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Re: What are the chances of outside investors taking notice?

Honestly, I don't feel as if any investors will care that much. Despite being the number 1 most funded game on KS, it's still a big risk. Shenmue III is a big change from what has become the 'industry norm' and I feel as if investors won't want to make such a big risk when they could make more money by investing in something more mainstream with much less of a risk. Not even to mention the somewhat negative media and press towards Shenmue III

Perhaps we'll get some smaller investors who are willing to make such a risk, but I doubt Shenmue III is worth the time of any large well known investors. "Not to say that the game is going to be bad, but I don't think it's going to be as huge and amazingly successful as some of us think it will be." We need to be realistic here...

It's a catch 22 situation, it could very well end up being a bigger success then any of us here can even imagine. However we need investors to step forward to pony up the remaining cash we couldn't get from KS, but bad press, and Sega's mismanagement of Shenmue 2, has investors scared off.

Nevenmind the fact no one knows what is going on in Yu's head lol, and investors don't like that kind of stuff.

Adventure games are on the rise, open world games are very popular these days, and unlike Sega with Shenmue 2, Sony is very likely gonna to actually advertise/push the hell out of Shenmue 3 upon release. It's a winning combination.

The only question is, are investors even putting much thought into Shenmue 3
by Zoltor
Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:34 pm
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Re: Why is Shenmue 1 so different to the sequel?

I have no idea why people try to claim Shenmue 1 music is "better", seriously anyone who thinks that, needs to play Shenmue 2 again, and by all means, the DC version(the XBOX console doesn't handle music too well lmfao, yet people claim that to be the most powerful console that gen).

A New Departure, literally every song in the Guilin area(seriously, everything in this area is a masterpiece), the music on wong's boat, Fangmei's theme, ect, ect, ect, need I go on.

To whoever it was who was trying to state Shenmue 1 had more creepy music(or however they said it), I am convinced you never played Shenmue 2, know why, because like atleast 75% of the music in Kowloon, is as spooky/creepy as can be, so I have no idea what you're talking about.
by Zoltor
Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:41 pm
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Re: Shenmue Dicussion Podcast with Myself and The Shenmue Gu

Cool, and that one guy so needs to play Shenmue 2 lol, how dare he be called the Shenmue Guy, and not have played both of the games

Well the nickname comes more from his E3 Stream cameo lol

Also the guy running this Podcast, really needs to play these games, they're so godly.
true, i told him i send him a copy when he gets a working dreamcast.

Yea I figured that. I always found it weird, that in a room evidently filled with Shenmue fans, he's the only one standing up in response(visually anyway). Well anyway he has a responsibility now, time to play Shenmue 2.

Awesome :)
by Zoltor
Wed Oct 07, 2015 12:49 pm
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Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

I'll admit when i made this thread i was 100% sure we would get the announcement in no time......what the hell are they waiting for?

At this point i'm not even sure it'll come. :(

You seem to forget, Sega hasn't been considered a company in general, in a long time now. Companies like money, infact they exist to make money, but Sega doesn't like money, nor do they make any attempt at making money.

They bought the best 3rd party publisher/localizer in the industry, and one of the best developers in the industry, yet I don't see any signs at all, of them actually using ATLUS to um I don't know, publish their damn games outside of Japan.

In short, they bought ATLUS, because they felt they haven't burned enough money lately, seeing how they sure as hell aren't using them.
by Zoltor
Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:12 am
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Re: Fangmei ruins Shenmue 2 (tbh)

That's a sacrilege, I can't believe you can say such evil things sigh.

PS. The Japanese voice for her is so much better(the English VA makes Fangmei sound like she's 9 years old), maybe that's your problem, have you played the Pal version of 2, perhaps that will help?
by Zoltor
Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:29 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki's interview : A New Shenmue

To 14 I'm shocked Yu actually came forward with such info, but I hope Ryo doesn't succeed already. I hope the encounter involves him hitting Lan Di, Lan Di hitting him, and Ryo hitting the floor.

However being that' that's now most likely going to be the case, I give it a 98% chance that Lan Di is going to take off with the Phoenix Mirror at the end of Shenmue 3

It makes me nervous for Yu to say silly stuff like, he would like to allow Ryo to beable to pick up things, I mean WTF is he saying that he's not sure he'll get around to adding such in?

That should be one of the very first things being calculated into the game from the start, not all these so called new things.

It's not a Shenmue game, if Ryo can't interact with the environment.
by Zoltor
Wed Oct 21, 2015 12:37 pm
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Re: Sega Europe comments on Shenmue

They know what they're good at. Where's our Streets of Rage, Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue HD etc etc?

Yea I agree sigh, the fact they are always trying to reinvent the god damn when, with every iteration of a franchise, inst of running with a good idea, whaen they actually come up with such once in a bloody full moon, is pure proof Sega doesn't know what they are good at.

Some companies can do the innovation thing, ATLUS, NIS, Nintendo, Bandai, and whatnot, but Sega most definitely can't, not amymore anyway.

When Sega actually ends up forming a thought for once, that actually has merit, they need to stick with it, and refine such, not change it up again the first chance they can.

To Topic: Atleast someone at Sega seems to be realizing, try to make that runaway success of a mobile game, is nothing but a fools errand.

As for them implying Sega is trying to figure away how to rerelease Shenmue 1, and 2, I call BS. What all of a sudden Sega doesn't know how to port they games, what a kload of crap, they probally made more ports of their games then Capcom, and Square combined, yet now they are playing dumb.

If it has to do with lic liko Zippo, and Timex, if must, you can always rerelease the games without using them as brands(do you remember the Tomato store, literally everything is Sega branded in there, so I don't see the big deal).

To Himuro : Yea, this talk the talk, but not walk the walk thing, is definitely Sega's MO. They said they know they need to do better, and care more about western releasing, including releasing their games outside of Japan in general. That confession of Sega being a utter POS, that means nothing outside of Japan(seriously, if Sega went out of business at this point, no one outside of Japan would even notice, that's how meaningless they are) was made before E3 even happened, however they have yet to announce any new releases for the non-Japanese market.

Hell, Sega wasn't even at E3, so yea I seriously don't see Sega changing their ways at all.
by Zoltor
Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:44 pm
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Re: Lan Di has sold the mirror to the Tokyo museum.

Lan Di: "For the last time, where is the mirror.... so I can put where it belongs in a museum."
Iwao: "I have no intention of telling you."

Thanks for spoiling the upcoming Indiana Jones.

Lol I was just going to say that, I would love a Indiana Jones based on the Shenmue backstory. It would be very fitting for a true Indiana Jones movie, unlike the molestation, that is Kingdom of the Crystal Skull(there are quite a few legit myths surrounding such, all Lucas had to do, was base a movie around one of them, but instead he made that BS from scratch)
by Zoltor
Tue Jul 19, 2016 4:19 am
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Re: What's your biggest Shenmue mystery?

Why can't SEGA get their head out of their asses and release a Shenmue HD already. Defo my biggest mystery.

Speaking of which, their biggest excuse, is complete, and utter BS. "Licensing," lol, and the sad thing is, they have been spouting that lie for so long, they probally believe it.

What makes it all the more iron, is that there was a lic problem back when Shenmue 1 came out, with Coco cola, but that didn't stop them from releasing the game outside of Japan, infact it didn't even slow such down.

To BlueMue: I hate to break the news to you, but you're going to still be waiting, as that's not going to happen until atleast Shenmue 4.

I'm pretty damn positive I know what happened between Iwao, and Sunming, and even how it came about Shenhua's birth parents were murdered by Sunming either because they were the guardians of the Dragon Mirror or they knew who was the guardian. Iwao hears that they were killed, and someone with evil ambitions stole the Dragon Mirror, so he goes to Hong Kong/China to find, as well as confront him. Then despite taking the diplomatic approach, and trying to reason with him, all hell breaks loose. Either Sunmings ambitions lead him to have a accident or he is forced into killing Sunming in self defense. then that brings us to Shenmue 1
by Zoltor
Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:49 am
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Re: Uncharted Waters New Hori...I mean Online :)

Do you cheat in this too like in ragnarok online?

I don't cheat at all in anything, to beginwith.

You seem very buthurt about MMOs ingeneral. You very much sound like one of those people who are either too lazy to put the effort into such or mismanage their time/spend "all" their free time on something else(then complaining how they have no time lol. Unless someone works 15h work shifts every day, not having time, is a BS excuse).
by Zoltor
Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:49 pm
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Re: Uncharted Waters New Hori...I mean Online :)

Zoltor don't listen to these guys. They don't understand good games. I'll definitely check this one out. And thanks btw for that power leveling site link you PM'd me with all I had to do was pay the $100 tier and I got a really good chinese guy.

If you like Shenmue, you'll like this, they took out the time clock in the MMO game, but otherwise, think of this as a slightly less advanced Shenmue game, with a nautical theme.

There's a insane amount of nuance to this game(yes, even more then the Shenmue games, way more), that tend to lead to entirely new mechanics you could easily not know is even there . Hell there are features in New Horizons, that I never knew what they did, until playing this MMO(as they make a return), since the MMO gives slightly more hints, and worse case, you can ask other players what such does/how to unlock such.

If you need any help or whatnot, feel free to ask.

I think you have the wrong person, I would never give a link to a power leveling site, I would tell you how to power lv instead.
by Zoltor
Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:09 pm
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Re: Uncharted Waters New Hori...I mean Online :)

OK it took a few days, but I'm officially launching my new business. I now offer the following:

-Power leveling
-Zenny farming
-MVP card farming
-guaranteed god items

I worked with Zoltor on the pricing since he is familiar with this stuff (thanks man!) and now have everything in place. If you are looking for god items just let me know exactly what you need first. Anyone that's interested PM me for details!

Axm, just FYI I cannot go to your house like the Chinese guy did. Japan is just to far from me, which is why my prices are a bit lower.

I never talked to you/worked with you at all, you're just a scumbag piece of shit, and need to stop now.

Furthermore this is suppose to be a thread about Uncharted Waters Online.
by Zoltor
Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:18 am
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

About the leaves part, no I didin't struggle, I did it second try. My point it that the game is not going to be fun. I understand how Shenmue is supposed to be like but I'd rather it be more like a video game that can get mainstream appeal. It should be fun to play for crying out loud else it will really get hit hard by other games that release at the same period. Then we will look stupid

Yea you sort of missed the point of the series, and what makes it so fun, as well as engrossing. If you want a game that treats its world like a playground, instead of a real, breathing world, the Shenmue games aren't for you or anyone with that mindset.

I can assure you, when me, and many people play/replay the games, we are never dreading sections like the forklift job, and book carrying, infact they are rather fun in their own rights.

All the things Ryo has to go through also translates to the player, which is a huge factor in why the Shenmue games leave such a lasting impression.
by Zoltor
Thu Jul 28, 2016 3:47 pm
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