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Re: Wii U

Try using the edit button. :nice!:
by OL
Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:19 pm
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Re: Wii U

Seriously can't decide on launch games. Darksiders 2, Sega Racing 2, Mario Wiiu (I have a soft spot for Yoshi), Zombiu, and Ninja Gaiden 3
Earn a little cash suck some dick get them all everybody wins...except some of those men might give you a cold sore....hmmmm
I'm getting the 32GB Wii U and so far Wii U is really stepping up to the plate I'm pretty excited too. When I get a job I'll definitely pick one up.

The Wii U storage media is confirmed to be Blu-ray based and support up to 25 GB of data per disc, at 22.5 MB/s data transfer rate. Nintendo might reveal more Wii U specs tomorrow at the event in New York. Here's hoping that means it will play Blurays too. I mean, only PS3 does right now so they'd be silly not to. (Course, they were silly not to let Wii play DVDs.)
No it won't Nintendo doesn't like to pay license fee's. Also remember Wii discs were not DVD but Wii Optical media. Wii U will also be proprietary. Good thing is like Wii I bet homebrew let's you play blu ray like DVD on Wii.
Looking at the launch window this might be one of the better launch lineup in quite some time. Sure some are ports but ports of some good games. Also very varied. Are you more the casual type? They have some of those for that/ Are you more of the Call of Duty type they got that also. Are you just in for varied genres like Action Adventure sports strategy (well sorta but not really) Horror? RPG? It's there at launch.

I think Nintendo finally got it where they failed with 3DS,DS,Wii, GCN and N64. Yeah all those had a weak launch.
Hope they talk about monolith's game soon.
by Crimson Ryan
Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:30 pm
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Re: Yakuza series

Its possible the reason they keep bringing up GWAFIX is because they're planning to bring it over and hype that feature. Hate to say it but when it comes to the West we're kinda gullible when it comes to that.
I been avoiding Demon Souls as to me it looks like a blatant attempt to be an overly serious gritty game trying to appeal to a western crowd. Visually dull to me and I just keep hearing they made it so hard just for the sake of it however I remember From Software always makes tough games. So people are whimpering because they forget how tough games used to be.

Nah, I think I said it once before, its the same extremely Japanese game From has been putting out for years. The thing is most people never played stuff like Evergrace and king's Field so this is like super new to them, then again that ties into the whole gullible thing. Like "I haven't seen it so its new to me" even if stuff like it is easy to find most people won't bother going back and playing older (sometimes better) versions of the same game.
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:56 pm
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Re: The Shenmue Dojo - 10th Anniversary Video & Members Gall

Here's one of me walking through Dobuita st. during the day.


Here's one at the New Yokosuka Harbor!

by ShOzO MiZuKi
Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:23 pm
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Whatever happened to these colours?

by Vyse Hazuky
Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:30 am
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Re: Last Game/System/Peripheral You Bought

I recently went for a short break on the Isle of Wight, there are a few cool game shops over there which i visited, i bought a brand new dreamcast and i also picked up 4 games for my collection, these were; Test Drive 2: The Duel, Skeleton Crew, Record of Lodoss War & Looney Toons space race.
Brand new DC, sexy! Note the colour difference on the second controller connection, one of the controllers from my old console. The Whole console was yellowed to fuck.

Test Drive 2: The Duel (Genesis) - I picked this up on a whim, i dident go out my way to find this game, but saw it sitting there on the shelf and it jumped out at me because i used to rent it when i was a kid so nostalgia made me buy it, was very risky at a fiver lol i was actually pleasently surprised, it was better than i remember it being! i love the fact its one of the very first "driving sims" rather than arcade racer, as you get an in car view with steering wheel and gauges, and rather than circuits its open road (like the first NFS) with a rival car, traffic, roadside cops and the need to stop for Gas! superb cheap buy.

Skeleton Crew (Megadrive) - another impulse buy just out of curiosity, more risky at a tenner, but i saw the "Core" logo and knew it couldent be bad. Turns out this is an awesome game, Isometric shooter with co-op mode or single player. Pumping soundtrack and lots of action, how had i not played or heard of this before? it has made me want to go out and buy "The Chaos Engine" on Megadrive, otherwise known as "Soldiers of Fortune" to your Americans, made by Bitmap Brothers so has got to be good (and it does look and sound excellent from video's ive seen)

Record of Lodoss War - This was on my "wants" , think i paid about £15 but was well worth it, was just as good as i remember it being 10 years ago, an awesome action rpg, am loving it again!

Looney Toons space race - Only ever played this as a Demo back in the day of ODM & loved it, always wanted the full version. Finally picked it up for a tenner , bargain IMO ive seen it go for more on Ebay, top game aswell, not disapointed at all with this one either.

Good haul this time round, very pleased. Its nice to actually go out and buy games in a shop for a change rather than ebay, and nice to buy retro games in a shop. Ashame GAME ruined GameStation by taking away their retro, i really miss browsing retro stuff. Love the Independants, but they are hard to find.
by ShenmueAddict
Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:38 am
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Dorian wrote: I can't decide between Yakuza: Dead Souls and DMC HD Collection. Any thoughts?

Capcom don't need the money.
by Crimson Ryan
Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:56 am
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Re: Wii U

To be fair though, the Wii had a lot of shovelware. Then again, so did the DS and that's one of the best gaming systems I've ever owned.
by Henry Spencer
Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:37 pm
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Re: Wii U

Just canceled my Wiiu pre order and I'll be getting an iPhone 5. Nothing interests me on it other then Pikmin 3 and that won't be out for a few months. I'll most likely get the Wiiu on the day Pikmin comes out or soon after.

This whole iPhone v Wiiu debate is ridiculous anyway. They are two separate things one's a games console and ones a phone/mp3 player. It's like debating that people who buy a new mattress this year aren't real fans of freezers.

The fact that you missed the point makes this a bit comical. The stories I keep telling have to do with people not buying a Wiiu because its not a big enough change from current gen consoles and isn't a big upgrade over the wii.

But an iphone 5 is nominally different in terms of hardware and even features. Its mostly aesthetically different.

So its like saying "Man this new thing is just like this old thing, so I'm going to buy this new other thing thats almost exactly like the one I have"

(for future reference I don't think Nintendo or the wiiu is infallible, I'm just really excited for the launch since its shaping up pretty well. I'm worried about what comes after the launch window. i've pretty much abandoned the ps3, 360 and especially wii for pc gaming,so a new console that looks like it'll get a lot of exclusives in interesting to me. )
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:14 pm
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Re: Wii U


Well both are tech with similar price points and based in entertainment. Yea they don't directly compete, they do have buyers that are overlapping.

Its the general hypocrisy that I'm pointing out, and it exists. People saying "Don't waste money on games" then buying sneakers, or saying the wiiu isn't a meaningful upgrade and buying a new iphone.

Like said before you're not saying you won't get one because its stupid, but you want the game you want for it. (i also though you bought more iOS stuff because i remember one time we were talking about you trying to offload some iphones you got a hold of)

Yes, they are idiots and they make the economy as shitty as it is with their over-blown egos and pettiness.

Erm... buying things actually works in favor of the economy...

Well for us as Americans it doesn't mean much since Foxconn is underpaying foreign workers to make em. A majority of that money is actually getting removed from our economy which is hurting it pretty bad.
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:52 pm
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Re: Wii U

Yeaaaa but distributors make a very small piece of the pie. Retail and shipment workers often make minimum wage or slightly above, even if they were pulling in tons of money, not much of it makes it down to middle class workers. In order to spend more money those are the people that need to have disposable income.

The other problem with what you've said is that unemployment rates are going up.

The vast majority of the money being made on stuff like iphones, ipads, heck even consoles and sneakers isn't getting put back into the American economy(or even Europeon), and aren't helping to build South American, African or the Chinese economy. Its a lot of rich people putting money in their pockets.

Game companies are the same, if a big publisher fails and loses money, executives don't take a pay cut, they make layoffs even if the reason for failure was an executive decision.

Big business demonizes itself, doesn't really need much help.

(if you need proof theres tons of articles and lawsuits against walmart, gamestop and other retailers over cost of living)
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:51 pm
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Re: Wii U

I'm not trying to debate as I know diddly poo about economics and this was years ago I heard it but people relying to much on credit cards really hurt economy. Remember Credit Cards are fake money. It's just saying I will pay you later..hopefully. Now with gas prices going up and food prices and pay checks are staying the same it's harder for people to buy with actual money. People buying iPhones and Wii U are rarely dropping a few bills on a table but a piece of plastic.
by Bluecast
Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:22 pm
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Re: Yakuza series

Dorian wrote:
nzk0 wrote: I just just started playing Yakuza 4 for and so far so good, I hope it'll be as good as Yakuza 3

As good? :D

It's way better.

ohhhh yayyy :D Ive been playing it for a few hours now. Time for a break :P
by nzk0
Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:51 pm
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Re: Yakuza series

You know, now that I think about it, all three of this gen's western Yakuza releases have already provided me with nostalgia (or, at the very least, memories that will eventually become nostalgia).
With Y3, 4, and Dead Souls, I can very clearly remember getting up early, buying them on release day, making lunch while the install process goes on, playing them as much as I could before work, all the way through to the days (usually sometime in the morning) that I would end up beating them. It really only just dawned on me now, but most current gen releases didn't do that for me. I remember the games themselves, of course, but I don't necessarily have fond memories of what was going on while I was playing them.
The Yakuza releases (and Binary Domain as well) all gave me that sort of "Christmas morning" sense of excitement at finally getting to play them all, kind of like how I can still remember my first time playing MGS or Wonder Boy in Monster World.
That's something special.
by OL
Sat Sep 15, 2012 1:19 am
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Re: Things That Made You Laugh Today

May I just say that this might be the greatest thread I've ever seen on a forum. You guys rock, and it's nice to be able to post again.

by Martin
Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:41 am
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Re: Wii U

Yes they want to attract more gamers buy ignoring the Millions who own a 360/PS3/PC and of course the people who bought the first game. :lol:
by Who Really Cares?
Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:32 am
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Just finished watching Donnie Darko for the first time, whoa.
by AnimeGamer183
Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:50 pm
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Re: Things That Made You Laugh Today

Dorian wrote: Image

When I see weird stuff and it's in Japan I'm not even amazed anymore, it just seems absolutely ANYTHING is possible there lol
by nzk0
Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:38 pm
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Re: Yakuza series

That's because the Yakuza team (which is pretty much the Shenmue team, or rather what's left of it) makes games for... FUN. Not that they don't want to cash on them. Of course they want to! But they want to earn the cash fairly. You know, doing their best given the time and budge and actually appreciating the gaming culture with in-game treats. Not like... say... creating interactive movies that mask their true identity with pseudo-artistic nonsense about human emotions and lies about reinventing the wheel. Ironically, the Yakuza games feature far more human drama than something like Heavy Rain. Maybe that's because SEGA actually takes the effort to hire genuine writers instead of relying on self-appointed scribblers? Just sayin'.

It's amazing to me how the Yakuza games can exist in the west. It almost seems like they just want to make the fans happy as if it was a passion for them. I don't have any numbers but I doubt these games sell well here.

They make the games how they like it and don't try to please a western audience or anything, something which is very rare these days. It seems most developers just want to make money and that's it (see the rising P2P or F2P Item mall model, or even RMAH that was in Diablo 3) pure crap just to make money.
by nzk0
Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:35 pm
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Re: Wii U

Bluecast wrote:

Broken Wii U Gamepads will be replaced for free

Fee not free ;-)
by Who Really Cares?
Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:23 am
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Re: Things That Made You Laugh Today

Because vegetarians act like they are better than everyone else.

The minority do and minorities are often loud and seem like they are the majority. Most black guys don't steal either. Most gays don't want to advertise it. Most short people don't have a chip on their shoulder. Most religious people don't act like protesting nut jobs. It's easy to make assumptions based on small but loud groups.
by Bluecast
Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:09 am
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Was writing a melody in the Dorian mode... thought of this place.
by Thief
Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:40 pm
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Re: Wii U

I admit I laughed out loud. :lol:
by Bluecast
Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:16 pm
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

I thought I was going to have to woop your ass Dorian, I thought it sad badness for a second, not badass.
by Spokane
Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:27 pm
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Re: Persona/Shin Megami Tensei series

^Pretty much. I'm honestly surprised that Orange thinks that looks like Kaneko, like at all . It doesn't. In the least. It's actually Masayuki Doi; the artist for the Trauma Centre series, definitely. And yeah, his art is fine there since he isn't trying to do an (frankly terrible) imitation of another artist in those games. I wouldn't mind the change in art style, as much, if Doi was employing a new style instead of imitation. I'm not a fan of the actual designs of them Segata said, they're very modern anime-like.

I honestly think at this stage that Kaneko has either: A) left Atlus (you've got to be shitting me if you think Kaneko wouldn't work on a mainline SMT title). Or B) Atlus has other projects up there sleeve, such as a new Devil Summoner game, which Kaneko is heading the art on. I so hope it's the latter, since the thought of Doi simply replacing Kaneko just sucks. I'm all for giving the new guy a job, but shoving the lead artist of the series away like that to make room for the new guy, (Kaneko has been at the company since the beginning) is kind of nasty. Or maybe Kaneko flat out refused to help make the game, not liking what the team has in mind? Guess we'll never know. Either way, major blow to the series, to be sure.

As far the game goes, I like that they're trying to strive for the best of both worlds by combining both third person exploration and first person combat. I'd even go as far as to say that the environments look absolutely incredible. The music is also brilliant. A shame they're cutting corners with the certain factors when it comes to presentation; animations of the demons (static one moment then massive shaking, the next, guess I'll get used to it). I'm a bit worried about the storyline being really anime inspired at this stage. No offence to Persona, they're great too, but I like to draw the line between the mainline SMT and Persona, it would be the same if Persona suddenly changed dramatically. They're both great series, but ultimately different.

I'm sure I'll like the game, Atlus have never let me down, I really like the settings and music, but at this stage, it'll take a lot for me to love it .
by Henry Spencer
Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:42 pm
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Re: Persona/Shin Megami Tensei series

I don't want to keep going on like a negative nancy, but those terrible anime artworks will be the cutscenes of the game. So it's not like it won't be a factor into the presentation of the game.

And I still don't see how Doi's art is anywhere near Kaneko's, not on quality (I actually think Doi is good; not when he's imitating Soejima or Kaneko, though) but in similarity. Doi isn't using the same techniques at all, he's just sort of trying to imitate (badly), whilst also trying to do his own style at the same time, and it is pretty jarring to me. Doi's art doesn't try to convey the same disturbed look on the character's faces (look at the "villain" of SMT4, he doesn't look disturbed or anything of the sort, he just looks plain evil), look at the Demi-Fiend and compare him to the main protagonist of SMT4; it's a stark difference. Night and day, really. I also miss Kaneko's vibrant colour palette vs. Doi's monotonous colours. The big close ups of the demons make them look ugly, too. Aesthetics of the series are part and parcel of why I like this series so much, if the artist is gone, it won't be long till I stop giving a shit about it.

As far as Kaneko goes, the guy's gone from Atlus, no doubt about it. It's an end of an era, but it's no use crying over spilt milk, the damage is done and I've got to live with it. Oh well.

It's to me, like the soul of Shin Megami Tensei is gone now. It'll more than likely be a great fun game to play, but the themes will probably be shallow (by the looks of the anime inspired storyline and cliche characters; time travelling, oooh, that isn't overdone in JRPGs, or anything; the only positive will be the variety of beautiful environments we'll get) and the art mediocre.
by Henry Spencer
Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:33 pm
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Re: Persona/Shin Megami Tensei series

I like apple cider. Just felt everyone should know that.

Oh I've got to be on topic? uhhh well. Regardless of if his tools changed or ir if his fingers got cut off, or if he had some kind of epiphany. His TOOLS changed, which is to be expected.

Personally I'm down with the 80/90s anime look because it was more vibrant to me.

How bout now?
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:02 pm
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

So there were two things on my mind.

The first is Japanese games; I was listening to the Japanese version of the Dragon's dogma OP. I'll give Capcom this much, just like Sengoku Basara 3 used T.M.Revolution's English vocals, the English version has B'z singing in English. Now we have a bit of a problem, why make a Japanese band sing a Japanese song in English? Its hard to even understand whats being said and for the most part its gibberish. Why? Dragon's Dogma (like Dark Souls and Xanadu) is similar to many RPGs made in the west and even started with a western idea. Thing is, you still have a Japanese band performing the intro song that has lyrics. Which leads me to my point. Be Japanese. The west is the west, trying to be like the west is pointless. So many Japanese studios keep trying to make these games that appeal to westerners but in the end they often fall flat because they are neither distinctly Eastern or Western. The Japanese often pride themselves on taking ideas and making them better, that is perhaps its olden tradition and it should be no different for gaming. Take the ideas that are being introduced and instead of trying to copy them, make them better. We got stuff like Record of Lodoss War, Final Fantasy, and ESPECIALLY Shin Megami Tensei from games like DnD, Ultima and Wizardry and I think if Capcom threw its support behind Dragon's Dogma and decided to evolve the genre it could be something special, instead its mostly half cooked ideas taken from other games with the original ideas muddled and hidden by bugs or straight up bad decisions.

The other thing that will inevitably make this a massive wall of text is teaching in games. So many games suck at it. I'm pretty sure a few of you guys got stuck in Arkham city because you forgot how to slide, theres no shame alot of people have. The reason why is simple, they never drill it in. You do it once as part of a tutorial and thats that. Instead you should do it a few times, get used to it and then keep it relevant by adding it once or twice to every "dungeon". Zelda is no different. Fi in is so completely useless because she'll tell you how to press a button but won't tell you button combinations. Rolling a damn bomb requires 2 motions and a button press, why tell the player after its necessary to use this? While searching for the Earth Temple Link needs to roll a bomb across some bones and explode a platform. Fi does not tell you how to roll bombs there? NONONO, instead she teaches you to roll bombs when you reach a hill which is beyond the bone bridge. This isn't a puzzle, its obscurity. The player isn't properly taught what powers they have, and they have no real guide for experimentation. Hitting every button shouldn't be the way to figure out a puzzle. Lets take, Lufia as an example. it has puzzle and specific items for use in dungeons, however the item is a one button thing. You can say "I placed a bomb here" you don't need to worry about rolling, throwing or anything like that until the game specifically gives you a power to do that, and often the game makes you use that power to get out of the room. Metroid is good for that as well. Games now seem to have lost that. Not to say every old game used it, but today's games are terrible at teaching and often offer tons of tutorials that don't really teach or offer lasting advice.
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:51 am
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0
Captain Picard can act his way out of being buried alive.
He can deflect missiles out of the sky with his bold philosophical statements.
He never got controlled by the Borg. He controlled the Borg with his acting. (for real though)

"He is... the most interesting man in Space."
"I dont always act well, but when I do, Im Captain Picard of the USS enterprise"
"Stay sober my friends"
by Axm
Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:12 am
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

God, that's heartbreaking.
The silver lining is that he's actually alive though. A while back, he apparently just kind of... disappeared. Nobody could say what happened to him, so I kind of always assumed the worst.
I kind of like the way he's talking though. Pay close attention, and it doesn't seem like he's bowing out from console games altogether. When he says he's "retired" from console games, he specifies that his boss told him he has to say that. :lol:
It sucks that Japanese gaming has basically come down to this, but I still have hope that a great like him can make a comeback. Still one of my favorite developers/personalities in the business.
by OL
Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:21 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Kenny wrote:
Dorian wrote: ^Just remember that you're buying us all Shenmue 3 if you end up becoming a millionaire.

Maybe it's not the best time to mention that i'm probably the only regular member that doesn't like Shenmue that much.


by KiBa
Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:31 pm
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Re: American vs. PAL vs. Japanese

yeah they also awkwardly photoshoped out the '99 from the original japanese cover.
by AnimeGamer183
Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:25 pm
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Re: Persona/Shin Megami Tensei series

Dorian wrote: I'm a guy who gets excited only with the official info so I'll wait for that.

I know a few other things that get you excited ;)

Asian gifs
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:36 pm
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

You're completely right that we shouldn't have a classification stamped on our heads at all times.

There are people who will immediately see the depth of the game and will enjoy it for that reason, however there are also people who will not understand what makes the game good at first glance but they recognize the base reasons something is fun.

Still lets look at OL and Dorian . Both men enjoy action games and have an undeniable passion for the genre.

OL enjoys the more stylistic and aesthetic aspect of the games. He gets into games like Blood Will Tell and Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams and Enslaved. These games are all great but all very shallow. Its not to say OL dosen't recognize depth, it just seems like its not a priority to him. I think if I handed him Ninja Gaiden Black and Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams he's take Onimusha and call it a day. He's the kind of player you need to capture with aesthetics and accessibility, once you've got them you can introduce them to the depth by offering rewards specifically for higher difficulties.

Dorian is completely different. He likes em when they're pretty, but it seems he really likes games to be deep and offer a challenge. This is the kind of guy who picks up Bayonetta, Devil May Cry 3, and Ninja Gaiden:Black and puts the game on hard. This is also the base customer, wanting more Dorian will keep buying a series because he trusts a developer. Combos, freedom, challenge, variety and performance is what this crowd wants. They help a developer grow, they can help them look for new ideas and challenge themselves by trying to break the walls the developer has made. The best way to keep this kind of person is to continue offering depth and allowing them the freedom to continue learning and experimenting with a system.

Both are hardcore, and theres a way to make the majority of both happy, but developers keep trying to go one way or the other.
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:08 pm
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Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

I personally question this whole "Resident Evil has betrayed oldschool RE fans" thing. Yes, the classic ones had a tense atmosphere and 'scare factor' (and much better storyline) that RE4-et al do not. How much of that is honestly down to the controls/camera angles, though? In the original game, a Hunter makes me shit my pants. Especially when I can't see it. I hear that shriek, and immediately start running. Thing is, Mr. Hunter can make his way around flawlessly and with ease, whereas I struggle not to run into walls and such.

Then there's the pant-wetting boss battles of the old games. All the more scary because you can't just avoid them. They have to be defeated. Aiming is a bitch, sometimes even seeing where you're going/the location of the boss is a hazard in itself. We came to love these elements, but we've forgotten about how they made the game. All those things are core to a horror film, as well. An assailant who cannot be seen, protagonists who can't aim for shit, etc.

Even with the scarcity of ammo, gimme RE5 perspective/controls/etc in RE1 and I'll breeze through it, headshots all the way. Thus diminishing the horror-factor. For me, Resident Evil (as a storyline) ceases to exist after Nemesis (or at an absolute stretch - CODE: Veronica). The storyline just got ridiculous, it wasn't scary anymore, etc.

For my money, you only need to look at the title to see RE6 isn't going to be all-conquering. It's a story-based franchise that hasn't had any good story for the last three major instalments. It's reached it's sixth instalment, and third pointless-one-in-a-row as far as the storyline is concerned. I bet it ends with a cliffhanger for RE7.

That's not to say it's a bad game , I would just personally call it a bad Resident Evil game. But that's because I have a very set image in my mind when I think of RE, and ever since RE4 the games haven't matched the image or the certain kind of 'experience' that I expect.

The nearest any post-fixed camera angle/tank controls RE got to horror was one of the canned version of RE4, dubbed the 'Hook Man' version, which I'm sure you've all seen by now.

In my opinion, all these other ones could have just as easily been different IPs about zombies. Still, gotta love cash cows.
by Martin
Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:41 am
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0
You know what’s so uncomfortable about this? It shows that perhaps one of the most evil men in history, was a human being. That, on occasion, he could be nice, even flirty. That’s not all. You want to see evil people as evil, screaming horrible stuff over a desk with 20 microphones with 20, 000 people saluting them. The evil is clear and recognizable then. This shows a completely different image, it scares you because that means that evil isn’t a stereotype, that evil is not recognizable, that evil could be anyone. It scares you because this shows that evil could be lurking inside anyone and you’ll never ever know. Maybe in you?

Luke 6:32

"And if you love them that love you, what thanks are to you? For sinners also love those that love them. And if you do good to them who do good to you, what thanks are to you? For sinners also do this. And if you lend to them of whom you hope to receive, what thanks are to you? For sinners also lend to sinners, for to receive as much.

But love your enemies: do good, and lend, hoping for nothing thereby: and your reward shall be great, and you shall be the sons of the Highest. For he is kind to the unthankful and to the evil. Be therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

Judge not: and you shall not be judged. Condemn not: and you shall not be condemned. Forgive: and you shall be forgiven."
by KiBa
Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:41 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Definitely the one wearing sunglasses.
by KiBa
Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:43 pm
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Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

Big names like Capcom,Square,Konami have lost their way.SEGA can go either way but personally pleased with them last couple years. So Not all. Just the big names hard to see over them. Level 5,Falcom,Nintendo,Mistwalker,Atlus and more still get it just fine.

I think it goes beyond that (I'm also starting to get sick of Atlus a bit). Epic, Microsoft, Bioware, Ubisoft and Activision are as guilty as Square-Enix or any of the Japanese studios.

(Capcom is doubly bad since they keep putting small studios out of business making these really bad versions of their IPs)
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:51 am
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Re: Yakuza series

^^I've been feeling the same way. I mean, in the past it's taken them a full year to get each of the games translated and released outside of Japan, and it was done by a relatively small team as far as I know (part of the whole reason we keep getting the games; low-cost localization = more realistic expectations for profit)...
But with a game this size, who even knows how long it would take a team like that?
by OL
Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:33 am
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Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

Today I decided to actually play through the demo of Resident Evil 6... even though I really haven't been a fan since 4 (well I didn't really like zero either but whatever).

Nothing happened in Leon's. I walked through some rooms and I think there were zombies. Chris' starts off with the lamest patriotic speech that should be just before the climax of a really bad action movie, and zombies now have guns. Fuck the acid spitting jackasses from Jake's storyline and - I don't know - I can't remember anything else about Jake's Campaign.

That's all that stuck out to me.
by Thief
Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:04 am
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Re: Gaming Merchandise & Collections

by OL
Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:23 am
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Re: Gaming Merchandise & Collections

I'd have to kick myself in the balls though. And that's hard to do.
by OL
Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:17 am
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Re: RPG's( NOT Falcom,Square,Bethesda,Bioware)

Ryudo is talking about the epilogue. I mean the ending. You'll know exactly what I mean once you're done.

Are you talking about when

someone pushed a button and the universe was destroyed/created, and that one dude was a computer program and yeah.

because I thought that was pretty awful.
by Thief
Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:13 am
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