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Shenmue Gaiden on Hiatus

Shenmue Gaiden has been placed on hold for the time being due to Esspiral no longer working on the project. While, I currently have a some assets for the game, more are needed in order to achieve the desired result.

I'll have to wait for more assets to become available from the modding community

The project will be released at a later date. Stay tuned for further updates.

Apologies, if this disappoints some of you, but it is what it is.

In the mean time, look forward to other community projects coming out on a regular basis on the shenmuedojo forums.

Thanks again.
November 2015 update
Greetings everyone. Today, I thought id update you all on the Shenmue Gaiden project. Everything is going according to plan and we're making great progress. It's certainly a very ambitious project, but i'm confident we can all make it a reality.

Shenmue Gaiden currently has two types of models, original and new. The upcoming demo will contain the original models, whilst the full game will contain the new detailed versions. These new renders take time unfortunately. Here's a sample of both types.

The image on the right is the newer model. It has improved lighting, textures, details and special effects. Esspiral continues to improve and his work is simply amazing. I wish I could show you more :)

Fully animated weather has now been implemented into Shenmue Gaiden. Currently, only rain is functional. Expect more in the full game.

Although this is a still image, the rain particles are fully animated when playing. This effect gives the game a more professional a authentic feel.

We now have the original Shenmue Modder, LanDC working with us. LanDC will be composing music for the title. I've heard a few sample tracks from him already and they sound GREAT!!!. Check out his latest public Shenmue remix below.

In addition to, we've also been given some other great amazing music for the project. Samples to come in following updates.

I'm happy to say that after some testing, Characters will now be able to blink and have their mouths move when speaking in a conversation. Here is a prototype shot of one of the characters.

During certain periods of the game, you'll be able to freely explore various areas. To do so, we've implemented a world map containing the playable areas of Guilin. Simply choose an area which you wish Ryo to visit and you'll be taken there instantly. Pick carefully, as each area will have different sub stories.

Throughout the game, you'll be given the option to spend more time with certain characters. You'll be given a ton of choices to choose from when engaging in conversation. Choose wisely. Each choice will alter the character's response and perception of you.

We now have a sample script for those who wish to do voice acting. Please record as many characters as you'd like and upload your demo reel to youtube or email them directly to [email protected]


Finally, we'll be posting a new help thread in the community section. This thread will be use to request specific help from everyone. We can't make this project fully without your input. Please help as much as you can. Link to follow.

That's Novembers update for you. Please give us your feedback, suggestions and questions. If you'd like to help out on the project, please send us an email. [email protected]

Thanks everyone.
Weekly update
- New Shenmue Gaiden Facebook Page
- New staff
- Amazing new voice actress
- More Faqs
- Exclusive release items
- General updates to the page
- Click the following link for the full breakdown

Send all your questions and requests to [email protected]
Facebook Page

Hey Shenmue fans. So over the last few months, me and the amazing Esppiral have been working together on a special project. We originally planned to reveal it back in June but chose to delay it as Shenmue 3 was announced. Never saw that coming lol.

Without further delay, the Shenmue Community would like to present to you all.....

Title : Shenmue Gaiden
Platform : PC/????
OS: Windows XP/7/8 / ????
Release date : 2016 / (Demo 2015)
Game Type: Visual Novel
Story: Non-Cannon. (This is a fan made game. Do not take the story seriously. It's something we threw together and does not represent the actual Shenmue story at all.)

All images are a work in progress. Expect massive improvements as the year goes on.

Shenmue Gaiden will be a spin off non-canon story and take place just before Ryo reaches Shenhua's house in Guilin. A second story based in Hong Kong will also be included. Shenmue Gaiden will focus on the Shenmue Online characters. The lady in red and Lan di will be involved, however, they will take more of a background role. This will be done as we dont wont to interfere with the original story too much. We would like it to feel as authentic as humanly possible.

After walking through the beautiful forest of Guilin for hours, Ryo and Shenhua finally reach their destination. This brief moment of peace is quickly interrupted as the pair are approached by a young girl begging for help. The Xiangjin village has been attacked by a woman dressed in red and group of men wearing black suits. Ryo and Shenhua make their way to the village to investigate. What sort of danger awaits them?

After being defeated by Ryo and his friends, Dou Niu and Yuan are determined to get revenge. They team up with an old foe and seek out the Heavens and Xiuying within Hong Kong.

Ryo - Hero of the series. He promises Lui Hui that he'll find the people responsible for the attack on Xiangjin village.
Shenhua - Heroine of the series. She is good friends with the children of Xiangjing village and accompanies Ryo throughout his travels in Guilin.

Lan Di - The main villain of Shenmue. His reasons for being in Guilin continue to be a mystery.
????? - Mysterious woman dressed in red.

Xiuying - One of the masters of Hong Kong. A very strong and independent woman. She is determined to stop Dou Niu and Yuan once and for all.
Ren - Leader of the Heavens. Nemesis to Dou Niu.

Luihui - An orphan child from Xiangjin village. She looks up to and respects Shenhua.
Shui - Another child from Xiangjin village. He is good friends with Lui Hiu
Maggie - A fearsome and mysterious woman

Chi You Men - The Henchmen of a mysterious organisation.

More to be added.......

All characters sprites will be in full HD and receive noticeable upgrades to their models. Different expressions will also be added to their faces depending on the situation. This will allow us to deliver an extra layer of realism.

Sprites will also receive various lighting effects depending on the background and time of day.

Finally, each sprite will have their eyes and mouths move when speaking or on screen.
Hopefully, all of these improvements will add an extra layer of realism and provide a better overall experience.

Character Model Improvements list
- HD Models
- Dynamic lighting
- Animated faces

All backgrounds in Shenmue Gaiden will be in FULL HD and optimized to support widescreen. Those who played the previous visual novel may have noticed the game running at a 800x600 resolution. This new entry will run at a minimum 1080x720 and support other resolutions.

The backgrounds will also received noticeable upgrades such as lighting and special effects.

Guilin Langhuishan Area

Textboxes has been customized to reflect the feel of Shenmue. The text itself is a work in progress. Here are some sample images from the game.

Ren And Joy

Yuan and ???

Chi You And Village Boy

Ryo and M

Cutscene images will also make a return. However, this time they will be custom made and not directly ripped from Shenmue 1 or 2.

Ryo Training

Ryo and Shenhua by a campfire


Ryo and Shenhua walking through the forest

Mechanics / Others

Shenhua's House
Each night, you'll return to Shenhua's house. Before you go to sleep, you'll be able to discuss the current events of the story, along with having a general discussion about every day life.

Shenhua will also teach you the game's system mechanics and give you advice about future events.

Choices, Choices, Choices

Image maps
Certain sections of the game will give you options to explore various areas at your leisure. Each path leading to a different area of the game.

Conversation choices
Those who played the first game knows that it was full of conversation choices which led to different responses. This game will have the same features but expand on them further.

Voiced characters
One feature we would really love to include is voiced characters. We would love the community to contribute to this. Adam Koralik, his girlfriend and others have already expressed their interest in doing voice over work.

More unique jobs than the first visual novel.


Music will consist of tracks from Shenmue online, Shenmue Orchestra, Fan made music and Shenmue 2 Guilin music.

More info to be revealed soon!!!

Q - What type of game is this?
A - This is a visual novel title. A visual novel is an interactive narrative driven game using static images, text and sometimes video clips. Think Pheonix Wright.

Q - Why did you make this?
A - This is a passion project and was made for the Shenmue Community. We haven't had a Shenmue game in 15 years, so we thought it would be nice to create one.

Q - How many people do you think will play this title
A - Not many. Maybe around 50 - 100.

Q - The character portraits look strange?
A - Esspiral is practically remaking the character models. Its hard work. Expect them to improve in the final game.

Q - Copyright /Sega/Ys net/Cedric Biscay
A - This is a non profit simple fan game. There are hundreds of Sega fangames all over the internet. That said, if Sega, Yu Suzuki, Cedric Biscay or anyone else involved with Shenmue want us to stop the project, then we will cancel it immediately. No questions asked.

Q - How did you make Niao S......i mean the lady in red
A - Me and Esspiral broke into SEGA HQ and stole the plans for Shenmue 5. In all seriousness, Esspiral has put a ton of work into creating this model. The result is magnificent as you can see.

Q - Can I help on the project?
A - Absolutely. Scroll down to the bottom of the thread and see the list of available jobs. Whichever one suits you, send us an email and we will go from there.

Q - You shouldn't interfere with the Shenmue story
A - This game is non canon and will focus on the characters that have been written off from the series (Shenmue online characters). Lady in red and Lan di will take a more background role.

Q - Can you make chapter 2? (Ryo traveling to Hong Kong via boat)
A - Its possible. One day, we may try it.

More FAQs coming soon....

The following individuals have shown interest in taking part in the Shenmue Gaiden project. More staff will be added in the coming weeks. Some individuals may want to withdraw from their current positions in the future. Staffing not final. Wishlist staff are the ones we would like to recruit. Current staff, please email us regarding any additional info. [email protected]
- ShenSun (Producer/Director)
- Esspiral (Producer/Director)
- David Diville (Shenmue Master/French coordinator)

- Shengoro James (Shenmue 500k coordinator)
- Ziming
- Yama

A sample of various phrases/lines/part of the script will be sent out to the voice over team in the coming weeks. Casting of characters will then take place.
- Adam Koralik & Mrs Claus
- Adoxographist
- Shengoro James
- Laura Eliza
- Axm
- David Diville
- Ceej & Brother
- T'Pei
- Heather Chu Bishop
- Giorgio
- Ryo911
- Bryan Figueroa
- More to be added.....

Shown interest. Awaiting Confirmation.
- Eternal Dragon
- Happy Console Gamer

- Esspiral
- Riken productions
- Matthew Velazquez
- François Bilodeau
- More to be added

Needs to confirm
- David Formston

- LanDC
- Miles Prower
- Adrian Farrugia (Editor)
- Redandwhite
- ShenmueP1

If you would like to help on the project, let us know. This is a community project, so all help is welcome.

Current jobs
-- Voice Overs (To voice certain characters in the game)
- Fan Artist (To draw Shenmue fanart)
-- Voice Ripper (To rip voice files of specific characters from Shenmue 1/2)
-- Editor (Read the script for spelling and grammar mistakes)
-- Video Editor (Create trailers for game and to demonstrate updates on youtube)
-- Photoshop Designer (Create wallpapers and promotional images for the game)
-- Music Creator (To remaster or create original Shenmue inspired soundtracks)
--Any other unique skill that you may have, let us know. Contact us at [email protected] or message us through Shenmuedojo

The following is the development plan for the rest of the year. If we stick to this vague schedule, we should be able to release a demo on Christmas day. Some crucial info may be missing. Updates to the page as we notice them.

October 21st - 31st 2015
• Base game / engine built. (COMPLETE)
• import all current backgrounds / characters (COMPLETE)
• complete basic structure for Guilin demo chapter (COMPLETE)

November 1st - 30th
• Incorporate events, ?, story branches, social events, image maps, music etc.
• Shenmue Gaiden update on the 3rd

December 1st - 10th
• proofread script
• Shenmue Gaiden update on the 3rd
• hand script over to David Deville for French translation
• Receive final demo script
• Have script voiced by voice actors

December 19th - 24th
• Have script voiced by voice actors
• Send copy to david and esspiral for approval.

December 25th
• Eat Christmas dinner and open presents
• Release Shenmue Gaiden Demo
• Presents for all.

December 31st - 1st January
• New announcements
• Feedback
• Party

Updates will continue, with major updates being released on the 3rd of each month.

Many Thanks.

If you would like to speak to me or Esspiral about the project, jobs, or anything else then please send us a private message through the Shenmuedojo forums. Alternatively Email us at [email protected]

Like our Facebook Page to get updated on new developments

Shenmue Gaiden Facebook Page

Thanks a million guys. We hope you all enjoy the game.

by ShenSun
Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:28 pm
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I think I just pee'd a little!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
by Sonoshee
Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:36 pm
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Re: YS NET address

That would be my Disney Land. The place where magic is happening.
by Peter
Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:27 am
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#SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon

On August 3rd the first #SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon takes place, evolving from the #SaveShenmue campaign that culminated with the recent Shenmue 3 Kickstarter.

Focusing on the need expressed by both Yu Suzuki and the fans for Sega to re-release Shenmue 1 & 2 ahead of Shenmue 3's launch, the Tweetathon lasts all day on the 3rd of each month using the new hashtag, and includes a mass simultaneous AutoTweet of messages stored in advance at , where you can learn more about the campaign.
by Team Yu
Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:18 pm
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Re: Latest Purchases

I got a Playstation TV for $30. It's cool but you know, limited. For $30 its worth it though.
by Axm
Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:08 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki hires a fan to help make Shenmue 3

Rumors say that his name is Bill Gates.
by Yokosuka
Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:19 am
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Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Watch me open things.

phpBB [video]
by Axm
Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:37 am
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Re: Shenmue 1080p


Inspired by this pic.

by Esppiral
Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:16 am
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Re: Xenoblade Chronicles X

Can't find it available anywhere though. Amazon says unavailable and its not listed anywhere else. The box it comes in is beyond awesome. Hope I can find it. Even though I hate scalpers, I will def resort to FleaBay for this one if I have to.
by Raithos
Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:55 am
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Re: The Photography Thread

More Fuji x10.
by Axm
Wed Sep 30, 2015 7:42 am
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Re: The Photography Thread

I'm really still very satisfied with my little Fuji x10. Small, cheap and despite it being abit slow is a pleasure to shoot with. My Sony a7mk2 will see more action soon enough though.
by Axm
Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:45 am
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Nocon Kid visits Dobuits St. in Yokosuka (Facebook Photos)

Shenmue 3 CG artist Nocon Kid shares photos of his visit to Dobuita!
Photo Gallery:

by Ziming
Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:02 pm
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Re: Twin Peaks Season 3

phpBB [video]
by Riku Rose
Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:50 am
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Statement Regarding PayPal/Slacker Backer Rewards

Dear Members,

In light of the recent controversy regarding the active PayPal Slacker Backer campaign and the respective polling that was conducted, we at the Dojo feel that it is important to set the record straight and to provide the community at-large with an accurate briefing on what has transpired.

Following up an initial earlier poll that was posted via Twitter, a second poll was conducted which was open to all backers of the Kickstarter campaign which terminated many months ago. This poll, which ran from 12/24/2015 to 1/01/2016, asked participants whether or not Kickstarter “Exclusive Rewards” should be made available for the Slacker Backer campaign. While the results of the polling and the responses from the over 15,000 participants were rather mixed, it was ultimately decided that the “Exclusive” Rewards would not be made available on the PayPal page as originally stipulated.

Following this announcement within the Kickstarter Project Update #51, there was much confusion and uncertainty regarding the status and validity of the entire PayPal campaign. It was postulated by some that all backers of the campaign would not receive the rewards they thought they confirmed with their contributions, with some going further to state that the backers would receive no rewards at all. This could not be farther from the truth and is a gross misrepresentation of what has been announced by Awesome Japan & YS Net. To be clear: ALL EXISTING PAYPAL REWARDS (ARE) WILL REMAIN INTACT AND ARE NOT AFFECTED BY THE RECENT POLL. THIS LATEST POLL ACTED MERELY TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER REWARDS THAT HAD BEEN OMITTED FROM THE ORIGINAL KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN SHOULD BE INCLUDED ADDITIONALLY IN THE PAYPAL CAMPAIGN. NO REWARDS ARE BEING TAKEN AWAY FROM ANY BACKERS; ONLY NO ADDITIONAL REWARDS WILL BE ADDED FOR THOSE WHO HAVE OR INTEND TO CONTRIBUTE VIA PAYPAL.

It is important to note that Awesome Japan has in-fact addressed this issue directly to fans who have inquired about their methodology. In a response to this inquiry they stated: “…While the votes in favor of removing exclusivity marginally outnumbered those against, they did not represent a majority opinion in the poll. The poll numbers do show that there are also many backers who do not wish to give up their exclusive rewards. We feel that the logical conclusion to these results is to leave exclusivity as it is because there was not enough support to justify making an exception to go back on our original promise.” While there have been instances in which Awesome Japan has presented developments regarding Shenmue 3 in a rather unclear and ambiguous manner, they nevertheless have proven to be passionate and dedicated towards the greater project and all of us in the community should continue to vest our confidence in them. As with any project with this scope and unprecedented magnitude, there are bound to be mistakes that will occur and it is essential for all us to remain united in our cause and to not pass rash judgment on them or on fellow community members; such conduct will only serve to impede the proper release of the game that we have waited over a decade to have in our collective midst.

We as a community have persevered through much over the past few years, which makes what we have achieved in the past 6 months that much more remarkable and inspiring. However, we must recognize that our journey has not yet concluded and that there is still much we can contribute towards the realization of our dream of having Shenmue 3 become a reality. A major part of this contribution is to facilitate a community which is open and embracing to all who find value through the experience of Shenmue and the sharing of what the series represents to each of us. Let us not forget about the diversity in perspective and point of view that exists within our community and let us coalesce these outlooks to make our voices heard in fruitful ways.

Thank you for your time and as always: Keep Friends.

The Shenmue Dojo Staff
by Sean
Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:24 pm
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Re: Awesome Japan

Taren Fox wrote: Awesome Japan is the real life Asia Travel Company.

Don't you want a ticket to yakuza instead ?
by shredingskin
Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:51 pm
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china is real as well, yu didnt make it up
by Guest
Mon Feb 02, 2004 3:12 pm
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No change to Slacker Backer/PayPal rewards

Despite recent media reports to the contrary, backers of Shenmue III via PayPal will not be losing their rewards and can indeed continue to order the same Slacker Backer rewards, including a physical copy of the game for PlayStation 4, that have been available since the campaign's launch in September on the official website .

WorthPlaying has written a comprehensive article debunking the myths currently doing the rounds on some news sites.
by Team Yu
Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:47 pm
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Re: The Loading Screens - Kept or Removed?

I would get rid of the black background and integrate the information while playing, with a 2-3 seconds fade-in fade-out. More or less like in the picture below:

by Kiske
Wed Jan 13, 2016 11:03 am
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Re: Do you think Shenmue 3 should keep its original graphics

For the last 14 years, we just wanted the story to continue. We now have that. Visuals should be the least of our worries, even if, yes, the franchise innovated in that catagory when it was first released. I'm pretty sure we'll have the same attention to detail as the previous entries, however. This is Yu after all. I'm just so overwhelmed we're finally going to get out of that flipping cave. \:D/
by Sonoshee
Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:58 am
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Re: Valkyria Chronicles and Azure Revolution coming to PS4

A smart move by Sega? Much excite.
by Axm
Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:33 am
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Re: Shenmue Dojo Instagram Channel now live

I'd like to submit my fan art.

by Riku Rose
Wed Jan 27, 2016 1:54 pm
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Re: Red Bull Interviews Yu Suzuki + New Shenmue 3 Screenshot

Ok, getting excited here. Just picturing myself walking around a mist-filled morning in China listening to whatever god-like level of music is found in Shenmue III... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
by Thief
Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:43 am
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Re: Could we have made 10M?

I reckon if the clickbait media hadn't have gotten involved with awful reporting a few times throughout those original days we'd have gotten more aswell.
by James Brown
Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:54 pm
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#AskSEGA to #SaveShenmueHD

Sega Europe is inviting questions to be answered on its YouTube show Sega Central.

To join other fans hoping for an official comment on the prospect of re-releasing Shenmue 1 & 2 on current platforms, tweet your question with the hashtags #AskSEGA and #SaveShenmueHD.
by Team Yu
Thu May 05, 2016 5:34 pm
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Re: E3 2016 & Shenmue 3


You gotta believe!
by SMDzero
Mon May 16, 2016 3:07 pm
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Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

Be sure to check the Shenmue 3 news archive topic. Everything is there.
by Ziming
Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:46 pm
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Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

It's crazy how many people still aren't aware that Shenmue 3 is in development.

Here's an example of a tweet I received only a couple of days ago...

by Sonoshee
Wed May 04, 2016 11:23 pm
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Re: E3 2016 - Dates, Games, Rumors.

E3 is the most wonderful time of the year.
by Axm
Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:40 pm
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Dobuita-Yokosuka 2016 Photo Album

Recently I, Mr. Peter, Adam Sipione, George and Joe Kitchen (the Shenmue brothers with the school in China) all went to Yokosuka for the sacred pilgrimage all Shenmue fans must endure upon entry to Japan.

I took photo's of the area as I normally would being a Street Photographer in Japan for the past 3 years.

So here we are, 80+ high resolution photo's. If you are on a computer with the desktop site version you can really zoom in to every corner and see the details in the area.

I found the area amazingly similar to the game, yet ofcourse modernized to what should be expected for the area in 2016.
The Shenmue Documentary that will come out later by Adam will shed more detail on the area aswell so keep your eyes out for that in the future.


Dobuita-Yokosuka Photo Album
by Axm
Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:44 am
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Kickstarter Update #60: Dinner in Japan Reward Report


The latest Kickstarter update goes over the recent Dinner and Tour Yu Suzuki had with the few Kickstarter backers who pledged for the Dinner with Suzuki reward tier.

Source (Kickstarter) | Forum Discussion
by Rikitatsu
Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:29 am
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

As someone who loves this series, playing through this supposed final game with Nathan Drake was quite special.
The story is incredibly thick in dialogue both in whats going on the present but also in what's happened in past games. Cut scene's in general are very frequent. This is the most story heavy game in the series now. Unfortunately gameplay frequency with actual gunplay encounters suffers because of this, but thankfully the story is very good. Some chapters though, do feel like filler build up. Character personalities are really fleshed out because of this though. It just feels slower than previous games, but its a beautiful kind of slow.
Pirate treasure hunting in libertalia finding Captain Avery and Tomas Tew was probably the most interesting next to the original Sir Frances Drake story from Uncharted 1.

As I said above, actual gunplay encounters feel few and far between. In comparison to previous games, this has the least amount of gunplay. I feel Uncharted 2 had the most amount of gunplay, followed by 1 and then 3 with 4 dead last.
Thankfully when you do have encounters they feel great as always. The guns themselves are more satisfying to shoot, the cover system is reliable enough, the enemies while not challenging on moderate difficulty provide a decent challenge when you're in actual gun combat.

However they introduce way more stealth opportunities in 4. I feel it can be alittle Assasins Creed-ish at times which I never really wanted to have in an Uncharted game. Perhaps on Crushing mode it will feel better but on moderate its a cake walk when they let you stay covered and take out 20 men holding rocket launchers and heavy machine guns silently.

The world they created while still very linear, is abit more open feeling this time around. You sometimes have multiple paths to the same goal and that's a first for the series. I commend them on giving the illusion of choice here because it feels more like a open adventure.

I'm using the Wireless PS4 Gold headset with the virtual surround sound and official Uncharted 4 sound profile from the app. So when it comes to sound effects, music and environmental ambiance it all sounds great. Really the soundtrack is amazing. Those brass instruments and drums hit hard and its fucking brilliant.

This is the premier graphical show case for the PS4. If you want to see what the best possible graphics are for a PS4 game right now, it's Uncharted 4. Not just in pixel count or anything, but the actual art direction that seeps through to the realism of the world. The sky's, mountain ranges, water, fire, explosions are eye candy on a great TV set. And the closer I sat to the TV the more detail I found. The animations for main characters in-game are also notable. Near the end of the game one of the characters has a sense of remorse and longing to turn the other direction away from Drake. You see that emotion and personality in his animations change as you progress running around with the character. Facial animations are on a new level too.

The multiplayer is back to being more fun like Uncharted 2 was. 3 felt way too stiff and twitchy. 2 was a wild romp but pure and innocent. 4 feels right in-between there. BUT now we have all these COD style perks, Counter-Strike in-game store upgrades and special abilities. Magical abilities too...I think it's really over done at times and takes away from the pure and satisfying gunplay that's already there.
Now you can throw a big magical stone pillar at a group of people with heat seeking projectiles. You can call in side-kicks to do the fighting for you. You can teleport across the map to your team-mates. It's just abit too much at times. You can learn to adapt to these things and play around them, but in the end, you are killed by way more cheap stuff then an actual skilled gun battle.
I hope they introduce a new "classic" mode without all the magical perks and things.
Overall it's still very very fun to play and its definitely one of the best multiplayer games on PS4.

In the end, while its low on gunplay, heavy on cut scene's and story, it's my new favorite Uncharted game. So for me it's U4, U2, U1, then last is U3.
This game really gives a satisfying ending to the series we needed.

I give it a 4.2/5

Best thing about Uncharted 4 and this series being done or going to sleep is that Naughty Dog can now go on to making The Last of Us 2. :shock: I'm on standby for that announcement trailer to hopefully hit us next E3.
by Axm
Sat Oct 08, 2016 1:23 am
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Re: Don't you think the time of growth for the Dojo has come

It's great to know you have the interest on improving the forum, Yama! Sometimes we think things could be changed in a snap, forgetting all the effort and money needed to do so.
Well, I don't know how I could help, once I have no knowledge of programming... web design, etc... all I could do is donate some dolars, and discuss the changes in order to make an even better dojo.
If this takes form, please count on me!
by The_Fuzileiro
Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:08 am
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Re: Don't you think the time of growth for the Dojo has come

sounds great, I would love to chat with people in spanish.
by mceja
Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:33 pm
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Playstation Experience - December 2016

I would have went had there been confirmation, it's not far from me, but have been told it's not looking likely. Hoping to be surprised though.

That's.... interesting.

Perhaps plans have changed since September who knows. Either way, none of us will know until it happens so until then we can just look at the event face value and assess the possibility of there something being shown at the event. Here's a list I can compile:

- Nothing whatsoever has been shown in 9 months.
- They already pulled out of E3 last minute, also rearranging the summer LA dinner as a result.
- We were shown a trailer in September, which was more or less ready to go that month as is, never mind with all the extra work put in. We were also extremely hinted at, that it was for PSX.
- The event itself will be in LA, where Yu will be at the same time. Last time he has at a public event like that was MAGIC, where new footage was revealed.
- PSX is more indie/3rd party based so it's the right event for Shenmue 3 to be showcased.
- SIED rep has stated that this year's event will be Japanese developer heavy.
- Yu is not confirmed for MAGIC 2017, so if he isn't attending that, what other public platform is on the horizon to show off Shenmue 3.
- December is the anniversary month for the Japanese and European release of Shenmue.

These are all the positive points to increase the positivity that Shenmue 3 will be at the event. But they don't garauntee it. If it doesn't get shown, I will be super disappointed, but it's not impossible that it wont be shown.
by Peter
Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:19 am
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Oh cool, he answered my question :D

The hype train cannot be stopped
by Rikitatsu
Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:59 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Nobody can stop this train. Dojo is back up, let's go!

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Way to go Yamaaaaa!!!! Love you man! I love this occasions where we unite as one, when everybody's feeling is just one! Just wanna say that... in all this years, being a loyalty fan of Shenmue, this site has been the best place to keep the hope alive, to share hope and happiness, as each rumor appeared in the internet...

Now we are part of Shenmue III, we made it possible! It's a fantastic filling! Thank you Yama for your work and thank every single member, distant friends without a face, but with a heart of a lion!

Let's see the magic happen again in a few hours!
by The_Fuzileiro
Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:54 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

You guys can be "worried" all you want about this timing and that. At the end of it all we will have the game completed eventually and none of us will will care about PSX 2016.
by Axm
Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:49 pm
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Re: How big do you think the Open World will be?

Since the game did not reach 10 million yet do you think you will be able to explore all of Baisha, Bailu and Choubu?
Sure you will.
But I don't think they will be particularly large.

Bailu will probably be Harbour-sized, most of it will be open fields.
We heard Choubu will be Dobuita-sized, it's more urban than Bailu, so I expect a lot of tight alleys and numerous buildings
Baisha? No one knows about it, but it's likely smaller than Choubu, so somewhere in between... It's the only location that met all of it's stretch goals, so I'm expecting it to be really fleshed out though.

There is also the forest, which will be 4x4km.... That's pretty big.

All in all, I expect a game between Shenmue 1 and Shenmue 2 in terms of scope.
by Rikitatsu
Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:07 am
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