Ports" - Gamesp

He continued: "Sega in the '90s was known for its brand, but after that, we've lost trust, and we're left with nothing but reputation ... We'd like to win back the trust and become a brand once again."

Enough talk...

by Mr357
Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:38 pm
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Sega Planning "String of High Quality PC Ports" - Gamespot.

Interesting article from Gamespot here. We can hope they see sense and just man up and release S1 S2 lol. ... 0-6431226/
by SheepheadCG
Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:52 pm
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Shenhua fan art Speed painting

Shenhua Fan Art speed painting I created on my Nintendo Wii u Art academy home studio app! came out exactly how I wanted it to and am proud of this piece. took about 3 hours to complete. the full hd image is in my online art portfolio @ hope you all enjoy!
by Ryo_Hazuki--san
Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:33 pm
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Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

Oh yea, lets not forget any company that flies reviewers out to these reviewer events, if that's not bribing(as well as another form of controlling the outcome of a reviewers reviews) in of its self, I don't know what is.

Yeah, paid travels, paid meals, many gifts like free games, collector's editions and even a complete gaming PCs with the game installed for the reviewers, and of course, ads on the websites, that not only can be used like a bribe, but are always under the pressure of being pulled out.

Sure, no website gets money directly from the publishers to give them good reviews, that would be retarded, not even gangsters did things like that. But, we've seen so many situations where incredibly boring AAA games get glowing reviews though, most of the times with no disclosure of anything, and with a big contrast to the actual gamers opinions, that it's not even a question anymore that gaming media is not trustworthy. Don't even need to mention the controversies, like the Gamespot reviewer being fired for a bad review too, among others.
by Shin Pan Tzee
Fri Oct 16, 2015 5:46 pm
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Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

Yeah, I sincerely doubt they are going to fork over pay, allow him intimate insight into the development process, and then publicize it, all just to stop him from releasing a (truly beautiful) fan project when they could have (or SEGA could have) simply issued a C&D, flagged his YT for copyright, and been done with it.

Could it maybe be a case of two birds one stone? Possibly. But it seems more likely they felt (given their limited budget and need to be selective with hires) the project would legitimately benefit from his presence. Which is awesome.

So much cynicism despite being a fanbase that literally achieved the impossible on a miraculous level. :/
by Anonymous81
Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:47 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki's interview : A New Shenmue

On a scale of 1-10, how spoilerific is the spoiler? (still haven't clicked on on it yet)


It's about the number and the name of the main bosses of the game. And we learnt nothing (as long as you followed the interviews at the E3). The today's Dualshocker interview releases the same info but did not use a spoiler on their side. I'm still grateful to David for having taken no risk for all the fans.

Now you know why I took my time and kept waiting for Yu Suzuki's approval before publishing anything.

I am not sure how DS handed their ITW, but in Japan, you have to show some respect and this time, I didn't feel like posting right away without getting the green light. I once screwed up with the Paypal release date and will do my best to never let something like that happen again.

When you're doing an interview, you always get info that you cannot publish and even tho that's the most rewarding part, it's also the most difficult one because you have to avoid posting spoilers.

I can't thank you all enough for your support and feedback, really appreciated. My goal was to provide new info and even tho I had to do it on my own, with my own budget, I have no regret, it was fantastic.

Next one should happen during Magic Monaco but many people will try to interview Yu Suzuki and I might not have as much time as I had in Japan.

I am waiting for Paypal's campaign to end and I'll probably ask the fans if they want to bring some questions to the table again, just like this time.

Thank you very much for reading the interview. That's by far, my best reward. ;-)
by DEVILLE_David
Tue Oct 20, 2015 7:19 pm
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Yu Suzuki's interview : A New Shenmue

Hello guys,

As promised, I've received Yu Suzuki's approval to publish it, so here it is !

Meeting Yu Suzuki in Japan once again was awesome. I had the opportunity to meet with the development team and saw some footage and can say that Shenmue is definetly in good hands.

This interview do not contain major spoilers, however, DO NOT read the question/answer #14 if you do not wish to know about Shenmue III's bosses.

Enough said, here you go !

English version / 英語版 :

PDF version : coming soon

Yu Suzuki's interview : A New Shenmue (2015)

1) David : Hello Yu Suzuki. Today is September 14th and 2 months have passed since the end of the Kickstarter's campaign. Could you tell us how you've felt during the campaign ?

Yu Suzuki : Many people asked me how it was during E3 so I'd rather talk about what happened after that, the development and so on. That's what is the most interesting to me. The game's budget has been decided with the Kickstarter and we're working on it accordingly. We're currently testing the Unreal Engine 4.

2) David : 14 years have passed since the release of Shenmue II. If you had to think about it, was there anything that could have been improved in the previous games ?

Yu Suzuki : When I was making Shenmue II, my goal was to make it better than the first one. Of course, there are many things that could have been better. If I had to provide an example, that'd be the use of time. How long you had to wait until the next event.

In Shenmue Yokosuka, the player had no other choice but to wait until the next event occured. The concept was to add many different features for the player to enjoy while waiting for the said rendezvous. After the first Shenmue was done, people provided their feedback and many of them were frustrated having to wait, that's why I've decided to add the « Skip Time » feature in Shenmue II. By using it, you could skip time and jump to the next scene.

3) David : During the trailer of Shenmue Online, we could see Shenhua summoning a Phoenix to fight Lan Di. Is it linked to the original story of Shenmue ?

Yu Suzuki : This is a story I made up specially for Shenmue Online. So no, It has no link to the original story.

I would like to ask you some questions regarding Shenmue III and the Kickstarter campaign if you don't mind.

4) David : You've planned to add scenes from the first 2 games « Story Digest » in Shenmue III to describe the story. Are you going to use the previous games original scenes or do you plan to recreate them under the Unreal Engine 4 ? Is there any chance you're going to add Chapter 2 « the boat » in it ?

Yu Suzuki : The boat chapter won't be added. Regarding the « Story Digest » we're thinking about the best way to add it.

5) David : A fan has made a suggestion and wanted you to hear it. Is it possible for Ryo to hold a camera and take some pictures that the player could save in the inventory ?

Yu Suzuki : Ryo holding a camera doesn't match with his style and the way he is. However, the fact that the «player» himself is taking the pictures sounds like a nice idea. To be honest, I already thought about it before, so if that's possible, I would like to make this possibility happen.

6) David : In your previous interviews, you've mentioned that Shenmue III's size would be around the size of Shenmue's Dobuita. Each village will be around the same size as Dobuita or where you talking about the full game ?

Yu Suzuki : I want to make Choubu as large as Dobuita. Now, about the remaining villages, we're thinking about it.

7) David : Characters will be linked to Ryo through the « Rapport System ». But is it going to change the main story and why not, make some of the characters disappear at some point ?

Yu Suzuki : This system has been built for Ryo and Shenhua. We are thinking about the possibility to make it work with other characters but that's undecided. Regarding the impact that it's going to have on the story and the game itself, that is currently under experimentation.

8 ) David : The exclusive Kickstarter content « S3World telecom» will provide the possibility to call some characters of the previous games. But are the conversations going to be limited to some lines only or will they offer some variations ?

Yu Suzuki : No, It won't be limited to a single conversation.

9) David  : The Stretch Goals «AI Battling», «Ragdoll Reaction» and «High Ground Battle System» have yet to be reached, but is there anything we could learn about these Stretch Goals ?

Yu Suzuki : Some of you may know what the Ragdoll physics is. If you release the strength of the body, it becomes like a doll, that's not really natural. That's why we're working on the «Motion Blending», adding some resistance to the muscles for example, to obtain realistic moves.

In a Virtua Fighter scene, patterns were determined by the Motion Capture, but with the Ragdoll physics, moves won't repeat over and over. If you get into something (like a wall) the reaction won't be the same. In fact, I'd like to combine the «Ragdoll Physics», the «Motion Blending» and «IK Constraint» to make the NPC and battle's reactions as real as possible.

Regarding the «AI Battling» Stretch Goal, if I had to explain this simply, that'd be, for example, when you're hitting the punch button of your pad to hit your opponent. A jab when he's close, to hit him when he's away from you and to move to hit him when he's even more far away. I would like to create a system that is taking account of the distance, conditions and the position of your rival. During normal fights, if you push a button, your character will use the same move over and over without considering your current situation. I don't really like that and would like to use the «AI Battling» to add some variations to the movements depending on your current state.

And finally, the «High Ground Battle System», is the interactivity with the surrounding environment. I want to create and add strategy and realism to the battles. For example, throwing your opponent on a barrel and making it break or hitting a wall and making it fall like a wave on your enemy. I'd like to create more complex battles using the UE4's physical phenomenon.

David : These features were not available in the first two games right ?

Yu Suzuki : To say the truth, I've already used it. You could see something like that during the «70 Man Battle». But these techniques were used 14 years ago and I am sure that the result will be more interesting if we use the actual technology.

10) David : Is Shenhua going to be with Ryo all the time or is Ryo going to be on his own from time to time as well ?

Yu Suzuki : Both. Moments where Ryo will be on his own and some where Shenhua will stand by his side.

11) David : Just like in Shenmue I and II, is it going to be possibile to grab the items around us and examine them ?

Yu Suzuki : I would like to make it.

12) David : Some people would like to know more about the Paypal campaign and its rewards. Is there anything you can tell us ?

Yu Suzuki : The campaign will start on September 17th. With Kickstarter, people were limited to one reward, but this time, they will be able to add other rewards. Also, I'd like Japanese users to browse this page, all details will be in Japanese. The remaining Stretch Goals are also a part of this campaign and if we reach them, as promised, they will be made. I am counting on you !

13) David : Niao Sun has been presented during the first Shenmue events but is only appearing for the first time in Shenmue III. Why did you show her so soon during the promotion of the game ? Is there a special reason behind this ?

Yu Suzuki : There's no real reason. She was attractive and I liked her, that's why I wanted to show this character to all of you as soon as possible !

14) David : Looking at the development's schedule, 4 big bosses will be added to the game. Have you decided to cut some parts of the story and add the 4 main Chiyoumen bosses ?

Yu Suzuki : All I can tell you is that you're going to face Niao Sun of course, and also Lan Di !

15) David : Many players would like to have the possibility to switch between the Japanese and English voices. Do you plan to add such a feature in Shenmue III ?

Yu Suzuki : We are considering the possibility to switch between English and Japanese voices. So, many people would like Japanese voices and English subtitles ? I will probably start a poll about this to see what people are looking forward to.

Here is the last question !

16) David : Any special message that you'd like to say to the fans and why not, people who never played Shenmue until today ?

Yu Suzuki : My message towards the fans :

Thank to all of you who have been waiting for the last 14 years. I will bring with Shenmue III a new way to play and many things that were not in the first two games. I am aware that many of you are expecting Shenmue III to be the same as the first games but as a game creator, I am always challenging myself and I'd be very happy if the fans appreciated Shenmue III. Thank you for welcoming the new Shenmue !

Now the message toward players who never experienced Shenmue before :

I am developing it in the best possible way to make sure that you are going to enjoy the experience even though you have never played the first Shenmue. So even if you have no idea what the Shenmue I and II were, please do not hesitate to try it out please !

The interview is now over. I would like to say thank you to Yu Suzuki who allowed me to do this interview. A huge thanks to all the people working at YsNet, for their warm welcome and kindness.

I'd also like to say thank you to Cédric Biscay, french co-producer of Shenmue III. I had the opportunity to meet him and I can tell you that he's really motivated and he loves Shenmue as much as we all do ! Shenmue III is in good hands and I am really looking forward to it !

My next interview should happen during the Magic Monaco in February 2016.

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed the answers.



Japanese version / 日本語版 :

鈴木裕さんのインタビュー : 新しいシェンムーへ

1) ダビッド : 鈴木さん、こんにちは。本日、インタビューを行わせていただくことになり、ありがとうございます。宜しくお願い致します。それでは、はじめましょう。シェンムーⅢのKickstarterのキャンペーンが終了してから、二ヶ月ぐらい経過しました。よろしければ、キャンペーンの間の印象を教えて頂けませんか。

鈴木氏 : 皆さんに良く聞かれたのはショーの期間中の印象でしたので、その代わりにE3(ロサンゼルスで行われるゲームショー)が終わったあとや開発について話したいと思います。バジェットが決まったので、そのバジェットに合わせてゲームのフローに従って、現在はUE4のテストに入っています。

2) ダビッド : シェンムーⅡが発売されてから14年が経過しました。今、思い浮かべると、シェンムーⅠとⅡには改善点があったと思いますか。

鈴木氏 : シェンムーⅡを作るときはシェンムーⅠを改善して作ったので、もちろん改善点が沢山ありました。一つの例を挙げると、待ち合わせの時間です。シェンムーⅠでは待ち合わせの時間までただ待つことしか出来ませんでした。なので、シェンムーⅠでは待ち合わせの時間までに遊ぶ要素を沢山入れてあります。待っている時間に違うことをやって欲しいというのがシェンムーⅠのコンセプトでした。シェンムーⅠが終わったらそこに対してストレスが溜まると言うプレイヤーの声が高かったのでシェンムーⅡでは待つシステムを入れることに決めました。その時間まで待つというシステムを使うと、その時間と場所にジャンプすることが出来るようになりました。 

3) ダビッド : シェンムーオンラインのトレーラーでは藍帝(らんてい)は龍を、シェンファは鳳凰を召喚して戦っているシーンがありました。このシーンはシェンムーのメインストーリーと繋がっているのでしょうか。

鈴木氏 : シェンムーオンラインのために作った外伝なので、オリジナルストーリーと繋がっていません。

4) ダビッド : まだ、シェンムーをやったことがないプレイヤーにストーリーを分かってもらうために、シェンムーⅢにシェンムーI&Ⅱのストーリーダイジェストコンテンツが追加される予定があります。
それは、昔の動画(シェンムーThe Movie)か、あるいはUnreal Engine 4でリニューアルしたもので追加されるのでしょうか。そして、カットされた「二章 船」の動画版を追加されますか。

鈴木氏 : シェンムー「二章 船」 は追加されません。ストーリーダイジェストに関してはどの形がいいかどうか検討中です。

5) ダビッド : シェンムーファンからのアイデアを聞いたので、お伝えさせていただきます。シェンムーⅢの涼がカメラを持って、写真を撮って、アルバムに保存できるシステムというアイデアでしたが、いかがでしょうか。

鈴木氏 : 涼がカメラを持つというと、ちょっと彼のイメージに合わないと思います。プレイヤーの方が写真を撮ったらいいと思っています。写真の機能が使えるのは以前からやりたいと考えていたので、出来ればやりたいです。

6) ダビッド : 以前、他のインタビューを受けていたときに、鈴木さんはシェンムーⅢの世界のサイズはシェンムーのどぶ板と同じぐらいになると言いましたが、それは全部のエリアですか。それとも一つずつの村がどぶ板と同じぐらいのサイズになるということでしょうか。

鈴木氏 :鳥舞をどぶ板くらいの大きさにしたいと思っています。他の村については検討中です。

7) ダビッド : 今回は好感度システムによって涼が他のキャラクターと繋がっていることは変わりますが、そのシステムでストーリーの変更や仲が悪いと仲間と会えなくなってしまう設定がありますか。

鈴木氏 : 好感度システムは涼とシェンファーに向けて作ったシステムです。他のキャラに使うかどうかは検討中です。ストーリーやゲーム進行にどれくらいの影響を与えるかどうかは現在実験中です。

8) ダビッド : キックスターター限定の国際テレホンカードで前作で出てきたキャラクターに連絡することが可能ですが、出来る会話が一つ限りなのか又はバリエーションがたくさんあるのでしょうか。

鈴木氏 : 会話は一つ限りではないです。

9) ダビッド : 「ラグドールリアクション」や「AIバトル」や「ハイグランドバトルシステム」というストレッチゴールはまだ達成していませんが、それについて詳しく説明してくださいませんか。

鈴木氏 : 皆さんはご存知かもしれませんが、ラグドール物理演算というのがあって、人体の力を抜くと人形みたいなものになって、キャラクターがだらんとしてしまいます。これだけでやると動きが不自然になってしまいます。


ハイグランドバトルシステム は、キャラクターの周りのものを使って、バトルに臨場感と戦略を加えて作りたいと思っています。例えば、敵を投げたらドラム缶が崩れてきて敵をやっつけるとか、闘おうとしているときに壁を叩いたら波のように崩れてきたり・・・UE4の物理現象を連鎖させて、より複雑で楽しいバトルを作りたいと思っています。演算を使ってやりたいなと思っています。

ダビッド : シェンムーⅠ・Ⅱではやっていなかったシステムですね?

鈴木氏 : ちょっとやっていました。70人バトルのときにドラム缶が崩れてきたりとか… ですが、あれは14年前の技術でやった表現なので、現在の技術でやったらもっと楽しいものになると思います。

10) ダビッド : シェンムーⅢではシェンファがシェンムーIIと同じように常に涼と一緒にいるのか、彼が一人になることが多くなるのでしょうか。

鈴木氏 : 彼女と一緒にいるときもありますし、一人になるときもあります。

11) ダビッド : シェンムーとシェンムーⅡでアイテムを細かく観察することが出来ましたが、シェンムーⅢでも同じような動作が出来ますか。

鈴木氏 : 出来るようにしたいです。

12) ダビッド : Kickstarterのキャンペーン終了後、更に支援したい方がPaypalで支援出来るシステムが発表されました。それについての詳細を説明して頂けますか。

鈴木氏 : 9月17日からPaypalを開始対応しています。Kickstarterでは1個しか買えなかったのですが、今回は追加の購入が出来ますし、あとは特に日本のユーザーが日本語で申し込むことが出来ますので是非ページを見に来て下さい。基本的にはストレッチゴールにも対応していますので追加金額でストレッチゴールをクリアすると約束している部分が実現出来ます。皆さん、宜しくお願いします。

13) ダビッド : 鳥隼(ちょうじゅん)は昔からプロモーションキャラクターとして使用されていて、シェンムーⅢから登場することになりましたが、どうして14年前からそのキャラクターを紹介されましたか。特別な理由がありますか。

鈴木氏 : 特別な理由がありません。キャラクターが魅力的だったので、僕がそのキャラクターが好きで、早く皆さんに見せたかったからです。

14) ダビッド : 開発の構成によって、シェンムーIIIでは4つのボスがいるということが分かってきました。つまりストーリーを短くして、四天王(らんてい、こうてい、えんてい、げんてい)を含めることにしましたか。

鈴木氏 : 一つだけのことを言います。四天王の藍帝(蒼龍) と炎帝(鳥隼)が出てきます。

15) ダビッド : 日本語と英語音声を選択するオプションが欲しい方が多いそうです。このような選択肢をシェンムーⅢに追加するつもりでしょうか。

鈴木氏 : 日本語版と英語版の音声切り替えが可能かどうか検討してみます。海外では日本語音声で英語字幕が欲しい人が多いですか。出来たら、一回アンケートを取ってみたいですね。


16) ダビッド : シェンムーファンや又はシェンムーを初めてプレイする方々に伝えたい特別なメッセージがありましたら、どうぞ。

鈴木氏 : シェンムーファンの皆さんについては14年間ぐらい待ってくれて、本当にありがとうございます。シェンムーⅢではシェンムーI&Ⅱにない、新しい遊びをチャレンジしようと思っています。シェンムーI&IIとか全く同じ遊びを期待している人がいるかもしれませんが、鈴木裕は常に新しいことにチャレンジするクリエイターだと思って、シェンムーⅢを応援してくれると嬉しいです。新しいシェンムーを応援して下さい。




by DEVILLE_David
Tue Oct 20, 2015 2:29 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 can't promise 60fps but can promise sexy girls

This is exactly why I've been through double-check and approval from YsNet. I didn't want journalists to grab some parts and turn these into false rumors or clickbaits. :roll:

Glad they quickly posted on Twitter that the Xbox thing was not true !
by DEVILLE_David
Thu Oct 22, 2015 5:43 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 can't promise 60fps but can promise sexy girls

James Brown wrote: Does anyone know if Yu has promised a guaranteed 60 fps on those sexy cute girls boobies tho? =P~ \:D/

No but I heard Niao Sun will be a DLC character for DOAX3 sometime next year...

*Waits for Gamespot to make a new article stating this as fact*
by Sonoshee
Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:46 pm
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Shenmue 3 can't promise 60fps but can promise sexy girls

Shenmue 3 can't promise 60fps but can promise 'cute' and 'sexy' girls

Series creator Yu Suzuki has said that he can’t promise 60fps performance in Shenmue 3, although he seems he can guarantee that its female characters will be sexually attractive.

“For the moment, I’m thinking about 30 frames per second,” he told DualShockers when asked about the game’s PS4 framerate. “60 might be too difficult, but I’m not sure yet.”

However, while Suzuki cannot confirm how the game will appear technically, he is ensuring that visually it will tick certain boxes.

“They are being improved,” he replied when asking about changes to early character model prototypes. “The person who originally created Shenhua, is collaborating with us on her character. Thanks to him, Shenhua is looking a lot cuter.

“There will be many new characters. There are the four main bosses. There will be Lan Di from the previous games, and two more fighters. The fourth, on the other hand is a strategist, and she will using more cunning than head on fighting. She is an extremely beautiful and sexy, but cruel woman.”

And then when asked about romance in the game, the developer added: “Yes, it will be an important topic in Shenmue III, and I will try to portray the differences in how men and women think in the game.”

Suzuki then went on to admit that he himself isn’t really a gamer.

“I don’t really play other games, because if you play games it’s too easy to be influenced by them, and even if it is unintentional, one ends up losing their originality. On the other hand, I’m watching movies,” he admitted.

The difference in approach to both female representation and wider equality issues between Eastern and Western game developers is not only widening but increasingly being brought into focus.

While games such as Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, Tomodachi Life and Dead or Alive find themselves clashing with modern Western values, American and European developers such as Blizzard, EA, Ubisoft and NetherRealm have openly adopted a more balanced approach to gender representation and sexual orientation, no doubt spurred by the efforts of vocal critics such as Anita Sarkeesian.

Last month UK industry veteran Andy Payne said that there was no longer any excuse for the sector’s inequality blind spot. And Japanese companies should not go completely without praise, with Sony and Square Enix in particular making some very positive moves in the right direction.

It was revealed yesterday that the Western release of Wii U title Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water will ditch the skimpy costumes found in the Japanese release in favour of less revealing Nintendo-themed clothing.

Source : MCVUK
by Technophilz
Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:15 pm
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Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

Even without the bribery gaming journalism is too dependent on the big gaming companies to be able to give objective reviews. The fact that they depend so much on advertisement revenue from the same companies they do reviews for in addition to the fact that to stay competitive reviewers need to be able to receive games early meaning that being able to review the game itself becomes a bargaining chip, all this makes professional gaming journalism incredibly untrustworthy in general.
by south carmain
Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:45 am
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Re: Shenmue 1 and 2 widescreen hacks Dreamcast

Can someone provide me a widescreen code for the Shenmue Undub by Kogami? I also need the enable code.

GDI download ... ndub%20GDI
by Ziming
Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:32 am
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Re: Shenmue 1 and 2 widescreen hacks Dreamcast

Anthony817 wrote: Esppiral, if and when you do get it working, could you please show some video of it?

Done, this is the prologue

phpBB [video]

I'll post a short gameplay soon, still uploading to youtube.
by Esppiral
Fri Oct 23, 2015 7:53 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 is 10% complete! (re: dev cycle)

They had to announce a release date before they had any idea what the scope of the game was going to be, or how many staff they'd be able to employ. December 2017 gives us a general focal point but we'd be wise to consider it a loose suggestion at best.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:30 am
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Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

This is the highest caliber indie game of all time, or am I wrong ?
by shredingskin
Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:29 pm
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Re: Shenmue 1 and 2 widescreen hacks Dreamcast

phpBB [video]
by Ziming
Sat Oct 24, 2015 4:28 am
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Re: Shenmue 1 and 2 widescreen hacks Dreamcast

Esppiral, if and when you do get it working, could you please show some video of it?

Done, this is the prologue

I'll post a short gameplay soon, still uploading to youtube.

Nice! Are you using a 1080p upscaler as well or a simple VGA to HDMI adapter with that?

This offscreen gameplay was captured using a plain simple RGB cable :oops:
by Esppiral
Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:56 am
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Re: Shenmue III on French TV

Here's the full script (sorry about the mistakes, I've worked on it as fast as possible) :

Chaque semaine vous découvrez une personnalité qui veut changer le monde à travers les médias ou internet. C'est dans notre rubrique : "Le Tube d'avance".

Et aujourd'hui on va parler d'un jeune français : "Cédric Biscay". Il a 36 ans et il a récolté plus de 6 millions de dollars sur le net, un record, Pour relancer un jeu vidéo japonais culte : Shenmue. Shenmue avait disparu des consoles depuis 15 ans. Et bien Reza Pounewatchy a rencontré le français qui va ressuciter un des héros des gamers.

Cannes, au début du mois, la croisette déroulait son tapis rouge à l'occasion du Mipcom, l'Hypermarché international des programmes TV. Une centaine de pays représentés, 12 000 participants, dont cet homme : Cédris Biscay, ce jeune producteur qui a l'air perdu dans les couloirs du Palais des festivals, a rendez-vous avec une productrice japonaise d'un dessin animé culte. Un indice se trouve d'ailleurs sur la table.

- Il voyage tout le temps avec moi
- Il vous porte chance ? (rires)
- (rires) c'est la seule figurine que j'ai
- Il faudrait d'ailleurs qu'on envisage de créer de nouvelles figurines d'Astro Boy

Des figurines en préparation, mais ce qui les réunit ce jour-là, c'est surtout la nouvelle adaptation en série d'Astro Boy. Cédric Biscay devra en co-produire 26 épisodes.

- Ben en fait on a des scénarios, on a un teaser. Là le next step ce sera d'annoncer les chaînes de télévision qui vont participer à l'aventure.

Cédric Biscay ne se contente pas de remettre au goût du jour une icône de l'animation Nippone. Il y a quelques mois, il a fait sensation en participant à une levée de fonds record pour la création d'un jeu vidéo. Cet exploit lancé sur le site de financement participatif Kickstarter, ce français l'a réalisé avec Yu Suzuki, une légende chez les concepteurs japonais de jeux vidéo.

Petit retour en arrière pour mieux comprendre. 15 juin dernier, le Los Angeles Convention Center accueille l'E3, un des plus gros salons du jeu vidéo. Parmi les moments les plus attendus, la conférence de presse de Sony. Dans les coulisses, Cédric Biscay n'est pas loin. En plein milieu du show, débarque timidement sur scène Yu Suzuki. Devant 10 000 personnes conquises, le créateur annonce vidéo à l'appui, le lancement d'un financement participatif événement.
C'est officiel, le troisième volet de Shenmue arrive. Shenmue, un jeu vidéo culte, une saga lancée il y a 16 ans sur cette console : la Dreamcast, une relique de la marque Sega.

L'information abasourdit la foule. Certains sont au bord des larmes, d'autres qui suivent la scène depuis leurs ordinateurs sont même hystériques. En 24h, 2 millions de dollars sont prélevés, un record ! En grande partie grâce à Cédric Biscay, producteur officiel de Shenmue III quand il ne pose pas à côté de Yoda.
Monaco, à quelques minutes du Casino dans une rue calme du Rocher, nous avons rendez-vous dans les bureaux d'un homme plutôt content de lui.

- Bienvenue chez Shibuya Productions !
- Pourquoi vous être installé à Monaco ?
- Monaco c'est un cadre de vie agréable et en plus nous sommes la seule société de production d'animation et de jeux vidéo. C'est toujours sympa d'avoir un mini monopole sur un si petit territoire.
Ici à Shibuya Productions, une société une société lancée il y a un peu plus d'un an que ses employés et lui travaillent au marketing de Shenmue III. Une partie de l'équipe est au Japon. Une équipe assez prudente devant nos caméras.

- Anything new ?
- J'apporterai demain ici une nouvelle table plus grande. Ce sera un grand bureau.
- C'est parfait. On pourra organiser de grandes réunions comme ça !

Mise à part l'acquisition d'une nouvelle table, nous apprendrons ici que Cédric Biscay a rencontré Yu Suzuki il y a 5 ans, le temps nécessaire au producteur français pour convaincre le créateur qu'un financement participatif pourrait relancer le développement de la suite d'un jeu très attendu comme Shenmue.

- On a réussi à mettre en place un système avec la possibilité d'avoir une part d'investisseurs traditionnels et d'autre part le crowdfunding. Quand on a lancé ce crowdfunding en juin de cette année, on savait que ça allait cartonner mais ça a cartonné au-delà de nos espérances.

Au total, plus de 6 millions de dollars sont levés pour Shenmue III, du jamais vu. Une opération de communication réussie. Pour Cédric Biscay et sa société de production jusqu'ici inconnue dans le milieu. Mais l'aventure japonaise de l'entrepreneur a commencé bien avant, en 2002.

- Lorsque j'ai fait ma première rencontre au Japon, j'ai été taper aux portes et il y a un président de société qui s'appelle production IG qui est un studio très connu qui a fait "Ghost in the Shell" qui a bien voulu m'ouvrir sa porte. Et en fait j'ai commencé à travailler avec lui, il m'a donné une petite émission.

S'en suivront 12 ans d'émissions ou plutôt de conseils pour ce professeur de jeux vidéo. Cédric Biscay a depuis perdu sa frange, mais rempli son carnet d'adresse avec le gratin de l'animation japonaise.

- J'ai mon ami Yoshitaka Amano, le créateur des personnages de Final Fantasy. J'ai rencontré Reiji Matsumoto le créateur d'Albator. Go Nagai le créateur de Goldorak. Akira Toriyama le créateur de Dragon Ball.

Un large réseau qui lui permettra sûrement de relancer d'autres jeux et films d'animation japonais cultes. En attendant, la sortie de Shenmue III est prévue pour Noël 2017.
by DEVILLE_David
Sat Oct 24, 2015 4:46 pm
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Re: Shenmue III on French TV

Here's the full script (sorry about the mistakes, I've worked on it as fast as possible) :

Chaque semaine vous découvrez une personnalité qui veut changer le monde à travers les médias ou internet. C'est dans notre rubrique : "Le Tube d'avance".

Et aujourd'hui on va parler d'un jeune français : "Cédric Biscay". Il a 36 ans et il a récolté plus de 6 millions de dollars sur le net, un record, Pour relancer un jeu vidéo japonais culte : Shenmue. Shenmue avait disparu des consoles depuis 15 ans. Et bien Résapony Watcher (à vérifier, c'est ce que j'entends) a rencontré le français qui va ressuciter un des héros des gamers.

Cannes, au début du mois, la croisette déroulait son tapis rouge à l'occasion du Mipcom, l'Hypermarché international des programmes TV. Une centaine de pays représentés, 12 000 participants, dont cet homme : Cédris Biscay, ce jeune producteur qui a l'air perdu dans les couloirs du Palais des festivals, a rendez-vous avec une productrice japonaise d'un dessin animé culte. Un indice se trouve d'ailleurs sur la table.

- Il voyage tout le temps avec moi
- Il vous porte chance ? (rires)
- (rires) c'est la seule figurine que j'ai
- Il faudrait d'ailleurs qu'on envisage de créer de nouvelles figurines d'Astro Boy

Des figurines en préparation, mais ce qui les réunit ce jour-là, c'est surtout la nouvelle adaptation en série d'Astro Boy. Cédric Biscay devra en co-produire 26 épisodes.

- Ben en fait on a des scénarios, on a un teaser. Là le next step ce sera d'annoncer les chaînes de télévision qui vont participer à l'aventure.

Cédric Biscay ne se contente pas de remettre au goût du jour une icône de l'animation Nippone. Il y a quelques mois, il a fait sensation en participant à une levée de fonds record pour la création d'un jeu vidéo. Cet exploit lancé sur le site de financement participatif Kickstarter, ce français l'a réalisé avec Yu Suzuki, une légende chez les concepteurs japonais de jeux vidéo.

Petit retour en arrière pour mieux comprendre. 15 juin dernier, le Los Angeles Convention Center accueille l'E3, un des plus gros salons du jeu vidéo. Parmi les moments les plus attendus, la conférence de presse de Sony. Dans les coulisses, Cédric Biscay n'est pas loin. En plein milieu du show, débarque timidement sur scène Yu Suzuki. Devant 10 000 personnes conquises, le créateur annonce vidéo à l'appui, le lancement d'un financement participatif événement.
C'est officiel, le troisième volet de Shenmue arrive. Shenmue, un jeu vidéo culte, une saga lancée il y a 16 ans sur cette console : la Dreamcast, une relique de la marque Sega.

L'information abasourdit la foule. Certains sont au bord des larmes, d'autres qui suivent la scène depuis leurs ordinateurs sont même hystériques. En 24h, 2 millions de dollars sont prélevés, un record ! En grande partie grâce à Cédric Biscay, producteur officiel de Shenmue III quand il ne pose pas à côté de Yoda.
Monaco, à quelques minutes du Casino dans une rue calme du Rocher, nous avons rendez-vous dans les bureaux d'un homme plutôt content de lui.

- Bienvenue chez Shibuya Productions !
- Pourquoi vous être installé à Monaco ?
- Monaco c'est un cadre de vie agréable et en plus nous sommes la seule société de production d'animation et de jeux vidéo. C'est toujours sympa d'avoir un mini monopole sur un si petit territoire.
Ici à Shibuya Productions, une société une société lancée il y a un peu plus d'un an que ses employés et lui travaillent au marketing de Shenmue III. Une partie de l'équipe est au Japon. Une équipe assez prudente devant nos caméras.

- Anything new ?
- J'apporterai demain ici une nouvelle table plus grande. Ce sera un grand bureau.
- C'est parfait. On pourra organiser de grandes réunions comme ça !

Mise à part l'acquisition d'une nouvelle table, nous apprendrons ici que Cédric Biscay a rencontré Yu Suzuki il y a 5 ans, le temps nécessaire au producteur français pour convaincre le créateur qu'un financement participatif pourrait relancer le développement de la suite d'un jeu très attendu comme Shenmue.

- On a réussi à mettre en place un système avec la possibilité d'avoir une part d'investisseurs traditionnels et d'autre part le crowdfunding. Quand on a lancé ce crowdfunding en juin de cette année, on savait que ça allait cartonner mais ça a cartonné au-delà de nos espérances.

Au total, plus de 6 millions de dollars sont levés pour Shenmue III, du jamais vu. Une opération de communication réussie. Pour Cédric Biscay et sa société de production jusqu'ici inconnue dans le milieu. Mais l'aventure japonaise de l'entrepreneur a commencé bien avant, en 2002.

- Lorsque j'ai fait ma première rencontre au Japon, j'ai été taper aux portes et il y a un président de société qui s'appelle production IG qui est un studio très connu qui a fait "Ghost in the Shell" qui a bien voulu m'ouvrir sa porte. Et en fait j'ai commencé à travailler avec lui, il m'a donné une petite mission.

S'en suivront 12 ans de missions ou plutôt de conseils pour ce professeur de jeux vidéo. Cédric Biscay a depuis perdu sa frange, mais rempli son carnet d'adresse avec le gratin de l'animation japonaise.

- J'ai mon ami Yoshitaka Amano, le créateur des personnages de Final Fantasy. J'ai rencontré Reiji Matsumoto le créateur d'Albator. Go Nagai le créateur de Goldorak. Akira Toriyama le créateur de Dragon Ball.

Un large réseau qui lui permettra sûrement de relancer d'autres jeux et films d'animation japonais cultes. En attendant, la sortie de Shenmue III est prévue pour Noël 2017.

My stab at an English translation:

Each week in "Future Hits" we seek out the latest person who will change the world of entertainment and the Internet. Today we talk about a young Frenchman, Cedric Biscay; at just 36 he has set a record for Internet crowdfunding at 6 million dollars for the revival of a cult Japanese video game: Shenmue. It has been 15 years since Shenmue disappeared from consoles, and now Reza Pounewatchy meets the Frenchman who resurrected one of gaming's greatest icons.

Cannes: at the beginning of the month, the red carpet is laid out on the Croisette for Mipcom, an international conference of TV shows. 12,000 participants representing 100 countries, and out of them all this man: Cedric Biscay, a young producer somewhat lost in the corridors of the Palais des Festivals, who now has a meeting with a Japanese producer of a cult Japanese animé. A clue [as to the exact nature of the show] can be found on the table:

"He travels with me all the time"
"He brings you luck? <laughs>"
"<laughs> It's the only figurine I have"
"We have to come up with new Astro Boy figurines"

The figurines are being prepared, but the true purpose of this meeting is the new TV series adaptation of Astro Boy. Biscay will co-produce 26 episodes.

"So we have the screenplays, we have a teaser trailer. Now the next step is to announce the TV channels which will collaborate with us on this venture."

Biscay is not content to merely bring back a single Japanese animation icon to the mainstream. A few months ago, he made a sensation by being part of a record-breaking funding campaign for the creation of a video game. This great achievement, launched on the crowdfunding website Kickstarter, came about with Biscay and Yu Suzuki, a legend among Japanese gaming visionaries.

To better understand, let's go back a few months. 15th June, the LA Convention Center was host to E3, one of the largest gaming expos in the world. Among the most anticipated moments, the Sony press conference. Biscay was not far, waiting in the wings. In the middle of the show, Yu Suzuki walked timidly onstage. In front of a captive audience of 10,000, with the aid of a video the auteur announced the launch of a crowdfunding event.

It's official: the third entry in the Shenmue series is coming. A cult video game, the Shenmue saga was launched 16 years ago on the Dreamcast, a relic of the Sega brand.

The news stunned the crowd. Some were close to tears, others who were following the show on their PCs were similarly hysterical. In 24 hours, $2 million was raised, a record! Thanks in great part to Cedric Biscay, official producer of Shenmue III when he's not posing next to Yoda.

Monaco: a few minutes from the Casino in the quiet streets of Rocher, we have a meeting in the offices of a man who is quite pleased with himself.

"Welcome to Shibuya Productions!"
"Why are you based in Monaco?"
"Monaco has an agreeable living environment and we are the only Animation and Video Game Production company here. It's always a nice feeling to have a "mini monopoly" in a little place such as this."

We're here at Shibuya Productions, a company founded a little over a year ago, where its employees are busy at work on the marketing for Shenmue III. Part of the team is in Japan, and this team is somewhat cautious in front of our cameras.

"Anything new?"
"I'm picking up a new, bigger table tomorrow. It's gonna be a large office."
"Perfect. We can have large meetings there!"

Apart from the acquisition of a new table, we learn that Biscay first met Suzuki 5 years ago, the amount of time it took for him to convince the creator that a crowdfunding campaign could restart the development of the sequel to a much-anticipated game like Shenmue.

"We succeeded in putting in place a system with the possibility of having a mix of traditional investors on one side and crowdfunding on the other. When we launched the crowdfunding campaign in June of this year, we knew that it would do well, but its success exceeded our expectations."

In total, more than $6 million was raised by Shenmue III, a never-before-seen amount. A communications [and marketing] success. Cedric Biscay and his production company were unheard of in this field until now. But the Japanese quest of this entrepreneur had started long before, in 2002.

"When I made my first visit to Japan, I knocked on a lot of doors and there was the President of a company called IG Production, a studio well known for making "Ghost in the Shell", who then really opened the door for me. Then I started working with him, and he gave me a little TV programme [to work on]."

What followed were 12 years of TV shows, or rather lessons learned for this Professor of video games. Cedric Biscay has since lost his fringe, but his address book is filled with the cream of the crop of the Japanese animation industry.

"I have my friend Yoshitaka Amano, who is the creator of some of the characters for Final Fantasy. I've met Reiji Matsumoto who is the creator of Albator. Go Nagai, the creator of GOldorak. Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball..."

A large network which certainly will help him bring about the revival of other cult Japanese video games and animés. In the meantime, Shenmue III is set to be released for Christmas 2017.
by Amir
Sat Oct 24, 2015 6:26 pm
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Re: Shenmue 1080p

A fictive cover just for fun.


alternative color :
by Yokosuka
Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:09 am
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The Making of Shenmue - Sega Dreamcast The Complete Manual

An article about the making of Shenmue is published in the new book : Sega Dreamcast The Complete Manual 1st Edition.
You can read the scanned article on this link.

Update: this article was originally featured in Retro Gamer Magazine.

by Technophilz
Tue Oct 27, 2015 7:12 pm
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Re: Sega Europe comments on Shenmue

I wasn't expecting them to announce anything until next E3, but if they're already buttering us up like this it means they're either:
- being dicks and getting our hopes up over nothing
- jumping the gun on trying to build hype
- almost ready to reveal something Shenmue related

The "fun" fact is that all of your three options are realistic :-#
by Kiske
Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:13 pm
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Re: Sega Europe comments on Shenmue

I wasn't expecting them to announce anything until next E3, but if they're already buttering us up like this it means they're either:
- being dicks and getting our hopes up over nothing
- jumping the gun on trying to build hype
- almost ready to reveal something Shenmue related
by Mr357
Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:02 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #47

I am very convinced, it looks beautiful. But then again my expectations are not that high. They've done an awesome job and game's development is going well (comparing with the version I saw in Japan).

Thing is if they don't show development progress, people will complain and if they do, people are still going to complain because they're not satisfied. :-s

Ryo looks better and it's an old model, so I can't imagine how he's going tot look like in 2 years ! Considering the budget, the result is fantastic already. =D>
by DEVILLE_David
Fri Oct 30, 2015 12:08 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #47

YS Net is damned if you do, damned if you don't. If they don't show progress, people will complain that YS Net are stealing everyone's money and that' it's a scam. If they show progress, it means that apparently the game will ship like that even though it's only been in development for 3 months.

I personally prefer a more hands on feel to game development and press information. I like seeing the development process evolve rather than wait a year or two after the announcement for a trailer with no release date in site.
by Himuro
Fri Oct 30, 2015 12:10 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #47

On the other hand Niao Sun looks like a tranny on crack xD

by shredingskin
Fri Oct 30, 2015 1:06 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #47

Thing is if they don't show development progress, people will complain and if they do, people are still going to complain because they're not satisfied. :-s

Yep. Haters gonna hate. For a budget of 6.5 mil, I'm blown away. And these are early test screens! If this is how it looks now, what the hell is it gonna look like in 2 years!!

Excited isn't the word :D
by Peter
Fri Oct 30, 2015 1:22 pm
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Re: New Kickstarter Update

I am shocked at how good that looks. For the budget they raised I expected that there have to be some compromises but the look of that game far exceeds my expectations. To me, graphics of that quality are going to make the world more immersive and atmospheric.

yeah, as soon as i saw those shots i knew there was nothing to worry about. Shenmue is back, and looks even better than before. All those devs throwing millions into Halo and and Fallout should take note of how amazingly atmosphere can be rendered without a huge budget or army of programmers.

Come on guys, its looking better but lets not overreact...

One picture shows a better ryo on a UE stock building.
And another shows Ryo and a black suit in what it seems to be some kind of old irish fight.

I think we all know the amount of effort that is needed to make a Shenmue game and so far they are light years away from it... But you only get there by working.
by killthesagabeforeitkillsu
Fri Oct 30, 2015 5:38 pm
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Re: Bringing back #30onthe3rd for Paypal campaign?

There are irons in the fire, so to speak, which ought to leverage the traditional Tweetathons to boost PayPal activity throughout the next two months. Stay tuned for news this Tuesday. :)

Will we get new rewards???

People need to forget about rewards and actually realize that funding Shenmue 3 outright is far more important.
by Sonoshee
Fri Oct 30, 2015 7:19 pm
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Re: Need help for testing Shenmue II on Xbox (widescreen/720

Ok so......






Sorry for the crappy "screenshots"

Things to note, the Hud is not scaled just stretched, other thing to know is that, in the same fashion as the Dreamcast version emulated with the Widescreen hack on NullDC, geometry outside the 4:3 will start to disappear, but in a slightly different way, for instance, if Ryo's hand/arm goes out the 4:3 on Dreamcast, his arm and hand will disappear, on the Xbox, only if the full character is out of the 4:3 area will disappear, so the effect is less distracting.

The images above are a good example, the characters outside the 4:3 area are still "complete" and not "broken" as it would on the emulated DC version, also the extra FOV is awesome!!!!

I must thank MarvelousMirth I was failing miserably trying to change the aspect ratio, without him this couldn't be possible.

Next thing I want to do is increase a bit the internal resolution, from 640x480 to 720x480, the game shouldn't perform any worse and we could gain a bit of sharpness.

Edit I forgot to add the link lol

by Esppiral
Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:16 pm
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