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Re: $315,407...

Yokosuka wrote:
Dragon St. wrote: $700,000 in 27 hours to reach the advanced free battle is very much possible!!

[-o< [-o< Hope you're true :cry:

'I believe in miracles'
-Yu Suzuki
by johnvivant
Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:08 pm
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Re: Keep this in mind when watching the Kickstarter finish!

Joel Tess has guaranteed himself immortality in this community.
by johnvivant
Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:03 pm
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KS accepts the same payment card for multiple accounts - FYI

There seems to be a lot of people asking this question so I thought I'd make a new topic so its easier to direct people to the info.

Kickstarter allows you to open an unlimited number of accounts and use the same card on all of them to make payment.

Here the quote of the inquiry to Kickstarter themselves:
I messaged them and they replied saying it shouldn't be a problem.

Kickstarter Support (Kickstarter)

Jul 8, 11:51 AM

Hi James,

You should be totally fine! Let us know if you need anything else.



Jul 8, 9:58 AM

Hi, I am a big Shenmue fan and have backed for the $1500 tier on this account. I also wanted to get the $80 tier so I would be able to receive both rewards, and I have backed this tier on a second account. I have backed it using the same debit card as I thought this would be okay, but I wanted to just double check before the project finishes that my card will be successfully charged twice, one for each of these 2 accounts. I needed to use 2 accounts, as it's not possible to back more than one unique reward tier, that the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter project happens to have.

Thank you for your time and help :)

if you've already secured a physical version on a higher tier, open another account and get digital too. also digital is great as a gift to friends and family.

Please retweet the following or create your own to share this information on twitter. thank you
by johnvivant
Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:55 am
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Re: KS Update #41 - Digital Upgrade & Character Bust

those busts should have been $3000-4000 minimum. they are very famous Shenmue artifacts.
by johnvivant
Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:48 am
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shenmue is trending big time on twitter

Retweet these tweets which are articles from major sites, it should help awareness;

And upvote this GameSpot article

i'll add to this as I get them.

edit new ones added sequentially:
9. !!
by johnvivant
Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:17 am
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Re: #TheFinalBlow-Hype thread for Teams Yu’s ‘Quick Timed Ev

people who haven't yet done this might want to now so we can keep up the shenmue twitter momentum on trends. even if you have why not do it again!

link - :
by johnvivant
Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:35 am
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Re: Two added stretch goals

We need more fans to make a new account and pledge again to get both physical or downloadable version of Ps4 and PC.
This doesn't look great we running out of time We need 430k
We need to get today atleast 130k and tomorow 200k or we not going to make it.

I explained this on this thread.
Shenmue has to win we need that publicity.
Claiming 2 records would really really benefit Shenmue brand.

to emphasize the value for people from Great Britain, $29 digital tier works out £18.57. which is insane good value. if you've already secured physical version on a higher tier, open another account and get digital too. also digital is great as gift for friends and family. you can open an unlimited number of accounts and use the same card on all of them without any problems, i've got 6 accounts and no problems at all so far. well done everyone for making this kickstarter so successfull. that video game record NEEDS TO BE OURS!
by johnvivant
Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:19 am
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Re: Communism in China, and Ren's return in Shenmue III

Chairman Mao makes a cameo in the game, if that counts

by johnvivant
Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:53 pm
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Time to deliver #TheFinalBlow

I feel that republishing this here from the news thread is appropriate given that we are just moving into the final day of the campaign. Many thanks to Sonoshee for this well worded plea. I hope we can make history tomorrow.

Last month our dreams were made a reality with the reveal of Shenmue 3 at E3. Over the past 4 weeks, many of us have done everything we possibly can to #SaveShenmue and make Yu Suzuki's vision for Shenmue 3 a reality. With the final day of the Kickstarter closing in, Shenhua and Ryo need us now more than ever.

The Shenmue community is therefore undertaking #TheFinalBlow to the Kickstarter starting now. If you haven't pledged - this is the time. If you can raise your pledge - please do so. Those of you holding out for a Paypal option - don't.
Do not look back in regret and think how you could have helped make Shenmue 3 the game it should have been.

Yi - To act without hesitation, to do what is right

Please pledge or upgrade your pledge NOW.
The quality and scale of Shenmue 3 is dependent on the Kickstarter’s overall funding success.

Spread this message (and the associated hashtags) on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Twitch, Instagram, gaming forums... and anywhere else you possibly can .

The future of Shenmue is in our hands... Let's make our voices heard one last time!

'I believe in miracles'
-Yu Suzuki

Links & Hashtags: #SaveShenmue #TheFinalBlow
30onthe3rd Article | Fate of Shenmue video | Shenmue 3 Kickstarter | Forum Discussion | News Archive
by johnvivant
Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:02 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 Kickstarter sets new record - LIVE REACTION

not long now. its unreal. worried about trolls though. :sad:
by johnvivant
Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:52 pm
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Re: AwesomeJapan - postmortem performance

paypal not being up immediately after the kickstarter ended was a huge opportunity missed.

the kickstarter was raising by 1000's even at the very end. at least some portion of those would have hopped straight onto paypal.

shenmue is trending huge on twitter today and there is still no paypal for people who might only be finding out about the kickstarter now.
by johnvivant
Sat Jul 18, 2015 3:44 pm
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Re: The miracle of Shenmue III

i really want to thank you Anonymous81. throughout the campaign i would always see you either in here or in the kickstarter comments, being helpful, positive, and enthusiastic. you understood everything well, and knew what actions to take. this is so useful when directing people. amazing work. this is a really well summarized analysis. the only things that really hurt the campaign was the misinformation about the funding which was fueled by click-baiting faux cynical journalists, and that strange original twitch stream (damage of the twitch stream is debatable imo).

other than that all the other factors converged to produce an amazing and improbable outcome. =D> thanks
by johnvivant
Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:20 am
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Re: Paypal campaign rewards: any suggestions?

i wrote the following a few weeks ago. maybe they could combine this with some of the the higher tier rewards from kickstarter that are still remaining.

idea rewards;
maybe if Suzuki could provide a modest reward for donating like a badge or sticker i think people would be more willing to accept the $30 suggestion.
30 dollars could be the minimum to get a sticker which would be the 'bronze level' as it were, but higher donations will be rewarded with a silver or gold sticker. (they could use the bronze, silver and gold medal designs from shenmue 2)

they could provide a different badge or sticker depending on the amount you donate, the design of which would change each month. this would create a incentive for people to donate each month so as to complete their sticker/badge collection.

the designs could be character art, or fan art, with annotations like "You have Ryo's thanks" or something like that.
by johnvivant
Sun Jul 19, 2015 5:58 am
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You are not authorised to read this forum.
by Guest
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Re: Two added stretch goals

to emphasize the value for people from Great Britain, $29 digital tier works out £18.57. which is insane good value. if you've already secured physical version on a higher tier, open another account and get digital too. also digital is great as gift for friends and family. you can open an unlimited number of accounts and use the same card on all of them without any problems, i've got 6 accounts and no problems at all so far. well done everyone for making this kickstarter so successfull. that video game record NEEDS TO BE OURS!

Have you done this in the past though? I'm super paranoid about this not working. I've successfully backed with two accounts now, but when it comes to taking payment in two days time the pledges might get declined at that point.

as a precaution put your main 'large pledge' on one card, and all your smaller pledges on another.
contact your bank/credit card company and advise that a number of small payments from a foreign company with coming out on: 18th - or whatever date it is for your region.

i believe that if they are declined, kickstarter has some system for trying again anyway. does anyone know anything about that?

edit ok just found this info;
Depending on your locale, Kickstarter/Amazon/Stripe will take up to 14 days to retry the charge (asking the backer to update their payment information along the way).
by johnvivant
Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:30 am
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Re: Money just been collected!

i just had the money go out from my account.

looks like there was some extra fee's involved which were taken by the bank for making a purchase in a foreign currency.

£1 automatic surcharge per transaction + 3% of whatever the transaction amount is.

a bit annoying - especially the 3% on my highest pledge amount :sad:

glad its been taken though.

i'm from the uk, and used my bank debit card.
anyone else have similar fee's?

Is the fee listed as "FGN PUR FEE 26.48"?

If so that's the fee they added onto my $1500 pledge, which i've just worked out is around 1.76%

yes, it was titled something different at my bank but it must be the equivalent. i probably should have done a little bit more research beforehand, but it doesn't really matter since i have no regrets about the amount i pledged, and would do the same again.
by johnvivant
Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:59 pm
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Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

fat guy in the center is very unlikeable.
by johnvivant
Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:10 am
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

i was just playing lucky hit in shenmue 2 - the one with the move scroll prize on dragon street - and my marble actually got stuck between some of the nails!

the owner says something like ' oh dear, this board is very old, that one doesn't count' and it gives you another go.

i must have played thousands of games of lucky hit and this has never happened to me before.
by johnvivant
Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:57 am
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Re: Money just been collected!

i just had the money go out from my account.

looks like there was some extra fee's involved which were taken by the bank for making a purchase in a foreign currency.

£1 automatic surcharge per transaction + 3% of whatever the transaction amount is.

a bit annoying - especially the 3% on my highest pledge amount :sad:

glad its been taken though.

i'm from the uk, and used my bank debit card.
anyone else have similar fee's?
by johnvivant
Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:08 pm
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Re: Technique Scroll system

Not Baihu, I think it was when you had to learn a move.

if you have 'machine gun fist' equipped during the fight then Ryo will use that move to finish off Baihu after you do the Pause QTE, otherwise he uses the other default move. i can't remember what its called though.

just found this video where the guy does all the possible finishers on baihu
by johnvivant
Sun Jul 26, 2015 5:39 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki's Twitter: 29/7 SIII Kick-off Meeting/Dinner

even if he has secured sufficient funds for the open world gameplay, i still think there should be at least a 6 month paypal campaign for people who missed out on the KS, and it also offers another opportunity to acquire those left over rewards. the extra funds can't possibly hurt. he might even reveal what the stretch goals are beyond 11 million.
by johnvivant
Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:16 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki's Twitter: 29/7 SIII Kick-off Meeting/Dinner

those 'controversies' were completely irrational. when you pledge you actually get stuff (rewards) in return, so you are basically buying a product. its no more a scam than buying your shopping at the supermarket.

if they were asking for money to save shenmue without offering anything in return and they were secretly withholding the fact that they didn't actually need the money - THEN it would be a scam.
its as far from that as it could possibly be.
by johnvivant
Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:46 pm
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Re: "Making Sense of Shenmue 3"

ok, so from what i can understand the actual 'controversy' was that certain 'idealists' dislike any project being on kickstarter that has an outside funding link with a big publisher - this goes against their 'ideals' of what kickstarter SHOULD be.

these idealist have a resentment against 'evil big publishers'. They want kickstarter to prove that games can be completely developed without any help from the big publishers - they have a kind of 'stick it to the man' philosophy.

What a stupid reason to try and sabotage the success of a much loved and desired project.

kickstarter is meant to 'kickstart' a project (not necessarily to completely fund it) and shenmue 3 was a very unlikely project that was a made a reality ONLY because of kickstarter.

shenmue 3 SHOULD be the finest jewel in the kickstarter crown but these weird idealists let their resentments of big publishers get in the way of their reasonable thought processes.

this is the biggest NON-controversy of all time.

it finally took this video to explain it , because all the previous articles by people promulgating the whole 'controversy' and 'scam' meme could not even coherently explain what it was that they found objectionable. turns out it was a bad and stupid reason.
by johnvivant
Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:56 pm
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Re: My new video of Shenmue Fan made, Check it out!!

wow, its getting there!

the tiger patch on the back needs to be little smaller.
the jeans around the buttocks are a little too loose, Ryo wears them tight!

are these animations taken from dead or alive?

can you create a really nice walking animation and put this model into unreal 4 ? (if its not already running in unreal).
i'd love to see him walking around nocon kid's HD locations or in the fields of the unreal 4 kite demo.

great work.
by johnvivant
Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:16 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

So what happens as you train up your moves? Increased power and/or speed?


in shenmue 1 training moves increases their damage, and when they reach 'moderate' level evolves the form ( some moves but not all) making them faster to perform.

in shenmue 2 training moves just increases their damage output.
by johnvivant
Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:06 pm
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Re: Secrets and Easter Eggs

I never got into Lucky Hit much. I worked at them a few times before I found out about gambling at the $500 Big Or Small tables, but never played much. Is it worth it to play the $500 Lucky Hit board, to make a lot of money?

by far the easiest was to make money is to go to the 'Old Government Office Site' in kowloon which is down the steps just beyond 'three birds building'

there is a guy just to your right as you enter running a game of 'big and small/wai sik' max bet $1000

just keep betting $1000 and selecting 'wai sik'. keep restarting the console if you lose
to soft reset:
xbox - hold start and back together
dreamcast hold x,y,b,a and start together

i've made $100's of thousands doing this repeatedly. its a good way of gaining the money to buy the slot house tokens and get the certificates.
by johnvivant
Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:00 pm
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Re: #SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon


don't forget about about this tweetathon tomorrow people.

if you want want Team Yu to autotweet on your behalf then you'll need to 'sign in with twitter' at the bottom of page of the following link.

if you haven't done so already you'll need to activate your autotweet.

then go back to the above link and at the bottom of the page there should be a text box that says;
'I hope SEGA releases Shenmue 1 & 2 on modern systems before Shenmue 3 comes out.'

you can edit the tweet if you like. then you just need to click 'save' which is right next to it. And thats it!
by johnvivant
Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:08 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

Almost very nearly maxed out Stab Armour, is there any notification or anything when you completely max out a move? Where are the VIrtual On toys? I got a few in those $25 boxes.

there is no on screen notification but when you look through your move list the text colour of the move is different (i think)

virtua on machines
- there is one hidden away down the side of a building in wise man quarter - go to where all the pawn shops are located in wise man quarter - there are some stairs and a ramp next to each other. at the bottom of the ramp/stairs go around it to an alley which goes around the side of the building. the machine is at the end.

-there is a also one on the 1st floor of thousand white building (kowloon) - near the knife shops and kung fu move shops - by the stairs.
- there is also one hidden away in the 'Electronics Emporium' in the lucky charm quarter. the shop is to the left as you go down the stairs from wise mens quarter.
by johnvivant
Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:32 am
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Re: Yu Suzuki : a new interview about Shenmue III incoming !

maybe someone can start a new topic for a discussion about the pros and cons of the voice acting, there is no point cluttering up David's Yu Suzuki questions thread with it. and just for the record i enjoy the english dub very much - especially Corey Marshal's performance - but i would still like the option of being able to mix the dub and subtitles for a different experience as well my japanese language practice.

So david make it clear to Yu that there are fans of both dubs, but many fans would like the option to mix and match subtitles and dub - even to extent of allowing english dub and japanese subs, ala US Shenmue.

If this is possible and not too difficult to implement then fans would like this option.
by johnvivant
Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:09 am
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Re: Yu Suzuki : a new interview about Shenmue III incoming !

I have thought of yet more questions :D :

-Do you plan to release any game-play footage of the ‘The Old Man and The Peach Tree’ prototype? Its an important and fascinating part of Shenmue history and fans are curious to see what it looked like.

-Do you plan to release any more of the CG video sequences from Project Berkeley or any more in-game footage of the Saturn version of Shenmue. Again I emphasize that there is a huge interest and curiosity among fans to see versions of Shenmue in its earliest forms.

-Unfortunately a high quality video of the ‘Shenmue Premier’ event has never been released. Would it be possible to make this available to the fans at some point?

-You have said in the past that many of your ideas come to you through dreams. You have a notebook by your bed to record those ideas. Can you recount any of the ideas specifically relating to Shenmue that came to you through a dream?
-Did the idea for a magical ‘Spirit tree’ come to you through a dream?

-Some fans have speculated that in the creation of Shenmue you were influenced by Chinese Wuxia stories and the art and literary genre called ‘Magic Realism’. Are these accurate observations? Can you speak about your influences in the creation of the Shenmue story?

-Do you plan to create new version of ‘Shenmue Passport’ for Shenmue 3? Will this include online features like leader boards, detailed game-play stats, online capsule toy trading, gameplay guide, detailed character profiles ect.

-Will it be possible to have an online Player vs Player (PvP) competitive mode for the mini and betting games like lucky hit?

- Will winning cans be returning? And will it be possible to trade them in at a store rather than having the capsule toy appear out of thin air like it does in Shenmue 2?

-Do you plan to create a ‘Making of Shenmue 3’ featurette to be included with Shenmue 3 or available elsewhere?

- In Shenmue 3 will the NPCs in the villages have their own daily schedules of behaviour with a similar - if not greater - level of complexity as Shenmue 1?

-In Shenmue 3 will all NPCs be fully voiced?
by johnvivant
Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:38 pm
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Re: Duck racing help

i usually skip until about the 25th or 26th of Feb. that should give you plenty of time to win her affection by the 3rd.

one trick to easily getting Fangmei's affections rather than speaking to her each day is to lose the Man Mo park fight (triggered by using chawan sign at man mo bistro). the following day she will automatically start calling you Ryo. otherwise you'll need to get about 12 successful responses to her questions, which might take 3 to 5 days.
by johnvivant
Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:47 am
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Re: Yu Suzuki : a new interview about Shenmue III incoming !

- There is a old screen-shot of a scene where Ryo is giving Xiaoqin (the little girl from 'Sunny Capital Pharmacy' in Shenmue 2) a ride on the back of a bicycle. Can you explain what was happening in this scene and why it never appeared in the final game?

- In South Carmain Qr. of Shenmue 2 there is a mysterious dead end alley just to the right of Sunny Capital Pharmacy. This alley has always intrigued fans. Some have speculated that this might have been the location for the removed 'Man Mo Travel Company' or a through road to a completely new location. There is also some evidence that Sunny Capital Pharmacy was originally located there. Can you provide any information about this alley?

-Are you aware of any secrets or easter eggs in the original games that still have not been discovered by fans?

- Can you give us any information about the village of martial artists that was completely removed from Shenmue 2? Was this a village in Guilin?
by johnvivant
Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:12 pm
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Re: South Carmain Qr. - Mysterious Dead End

Hey Kiyuu, the image links seem to have died, is there any chance you could re-post them? i would like to see them again.
i could only find 2 images in the dojo gallery, but it seems that you might have posted more that aren't there.
thank you.
by johnvivant
Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:12 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki : a new interview about Shenmue III incoming !

-In Shenmue 3 and beyond, will the player's choices have a larger impact on the outcome of the overall story?
-Why did you call the fictional tree 'Sedge' 莎, when the tree in no ways resembles the Sedge plant in either its foliage or flower?
by johnvivant
Sun Aug 09, 2015 6:14 am
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Re: Yu Suzuki : a new interview about Shenmue III incoming !

- Why did you decide to reveal Niao Sun well in advance of the release of Shenmue 1 when she doesn’t actually appear in either of the first two games? Were there ever any plans to have her appear in Shenmue 1 or 2 in some way?
by johnvivant
Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:06 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki : a new interview about Shenmue III incoming !

I hope you do become community manager David, I can't imagine anyone else being better suited for the task - you know the 3 most relevant languages and you are a dedicated mega fan. Good Luck!

here are some questions for Yu - i might add more to it later:

-In Shenmue 3 will we still be able to open cupboards and looks through draws?

-In Shennmue 3 will be still be able to pick up many objects and examine them, even if those objects aren’t directly related to the story or quest - like in the previous games?

-Will Shenmue 3 have a proper Virtua Fighter style free-battle system?

-Can you incorporate the Virtua fighter 5 fighting engine and/or animations into Shenmue 3 to save costs?

-Could you clarify your comments about the size of each of the villages. You made a comparison between the size of Dobuita in Shenmue 1 to the size of the locations in Shenmue 3. Will each village have at least the scale and depth of Dobuita from Shenmue 1?
-How big is Choubu by comparison with Dobuita from Shenmue 1?

-Does the rapport system imply that the overall plot-line will vary based the players actions? or will the overall plot-line remain the same regardless? For example will having a bad relationship with one of the characters make them turn against you, or remove them for the rest of the story completely?

-Will Shenhua be a regular companion throughout the whole Shenmue 3? i.e. will she actually be walking around with us like in disc 4 of Shenmue 2. And will her company be optional for the player?

-Can you give us any information about how magic is going to be implemented in the future games?
-Can you give us any information about Shenhua’s magical abilities?
-Is Shenhua a reincarnated personality?
-Is Ryo a reincarnated personality?

-Was the Shenmue Online CG movie that depicted Shenhua summoning a Phoenix and battling a huge Dragon (seemingly being controlled by Lan Di) a canonical event to the main series?

-In Shenmue 3 will you be including an option for the player to choose which language dub and subtitle options they prefer?

-If Sega does release HD remastered ports of Shenmue 1+2 will the save transfer system be compatible with Shenmue 3?

-At the end of the Shenmue saga will the player be able to choose which girl Ryo ends up with? :heart: ;-)

Bonus question:
-Any information on Virtua Fighter 6?
by johnvivant
Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:44 am
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Re: Yu Suzuki : a new interview about Shenmue III incoming !

i thought of some more questions:

-Will the backer exclusive ‘calling card DLC’ involve multiple conversations with the characters from the previous games (especially Nozomi) rather than just one conversation?
-During these 'calling card' conversations will Ryo be mentioning any of the events occurring in Shenmue 3?

-Can you confirm whether or not the majority of Sega IP capsule toys from the previous games will be returning in Shenmue 3?

-In Shenmue 3 will each area, shop and building have its own musical theme like in the previous games?

-In Shenmue 3 will there be a cut-scene during the 7pm night time transitions like in the previous games?

-In Shenmue 3 will there be loading screens between areas and also upon entering a building like in the previous games?

-Whats happening with the paypal campaign? (If its not already active by the the time of the interview)

-In Shenmue 3 will Ryo still generally have an 11:00pm curfew?

-In Shenmue 3 will fans be able - for the first time - to see directly the rising and setting of the sun in the Shenmue universe?
by johnvivant
Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:48 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki : a new interview about Shenmue III incoming !

- Can we expect the new Shenmue merchandise before and after the launch of Shenmue 3? I hope the success of the Kickstarter rewards in enough to show the community's desire for more Shenmue related merchandise.

- Are you planning to secure product licensing from Coca-cola and Timex again? Many fans really appreciate these brands association with Shenmue.

Light-hearted question; 8)
- During and after the Kickstarter campaign many fans have noticed that in the majority of videos and photos in which you appear, you are wearing a white and navy-blue striped t-shirt. Fans have jokingly suggested that this is your lucky ‘Shenmue sailors’ t-shirt. Other suggestions include various speculations regarding your possible wash day schedules, or your preference for buying identical shirts in bulk. Do you care to comment? The Shenmue community awaits with bated breath! :D

(@David - i just thought it would be funny for Suzuki (and us) to hear that fans were talking about his t-shirt. if it sounds too rude or inappropriate then don't bother with it. most of the questions are serious so i thought a light-hearted one would add more variety)
by johnvivant
Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:58 pm
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Re: What is that Fire symbol in the moves list?

Mr357 wrote: Are both of those moves one-hit KO's?

Yep, it denotes that the move kills lower level enemies instantly. The move also has a chance to do critical damage to higher level enemies.
by johnvivant
Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:51 am
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Re: Yu Suzuki : a new interview about Shenmue III incoming !

-If Sega decides to develop HD ports of the first 2 games would it be possible to reinstate some of the content that had to be removed from the original games due to the memory/media capacity limitations of the time? In the past you have said that there exists a fully developed scenario involving the boat journey to Hong Kong but you regretfully had to remove it due to the data capacity limitations of the time. So would it be possible to reinstate this and other content for a HD port?

-In an old interview you said that a 'whole lot of extra content' was added to Shenmue 2 towards the end of production. Can you tell us what this extra content was? Did it happen to be the Guilin chapter? If so could you give us your reasons for ending Shenmue 2 at this particular point, and in this particular way?
by johnvivant
Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:43 pm
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Re: Dorimaga 2001 Interview w/ Yu Suzuki & others

i wouldn't mind betting that the 'whole lot of extra content' that was added 'right at the end of development' was the Guilin chapter. I'm just speculating here, but i think that Suzuki suspected that if he concluded shenmue 2 with the roof top fight there wouldn't be as strong demand for the sequel than if he extended it to the Guilin cliff hanger ending.
he must have been fully aware of the precarious nature of getting the go ahead from sega for a 3rd game, and a huge cliff hanger ending was bound to create huge anticipation for the sequel. it maybe tormenting for the fans doing it this way especially if shen 3 never happened but an ingenious move for ensuring fan demand and loyalty.
by johnvivant
Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:21 pm
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Re: Yakuza series

super looking forward to this. i really hope all the content stays in there, the only exception being the trivia game.
phpBB [video]
by johnvivant
Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:19 pm
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Re: Shenmue 1080p

Fenix wrote: A render I made a few days ago. Not at the same level at the ones of Esppiral but it still nice:


lol Ryo putting on his friendly marketing expression.
by johnvivant
Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:30 am
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