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Re: Random Thoughts

Do they have DPD over there? They are a marvellous delivery company!
Literally the only courier I've never had an issue with, I think they must be relatively expensive or more online retailers would use them.

On a related note I'm trying out Amazon Prime at the moment and all of my next day deliveries have been spot on, even got one on a Sunday, what a time to be alive. :!:
by Bambi
Sat Aug 06, 2016 6:33 am
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Re: The Olympics in "Ryo"

Robbing people at knifepoint like ren? oh wait that's already happening.
by south carmain
Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:47 am
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Re: The Olympics in "Ryo"

Arm wrestling with a Julio Santos lookalike 8)
by Sonoshee
Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:27 am
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The Olympics in "Ryo"

I think they should use the opportunity to publicize Shemue 3?

Since the Olympics are being held in "Ryo" maybe Shenmue 3 can gain more $$$???
by SMDzero
Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:19 am
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Re: The Olympics in "Ryo"

Leaf Catching better be an event.
by Thief
Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:40 am
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Re: The Olympics in "Ryo"

St. Elmo's Fire wrote:
south carmain wrote: Robbing people at knifepoint like ren? oh wait that's already happening.

The martial arts didn't help this poor bastard much either

Oh, and lol@topic! =D>

Hmmm.. didn't he know the shadow-step? If so.. why didn't he use it on that day?
by SMDzero
Wed Aug 10, 2016 10:52 pm
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Re: The Olympics in "Ryo"

Why is this the best thread in the Dojo right now? :lol:
by Axm
Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:38 pm
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Re: What are your PC specs?

Wow wait, I got the MSI 1060 and mines is different?

I didn't know there was differing aftermarket versions of the same card from the same manufacturer.

Anyways, I am just awaiting my CPU arriving, hopefully tomorrow, and then my build will begin! All parts sitting and waiting patiently.

With graphics cards, you have reference PCB's (printed circuit board) and custom PCB's. Most reference cards use the the reference cooler designed by AMD/NVIDIA, but some cards with custom coolers use the reference PCB. A custom PCB will always have the exact same GPU on it, but can differ in terms of how many RAM IC's, VRM's (voltage regulating module), 6/8 pin connectors, etc. it has onboard, and who manufactured each of those components. For example, when I got my 290X in 2013, people were trying to figure out which makers used Hynix RAM so that they could avoid the supposedly weaker Elpida IC's. The main reason for custom cards is to take advantage of more robust and reliable power delivery for better overclocking. Thanfully, "low end" graphics cards aren't really gimped in terms of VRM's like motherboards are.
by Mr357
Fri Aug 12, 2016 2:59 pm
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Re: Why is today's Music so "crap" now?

Honestly, where else is there to go in this day and age? Most new talent is simply replicating that which came years before them with very minimal difference. We're never going to see another Beatles, Queen, or Black Sabbath because those days have long since passed, and everything that really matters was already done by those groups.
That's the same sentiment that 99% of people would have had before those groups came along. If we all knew what the next step was, it would have been tried by now. That's why those who truly break new ground are hailed as geniuses and visionaries.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:45 am
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Re: Why is today's Music so "crap" now?

To be honest I think it went downhill in the 2000s. Every song now has no funky tune like the 80s and the theme is pretty much about the same thing (partying and boyfriends), barely anyone writes their own music anymore, most of it has inappropriate lyrics and shit that doesn't make sense (remember when some rap songs were actually appropriate for families to listen to lol?), their voices are now fake and computerized, no one has a good/unique voice, every pop song has rap in it. Why is music so bad now? I can't believe that crap that most people like nowadays. Classical music/ jazz is actually smart music and people hate it. Everywhere I go extremely embarrassing melodies are played including instruments mixed together that just sound like a mess, also fucking Justin Bieber. For real, 2016 has absolute trash music compared to the glory days of classic music 1980s - 1990s. We are going backwards.

People have continued to say the exact same stuff you're saying all throughout time. Everyone always thinks the music they liked earlier in life was some kind of golden heyday in music history. You can go as far back as the 1800s, look at reviews for the music of Nicolo Paganini, and find people talking about how near-sacrilegious his music was, how terrible it was, how times had apparently changed for the worse and everything was going to hell. But if you played that same music for the average person today, and compare it to something that came before it, most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
The only truth of it all is that music changes over time. Music doesn't get "worse." Sure, there's a lot of stuff out there nowadays that I'd consider absolute crap, but that's always been the case. For everything you consider to be good from a given era, there's usually an equal or greater amount that you'd hate from that same era. The 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s were all full of downright awful, simplistic music, aside from the things we actually like and remember.

I'd say the only thing that's truly changed is the method of music distribution. With the world being so interconnected nowadays, information as a whole is saturated throughout our culture, and music is a part of that.
Great music is still being made all the time, you just have to look for it . Dig past the crap. Experiment with different genres, look for music from other countries. You're talking about radio tripe, but that shit has always been pretty "meh." Look for things that aren't on the radio and you might find something great.
EDIT: Just realized AG said halfway the same thing, though I can't say I agree about music nowadays being all about the money; it is true, but that's always been the case.

Welcome to being old.
by OL
Sat Aug 13, 2016 11:23 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

phpBB [video]
by Mr357
Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:14 pm
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Re: Games you just can't bring yourselves to play?

I don't know if this applies, but there are many single player games that I can't bring myself to play by myself. For instance, games like Kingdom Hearts and Mystical Ninja I used to play all the time with my old next door neighbor when we were little. We're still friends today, and just recently we got together to do a playthrough of Mystical Ninja. It just wouldn't feel right to play it by myself.
by Thief
Sun Aug 21, 2016 5:39 am
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Re: Games you just can't bring yourselves to play?

^Oh god yeah about Pokemon Go, or any Pokemon games in general, I cannot bring myself to play those games at all.

How about games that we might suck at as well? Does that count? I suck at Mortal Kombat so can't being myself to carry on with it and certain other fighting games as well (Guilty Gear & Blazblue I also suck at, it seems). Tried Persona 4 Arena as well and couldn't bring myself to carry on with it due to the visual novel presentation was pretty dull to me (and I like visual novels) and the fighting game part frustrated the heck out of me. That, and the game tanked my last PS3 into oblivion (and lost all of my game save files in the process for my PS2 games and certain PS3 games I was playing at the time), so yeah, can't bring myself to tempt the devil again.

Nier. I did play it to completion once and did think it was a good game, but fuck me, no other game I have ever played has come anywhere even close to Nier has of creating an atmosphere of depressing, hopeless futility. Even the music was quite sad a lot of the time. I still have it and still have a 360 and know that there is still a lot of "saveplus" stuff to do, but the dark and no-good-ending nature of it kinda hit me in the plums, hard, and I am a bit afraid of taking on such an opponent a second/third/fourth time...

Second time through is essential if you like it. It's way more depressing than the first playthrough.
by Henry Spencer
Sat Aug 20, 2016 3:12 pm
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Re: Games you just can't bring yourselves to play?

I can usually handle horror, even Resident Evil has always been more fun rather than scary for me. But that specific game, they did nail the atmosphere to a T. The imagery, music, setting... That's a horror game.

But thats what makes me fear for the bad press VR will get. I bet anyone on here that a VR horror game will cause someone to have a heart attack and die. I swear it will happen.
I think we should be more worried about the forty year-old mums and cookie cutter politicians moaning about so-called 'video game violence', and how VR will make walking into a school and shooting children sooooo much easier, as well as the arse-talking by the usual suspects about how VR encourages misogyny and objectifies women, etc., etc., etc.

If someone has health issues that are likely to be exasperated by VR, they should have the presence of mind to avoid going anywhere near it. It'll be entirely their own fault, and no-one else's, should something bad ever happen. That won't stop people from blaming and trying to sue the companies behind the respective VR headsets, though.
by ShenGCH
Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:22 pm
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Re: Why is today's Music so "crap" now?

We are going backwards.

Illogical. The problem with your analysis is that there is no we .

As for why mainstream music is generally shit, watch Mel Brooks 'The Producers'. While OL and others are right that every generation has looked back on past as golden eras and despised the present, it's not because you're old and should be renewed. It's because the mainstream in every time is absolute garbage, and only after about 20 years of retrospection are the best of the lot, many unknown at that time, cherry picked into the history books to depict its era in the best possible light. Hardly anything huge right now will be remember, and much of what isn't popularly discussed right now will be fondly remembered as the sound of the age. All the people who don't know anything about our time because they haven't been born yet will have no idea. They'll just believe what they'll be told, just like we did when we were new.
by KiBa
Thu Sep 08, 2016 5:39 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

I got drunk again after quite some time.

I fucking feel awesome to be honest.

But I just can't have ONE drink, that's almost terrifying.

I know that I won't get down the well again, but fuck, after all this time I just hoped I could just manage it better and I fucking can't. Drives me a little crazy.
by shredingskin
Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:25 pm
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Re: How long have you been on this forum ?

I joined in 2003, never saw the old forums. Heard some fun stories about them and certain particularly weird members though. Used "Keiya" as my username for the majority of my time on here. It was a fun and great community back then, so warm and welcoming, it felt like people were actually close to each other. Luckily some remains of that atmosphere are still existent, but things obviously are different today. I guess we've all grown older and changed quite a bit, and many just grew out of it and left for good. I've been absent (and occasionally lurking) for ages and probably wouldn't have returned to this place if it wasn't for last year's Shenmue III announcement.
by Monkei
Mon Sep 19, 2016 1:20 pm
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Re: tekken 7

I changed the sound to mono
by patq2
Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:53 pm
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Re: How long have you been on this forum ?

^ I've been wondering about wS, too.

That was the one! Fun times, though some of the characters that existed back then seem unbelievable now! :shock:

I remember Steel Angel Jeannette, don't really recall what he/she was like though.. but it was some kind of totally weird. Probably kinda like this amiga guy pretty recently. And Zhao, a guy posing as some sort of SEGA insider/official/spokesperson/something, always teasing secret Shenmue III info. He got so much hate for that. :lol:
by Monkei
Wed Sep 21, 2016 6:04 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

Recently took some pics on my phone then emailed them to myself so I could open them on my laptop later, noticed it attached and sent it bloody quickly, then noticed the area happened to be 4G. So I ran a speedtest, this is pretty impressive for the UK I reckon;

Your cell service is faster than my internet! ](*,)
by Mr357
Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:22 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

F all you guys, I was still on DIAL UP until a couple years ago. :mad:
by Sonikku
Sun Sep 25, 2016 10:03 am
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Re: Latest Purchases

Finally got my new baby hanging on the wall.

I saved up for a new TV almost all year and lived without a TV for months. It's just unbelievable to have this thing in front of me. The first picture may give a clue as to how far or rather how close I sit from it. The immersion is crazy.
I would've never thought that I'd buy a Sony. But since this is simply the best package on the market I couldn't refuse the brand.
by BlueMue
Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:05 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

I thought they were all pretty much on each other's side these days, along with Iran, when it came to telling "the West" to go away?
Not really, the align with each other where interests align however it's rare to see them back each other on other things where usually they remain neutral. It's easy from a western perspective to see them as an alliance when the western world is usually so closely allied to each other but in reality they're all individual powers seeking to expand their own spheres of influence so these alliances usually only end with their personal interests.
It'd be to Syria's advantage in that Russia won't scare away what's really going on there, but China probably could? Russia's warchest for perpetual war is smaller than China's is
If this were happening in China's back yard then yes. However due to Syria's location and Russia having a superior airforce, Russia is the stronger ally in this case I would say.
, also. China has expressed some partial interest already;
(warning, Telegraph content!)

It seems like China are using this as an opportunity to gain influence in the country but considering Russian influence is already strongly cemented in the country I don't think much more will come out of it other than securing arms contracts. China have a policy of favoring economic means to expand influence rather than military intervention too so I doubt much more will come of this.
I didn't mean that Syria would just gift itself to China, bases and everything, just that Chinese business would be granted a lot of big state contracts for rebuilding. China has growing energy needs so I'm sure if Syria had ALL its oil back, they'd be keen to cut a deal that way too. Russia will get to keep their assets, as well as keep the Qatari/Saudi pipeline[/foil hat] from being built, which is a direct economic threat that Russia will be keen to suppress.

As far as energy needs go the oil market currently has a huge surplus so Syria being a relatively small exporter wouldn't hold that much importance to them. As for the chinese investment they will probably get it anyway once the war is over as China has a history of using small interest loans and cheap development projects as a way of expanding their influence in to developing nations. A military intervention wouldn't only be out of character for China but also would be kinda pointless as when the Syrian government win the war (or in the event they lose) their huge investment fund is unlikely to be turned down if offered.

Also at this point in the war China intervening would be pointless as the Syrian government have already retaken almost all major urban centres, Eastern Aleppo being the last. Western politicians don't want to admit it it but what's left is mostly Kurdish areas (which if granted autonomy won't secede), Jihadist controlled areas and desert with a few pockets of FSA brigades which can be categorised as a loose alliance at best so at this point it's mostly a question of when the government will win and not "if". However there were plans of Turkey and Saudi Arabia invading the country to remove Assad (Turkey are already in the country too) so if that goes ahead as a last resort it could potentially lead to WW3 with Russia and a NATO country being in the same conflict on opposing sides and in that case China will have more to gain by being being neutral becoming a mediator than joining the conflict.

China needs the rest of the world to pay them though, so I can see them playing carefully and not doing anything to risk sanctions being imposed on them..
There were no sanctions on Russia involving Syria (at least I don't think so, correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I know they're all concerning Crimea) so I don't think that would be much of an issue on them joining the conflict however they are already stretching themselves in the south China sea and I don't see an intervention in Syria being particularly popular within China whose population is generally against that sort of thing.

All in all I think the chances of the Chinese joining the conflict are incredibly slim and would be very surprised if we heard of Chinese troops or planes supporting the SAA and militias. But hey we live in pretty turbulent times and stuff I never thought possible has happened before.
by south carmain
Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:13 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Reading some of my early posts has me like

by MiTT3NZ
Sat Oct 08, 2016 11:45 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

Thief wrote:I like telling people that i'm voting for Trump because it gets them all riled up.

by Mr357
Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:10 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Hope the Shenmue Dojo doesn't start turning political and fill with Trump fans. I'd rather not associate this game series with this nonsense.

Here at the Shenmue Dojo we have the best members, great people, believe me. Nobody makes better forums than these people, and I know forums. We're gonna make this the biggest message board in the world and a pig like ShenmueForeseen can't stop that. He'd like to but he can't. It's gonna be HUGE.
by Rakim
Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:14 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

We're all just joking around ShenmueForeseen. Nobody thinks you're a pig -- pretty sure Rakim was just calling you that to contrast his sarcastic tone about the people/greatness of Shenmue Dojo. All in good fun, no worries dude, and remember, vote for Trump.
by Thief
Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:09 pm
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Re: Red Dead Redemption prequel.

It's not a Read Dead prequel... it's Shenmue 3! :king:

by Kiske
Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:22 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

phpBB [video]

phpBB [video]
by Mr357
Tue Oct 18, 2016 3:21 pm
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Re: The reunion topic.

Elmo you the man
by santino
Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:04 pm
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Re: The reunion topic.

Hey everyone! I'm sorry I'm late to the party, but I made it. It's been great reading through your posts in this thread, reading about how everyone's doing these days. It's a great feeling. So many old names - a truly a nostalgic experience. I unfortunately hit some hard times and was homeless for some years. I'm back on my feet now, and have a decent little job (I run the inbound, outbound and retails departments of a logistics company), and I'm posting this on my very own iMac! How life throws it's twists and turns.

This place held an important part of my gaming crazy days. I'll never forget it. All the friendships, the epic debates about games, and even life, the silly little feuds we used to have with one another. Remember when I hated everyone's coloured text? Now it just makes the place feel like home. That's what the 'Dojo always was to me, I suppose. My internet home.

I used to post on one called Cubed3 then as well, but Shenmue Dojo was always better. We had a strange freedom here to talk about whatever we wanted, pretty much. We were also free to speak however we liked, offensive language and obscene humour be damned. There were never any parental controls as such. If someone got out of line, the mods handled it. But that person was often treated like a member of the family and forgiven. We sort of grew up together. Though I must have been eighteen or nineteen by the time I joined, I still had some growing up to do. :lol:

I actually hadn't heard of Shenmue III until today. I've really not played games hardly at all the past few years, and have not kept up with gaming news. I'm sad about missing the announcement, but to see that Shenmue III is being made, for real, no Kikizo-like rumour, no fan-made substitute - the real deal. I honestly pumped my fist in the air and shouted like LFC scored against United. Absolutely amazing. I never thought I would see the day, and it has been years since I gave a tuppenny fuck about anything to do with games.

I'm going to try and stick around, have only recently been getting into games again. Downloaded Steam and the Half-Life series. Times like this you regret getting a Mac :sad: My old PS3 would actually be a better option, lol.

Anyway, it's great to see you all!
by Martin
Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:17 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

^ Hahaha. Trump winning would be awesome, because if you're gonna fuck up anyway, then you should at least go all in and really fuck up as bad as you can by any means possible. Might give you a chance to reboot afterwards. People should vote Trump, simply as a form of protest. I'd rather see the dimwitted loose cannon asshole run everything deep, deep into the ground than the corrupt mass murdering prime example of what's wrong with this type of political system move into office. I don't believe Trump has an actual chance though.
by Monkei
Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:25 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

by Rakim
Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:36 am
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Re: Random Thoughts


:lol: ...sorry
by redline
Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:14 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

Fox is spinning this as a vindication of the Republican party as a whole against the Democrat party, but Trump's win seems like more of a rebuke against the establishments of both. The GoP in Washington may celebrate their party's win today, but Trump has an axe to grind with many of them as surely as he did with HIllary. It's going to be very awkward to see how far they will go before they start saying no to what will likely be endless unrealistic and implausible demands from their party's new standard bearer.
by Sonikku
Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:31 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

Don't really like discussing politics on internet forums let alone this one because obviously plenty will disagree with me, but whatever...

Personally I think the Democratic Party have only themselves to blame. They rigged the system (super delegates etc) so that Hillary cruised past Bernie, despite being so unliked by the general public.

Bernie vs Trump and IMO we could have seen a very different outcome.

Sad day for democracy, the Democratic Party need to take some responsibility though. If shit goes south, which I think it will, then you can't just point to ignorant voters voting Trump as the sole cause.
by ShenmueForeseen
Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:27 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Just watching idiocracy makes everything even funnier.
by shredingskin
Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:04 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

phpBB [video]
by Ziming
Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:41 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

I don't support Trump, but I respect democracy and I think it's vile that these kinds of attacks and protests are happening. You might not agree with the outcome, but if that's the choice that's been made in a democratic society, you need to respect that and make the most of it. It's the reason why I'm also against the idea of a 2nd Brexit referendum here in the UK despite being a very strong Remain supporter. You can't participate in democracy and then decide not to accept it if it doesn't favor you; that isn't how it works.
by Jibby
Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:22 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Let me remind you that Barry Obama is still our president until January of next year. He has nothing to lose now and will do absolutely everything he can get away with. Pardons, executive orders, the works. All this fuss about Trump is just a distraction.
by Mr357
Sun Nov 13, 2016 3:02 am
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Re: Latest Purchases

After saving what I could for months I found an early BF deal at Sam's I couldn't pass up. Vizio E65-E1, a 65" 4k display. A couple quick pics taken from my cell.

It omits HDR, a TV turner, higher refresh rates (only 60hz) and has only so so speakers but these were worthwhile concessions for me to get a 65" display for $598. I did want HDR to make it more future proof, but that basically would have doubled the price outright. :shock: So far I am very pleased, but it's so damn big I'm going to have to find another place for my Shenmue record frame. :sad:
by Sonikku
Tue Nov 15, 2016 1:30 am
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Re: I need your opinion. I need your help

She sounds like a huge pain in the ass. Why would you tolerate her spooking you out of your sleep regularly? Sounds like a pretty psycho thing to do. Just like publicly twisting the facts about that "bottle beating" incident. Why live with someone like that? You keep apologizing and submitting to her, she keeps manipulating and dominating to an unhealthy degree. Break out of that. Find your balls and speak up or, and that would probably the best thing to do, divorce the weirdo cunt.
by Monkei
Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:48 pm
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Re: Latest Purchases

A gtx 1080 laptop.

I'm so fucking anxious to get it.
by shredingskin
Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:01 am
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Re: Politics

b_ren wrote:
phpBB [video]

heh, hillary supporters know how we felt when bernie lost. Serves the DNC right. They shot themselves in the foot when they went all out to make bernie sanders look bad, now they're suffering in defeat.
by Sonne2
Sat Nov 26, 2016 9:57 pm
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