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Shenmue 2 on Android via reicast BUG solutions thread!

Hello everyone.i just signed up for one of many reasons but mainly to create this thread.

This thread will be about my experience with shenmue and a solutions on how to get past the all bugs of shenmue 2 which prevented me from playing shenmue 2 on my Android device.I am currently playing through shenmue 2 for the first time after beating shenmue 1 yesterday.So therefore i will be posting here solutions to any problems i had with shenmue 2 and how i overcame it.

Well that is because ive seen countless of threads on how shenmue 2 keeps crashing on android AND plus i want to help the community in someway.

I found out about shenmue 3 during E3 2015.It was my first E3(meaning the first one i ever saw) and what an E3 it was.I personally was hyped about FF7 but then i saw countless articles about the BIG 3 of E3!
Which were:

I had never heard of shenmue up to that point yet i saw the trailer and LOVED what i saw.So i found out the premise and how there are 2 prequels which are on the sega DC and the Xbox.

I have neither of those consoles so shenmue slipped my mind.Untill 2 weeks ago when i found out about REICAST.
I found out it was a Dc emulator so i decided shenmue 1 would be the first dc game i ever play via the reicast emulator.

I tried 2 weeks ago on my Samsung S5 but it wouldnt work.This was because Reicast DOESNT work AT ALL on Any LOLIPOP Devices YET!(its being dealt with.Crosses fingers
UPDATE 30/7/15
An unnofical version of reicast has been released which allows you to actually play Shenmue 1 and 2 on any lolipop device.OMG SHENMUE 2 lOOKS and runs AMAZINGLY on my Samsung s5 but it crashes due to the fact my S5 has a high Cpu therefore a higher framerate than the emulator can handle.So even though it works on my S5 i am going to play it on my Tablet because it doesnt crash as much.

THEN last monday i thought why not try the emulator on my tablet AND IT WORKED!!!

IMPORTANT NOTE before i go further.

MY TABLET IT A ADTAB 7 made by ADSPEC running JELLYBEAN 4.2.1.

So shenmue 1 worked perfectly and i finished it yesterday.So today i started Shenmue 2 and i discovered that it only has EU and JP versions .But i managed to get hold of the Shenmue 2 English speech mod And it works.There were 4 discs which are in the .cdi format and the game booted up on my adtab 7.

Untill..... :evil: :evil:

Shenmue 2 DISC 1 Bugs


it keeps crashing when Ryo leaves the ship when you see the aberdeen sign.


I kept trying but i couldnt find a way pass it and therefore it kept crashing

But then i discovered a solution.

What you do for this is:

1.Go to the Reicast settings menu
2.find where it says "Dynarec Options".
3.You will see that this option has been enabled
4.Disable this.(it shouldnt be blue if its disabled)
5.Load up the shenmue 2 and start a new game .
6.the wait will be excrutiating (because the game will be extremely slow)but if you can wait untill you have suppased the aberdeen loading screen then you will notice it doesnt freeze and crash anymore.
7.Click the green Y button and save your data.
8.Exit the game
9.ENABLE the Dynarec option

Thats how you solve that.

Problem 2

The game crashed after i was offered to arm wrestle the mexican?


You need to do 3 things to prevent this from happening

1.Ensure you ALWAYS select the 50Hz and not 6oHz when you boot up the game.
2.YOU MUST accept the challenge and wrestle the mexican.
3.After you have wrestled the mexican.Slowly walk towards the pigion park.DONT RUN after the arm wrestle WALK.

If you do this then it wont freeze and crash after the mexian arm wrestle.

Problem 3

It crashed immediatly after i got my bag back from wong.(the kid who draws you a map)


1.Make sure your playing on 50Hz
If it is on 50 and NOT 60 then read on.
After wong draws the map and leaves.The loading screen will appear and this is where it crashes right?

DONT CLICK any buttons after the loading screen has ended
if like me you kept pushing buttons after the loading screen ends ,you will now notice that it hasnt crashed and that RYo is moving his arm and looking at the map.
Click B to stop looking at the map and continue your journey through HONG KONG

Thats how you solve that.

Problem 4

The game keeps crashing after i try leaving workers pier and try entering queens RD.


This one is simple.

Dont EVER use the Alleyway from Workers pier to enter queens RD(and vice versa!)
Instead simply just use the main road.

Update 28/7/15

Problem 5

When i enter Zhangyous Barber shop the whole game crashes!


This one is simple.What you do is this.

1.Go Outside of Zhangyous shop and SAVE your game
2.exit the Reicast Apk
3.Go to the settings menu and Disable "Dynarec options"(more info about how to enable this in problem 1)
4.After Disabling Dynarec options go and load up your game save.
5.walk towards the door of the barbershop and open it
6.The cutscene will play and it will be excrutiating but you must bear it!
7.DURING THE CUTSCENE DO NOT Press A when you are given the choice OR THE GAME WILL CRASH
8.after the cutscene is finished find out about the 4th Master by asking Zhongyou(he tells you about the Tailor).
9.Then leave the shop and walk away from the shop and SAVE your game
10.Exit the reicast App and then open it up again
11.Go to the reicast option menu and Enable your Dynarec options
12.Have fun Xp


Well that is all for now but if i encounter anymore BUGS in Shenmue 2 then i will definately post up solutions here.

Here are some musts you have to do if you want to play shenmue 2 with minimum problems

1.Always choose 50hz NEVER choose 60Hz
2.Always walk through areas which lead to loading screens.Never run through them because most likely you wilk crash.
3.Dont run too much in Shenmue 2.You can run but dont run 24/7 because then the Graphics will take a few seconds to catch up.
4.When your at loading screens please tap the on screen touch buttons to prevent crashes
5.If you encounter a BUG when your playing which causes you to get kicked out of the game.Then i recomend you load up your save again and Go back to the area the bug occured but this time WALK and dont run.If the error still occurs then you can see if ive found a solution to it if not try doing the Dynarec thing(mentioned above)
6.CONSTANTLY SAVE immediately after you have entered an area and immediately after a cutscene for the game can log you off at ANYTIME.Dont fall victim to Replays.
7.I recomend creating 2 saves when your playing(i am doing this)
Your first save should be used to save constantly throughout each of your days in Hong Kong
The second save should be used only after you are finished at the end of each day of playing.
Whenever you load your game,load from the first save.the second save wi be your backup save

Anyways guys thats all for now.If your stuck ill try to help but if not then stay tuned for future bugs.

Keep on Shenmuing!
by Senpai Gamer
Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:25 pm
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What was the one thing you found unique about Shenmue?

You can tell me you liked the story or the mini games or even the Hilariously good VA.

I liked all the above but there is one thing i found very intresting about the shenmue duolgy(soon to be trilogy!!).
What i found the most unique was the culture.By that i mean how Yu suzuki choose the make the game based around Japan and China.Since japan and china arent BFFs i diddnt expect to ever see a game that allows you to embrace both cultures without making one of them inferior.

I really loved how Yu suzuki decided to have

S1 in Japan
S2 in China
S3 in China

I really learnt alot about both cultures from the game.This game when it is played by chineese people(china is allowing playstations to be sold now) could help strenghten the relationshio between both repective countries.But thats going on a new topic.

Overall i am hoping We get Shenmue 4 and 5 after Shenmue 3.
I would love to see Shenmue 4 in Japan again since it could bring back Nozomi.Do any of you think we might see future Shenmue games that introduce us to even more cultures?
by Senpai Gamer
Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:47 pm
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Re: One Shenmue 3 Theory and one Shenmue question?

Spolier for S1 ahead

Sorry, I just haven't seen anyone warn about spoilers for Shenmue in god knows how many years.
I seriously wanna see someone pop up like "Asshole, I haven't gotten that far yet!"

Excuse me? Who do you think you are? This isnt how you conduct yourself on forums.
by Senpai Gamer
Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:18 am
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Re: Shenmue 2 on Android via reicast BUG solutions thread!

Looking at reicast's compatibility list, Shenmue 2 is not intended (as of now) to be played on it. If you can't afford a Dreamcast or an original (that is the first) Xbox, then the next best solution available is to play Shenmue 2 on a PC, using either the nullDC or the Demul emulator. However, the time you offered to write those solutions is appreciated! Maybe it's safe to bet that it will need a lot more of them along the way, haha. :)

Thats why i want mobile ports so everyone can get to play these Jems. But back ontopic i will keep posting any bugs i find.aswell as any solutions i find.
by Senpai Gamer
Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:26 pm
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Re: Shenmue 2 on Android via reicast BUG solutions thread!

Holy crap man. Senpai Gamer I salute you upfront. You have done an amazing job on trying to run this masterpiece through reicast in a working state, I didint even know this was possible. O.P is amazingly huge with updates. All I can say is bravo to the dedication your showing. Keep it up over there!

Guess what baby DISK 1 IS complete and only had 5 Bugs that stopped you from continuing but i solved them Above!

Here is some proof.
That is it running on my Tablet

From here onwards ill be only reporting any Disk 2 Bugs i come across including solutions for them.
Then after that Disk 3&4.

See you soon everyone!
by Senpai Gamer
Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:29 pm
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Re: Shenmue 2 on Android via reicast BUG solutions thread!

muhu wrote: Shenmue on tablet, One day Shenmue will be playable of one of those Nokia brick phones.

Nice to see a fellow Brit here! But yh lol thatd be funny.Black n white version of RYO
by Senpai Gamer
Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:29 pm
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Re: Sega - "actively pursuing" a Shenmue remaster.

I was really happy when back when Sega said that they were trying "actively pursue shenmue remasters"

But that was what? 1-2 years ago

So i just got fed up and decided to buy a OG Xbox and Shenmue II Physical

I am usually an optimistic person but in regards to these remasters. I dont see them happening ever unless Sega unveils them at E3 2017. That will Be Sega's last chance to announce these remasters. If we dont see them at E3 2017 then we wont see them ever. That is just my opinion.
by Senpai Gamer
Sun Aug 13, 2017 10:07 am
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Re: Message to Suzuki-san @ Gamescom

I just want to give a huge thanks to Yuc02 and everyone else involved in this. Seeing Yu-san with the message from all of us was a great thing to witness indeed. This is why i love the shenmue community! :D

by Senpai Gamer
Thu Aug 24, 2017 5:16 pm
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