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Re: Random Thoughts

It did actually, and I did ponder repeatedly posting "And that one", "And that one", etc. until it went through first time.
by St. Elmo's Fire
Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:48 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

I rarely talk about personal things other than my work and interests on any public forum, but I got off with a chat with someone I used to be friends with and I'm just peeved.

His girlfriend is a pretty volatile person. In some ways I feel sorry for her, but she always had a thing against me. I'm never gonna know why, but who cares. At times she was generous but other times seemed to resent I was around, even saying "screw you" to me around the first time we met just cause I didn't like Sweeney Todd (obviously a sign of a mentally healthy person).

Then they started acting weird around me for a time just cause I was staying at their place for awhile (and helping paying their bills too), so I had to bail on them cause it was getting too awkward. And he's very opinionated to the point where he can be a total dick, a childish dick at times too. So they're a match made in heaven.

After acting like a bitch over something that admittedly I messed up on, but in no way deserved that level of attitude, she started making jokes at my expense. It's was always aimed at me, very occasionally to other people but in a very playful manner. But with me, dead serious like she was intentionally trying to hurt my feelings and I made it obvious I didn't find that shit funny. Like she was trying to fill a void in her sad pathetic life. I was too nice about that shit and her boyfriend KNEW this bothered me, but she has his cock and balls in a jar so of course he can't say anything.

Finally, she did it again (unprovoked) and I finally made all the fat jokes I could think of at my disposal. So terrible (and hilarious) that the black guys Michael Richards offended would lovingly embrace in each other's arms and cry their differences out. She tried fighting back, but I was completely relentless. Needless to say, we stopped talking after that.

Now he reached back out to me after a couple of years and the topic was brought up after chatting BS. Of course, typical behavior, I'm the bad guy cause according to them "she was making a joke they knew was just harmless and you attacked with all these fat jokes when you knew she was sensitive." I told him he KNEW what she was saying was in bad taste in the first place, unprovoked, probably in spite over me over something I will never understand, and that she was doing this WAY before the event where I explodes. And I'm sorry, you don't get to fucking dictate what offends me or not. You moment you suddenly decide to be Louis CK or Ricky Gervais, you better be fucking prepared for some retaliation especially when you know what you're doing is causing an intentional shit storm. If you dish it, you sure as hell better be prepared to take it back.

And of course when I called him out on that, the ol' "she doesn't have anything against you" and "she only acted like that cause it was like a sibling thing" lies start coming out. It's all in the way she carried herself and the body language. I know what i'm talking about. I did go overboard so I apologized for it, but all I got was "well thanks for apologizing but she wants to maintain her distance, she doesn't think you two are on common ground".

Such cowardly bullshit. So apparently, she doesn't have anything against me. Never has, never will. It was all done over some twisted, head scratching "sibling relationship". It was all jokes and fun. And yet when I decided I had enough, oh no. I've gone TOO far. I'm such a bad guy. And even though I apologized, oh yeah she NEVER had anything against me...but she still wants to stay away from me.

Gee whiz, it's either all that nonsensical shit or maybe it's because she's fucking scared of me that I will fight back and be much more volatile and quick on her in a millisecond. That she knows I can fight back and will not be afraid to. That she can't pick on me anymore and her boyfriend can't say shit about it. And since it's easier to hold a grudge and pretend i'm a bad guy than fess up and admit she was wrong (something they never seem to do cause, you know, they're perfect), they prefer to live in that fantasy world than face the music like ADULTS.

I meant it when I apologized and honestly this response came at no surprise to me at all. This is why their circle of friends are so low, they're too busy making enemies.

TL;DR version: Pizza is so good this time of hour.

You don't need people like that in your life. Cut 'em loose!

That bit about " and "she only acted like that cause it was like a sibling thing", I HATE when people try shit like that. There is no acceptable excuse for being that much of a bellend, they should sort their own head out instead of acting out.

Similar thing happened with a guy who was pretty much my best friend from about 5 years old until about 30. He was always a bit of a pussy who would do what his woman told him, but his now-wife always did seem to have a problem with me and to less of an extent the third guy in our little group. After they got married, we only heard from him once. We simply KNEW it was her doing, nagging him to stop hanging out with us. Almost a literal lifetime of friendship, snipped just like that. Was annoying for a time, but when we talked about it (me and the other jilted one, we still talk), we decided we simply couldn't respect someone who is so much of a pussy anyway, that they wouldn't even stand up for themselves and just let their life be dictated by what their wife says...
by St. Elmo's Fire
Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:03 pm
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Re: What is the most important game you have ever played?

Before I had a console and I used to have to go to friends' houses to watch their SNES and Megadrive (Genesis), there was something magical about those 16-bit games with their trippy graphics and their MIDI soundtracks, a sort of magic that I still feel when I see a proper old school game of that age being played, or even when a soundtrack that is kinda reminiscent of that era is played somewhere.

Doom and Doom 2 on the PC came later, they properly immersed me 'cos a (fake-)3D shooter was quite a big deal back then. I used to still play them sometimes (along with Final Doom) when I had the PC before this one, 'cos it had a CD drive and this one doesn't. Quite liked the groovy music in them too (also MIDI files, but mostly a lot different to the SNES/MD tunes).

Ridge Racer in arcade form was awesomeness, I loved everything about it, from the utopian seaside sun-drenched setting and generally bright graphics, to the Japanese music (my first introduction to it I think), to the oversteery handling. I wasted a lot of money on it back in the day. Any time I see a RR cabinet (they do still exist, though they are quite rare now, not seen one in ages) I will still play it too, and be quite good! Knowing that the PS1 had an even better version, I knew I had to get into console gaming, so a PS1 was purchased (which arguably actually makes this my "most important" one. How shallow of me, a racing game with one and a half tracks! ;-)).

FF7 though was the first proper bowl-me-over game I played. The PS1 was my first console so it probably helps that my introduction to owning my own console had the arrival of FF7 shortly afterwards to boost those nostalgia feelings. Unlike Ridge Racer, which was a game I knew and wanted, FF7 was something I didn't know much about, I just knew it had to be a big deal since it had TV adverts was back then. I played it without any expectations. Being new to gaming, it took a while to get used to the stats and materia junctionings, but the story and all the little extras immediately had my attention, and kept it for the next 60-odd hours. I replayed it countless times and actually still have the original double-hinged PS1 box version of the game. It will be worth a lot on ebay one day, but to be honest, it reminds me so much of a simpler and more innocent and just "fun" time of my life I may never get rid. Music was also top notch IMO, how many other games have an end-boss scene where the music has an orchestra actually singing the bad guy's name? Can't be many. When I see the opening scene on youtube, or even hear the intro theme, it gives me goosebumps, no shit. Don't know what that means since I'm not a woman, but some sort of emotional attachment is there. I will replay it again some day too. Have it on the PC from Steam, but it's not as much fun I don't think...

Special mention to Deus Ex too, I remember when we got our first PC (Doom was initially played on PCs that weren't mine) I bought Deus Ex soon after and was amazed by it most of the way through. I think I still had a PS1 at the time so Deux Ex was proper next-gen stuff back then.
I especially liked to wander about twatting people with that really sharp light blue sword that you ended up with. Decent story too I thought. And I think it featured Wan Chai before Shenmue 2 did!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:41 pm
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

That kinda thing is like a Bethesda quirk. ;-)
by St. Elmo's Fire
Fri Nov 13, 2015 7:00 pm
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Re: Terrorist attack in Paris, many dead and hostages taken

Immigrant camp at Calais was also on fire; ... ce-6830330

And a TGV high speed train was derailed;

It's a dark day in France. :-(
by St. Elmo's Fire
Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:52 pm
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Re: Terrorist attack in Paris, many dead and hostages taken

Part of "their" weaponry though is the mentality that goes with being one of them, properly unafraid to die and on some levels brainwashing, we simply can't compete with that, a lot of soldiers are well trained and effective at what they do, they win at gunfights but there's simply no defence if one of the crazies detonates something right next to you, not caring that he'll die in the process. For that reason, it must have been utterly TERRIFYING for the armed police in France to go into that apartment, with the possibilities of explosives and boobytraps waiting. I imagine a police SWAT team could do such a thing, dunno if France has an equivalent, I'm surprised they didn't call in special forces or some kind of army specialist unit that's trained to deal with such threats TBH...
by St. Elmo's Fire
Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:40 pm
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Went and bought myself Fallout 4. Good so far, got the Skyrim-ish feel to it.
by St. Elmo's Fire
Sat Nov 21, 2015 7:46 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

In Soviet Russia, Turkey shoots you for Thanksgiving!


by St. Elmo's Fire
Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:32 pm
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Re: Europe's immigration crisis

The thing that gets me about it all is that we're not just some bunch of internet foil-hat-wearers, LOADS of people see what BS it all is, more and more will too, yet it will all still go on and stay the same for a long time...
by St. Elmo's Fire
Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:10 pm
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Re: My Game Room Tour - Gaming Setup 2015

You have a great voice for this type of thing, but I wanted you to zoom out more to take in the entire room/setup, since you blatantly have a pretty awesome collection (and SO clean too. Bet you'd NEVER put a cup of tea or coffee down on any of those game cases! ;-) ) I'd have liked to have seen the whole man-cave in one shot, or a panning shot!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:29 pm
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Yep, got to grips with FO4 now! :D The suit does make a big difference. I even play it a bit like Skyrim now by just running about twatting enemies with my enchanted tire iron. :D Quickly got addicted to the drugs I was using to make melee play easier, so once cured I now use shotgun quite a lot too. The first time I met an Assaultron though, fuck! :shock: It blocked every bash I threw at it, then flamed me to death in a few seconds. Funnily enough when I reloaded I beat it quite easily. Management of my camp empire takes up quite a bit of time, since I now have to pick up damned near everything for the scrap value in the workshop, which also supplies a few other camps using my settlers as supply routers. Quite a few interesting buildings which I can't get into, like the loony asylum and that recon base way up North which need specific keys and passwords. My lockpicking and 1337 h4Xx0r1ng skillz still suck so some of the interesting places I have been into still have bits to explore too. Not sure how much I like the level up/perk system yet, even though I'm a few levels up now...

Joined the Brotherhood of Steel (which sounds like it should be Superman's mercenary army, kinda). Suddenly it all has more purpose and makes sense!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:54 pm
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Re: What did you all get for Christmas?

What does the PCB with the "QC passed" sticker and what looks like an SD or MicroSD card do? Does the card have 8/16-bit games on? :D

Me, I got Just Cause 3, some money, some chocolates, some scents and a Nike T shirt. Quite pleased TBH!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:12 am
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Re: What are you currently playing?

I have Just Cause 3 sitting here that I got yesterday, but the draw of Fallout 4 is STILL holding me. Mentioned Skyrim in comparison a few times now, but damn, it's drawn me into its world and lore in exactly the same way. 150+ hours and still think the end could be quite far away, though it is forcing me to make some annoying decisions with available choices I sometimes agree with none of at this point.

Basically, I've teleported into the Institute and now it's coming down to being Institute vs Brotherhood of Steel vs Minutemen vs Railroad. I'm not that keen on BoSteel, seem a bit too forceful and military dictatorship for my liking, but I'm not sure I've finished their most relevant questlines so don't want to tick them off too much yet (though I did shoot down one of their Vertibirds just to show off to my Institute Courser follower). I quite like Railroad and the Minutemen, they're mostly about compassion and helping the needy, Railroad for rouge Synths and Minutemen defending the settlers and farmers of the Commonwealth, so they should be able to co-exist nicely, but nope, the story is demanding that I make decisions that pits them at odds with one another too. But I really don't wanna help the Institute too much either, even though Father is his son!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:07 am
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Re: The 2015 5th Annual Dojo Awards Show (Hosted by Ethan Ha

I'm coolest member!? What the shit!?

Thanks folks! :D
by St. Elmo's Fire
Sat Jan 02, 2016 4:24 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

People have been dicks to each other since time began, the internet just makes it SO much easier (since they won't get a punch in the mouth) and the fact they have a bigger audience just eggs the attention seeking ones on that bit further!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:52 pm
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Re: Ironically Titled Video Games

"Final" Fantasy, obvs
by St. Elmo's Fire
Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:13 pm
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Re: What 10 video game items would you want in real life?

Can't quite think of ten, so I'll add cool ones as I think of them.

Rico Rodriguez's grappling hook from any of the Just Cause games would be a total game changer though. In fact in game terms it IS such a "game" changer that I think all 3D games should have one! It makes a real difference to the feeling of freedom in a game!

A Daedric one handed sword from Skyrim. They just look cool and they're pretty damned sharp as well.
by St. Elmo's Fire
Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:50 am
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Re: What are your favorite RPG battle themes?

FF8's battle/boss themes were OK, but sounded a bit like watered down and not quite as good versions of what was in FF7. The Man with the Machine Gun (the fight theme for the Laguna parts) made up for that though, by being one of my favourite FF tunes of them all!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:02 pm
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Re: New Members Introduce Yourself!

Nice intro, and your list of favourites looks like you should find stuff to talk about here since those games have a lot of fans here.

Unless you're Brosauce! ;-)
by St. Elmo's Fire
Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:17 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Cliched as it's gonna sound, it really is a voice for the people too. It's interesting reading people's reactions to what's going on in Syria, there is a massive amount of cynicism about it, 'cos people have looked up stuff beyond what their news has told them, and shared their findings on the comment sections. I remember before the internet was a thing that was easy to get, the only news we had was what we heard on TV or read in a paper. Now we have SO much stuff to look into in massive detail from ALL sides on nearly every topic available. It's fantastic for learning stuff, and related to that there is a ton of useful practical instructional vids on Youtube. Last weekend I had Youtube on my phone, watching a vid and pausing it, on how to remove the inlet manifold of my car to clean everything inside. Made it MUCH easier than reading a text document would have done anyway, 'cos there were a load of connectors and hoses needed removing, the vid showed me a few I'd have missed, and a few others I'd have probably removed that I didn't need to. Technology is amazing, the practicality of having an internet, gaming device, music/video player and storage, GPS navigation etc. in something the size of a mobile phone still impresses me. It's WAY more than just a "tech novelty" now.
by St. Elmo's Fire
Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:03 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

I avoid all this by not watching regular TV news, it just annoys me and they all have some bias or another.

Monkei, Trump is a better option than that Cruz bible-psycho, I thought! I can't believe how republicans like those guys make big claims that'll set the American society back decades though, like God-fearing stuff like being anti-choice (abortion) and anti gay marriage, like they actually want to oppress and control certain people and give them different rights, and they're saying it like it's a good thing!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:47 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

BTW, holy CRAP at the spambots attack! I wish NASA would fix that one first!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:11 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

I think we can at least agree that Mr. President George "dubb-ya" played a significant role in that, and everyone else after the fact is still trying to pick up all the pieces from the mess he had a huge hand in creating.

It goes all the way back to his father, but Clinton and Obama have been even worse. None of them have defended our border, constitution, culture, economy, and most importantly, people. Enough with career politicians. 90% of them are corrupt, elitist trash.

I agree with what you guys are saying (as in, NASA is more important than helping turn Syria into rubble), but to be fair, a lot of technology also comes from expensive military-related undertakings. Especially during war time (or even cold war time, lots of cool stuff was developed back then too).

Maybe I'm being misunderstood here. I support increased funding of our military, but we never should have gone into the Middle East in 2003, and we shouldn't go back now. Sending those rebels (who are probably part of ISIS) weapons was an absolute mistake, just like when we left the incompetent Iraqis all those (((Abrams)))' and other vehicles and weapons when we pulled out. Fuck Syria, they can kill each other for another 50 years for all I care, and Russia can do what they like there.

Well I agree with all that (especially that it all was re-kicked off in 2003), but didn't wanna say since I thought you would disagree with it sounding a bit "lefty". ;-)
Also, last time I brought this up, someone who obviously worked in some sort of intelligence job bounced in and owned me. :sad:

One of the things I like about Trump is that he says he kind of agrees with us on this issue too (one of the other things I also like is what you touched on, he isn't a "career politician", he's a businessman so probably has a lot more real world experience than most senior political figures).

But Syria didn't happen by accident, I'm not sure where the truth and conspiracy lines sit, but quite a lot of the conspiracies are believable and I personally believe we (the West) have had a lot to do with it. Granted I'm a bit leftist, but to me the humanitarian side is the worst, we clandestinely sneaked in and started helping organise a revolution. Only Assad held on for a lot longer than they thought he would. But his country was in disarray. This helped ISIS come in (and IMO we've had a hand in them, too, some of ISIS came from the remains of Iraq.*) and take advantage, then the Russians come along (though at least they were invited!) and shit REALLY kicks off. Populace have enough, jump on boats to the EU. All our messing about has caused 1m+ people to have to get the fuck out of their own country. To be honest I think Europe and the UK deserve it, if they hadn't meddled in the Middle East, they'd not have to deal with so many pissed off Muslims on their doorsteps.
Also the way we turn a blind eye to Turkey and Saudi "apparently" giving help to ISIS as well, so much corruption and hypocrisy, and in mainstream media they tell it to us with such blatant falseness.

You know it's a twisted set of events when Hezbollah and the Russians are pretty much the good guys! Also, ISIS must be pretty scummy if even Hezbollah would rather help the leader of the country than help ISIS! (though Syria does "support" Hezbollah, which may be the reason they wanted rid of Assad so much?)

* The Iraqi army was legendary for its crapness, with soldiers surrendering when US forces came along. How is it when they turn into religious nutters sleeping in caves, they become so unafraid of the West all of a sudden?!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:20 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Trump vs Hitler..? :lol:

Americans wouldn't stand for that sorta authoritarianism anyway I bet, wasn't the guns part of the constitution set up for that purpose, pretty much?

I dunno. I'd still choose Trump over that sleazy nutjob Ted Cruz anyday! Though I'd probably also still choose Hitler over Ted Cruz any day, too. :lol:
by St. Elmo's Fire
Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:31 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Bet he has an iPhone 6 as well...

This new spambot, WTF is the point in spamming an English language dominated forum with that language they're using!?
by St. Elmo's Fire
Thu Mar 03, 2016 3:24 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Where the fucking fuck did the member, South Carmain, go? He always had an insightful and wise view on events...
by St. Elmo's Fire
Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:37 pm
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Re: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

Peter wrote: I will see it tomorrow night at midnight. Not going in to love it or hate it, I will remain just as a movie goer should. A blank slate.


Peter wrote:
This movie can fucking die.

:lol: :P
by St. Elmo's Fire
Fri Mar 25, 2016 9:24 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

Space X rocket successfully re-enters Earth's atmosphere and lands itself on a barge, in the sea;

:shock: If this is real and not sped up footage, then IMO it's damned impressive!

Paypal, Tesla, SolarCity, SpaceX....Elon Musk is quite an impressive person..!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:04 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

First world problems. Life must be pretty sweet for a LOT of people if something as innocent as a change in a banknote has them taking to the internet in indignation.

Does this mean that the white supremacists will have to do all their cash deals without twenties from when this starts to happen!? :lol:
by St. Elmo's Fire
Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:46 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Oh yeah, Scotland also has the original town/city called Aberdeen that the Aberdeen Harbour in Hong Kong featured in Shenmue 2 has sort of taken its name from. :D

Your travelling life sounds fantastic, well done! 8)

On a side note I can see why a percentage of Americans don't have a passport/have never left the USA. It's such a huge place that there is like, everything to see and do there, from baking hot desert through rich fertile agricultural land to cold and mountainous, all sorts of cool shit like huge national parks that would probably take someone years alone to properly explore, it is geographically one epic continent!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Mon May 23, 2016 4:15 pm
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Re: Gaming Deals

^Sorry OL but you must have not been on the internet this past year.

We have to hate everything Konami does no matter what and not give it any rational thought. Just thought I'd let you know so you don't embarrass yourself anymore.

TBH every topic discussed just about anywhere on the whole internet seems to end up like that. You HAVE to either love or hate something. You DEFINITELY cannot like something but then also say good things about a competitor! Divisionism FTW!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:04 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Guylians are indeed brilliant.

Going to the cheaper end of the scale, I think these are immense;

by St. Elmo's Fire
Sun Jun 19, 2016 4:15 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Yep, the publicist and propaganda types did latch onto it pretty damned quickly. The internet is great though in that you're NOT limited to your selection of brainwashing-enabled TV news or newspapers, you can go off and find your own stuff. I quite like some comment sections for this reason, you can immediately go there and argue about how one sided the story you have just read is. I also hate the comment sections too though for showing just how many people ARE brainwashed dummies who believe the media and will argue with full vitriol and thumb-down tactics if you dare be more enlightened than them!

I think people in general are slowly becoming more aware, it will take a long time before they realise pretty much everything we're told is bullshit, or at least presented in a style that's as good as bullshit, but I think more and more will latch on...
by St. Elmo's Fire
Thu Aug 04, 2016 11:43 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

Do they have DPD over there? They are a marvellous delivery company!

To be fair the regular brown UPS seems pretty decent most of the time too though...
by St. Elmo's Fire
Sat Aug 06, 2016 6:28 am
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Re: The Olympics in "Ryo"

south carmain wrote: Robbing people at knifepoint like ren? oh wait that's already happening.

The martial arts didn't help this poor bastard much either

Oh, and lol@topic! =D>
by St. Elmo's Fire
Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:43 am
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Re: Why is today's Music so "crap" now?

Meh, we have the internet, so actually finding decent stuff you like has never been easier, you have literally a whole world of it from every age to search through!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Sat Aug 13, 2016 6:02 am
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Re: Why is today's Music so "crap" now?

OL is right when he says people have always had this complaint and music changes. And its funny that the original poster said that for him (or her) that music fell off in the 2000s because in the early 2000s most made the switch from analog recording to digital recording. It used to be you needed $100,000 worth of equipment to record indusry level music. now a days it only takes about $2,000. Before if you wanted reverb you had a machine that did that. You want an 808 in your song? better have an 808 machine. now a days all of these gadgets are done by a single recording program thats on a single computer so the whole recording process is easier to do and more accessible to the average joe blow. This is part of why music has changed so much in the past 16ish years. This is also why professional recording studios world wide are shutting down. People are creating music at home now instead. hardware being replaced by software gave birth to plugins like autotune, time correction etc... Before if you needed a singer he/she better be able to sing. Your drummer better actually be able to keep time and stay on beat, but now its more of a "well lets just get it laid down then we'll correct it later" approach. This new approach makes scouting for talent completely different. Screw talent! we'll digitally create talent. How marketable is the artist? Is the artist attractive? etc... These are the things that matter now. Because theres so many people recording from home and going viral online from their amateur shit projects, their tasteless talentless music becomes a trend to the point that even the major artists start to emulate it

When I went to find the URL for that I noticed I'd already liked it! :lol:
by St. Elmo's Fire
Sat Sep 03, 2016 5:35 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Do any of you gals have a Huawei phone? I gotta admit I'm in love with iOS but I'm reading shit about this Huawei P9 and I'm finna jump ship.

It's gonna be my next phone (it's also sold as an Honor Hsomenumber). China is on a steep learning curve, they make some really good and high quality shit for much cheapness now.
by St. Elmo's Fire
Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:41 pm
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Re: So, how many of you think that you’ve got a mental disor

Holy thread bump Batman! [/internet 2005-ish]
by St. Elmo's Fire
Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:38 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

You're lucky, this is what my landline gets; ;-) :shock: :lol:

by St. Elmo's Fire
Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:19 pm
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Re: How long have you been on this forum ?

Way back in the days where everyone used to get together on MSN, wS hinted that he thought about implementing a filter that would automatically change every correct spelling of it to a wrong one too! :lol:
by St. Elmo's Fire
Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:18 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Yeah. I think people are just sick of the "more of the same"-ism way of doing things, be it Republican or Democrats, that they're now ready to go full batshit and bring in someone as yet untested, rather than elevate someone like Hillary who has already done so much damage. She's been party to quite a lot of nasty and inappropriate goings on, and is part of the same "club" who pushes for military intervention and interference in foreign places which are no threat to any of us BEFORE they interfere there. She also received donations from some Saudi high-ups, and those guys support full bore terrorists in the Middle East, which makes it look like Hillary fully intends to keep the current situation going. Basically putting America and ISIS on the same side in some cases, more or less! America already has quite a bit of debt and already spends insane amounts on military related stuff, I think people are sick of their taxes being wasted like that, instead of being spent on things that could make the lives of the tax-paying Americans better.

The Donald may be "gifted" $20m worth of stocks and shares in various arms manufacturers if he wins, mind you. And I think the President hardly matters sometimes, there are some insane nutters who love wars and nukes who seem to be permanent influential members of US political circles like John McCain and Ash Carter who seem borderline insane, even just from the Wikis I have read!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Mon Nov 07, 2016 2:47 pm
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Re: What TV series are you watching?

Anyone else here tried Bojack Horseman and/or Rick and Morty?

I think both are pretty awesome! 8)
by St. Elmo's Fire
Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:16 pm
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Re: What TV series are you watching?

Anyone else here tried Bojack Horseman and/or Rick and Morty?

I think both are pretty awesome! 8)

I've seen seasons 1 and 2 of Bojack, fucking brilliant. :D Guess I should check out Rick and Morty then.

Different kind of comedy, but have you tried Brooklyn Nine Nine?

Heard things about it, but not tried it yet.

Rick and Morty is even more cynical and dark than Bojack, but even more hilarious as a result!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:22 pm
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Re: What TV series are you watching?

Black Mirror. S3 Ep3. Holy FUCK that is probably one of the darkest bits of TV I have ever watched, I could feel the tension just watching it!
by St. Elmo's Fire
Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:09 pm
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