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Re: Shenmue III @Gamescom '17 Discussion - That's All, Folks

Two interviews with Yu Suzuki by Fok! (Dutch) and Gamona (German):,interview-mit-entwicklerlegende-yu-suzuki-ich-moechte-nach:article.html

According Google Translate:

Fok! :

- Confirmation of an international phone card (named "World of Telecom") to call Ryo's overseas friends. Yu didn't tell if it's still an exclusive backer item.

- A turtle aquarium can be seen in the extended trailer. Yu says there will be a turtle race.

- Shenmue 3 will explain the Shenmue prologue poem.

- Yu describes Shenmue 3 as " a kung-fu adventure that takes place in China."

- Shenmue 3 will have easter eggs like the previous episodes.

Gamona :,interview-mit-entwicklerlegende-yu-suzuki-ich-moechte-nach:article.html

- Thanks Deep Silver, Shenmue 3 will be about 3 times bigger than initially planned. Overall, however, ambitions about the story and graphics are likely to remain the same.

- Yu laughingly refuses to answer if we get a new cliffhanger at Shenmue III end.

- As animals, there will be chickens, ducks, turtles, dogs, cats and more. Yu has yet to know if the player will be allowed to have a pet like the cat in Shenmue 1.

- The Shenmue 3 staff consists of a lot of freelancers and people who are working for other studios.
by Yokosuka
Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:04 am
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Hello, everyone. I know we already have the brilliant Shenmue 3 Kickstarter News/Information/Multimedia Archive thread, but I thought it would be a good idea to have a compendium of all the facts, information, and everything we currently know about the game in one easy-to-read contained thread. Perhaps the mods would like to consider this as a sticky?

Please feel free to add everything and anything you can that is relevant (as well as suggestions on how to improve the thread), and I'll update the original post whenever I can :)

(Some of the following information can be considered as spoilers, so read at your own risk.)



- Yu Suzuki describes the game as "a kung-fu adventure that takes place in China" [1]

- The game's "key points," according to Yu Suzuki, are "romance, characters' life and martial arts." Where romance is concerned, Yu Suzuki would like to portray the differences between how men and women think [4] [39]

- According to Yu Suzuki, Shenmue III will begin from Chapter Six of the story's eleven planned chapters , and will "mark the end of this story," but will not be the end of the story . In a 2018 interview with GamersFlag, Yu Suzuki stated, "the end will be open for a sequel," suggesting Shenmue III might end on a cliffhanger [33]

- Shenmue III 's story begins the day after the conclusion of Shenmue II [9]

- Ryo, while still angry and thirsty for revenge, will grow and mature a lot throughout the game. Those he meets along the way, particularly where martial arts is concerned, will be largely responsible for this [5]

- The meaning behind the "He shall appear from a far eastern land across the sea..." prologue poem, as well as Ryo and Shenhua's roles in the prophecy , will finally be revealed [1]

- Yu Suzuki has stated he would like to keep Shenhua as "a mysterious character" [38]

- Ryo will not return home to Japan in Shenmue III [17]

- The game will explore and highlight the differences between Japanese and Chinese culture , particularly the way in which Ryo behaves in a foreign land having come from a different background, and how he and Shenhua interact with each other [8]

- Confirmed fighting styles (thus far) include: Hazuki style jujitsu (Ryo) , Fist-Dagger Mantis style (Niao Sun) , Nanquan (a master located in Choubu), and Bajiquan (Ryo and various characters throughout the game) [9]


- Confirmed important characters (thus far): Ryo Hazuki , Shenhua , Lan Di , Ren , Niao Sun , Chai , Shenhua's adoptive father, and two unnamed "main bosses"

- Confirmed minor characters (thus far): Ming Ming and unnamed minor characters such as an extremely muscular rival to Ryo (described as "a middle-level boss" who "uses an unusual style of martial arts") , the owner of Choubu's Bird Dance Hostel , the temple/shrine maiden of the Hall of Name Tags (described as "a tomboy, boyish type") , a young girl Ryo will befriend , an assistant who will play a role similar to that of Fangmei , a master of Nanquan , and an "eccentric" and "really powerful" martial arts master with "a humorous personality" [6] [9] [36]

- Nozomi , Guizhang , Ine-san , Joy , Fuku-san , Goro , and "other characters" from the two previous games are also confirmed , albeit in the form of telephone calls through the 'World of Telecom' service [6] [9] [16]

- There will be "four main bosses," according to Yu Suzuki. Lan Di and Niao Sun are the only named bosses at present, the latter of whom has been described as "extremely beautiful and sexy, but cruel." The only information pertaining to the two remaining main bosses is that one of them is "[a] strategist using more cunning than head-on fighting" [39]


- Confirmed areas (thus far): Bailu Village , Choubu , and Baisha [6]

- Bailu Village ( 白鹿村 , which translates as 'White Deer' ) is the starting area of Shenmue III and, where the player was only able to experience just a tiny fraction of the village, was also where Shenmue II ended, though the entire village will now be fully open and explorable . According to Shenhua, who lives in a hut on the very outskirts of the village, Bailu Village is home to around fifty inhabitants . Due to the village's proximity to water, players will be able to fish there . The initial quests here will start Ryo and Shenhua off on their journey

- Choubu ( 鸟舞 , which translates as 'Bird Dance' ), a riverside village situated on the banks of the Li River , will be the game's equivalent to Dobuita or Wan Chai , featuring numerous shops, stalls, amusements, hotels, shrines, temples, dwellings, and other buildings. Choubu resembles Kowloon in terms of its density and verticality . Choubu will contain approximately two-hundred NPCs (which is over three times that which was originally planned), one of whom is a master of Nanquan . Choubu has been described as the most Shenmue -esque location in the game [9] [17]

- Baisha ( 白沙 , which translates as 'White Sand' ) is a village, notable for its numerous tulous, which is home to the Guilin branch of the Chi You Men. Baisha will see a number of new gameplay systems introduced to players, including "a siege game reminiscent of the Warring Kingdoms," which will presumably see the player defending allies from external attacks and engaging in battle with enemies attempting to gain control of the village's buildings, as well as an infiltration mission into the Chi You Men's branch (presumably on a mission to rescue Shenhua's imprisoned adoptive father). It is also during this infiltration mission the player will take advantage of the new 'Character Perspective System' , allowing the player to swap between Ryo, Shenhua, and Ren, utilising each character's unique traits and abilities to achieve their goal

- Some of the specific landmarks and establishments that have been revealed are the Lake of the Lantern Bugs , the Temple of the Blooming Flower , the Bird Dance Hostel , and the Hall of Name Tags [13] [30] [31] [32]


- Shenmue III contains around thirty hours of gameplay [3] [9]

- The 'Technique Scroll System' , one of the game's confirmed new mechanics, consists of move scrolls comprised of three unique types - Normal, Advanced, and Arcane - the latter two of which are managed by a skill tree-like system, which fills as you learn new moves , and require a certain amount to be accumulated before use [9] [16]

- The 'Character Perspective System' , the second of the game's confirmed new mechanics, gives the player the ability to change the character they're playing as - with each character having their own distinct personalities, choices, and approach to the situation at hand - in order to complete their objective. Ryo's approach is that of fighting ; Ren's is that of using a weapon ; and Shenhua's is non-violent and tactical . This mechanic will feature in a single event [17]

- The 'Rapport System' , the third of the game's confirmed new mechanics, will see Ryo and Shenhua's relationship vary depending on the player's actions towards, and interactions with , her, therefore affecting how cooperative and/or warm/cold she is in return , dictated by two underlying systems: the 'Affinity Rating' and 'Cooperative Quest' [17]

- 'A.I. Battling' , the fourth of the game's confirmed new mechanics, will allow players to "unleash the perfect technique in response to the opponent's positioning and distance," meaning the technique will, upon activation, hand control over to an A.I. which will decide the best course of action instead of requiring calculated inputs from the player. The system is "for players who are not used to fighting games or for those who want a full immersion battle experience" [19]

- NPCs will be more akin to those featured in Shenmue II , meaning their scripting won't be as detailed, nor will their personalities be as unique as those in the original game, though other aspects about them will see improvement (e.g., cosmetic detail and facial expressions) [38]

- Regarding controls, Yu Suzuki has stated he is currently in two minds about how they will function; on one hand, he would like to "keep a similar configuration to the original game," but realises times have long since changed and is therefore considering more contemporary schemes [10] [12]

- In order to make the combat system simpler and visually different from the series' previous entries, a "Variable Speed" system is being incorporated into FREE battles. Specific details have not been revealed, but Yu Suzuki describes it as "new and fun" [11]

- Ryo will now be able to attack multiple opponents at once (a primitive version of this could be found in the first two games, in which the Ryo was able to grapple an opponent and kick away surrounding enemies) and perform combos in FREE battles [26]

- QTEs will return in a more modernised, dynamic fashion . The possibility of using specific sounds and colours to associate with inputs , as opposed to displaying the button itself on-screen, is under consideration [9]

- Training areas might be making a return for the first time since the first game [38]

- Progression of time will be "about the same system as the first two Shenmue ." This means one in-game hour is equivalent to four real-world minutes; one in-game day is equivalent to one real-world hour [34]

- There will be events in which a bear and a deer must be saved

- Regarding the size of the game world , Yu Suzuki states it will be "even richer" than the series' previous entries. Choubu, on its own, has been greatly expanded , by at least five times its originally planned size [4]

- A trademark of the series, attention to detail and interactivity (as well as examples of more subtle detail such as gestures and cultural dress style) will be in abundance [9]

- As was the case with the previous games, Ryo will return to his place of rest at 11:30pm . In Bailu Village this will be Shenhua's house , and in Choubu it will be the player's hostel of choice . Baisha's place of rest is currently unknown, though one can assume it will be in one of the tulous

- Regarding loading screens/times , Yu Suzuki has stated that, "[players will] start in a large area which will require some initial loading, but compared to before the loading situation will be much better. It's much faster now," possibly suggesting exterior-to-interior (and vice versa) loading will be seamless [10]

- For the very first time in the series, players will be able to change Ryo's outfit (and maybe even remove his bandage ) [17]

- The notebook will return, and has been updated with coloured divider tabs [17] [25]

- Forklifts will return in one form or another [9] [38]

- Capsule toys from the first two games will be returning, though it is currently unknown whether brand new capsule toys from SEGA franchises will be introduced. Those who pledged for the $700 tier of the Kickstarter campaign will have a 2D illustration of their face featured inside a small glass block , whereas those who pledged for the $1200 tier will have a Chibi-style representation of themselves featured as a fully-modelled capsule toy , as part of new in-game capsule toy collections [13] [17]

- Fortune-telling has been confirmed

- Purchasable move scrolls will be returning [23] [24]

- Arcade cabinets will be returning. So far, Excite QTE and Fighting Mania -like cabinets, as well as pinball machines, whack-a-mole, and a punch-ball boxing machine , have been seen [17] [25] [41]

- Lucky Hit will be returning [6]

- A turtle racing mini-game has been confirmed [1]

- A fishing mini-game has been confirmed [9]

- Many of the new mini-games will be more meaningful and connected to the game's world and progression [9] [26]

- Part-time jobs will be returning. Although wood chopping is the only confirmed job thus far , the presence of a warehouse in Choubu and Lucky Hit suggests job opportunities, too [9] [35]

- Ryo can earn money through various other means, including gambling and selling items (e.g. capsule toys and fish he has caught) [9] [17]

- Wild animals such as tortoises, ducks, and frogs can be found in certain areas. Chickens, dogs, cats, turtles, hens, pigeons, and "many more" can be found throughout the world, too, and there might even be the opportunity to care for a pet in a similar fashion to the kitten from the first game [2] [9]


- The game has a tentative release date of 2019 for PlayStation 4 and PC [27]

- In order to appeal to veterans of the series, Shenmue III will be comprised of 30% contemporary ideas/influences and 70% 'classic' Shenmue themes [12]

- The game will feature a short recap covering the events of the first two games for those who are new to the series. Flashbacks using scenes from the first two games will also occur throughout the story; Yu Suzuki is even considering making some of them playable , but is currently "undecided" [9] [11]

- Like its predecessors, Shenmue III will have a bad ending should players not manage to complete the game by a certain in-game date [40]

- Memories will play an important part in Shenmue III . One such example is that of an NPC who will recount a prior event , giving Ryo (and, by extension, the player) a more tangible, visual idea of what occurred before working to fit the pieces together [11]

- Save data from the first two games will not be able to be carried over into Shenmue III

- As of December 2017, almost all of the English voice actors for the main characters have been cast , with casting set to continue in early 2018 [8]

- Yu Suzuki would like to bring back as many of the series' past voice actors as possible. Shenhua (and Wong , if he features in the game) will have a new English voice actress due to Akasha Scholen's retirement [3] [9]

- Corey Marshall and Masaya Matsukaze will reprise their roles as the English and Japanese voices of Ryo Hazuki, respectively [28] [29]

- In a Dreamcast Ultimate interview published on 11/09/2017 , Corey Marshall stated he has been in contact with Yu Suzuki's team and his voice work will begin "soon." In March 2018, Marshall revealed he will begin to record his lines at the end of May [15] [37]

- Yu Suzuki would like to include both the English and Japanese dubs in each respective version, but is currently unsure whether it will be possible [17]

- Key members from the series' original development team are working on the game, including writer Masahiro Yoshimoto , character designer Kenji Miyawaki , composer Ryuji Iuchi , and programmer Takeshi Hirai [13]

- Shenmue III is being built in Unreal Engine 4 , which the team intend to push to its maximum potential , as opposed to the Virtua Fighter engine utilised by the first two games , due to the engine's ease with prototyping, efficiency, and its appropriate colour palette. As a result, the fighting engine is being built from scratch . Yu Suzuki is especially impressed with how far the capabilities of the engine have exceeded his expectations, particularly where graphical quality is concerned [3] [9] [10] [14] [16]

- Dynamic weather will be returning, and will be considerably improved over the previous games. "The lighting of sunsets and sunrises will be really beautiful," according to Yu Suzuki [39]

- Shenmue III utilises motion and magnetic capture technology for its animations, the former of which will be used in the most important action scenes [4]

- Yu Suzuki hopes players will really feel the visuals ; from the humidity in the air to the smell of the surroundings , complemented by the game's new art style [9] [14]

- According to Yu Suzuki, "The assets from [the first two games] will get a lot of use"

- As of early September 2017, map modelling and asset creation is at around 70% completion , whereas the lighting system is very close to completion [9] [16]

- Indian game development studio Lakshya Digital (whose past projects include titles such as Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , Bloodborne , Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain , WWE 2K16 , and Just Cause 3 ) will be taking care of much of the game's character art development . Yu Suzuki is very happy with what he has seen so far [13]

- The OST will consist of unused/returning tracks from the original games (of which just 20% were used in the aforementioned) and possibly some new material [3] [9]

- Shenmue III will feature numerous easter eggs [1]

- Yu Suzuki is considering the possibility of a Tomato Mart in the town of Choubu [7]

- DLC is planned , but no further details have been revealed [9]

- Shenmue III will have no online options, though no specifics were given as to the extent to what is considered 'online'


- Following its reveal at E3 2015 on June 15th, Shenmue III was successfully funded on Kickstarter , reaching its initial goal of $2 million in a record eight hours and forty-three minutes, eventually ending in July with a total of $6.333 million (the most-funded video game project and sixth-most-funded overall on Kickstarter) pledged by 69,320 backers [18]

- As of July 23rd, 2018 , funding is at $7.063 million (pledged by 78,953 backers ) thanks to the Slacker Backer campaign [19] [42]

- Shenmue III will be published in PAL and NA regions by Deep Silver , who will be providing additional budget and promotional support, allowing greater budgetary stability and flexibility, as well as enabling Yu Suzuki to greatly expand upon, and truly realise, his vision and hire more freelancers for the project. (The game's publisher in Japan is currently unknown. ) Originally thought to be published by Sony , the latter's role has been clarified as providing support , while SEGA's role is limited to providing the IP and production materials from the series' previous entries [3] [9] [10] [12] [16]

- Contrary to popular belief and misinformation, poor research, and flat-out lies spread by the gaming press, Shibuya Productions is the main investor in Shenmue III , having invested an undisclosed amount in the project, and has a much greater role than Sony . (In fact, SEGA / YSnet / Shibuya Productions formed the agreement to use the Shenmue licence before Sony was ever involved ) [20] [21] [22]

System specs

(Placeholder and subject to change.)


OS: Windows 7x64, Windows 8x64, Windows 10x64 (64-bit OS Required)
Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 (3.40 GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti or better (DirectX 11 card & VRAM 2GB Required)
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband internet connection
Storage: 100 GB available space
Sound card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Additional Info: Requires Steam Client to activate.



25/06/2018: Miscellaneous changes and updated the slacker backer pledge total

23/04/2018: Updated with information from previous interviews and talks, and separated information about characters into its own section

18/04/2018: Updated with information from a 2016 DualShockers interview

15/04/2018: Updated with new information from SEGASaturno's MAGIC interview

17/03/2018: Updated with new information from MAGIC 2018 and added more citations for older information

14/01/2018: Added citations to the majority of the facts. Incomplete, but this will be taken care of

23/12/2017: Updated with new information from Shenmue Master's Gamescom interview

16/12/2017: Updated with new information about the temple maiden and made some miscellaneous changes

28/11/2017: Updated the Slacker Backer amount

14/10/2017: Updated with new information from the Shenmue Master recap

28/09/2017: Updated with new information from the latest M! Games Magazine interview

27/09/2017: Updated with new information from the latest Official PlayStation Magazine interview

25/09/2017: Cleaned things up, updated the backer amount/count, and added more information

21/09/2017: Moved information about locations into their own category and added lots of miscellaneous information

17/09/2017: Included Corey Marshall's comments about voice work beginning soon as well as other little tid-bits

12/09/2017: Cleaned things up a bit and elaborated on some information

11/09/2017: Separated 'Story/gameplay' into separate sections and added some more information from the Fok!, Gamona, and Shenmue500k interviews

09/09/2017: Added some more information from the Eurogamer interview

03/09/2017: Cleaned things up a bit

28/08/2017: Added some more information from the interview

27/08/2017: Categorised the information so everything doesn't read as one long list

26/08/2017: Added and corrected some information in light of revelations from Gamescom 2017

20/12/2016: Added some more information, including Shenhua's adoptive father to the confirmed characters list, Nanquan as one of the confirmed fighting styles, and an update to the funding date
by ShenGCH
Fri May 20, 2016 4:31 am
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Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Succinct but interesting interview with Yu Suzuki by PlayStation Official Magazine UK (November 2017 issue)

- Shenmue 1 & 2 might be offered along with Shenmue 3. It seemed a no-brainer before Yu Suzuki thinks he should rather incorporate memories straight into the game.

- The Shenmue 1 & 2 memories you will get in Shenmue 3 might be playable but Suzuki remains "undecided".

- Yu Suzuki claims that memories are very well incorporated in the game and gives the example of a NPC guy able to tell you what happened before.

- In order to make the combat system simpler and visually different from Shenmue I & II, YSnet will use "Variable Speed". Suzuki did not give specific details.

- He emphasizes that the world of Shenmue III will be designed as a whole, rather than a sum of parts.

- Yu Suzuki gives few words on his position towards realism and VR in Shenmue III.

Read the issue for further details.
by Yokosuka
Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:52 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Here is my translation of that Yu interview in the German magazine.
I didn't translate everything because some of the questions are just about Yu's hobbies etc.
I'm not a native english speaker, i tried my best.

Question 1 to Yu:
You said that Shenmue 3 will be bigger than you thought at first?

Yu's answer:
Yes, the game will probably be three times as big as i had in mind at the beginning. One of the villages has over 200 residents now instead of just 50. This village alone is five times bigger than i had in mind.

Question 2 to Yu:
But still - Shenmue 3 has not the same budget as 1 or 2. What do you have to change in the game because of that?

Yu's answer:
The story is still intact but i had to adjust some of the extra elements and details. We talked about the 200 people in that village - maybe we will even have 400 in the end, i didn't decide yet. You have to remember that all the city / village residents in 1 & 2 had a "real" simulated life, thats a really complicated and tough quest and the budget for Shenmue 3 is probably not big enough to do that again.

Question 3 to Yu:
Will there be voices and sound for everything in the game?

Yu's answer:
We don't know yet. To tell the truth - the amount of text is getting bigger and bigger and not all of it is planned, so we don't know if all of it will be available with sound.

Question 4 to Yu:
Will you use the voice actors from 1 & 2?

Yu's answer:
Ryo's english and japanese voice will be the same in Shenmue 3. I can't tell you anything about the other people yet.

Question 5 to Yu:
Shenmue 3 will be only available on PS4 and PC, why is that?

Yu's answer:
That's simple - it's just because of our partnership with Sony and their support at the E3 2015.

Question 6 to Yu:
Did you ever thought about how you could tell the story without a real Shenmue 3?

Yu's answer:
Yes, i thought about a mobile game before.

Question 7 to Yu:
There were a lot of critical responses for the Shenmue 3 teaser. What would you tell the people who feel dissappointed?

Yu's answer:
We don't have any facial expressions in the game right now and none of the character models are final yet. So it will look different and better in the final game. The teaser is not representing the quality of the final game, we are still in the middle of developing. And of course you have to remember the budget. The budget is good enough for our game, but its pretty small if you compare it to other games right now. We can't keep up with big modern games. We would need a way bigger budget (ten times bigger than now) to make perfect modern graphics. So we need to find a good middle way between good graphics and good content. Please don't expect highend graphics, Shenmue 3 is not about that.

by Tosh
Wed Sep 27, 2017 7:16 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Edit - the translation of the additional info box in that magazine:

Shenmue 3 will turn out bigger because of the partnership with Deep Silver.
The shown teaser was just released because they wanted to celebrate that partnership.
(they had the teaser ready before that, but couldnt decide if they should release it or not)

Shenmue 3 starts with chapter 6 but Shenmue 3 is not the end of the Shenmue story.
The original Shenmue story was planned for four or five games in total,
it would be too much story content for Shenmue 3.
There will be flashbacks in Shenmue 3, so that everyone understands whats going on.
Shenmue 3 will not have any online options and the fighting will be easier (adjusted to match modern games)
by Tosh
Wed Sep 27, 2017 7:35 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki talks about Shenmue 3 and memories

Yeah the (potential) lack of NPC routines doesn't really bother me at all. Not being fully voiced would be a deal breaker though. It needs to be fully voiced, having text would take me out of the game so much. Especially if some NPCs are voiced and some aren't. I'd rather some NPCs were cut or the amount of dialogue was scaled back rather than have use text like in Yakuza. It's one of the reasons Yakuza feels like merely a (good) video game, whereas Shenmue feels like an immersive and remarkable experience.
by KidMarine
Sun Oct 01, 2017 5:13 pm
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Gamescom 2017: The Shenmue Master's Recap

Prior to the upcoming publishing of their interview with Yu Suzuki, Trent and Shendream from have written a recap of what we learnt from the Gamescom event, divided into the following parts:

Deep Silver: The Origins and Nature of the Partnership
The Different Interviews With Yu Suzuki At Gamescom
An "Open World" Game With Enhanced Content
The Gamescom Teaser
MOCAP or Motion Capture
The Story's Main Themes
The Environment
New Characters
QTE And Fights
Mini Games And Part Time Jobs
The Current State Of The Development
The Shenmue III Staff
The Connection With The Shenmue I and Shenmue II Stories
Game Lifespan
Music And Dubbing
Start Menu And Shenmue Logo
Demo Trial And DLC
HD Remasters

You can read my humble translation of it here:
by Yokosuka
Fri Oct 13, 2017 2:13 pm
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Shenmue Lounge Revealed

Peter has just opened a new Youtube channel dedicated to Shenmue where he intends to stream Shenmue at least 3 times a week.

Check out the video below for more details

Looks awesome. Cant wait to see more and best of luck Peter.
by ShenSun
Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:54 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

Hazuki00 wrote: Next week is Paris Games Week, on monday Sony will give a conference. There have been many rumors as you know about Shenmue hd released before the end of 2017, do you know if Sega is going to be there?

They're not listed as an exhibitor, so that either means no or a maybe.
by ShenGCH
Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:10 am
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

I recently hung out with Corey Marshall.
Truly a humble man and the perfect man to be the english voice of Ryo
by shengoro86
Tue Nov 07, 2017 5:51 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

For those who don't pay attention to Sony news, there is no Saturday morning keynote for PSX this year. They're having a small event the Friday before it starts and only the first few thousand people who bought tickets will be allowed to attend. They wanted to try and kill the massive line Saturday morning that had people lining up 10 hours early by having a smaller event Friday night with a known attendee count. They also aren't promising any big announcements either, they wanted the convention to focus more on the games playable at the show and showing more about games that were already announced. This is why they had a press conference at PGW last week. I think this news doesn't rule anything out specifically, but we already knew not to expect anything related to Shenmue 3 anyway unless it was announced in advance.

The news kind of annoyed me because the way they initially described Friday it sounded like sort of a meet-and-greet with developers, as opposed to a replacement for the Saturday morning keynote which most people assumed was happening. I missed the cut-off for early-bird tickets by a few weeks because I had some things to work out before I eventually decided to go again. Being in the audience for the crowd reaction to announcements was one of the best parts of going last year, and now I'll have to watch it from a hotel walking distance away from the actual event. Oh well.

I don't have any reason to expect that we'll hear about any HD remasters this year either. There haven't been any hints dropped by Sega's media team to get excited over.
by Sappharad
Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:49 pm
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Yu Suzuki's End-of-year Comments to 4Gamer

Yu Suzuki gives some brief comments to Japanese website as part of their annual survey of prominent figures in the game industry.

English translation here: ... mance.html
by Switch
Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:42 pm
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Re: IGN Interviewed Cedric Biscay about Shenmue

Thanks mjq jazz bar.

(I can confirm I'm working on a translation of the second part & will update here once it's done.)
by Switch
Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:59 pm
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Re: IGN Interviewed Cedric Biscay about Shenmue


An English translation of the interview is now up at the Phantom River Stone blog. ... iscay.html
by Switch
Thu Jan 04, 2018 7:10 am
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Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshots

Before anyone gets their hopes up, no, Shenmue III will not be at the Magic Pre-Conference today. How do I know? Well, I don't "know", but I know. Wait until late Feburary. We will finally see what Shenhua's hat looks like.

Yes, you know.

MAGIC 2018 Press conference, filmed by Shenmue Master:

Mod Edit:

They are official and are from the Magic Monaco pre-conference, details below:

- New screenshots and gameplay details on Shenmue III are expected at Magic Monaco 2018
by Kiske
Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:31 pm
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Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

ShenmueTree wrote: People should accept that Shenmue HD is not happening.

Are you saying that the fortune teller lied to me???

by Kiske
Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:46 am
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Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

The top right corner of the port is interesting.
by colacube
Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:05 pm
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Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot


Blog post with some analysis of the new images at Phantom River Stone: ... shots.html
by Switch
Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:13 pm
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Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

I just watched the Shenmue Master video. What's Cedric said:

"We'll unveil the new steps, images, mechanics, etc"
"I did play the game recently. It's a beautiful game. At Magic, we'll see the game in motion, as beautiful as the screens you're seeing"
by Yokosuka
Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:07 pm
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Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

Shenmue Master will be uploading 4K footage of the conference.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:18 am
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Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

Peter will also be running back from the venue straight to his hotel after the conference, so that he can upload his footage ASAP. We are spoiled :D!
by SheepheadCG
Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:41 am
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Re: UPDATE #80 MAGIC 2018: New Pics Up!

Spaghetti found the pics in 1080p:




by Yokosuka
Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:45 am
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by Guest
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MAGIC Interviews

Found one that was just published.

Google Translate into English:

Original French:
by mjq jazz bar
Tue Feb 27, 2018 3:52 pm
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Re: MAGIC Interviews

Hello, as a french guy i can tell you this translation from google (and a little from myself for some words) does summarize really well what cedric said in this interview. No missing or misunderstood parts.

Gameblog: A few months ago, you posted on Twitter a photo of you with Yu Suzuki accompanied by a text explaining that you had just played Shenmue III. Can you tell us what you felt when you found yourself behind the screen, shifted in hand, with Shenmue III in front of you?

Cédric Biscay: Frankly, I almost crushed a little tear and I think I poured it inside. You know that Shenmue II ended in a certain way, and there you find Ryo, pad in hand, you're frolicking, you do stuff, you play the game ... It's completely extraordinary for someone who loves Shenmue . It's been years that we all wait, then you take the controller, you play with your character, there are interactions, you are in Shenmue. And you're in Shenmue right now, there's no such thing as "it's not Shenmue." It's like going back years, but obviously with the current technology. It's super cool. I was like a madman.

And even if it's Shenmue, there must also be the sensation of discovering something new ...

Totally. I thought it was great Obviously, when we show videos, we can not know in advance if it will please the public. But when I play I say to myself, "This Shenmue, I buy". Obviously, I'm the producer of the game, so it makes sense that I say that. When I talk about MAGIC I say that if I did not organize it, I would go visit it. If I did not produce Shenmue III, I would buy it. I am not a commercial anymore.

And even if it's Shenmue, there must also be the sensation of discovering something new ...

Totally. I thought it was great Obviously, when we show videos, we can not know in advance if it will please the public. But when I play, I say to myself, "This Shenmue, I'm going to buy it". Obviously, I'm the producer of the game, so it makes sense that I say that. When I talk about MAGIC I say that if I did not organize it, I would go visit it. If I did not produce Shenmue III, I would buy it. I am not a commercial anymore.

Can you describe what you saw? Was it the beginning of the game, was it during middle of the game? What could you do in the game?

I was in the adventure aleady, not in the beginning. . I walked around a lot, did some mini-games and had interactions with characters. Basically, these were things that we will do throughout the game. And it touched my nostalgic fiber. Like many players, I was a fan of Shenmue's mini-games. And even if they represent only a small part of Shenmue, we were all for hours doing high scores on this or that thing and it was super cool. I did a lot of minigames in the game, a lot of things in the game actually.

The mini-games you played were unpublished, mini-games from previous Shenmue, or a mix of both?

A mixture of both.

As your tweet from this morning (the Magic's day) showed, you've been playing since the last time. Have you noticed any evolution, changes, or is it at the same level as what you saw at the end of last year?

The thing is, I already found the game super beautiful. I wish we showed a little gameplay because what there is to show is already crazy. It's not like we have nothing and we keep a little info. We have things to show that normally validate the whole thing and satisfy everyone. I find it very well advanced and I think we will really enjoy the adventure.

Is not it a bit frustrating to have Yu Suzuki at MAGIC, with a playable and advanced version of Shenmue III, and not be able to show more to the audience?

For me, it's not frustrating from a business point of view, because I know how things are done. But as a fan, I totally understand the reaction of other fans. Another problem is that since I'm a real fan of Shenmue, when there are other real fans who come to see me, I say "I see things when they know nothing". There are Kickstarter backers, there are players, and you want to show them things, but you can not because there are rules, a business process, there are things to validate. Of course, as a fan, I would like to share. But I understand that as a business, in the video game, you have milestones and you can not show things anytime. We are still lucky to have been able to show everything we have shown from the beginning. What we showed at MAGIC two years ago was still very much upstream. We had shown this village for example. We try to show images, it is not a usual communication. We try to show more things than others because we have to show them.

And is not it likely to become a more usual communication now that there is Koch Media, a video game publisher that does things in its own way?

I think the people of Koch Media know what they are doing. And the people at Koch Media are also fans of Shenmue. I'm sure they will do the best for the game. If we do not show images to those who expect, there will always be this frustration coming from the fans, but it will not be the fault of Koch Media. They are going to communicate so that the game is selling, it's their job. The idea is that it is a commercial success, and I think they will realize the appropriate job for it.

Do you think we are still on the track for a release in 2018?

We are still on the track for 2018. I think I am an honest guy. When the game was supposed to be out in December 2017 and, when I said he was going out in December 2017, it was because it was really scheduled for that date. And until we decide to delay it. So now we say 2018 is because it is really planned for 2018. After, we are not immune that something happens, a particular concern. But it's not on the agenda yet.

Officially, you are a producer of Shenmue III. Can you explain exactly what your role is?

Historically, at the origin of the project, my role was to find funding for the game. This is the true role of a producer in all areas. At the same time, I am someone who knows Shenmue well. I'm lucky that Yu Suzuki sometimes asks me my opinion about what he's doing: "Is this part a good one, will it please fans, does it?" "Is it cool enough, etc. " It may sound a little light for what I am doing but I am the person who is outside the development but is enough inside the team to deliver a feeling compared to what fans expect from the game. When we are totally inside the project , we do not necessarily know if we retain the feeling of the latest game. That's the kind of little advices I give. And then (Shibuya Productions, ed) also helps with promotion, via the MAGIC for example. Of course, now that there is Deep Silver, they will focus on promotion. They have this role of publisher which is not our job at all. But we are there at every step as a producer of the game.

You helped to rise Shenmue back from the ashes It was an almost dead license that SEGA hardly wanted to hear anymore. Would you like to do the same thing with another video game license?

Yes obviously, there are games that I like a lot and have not had new episodes in a while. I'm not going to tell you the game we're thinking of working on, but there are licenses like Panzer Dragoon that deserve a new episode. It is less old but it deserves that we are interested a little bit. There are Nights too, but Yuji Naka went to Square Enix ... Panzer Dragoon is not bad. But I do not work on Panzer Dragoon. I love Enemy Zero too. I'm one of the few but I love Enemy Zero, and it would be cool to make a new episode.

So you could help put a "dead" license on the front of the stage?

It is something that is possible yes, and especially with games that I liked. This is the principle of the trick. I do not do a specification with market research. It's the feeling. So, of course, there must be both, you can not just do what you like. And that also applies with Shenmue. Shenmue, it's a saga. The goal is still to sell and then continue the saga. It seems pretty simple as an idea. If Shenmue III works, it may give you a chance to do something else. These are real possibilities.
by Shendu
Thu Mar 01, 2018 2:27 pm
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Yu Suzuki's Conference at MAGIC 2018 [ENG]

Subtitles have now been completed for the video footage of Yu Suzuki's conference taken by Peter Campbell at MAGIC 2018.

(Translations by & Shenmue Forever.)

There is also a full written transcript up on the Phantom River Stone blog:
by Switch
Fri Mar 16, 2018 1:25 am
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Corey Marshall currently set to record VO in late May

Thanks to mjq jazz bar for finding this out. It seems to have slipped through the net.

A few days ago Corey posted a status on Facebook, and a fan asked him when VO recording for the English dub begins. Corey replied that currently the plan is for him to begin in late May.

While it's possible things could slip, seems the intention is to begin recording ASAP.
by Spaghetti
Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:01 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

Is it possible that we will see gameplay of Shenmue III this year? I hope for that!

We know for a fact that a playable build of Shenmue 3 does exist.

The question is, when will Yu Suzuki and the marketing team consider that the time to show it to the public has come?

What I mean is that we don't need to worry about the fact that we didn't see gameplay footage so far. It doesn't mean that the development isn't going well and it doesn't necessarily mean that we are extremely far from a Shenmue 3 release.

In my opinion it's really a matter of showing the game in the best conditions at the best time.
by Kiske
Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:02 am
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March 30, 2018 (+51 days)

$6,868,709 (+$14,790) ($290/day)

75,696 Backers (+180) (+$82/backer)

Just FYI, here are the average daily incomes in the last year...
April '17 : 362$
May : 454$
June : 376$
July : 339$
August : 429$
September : 642$
Oct/Nov : 320$
December : 312$
January '18 : 229$
Fev/March : 290$
Daily average over the year : 363$
by Belgiumfan
Fri Mar 30, 2018 8:36 am
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

I just took a look at kickstarter's page and the comments section is a madness as always. Same people as always talking same shit as always...

In other order of things, I played for a while the game Sleeping Dogs and has some resemblances of Shenmue but I got bored of it soon. There aren't games today that attract my attention today, just a few, but only Shenmue gets me as hyped as when I was a child, I await for this game with much ilusion (listening Shenmue OST while I write this words).

I can't wait to have the game in my hands, I'll shed a tear for sure..

Deadly Premonition: X360/PC
Yakuza 0: PS4
Shadow of Destiny: PSP/PS2/Xbox/PC

To a lesser extent:
Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim
Life Is Strange 1
Animal Crossing
by Yokosuka
Fri Mar 30, 2018 5:25 pm
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(APRIL FOOLS) Project Update #81: Shenmue 3 by Ys Net

Greetings backers!
Today we have something very special indeed for you.
Throughout this campaign, many people have voiced their concerns that newcomers to the Shenmue series may feel alienated. Currently, there is no easy or convenient way to play Shenmue I and II without original Dreamcast/Xbox hardware and that's something we'd like to change.

We don't have the budget to fund fully fledged HD remasters of the first two games. But we're not going to let this stop us from bringing new fans a way to enjoy Shenmue I and II.

After much hard work, we proudly present to you: Shenmue HD: The Choose Your Own Adventure novel!

A Story Retold:

Shenmue HD: The Choose Your Own Adventure is a complete retelling of the original two games in interactive novel form. Story and progression awaits you with every page turn. Much like the original video adaptation of the game, you can directly control Ryo's decisions and effect the way in which the story plays out.

New Features:

Shenmue HD: The Choose Your Own Adventure will also include extra features that were not previously available in the original games. An example of this is the ability to save anywhere in Shenmue I with the included 'Save Anywhere' bookmark!

Modding API:

And finally, here's something all you modders and hackers will love. For the first time EVER , an official modding API will be available for Shenmue I and II. With this powerful and flexible API you can do almost anything; from tweaking the story to your liking, to using our advanced 'book engine' to make something completely different. The possibilities are endless. The only limit is your imagination!

That about wraps up our special announcement. We hope that you're just as excited as we are for Shenmue HD: The Choose Your Own Adventure .
Be sure to catch us at E3 this June where we will have a playable demo available for the public to enjoy.

Many thanks for your continued support:
- The Awesome Japan Team and YS.NET

As always Dojo, have a great April!
by Jibby
Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:01 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki interview by Shenmue Master (MAGIC 2018)

phpBB [video]
by Team Yu
Sun Apr 08, 2018 6:05 pm
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Shenmue HD Fact sheet

I just put together this helpful fact sheet of all we know so far.

Shenmue HD fact sheet
includes both Shenmue 1 and 2

-1080p for consoles
-Scalable screen resolutions for PC
-Trophy/Achievement support
-Dual control scheme - updated or classic
-Dual audio language options - English and Japanese
-French, German, Korean, Chinese, English, Japanese subtitles
-New HD UI (user interface)
-Port is based on the ORIGINAL DREAMCAST SOURCE CODE – no emulation

- An artwork (?) poster comes with all standard physical copies of the game.
- NO collectors edition is planned
- Shenmue 1 will NOT include time skipping feature
- There are NO CURRENT plans to include a save transfer feature that carries over to Shenmue 3
- The version of Shenmue 2 included is based on the original Xbox port (the improved real-time shadows will carry over)

-Gameplay supports 16:9 widescreen but cut-scenes only display in 4:3
-New sky box for Shenmue 1
- New lighting

The following questions remain unanswered:
-What aspect ratio will the games run at? will there be a choice? -UNKNOWN
-Will the bloom effect be included in Shenmue 2? if so will there be an option to turn it off? - UNKNOWN
-Will the motion blur effect be included in Shenmue 2? (i'd rather it wasn't) If so, will there be an option to turn it off?- UNKNOWN
-Will the passport features of Shenmue 1 be included? - UNKNOWN
-Will the 'Shenmue collection' extras from Shenmue 2 be included? - UNKNOWN
-Will the photo mode option of Shenmue 2x be retained? if so will the comics still unlock when one has collected all the required NPC photos? UNKNOWN
-Will there be any enhancements for XBox one X or ps4 pro? - UNKNOWN
-Will the audio be improved over the original release, e.g. uncompressed dialogue audio? - UNKNOWN
-Will the Guilin intro music from the xbox port be corrected? (the wrong track was used in the original xbox port - the cut-scene where Ryo steps off the boat)- UNKNOWN
-Will the skybox from Shenmue 1 be improved? (original was very pixilated) - UNKNOWN
-Were there any licenced products that had to be removed from the games? if so what? - UNKNOWN
- Will the loading times be significantly reduced? - UNKNOWN
- Will there be a greater number of save slots available for Shenmue 1 and 2? if so how many? UNKNOWN
- Will the 'save and exit' option remain for Shenmue 1 or will a 'save anywhere' feature be added? UNKNOWN
- Will an 'exit to title screen' option be added (rather than having to hold down face buttons and start)? UNKNOWN
- Will controller vibration feedback be added to the games? UNKNOWN

Developer of the re-master:
-d3t - are located in Cheshire, England, whose previous work includes the PS4 port of Witcher 3, Little Big Planet 3 and Sega’s Mega drive collection.

“We can finally reveal that the d3t team have been resurrecting Shenmue from the original source code written over 20 years ago! We are bringing Shenmue and Shenmue II to modern platforms: Playstation4, Xbox One and PC. It's been a journey of discovery, delving into the original code, also an honour and a privilege to work on such high-profile titles, delivering this classic franchise to new platforms and new audiences.”

Release info:
-Release date - 2018 TBA
-PS4 & XBOX ONE – both Physical and digital release (EU and North America)
-PC – Steam (EU and NA)
-Japan – PS4 ONLY

Price :
-US$29.99 (£20 -£25)
by johnvivant
Sun Apr 15, 2018 10:44 am
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Shenmue III gets provisional PEGI rating

As per Gameblog's Romain, who noticed Shenmue III also now had a retail listing on Amazon FR;

Pretty sure the white on black placeholder cover has appeared before, but what appears to be new is the provisional PEGI rating.

In order to get a provisional rating, the publisher has to pay a fee, fill out a questionnaire about the game's content, and allow PEGI to play a portion of the game and review video sequences. From what I can gather, this happens when the publisher is moving forwards with the retail process (pre-orders, etc) and looking to get games certified by platform holders.

Not that it means a whole lot, but I've gone back through a few games Deep Silver have distributed and saw they had a provisional rating within 6-8 months of release.

Safe to say the wheels are turning in the background, though.
by Spaghetti
Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:25 pm
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Re: Current sales ranking on various Amazon & other retail s

Are there any direct links that can be posted to each of these sales charts?
Amazon US - As of right now #2 best selling PS4 title currently
(PS4 games)

Amazon Canada - As of right now #2 best selling PS4 title currently
(PS4 games)

(Pre-orders) - Just found this. As of right now #3 most pre-ordered

Amazon UK - As of right now #16 best selling PS4 title currently
(PS4 games)

(Pre-orders) - As of right now, is not charting

Amazon France - As of right now #1 most pre-ordered

Amazon Germany - As of right now, #56 in terms of general PS4 purchases, #22 when narrowed down to just software
(General PS4 best sellers)

(Pre-orders) - As of right now, is not charting

Amazon Spain - As of right now #2 most pre-ordered

Hopefully I haven't fucked any of the links up.
by Spaghetti
Sun May 06, 2018 8:17 am
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Re: Current sales ranking on various Amazon & other retail s

Finally, it's possible to preorder Shenmue HD on Amazon Italy since today. And guess what? "il #1 più venduto in Giochi per PlayStation 4". I bet you understood what it means. :mrgreen:
by abaww
Fri May 11, 2018 11:52 am
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Re: New Shenmue III pics from THQ Nordic financial presentat

Seemingly the same build, just different lighting conditions


interestingly enough, only the part where Ryo and Shenhua walk together is from a new build.
The scene where they're looking at each other, and the one where Shenhua is pointing at Bailu village, is straight up taken from the Gamescom trailer (Old models 'n all)
by Rikitatsu
Thu May 17, 2018 1:01 pm
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Re: New Shenmue III pics from THQ Nordic financial presentat

*Second comparison gif removed because of it being from the cam trailer the Dojo agreed not to host*

Watch the whole gif. It's 52 seconds. The zoom ins focus on different aspects.

Compared to this

The facial expressions/animations are so much better than before.

You can see in the very last second of the clip that Ryo's lips form a sly smirk. It's very subtle but a great detail.

Also it's interesting they removed Shenhua's bow around her waist and instead put a flower pin in her hair. I think she has new ear rings too. Then there is the embroidery below the collar of her shirt. It's very nice. They even made her face colorful by adding some blush! She doesn't look like a plastic action figure anymore. haha.

I do like Shenhua's braids in the previous model more though, and Ryo's facial structure is much better there as well. So, again there are a lot of improvements but also some questionable changes.
by ShenmueTree
Thu May 17, 2018 5:14 pm
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Re: Kickstarter update #81 - Shenmue 3 delayed until 2019

I'm very dissapointed with the delay, I couldn't wait to play it this year but this decission it's for the best. If Suzuki thinks he needs more time to polish and enhance the game, fine by me (although it hurts!!)

In some way I was expecting this, they haven't barely showed real gameplay and we even didn't see Ryo walking, so expecting the release of the game this year could be near impossible. I had a bit of hope because we know Suzuki is very secretive about his job and in his old days at Sega he even downgrade his work (to show to it to the management) so that he could take more time but this time I see it's different.

What I do think they should improve it's the way the do some things, delaying again the game could hurt a bit less if they show at least one just minute of gameplay, seeing at last Ryo walking around Bailu and interacting with some NPC because after all, If it weren't for us, the fans, Shenmue 3 would not be alive today. I know Deep Silver is in charge of PR now and things have change in that way but it's just my humble opinion.

About the video posted by a fellow before, I love the new scenes! I can see also we have seen already at least 4 differents models of Shenhua, I think the last one is the one Cedric showed us in his tweeter:

And as I thought, they have showed us dated material in some updates and not the last build, in this pre alpha video we can see the little girl that we saw in the last Magic Monaco, and we were thinking this was new! I don't understand why they don't show the real estate of the game.

I hope they show gameplay at last in E3 or in Gamescom, we deserve it!

Couldn't agree more with you man! We do deserve to see some gameplay. If it's not at E3 then surely it has to be at gamescom? Also, the more I look at the new images, the more I love them. I think Ryo and Shenhua just look so good and detailed. Look how detailed the tiger symbol looks on Ryo's jacket, man.. props to the team and I feel the delay will only do the game good. But please enough of this silence and then showing older images.

I think we might all go crazy when we see what the actual game looks like.
by adom11800
Fri May 18, 2018 5:00 pm
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Re: Shenmue HD and franchise future

Small, interesting tidbit to note on SEGA's website...

Remember their "brand" strategy from a few years ago, where they focused on key brands, rather than new IP as much?

Interesting to note that Shenmue is now listed as a brand on their website, alongside Yakuza, Sonic, Football Manager, Total War, and the like. Valkyria Chronicles, Shining Resonance Refrain...not listed. Shenmue is. Not at all confirming Shenmue IV - X, but interesting nonetheless. Maybe they now have subtle faith in the future of the franchise. Adam Koralik did hint that support of I & II could lead to bigger and better things...


SEGA - Sammy seems to really be banking on Shenmue as one of their IP revivals they want to focus on for their "Road To 2020" initiative. See here: (Slide 22) (Slide 11) (Slide 22)

Cautiously optimistic.
by Supa
Wed May 23, 2018 1:22 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update.#82: Shenhua finders her voice! & rep

How's they are recording voices even when they haven't finalished polishing Ryo's model? Don't they need to finish geometrics of the model first?

Native language VO is usually done with the game/animation/whatever still incomplete in some visual respects.

It's hard to make out, but on the reference screen there's a caption at the bottom reading along the lines of "This part is under development [illegible] placeholder or tentative".
by Spaghetti
Thu May 24, 2018 5:24 am
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Re: KS Update #82: Shenhua finds her voice! JP VO begins.

There is something very familiar looking on that screen in the background in the photo of Haruka at the mic.
Anyone else spotted and recognized that bit from the cave?

Anyway, an unexpected update indeed. It's a bit sad another major character can't be voiced by the original actor or actress. I'm sure Haruka will deliver a compelling performance but one wonders if Masaya will be the only one returning for the original cast.
by BlueMue
Thu May 24, 2018 5:36 am
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Re: KS Update #82: Shenhua finds her voice! JP VO begins.

Hazuki00 wrote: I'm curious if they'll remake the scene where we enter in the cave and place the phoenix mirror in its place to make it playable or only as a flashback :-k

It could be Ryo retrieving the mirror from the device, rather than placing it.
by Spaghetti
Thu May 24, 2018 5:58 am
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