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Re: Shenmue Timex watch

For me, the real Shenmue watch is undoubtedly the Timex that the programmers copied - one particular variation of the T43371.
It's definitely not the Ltd Edition because that has the wrong wording, and too much of it, all around the ring (from every picture I've seen except a promo). So there is none of the long black section on the ring that there should be - the extra words fill it up.

Also lets be honest, writing Shenmue on it was kind of cheesy.

But putting the wrong writing on the Ltd edition was a bad mistake which I couldn't overlook.
If I owned the Ltd Ed. I'd still need to get a T43371 for authenticity.

Half of the T43371's that I've seen also have the wrong writing, so that's worth checking out before buying.
I guess the ones with the accurate writing were made earlier, so the Shenmue developers copied this, then Timex updated the watch with extra words and when people went to make the Ltd Ed. they used the update.

So the Ltd Edition became a noticeably less accurate version of the one the developers put in the game.
by RootyKazooty
Sun May 14, 2017 2:35 pm
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Re: Drugs in Shenmue?

Judging by his reaction towards women, I'd always assumed that Ine-san was putting saltpeter in Ryo's water.
by RootyKazooty
Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:09 pm
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Re: Shenmue Collections & Merchandise

\:D/ I got Ryo Hazuki's watch. He didn't give it up easily, but I just kept spamming him with Crawl Cyclone.

8 months of searching eventually paid off. I'd have bought even a well used example but there's not a mark on it.
It's the first T43371 I've seen for sale with the correct text on the ring.
Even the Ltd Edition Shenmue watch has the wrong text all around the ring. And it's printed upside down! :roll:

I've pulled the top crown out to stop it and save the battery because I have no intention of using it until I get Shenmue III, then I'm wearing it every single time I play!
I'll switch it back on the night before I get Shenmue III, so I can wake up to the alarm.
I just don't know if I can sleep in my jeans and t-shirt :lol:
The light and alarm are exactly the same as in the game. I got goose bumps hearing the alarm for the first time.
I've left just enough time to make it home before Ine-san starts worrying.

Some info to help anyone who is looking to buy this Timex T43371...

It doesn't say the model number on the watch, so it's unlikely that sellers would use that in their listing.
I was searching ebay for Timex expedition, Timex indiglo, and Shenmue watch.
I found 7 of the 'alternative text version' but the search which led me to this one was "Timex WR50" .
Possibly the seller thought this was the model number printed on the face, but it means Water Resistant to 50m.
I'm sure that's why, fortunately, there weren't many bidders.

Now I just have to make some patches for the vintage leather A-2 Bomber jacket I bought for £15, stock up on
Pot Noodles and 'Jet' Cola, then I'm totally ready for Shenmue III. Bring it on!!!
by RootyKazooty
Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:00 pm
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Re: Religion

To me "god" is either an idiot test or a mental health test and we should challenge the lie wherever possible.
The one silver lining to the whole charade is that it gives believers the chance to identify themselves. When I meet a believer, my response is somewhere between contempt and pity - depending on the individual. But by that point I'm usually backing away slowly.

The contradictions, inconsistencies and evils of the bible are well documented, so I'll just say a bit about my own experience with religious people:

I was raised by christian parents. I hated church with a passion. Some of my earliest memories are of the weirdness that went on in the church, where absolutely everything seemed to be "Washed in the blood of the lamb".

I remember grown men regularly going up to the pulpit, crying their eyes out and saying how "the devil" was making them beat their wife (amongst other crimes), then being applauded as they stepped down.
They used to tempt us kids with "film night" where they showed truly horrific and bloody American christian-made horror movies to scare us into giving ourselves to "jesus". I had recurring nightmares about one film where they chopped off the non-believers heads in a guillotine.

Everybody in the church used to speak in tongues and shake about, which as a young child really made my skin crawl. I would prickle and sweat all over as they lurched about talking nonsense. It gave me the fear and really freaked me out.
For those who don't know, speaking in tongues is when god is supposed to be speaking through you, and you make gibberish sounds. I still remember some of these non-words like it was yesterday: "kohobara shunderie undie".
I've never felt so afraid or alone.

When my dad spent over a year in hospital, not one single member of the church visited him. Despite him being a member for decades, supporting them financially, and canvassing for them in rain, hail, sleet and snow.
When he came out for my sisters wedding, I asked the pastor why nobody had visited him.
He replied "We're just people of the earth".

So for me, it's either stupidity or madness. The burden of proof is on the believers. And there is not one single shred of proof. Epicurus said it best:

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then where does evil come from?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

But I'm also with Dylan Moran:

"Don't ask me to see the fairy.
Don't ask me to let it into my heart.
I wouldn't let it into my f*cking garden.
I'd shoot it on sight".
by RootyKazooty
Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:25 pm
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Re: Fun With Screenshots (Post Yours)

Journey (PS3).

I always dreamed of a game with a secret way to break the boundaries for something truly worthwhile, and one day a fellow traveller took me on a journey i'll never forget.
I was amazed to see that the levels have out of bounds areas that are much bigger than the intended path, and full of detail, secrets and wonderful things - like ruins, monsters, towering cliffs which you can fly up vertically, extra music etc etc....
There's so much to see and do. I haven't taken the intended route for a very long time. I've explored and found my own secrets to add to an alternative route up the mountain, where it's possible to climb to the very peak for an incredible view (not just the bit down in the cleft).

Some of my best moments in gaming are the reactions from travellers when I take them through to "Glitch-world", and the messages I get afterwards. Although often they just stand there bemused as to why I'm flying into a wall at a certain angle, and don't follow me through.

Here, I've taken Japanese traveller Shirakuma-fafa on an elaborate out of bounds path so as to jump back onto the intended path to make a monster get stuck so we can stand in its head listening to the unbelievably creepy sounds it makes (usually - sometimes it's rather quiet for some reason).
But the thing is still alive and dangerous, which is hard to convey when you can only beep and meep. So I tip-toe up to it super-slowly and stop to beep like crazy if my companion gets ahead of me.
They often get the message, but sometimes just wander right into it's light beam which wakes it up. The thing pulls its body through and rears up high like a cobra then dives down and smashes them high up into the air. They land with a broken scarf - which means they can't fly properly for the rest of the game, although strangely, about 1 in 3 times their entire scarf grows back with a golden glow when they stand up.

If anyone is up for an epic journey, let me know by PM. It's possible to meet if done properly. I set up 2 PS3's in the same room for me and my GF, she's not a gamer but absolutely loved it. It would be best if you have a white robe, so your scarf charges up when you touch the ground. It's possible with a red coat but a lot of work for me to keep charging you for flight all the time. Ok, I've talked myself into it. I'm going on a journey right now.
by RootyKazooty
Tue Oct 10, 2017 9:26 am
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Re: What Song Are You Listening To Now?

This is Liam at his best, with Noel, Paul Weller, Steve Cradock.....
Great vocal. Stunning lyrics. It's "Carnation" by The Jam.

Noel had some good tunes. Liam had a good voice. But in Oasis they couldn't buy a lyric worth a f*ck.
They had a massive platform for years and they said absolutely f*ck all.

I heard them introduce their tracks with "Here's another song with shite lyrics".
So at least they were honest about it.
by RootyKazooty
Sat Oct 21, 2017 6:54 am
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Re: What Song Are You Listening To Now?

I guess Yaz was right after all.

Seriously though, lyrics are such a personal thing. I'm sure Oasis lyrics mean the world to a lot of people. Some 20+ years ago, I learned the bass part to every Oasis track for an Oasis-mad band I'd just joined. The words done nothing for me and all I can remember now is something about a wall and a Sally.

I was more into Blur at the time. I'm not a fan of Albarn's voice but, in the absence of a decant vocal (or lyrics sometimes), great music goes a long way. (Ozric Tentacles!).
Also I'm a big fan of Graham Coxon's guitar playing.

Have you seen this? Once upon a time Noel and Damon performing together would have devastated some Blur/Oasis fans and spiked the suicide rate.

This could be the Shenmue III Kickstarter theme song: "We've Got The Power!"
by RootyKazooty
Sat Oct 21, 2017 9:19 pm
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Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

F*ck NeoGAF.

I'm giving them the NeoSHAFT.

Although I accept that, given the subject matter, this is an inappropriate metaphor.
by RootyKazooty
Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:27 am
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