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Getting better rips and manipulating the camera in Shenmue 2

I've been asked how can I manipulate the ingame camera on Shenmue II, well since this is very usefull to rip game assets I will post it here so everyone can use it.

First you will need this cheat engine table, nulldc, 3D RIPPERDX and patience.!JIQWTa6a!_8ogL3RCdELnbdeX1Db6rJuYkof6HlcP_08WKGhZWcI

As many of you may know it is difficult to rip Shnemue II's assets since you can only rip what's inside the game's fov, everything else will be clipped, so to rip a full scene could take you up to 10+ rips and hours of headache.... so manipulating some memory addresses you can change that, it means you can rip bigger chunks of assets, (or play the game like an old GTA game xD) this is extremely usefull since there is no geometry extractor for Shenmue 2.

Let's get to work.

Make sure You have the latest version of Cheat engine, and you have the cheatengine table I've provided you.

Run Cheat engine, load the cheat engine table, Run NullDc, attatch Cheat engine to NullDc.

Load Shenmue II you should see the game as usual.

Change the field of view value to something like 52aa2aaa (you can try different values)

Now change the "perpendicular address" to 0000C000 this will prevent the rip to have the Z axis distorted and you will get a better view of what you are going to rip.

Ok now put the camera as far away as you want by changing the address (camera up) to your desired value.

Chek if everything you whant to rip is in place.

Import it to 3ds max and enjoy your "almost" perfect rip.

Some examples.

by Esppiral
Sun Mar 06, 2016 3:19 pm
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Re: Shenmue Scrolls Skyrim Mod - Development Blog

Reecekun do you need help hacking the maps to see everything? I have 2 solutions for free roaming wish road, one being a simple ECAM swap and the other being some files given to me by Wude that hack the timer to shut it off via artmoney tables. I can send them to you if needed.

I am pretty sure you are right on the ring road as that seems correct but I dont think it is modeled anywhere in the maps.

Also, fantastic job!!!!
by shengoro86
Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:09 pm
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Hacking into Shenmue 2 Cutscenes as Playable Areas

While working on the Kowloon Explore mod update, I decided to try to make QTE and other cutscenes into walkable areas accessible to the player for explore/research purposes.

I believe this method was first discovered here by LanDC and Mistre Ziming but I couldn't find the relevant topic on it so I am posting it here and on the Shenmue mods page for historical reference.

Credit to the following people who made this possible:
Bluemue, LanDC, Mistre Ziming, Giorgio, Wude, Speud, and everyone else who figured out the no clip hacks and Dreamcast save file CRC checksums,and mapinfos stuff. Sorry if I missed anyone.

So here is a specific use case to wrap the tutorial around.
Please note that specific values like mapcodes and such will change depending on your source map for the save file and the map you want to hack into.

Gain access to the QTE cutscene where Ryo and Ren are running away from Don Niu and jump onto the rooftop.

To gain access to this level, we need to take into account some things. Shenmue 2 uses in game cutscenes for pretty much everything. This being said, that means that the levels the cutscenes take place in should 9 out of 10 times work the same way as playable areas do from a file and hex code standpoint. So to break into these levels we need to hack an existing save file to change which level code we start in and remove their clipping for free roam if necessary. To do that we can hex edit the map calls in the save file and fix its CRC to load. That only leaves two issues. The first issue is that the clipping for the map we want to hack into is still in effect and can break our movement if the FLDD sector exists, so we have to remove it using Bluemue's tutorial.
The second issue is that with this basic procedure, our vertical height is determined by where our save file was originally saved in. So like saving on the 6th floor of a building will put us 6 floors in the air anywhere else, etc etc. So we need to find a sweet spot OR just hack the coordinates in the save file or live hack them via a emulation cheater program.

Tools needed:
1. a dumped copy of Shenmue 2 on DC
2. Tools to compile cdi or w/e format. (i use bootmake and binhack32)
3. hex editor (i use HxD)
4. VMU Explorer

Steps to get into the level (in this case the handcuff jump scene at QAXX.
1. In the dumped copy of Shenmue 2 go to /SCENE/03/XXXX and open the mapinfo.bin in a hex editor
NOTE: The QAXX scene for the handcuff jump scene has no FLDD sector. Leaving this step though in case another scene does.
2. Remove the FLDD--> | DOOR sector if it exists in the mapinfo and save the file
3. Compile this disc with the hacked XXXX map
4. In a working copy of Shenmue 2, create a save file on the 3rd floor of the Three Birds Building.
5. Open up the save file in a hex editor and replace QAE1 with QAXX and save the file
6. Open up the save file in VMU Explorer and fix the CRC with the relevant option
7. Launch the game and enjoy!

This height level will put you in the correct building height. Retry with the 2nd floor to access the rooftop they jump to. You can also access the ground area by making a save file on the first floor.

Shenmue Mods Page Link:
by shengoro86
Thu Dec 01, 2016 12:54 pm
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RELEASE: Shenmue Explore Mod V1.4


I am proud to announce that the Shenmue Exploration Mod has hit version 1.4!
File system cleaned up a bit to remove dead and unused files from hacks
-Sub-PKS Colli datas now being hacked for free roam.
-Harbor Cafe now hacked for free roam
-Alpha Trading Office now hacked for free roam


What is it?
This is a mod of Shendream's BETA release of Shenmue 1 Disc 3.
This mod allows you to walk around most areas without clipping. This allows you to walk through walls and most objects.
It also contains playable maps for Dobuita in Whats Shenmue, Beta Yamanose, Beta Sakuragaoka, and Wish Road!

I made this for my own purpose but I wanted to share it with everyone. I always wanted to go wherever I wanted to when inside of shops and stuff.

Each mapinfo.bin has been hacked to remove all clipping data.
Sub-sectors of PKS IPAC data have now begun being hacked.
Notebook hacked to show basic version number and instructions

The original clipping method was developed by Giorgio.
The ECAM warp zone removals were developed by Me.
The IPAC clipping hack was developed by Bluemue.
The beta maps were hacked by Wude.
The Beta itself was released by Shendream.
The What's Shenmue to BETA map conversion was done by me.
The grunt work was done by me :)

Which areas can I free roam?
I am aiming to have every single area free roamable. However some areas need special tricks to get working.
Here is the list:
D000 - Retail Dobuita
JD00 - Retail Sakuragaoka
JD01 - Beta Sakuragaoka
JHD0 - Hazuki Residence
JOMO - Ryo's House
JU00 - Retail Yamanose
JU01 - Beta Yamanose
MFSY - Harbor
MKSG - Old Warehouse District
DCBN - Tomato Convenience Store
DYKZ - Nagai Industries
DURN - Lapis Fortune Teller
DTKY - Maeda Barber Shop
DSLT - Slot House
DSLI - Bar Linda
DSKI - Global Travel Agency
DRSA - Russiya China Shop
DRME - Manpukuken Ramen
DPIZ - Bob's Pizzaeria
DKTY - Antique Shop
DKPA - Nana's Karaoke Bar
DJAZ - MJQ Jazz Bar
DGCT - You Arcade
DCHA - Ajiichi
DBYO - Bar Yokosuka
DBHB - Heartbeats Bar
TATQ - Tattoo Parlor
JABE - Abe Store Candy Shop
MKYU - Harbor Lounge
YDB1 - Hazuki Basement
D001 - Wish Road
D002 - What's Shenmue Dobuita

NEW IN 1.4
NOTE: Alpha Trading Office and Harbor Cafe are both a part of the MFSY sub IPAC sector data. You can not warp into these two places using the debug menu. You need to go to the harbor and walk through their doors.

How do I use it?
Just like in the original beta release, you can call these specific maps up with the main debug menu.
For the shops that are closed when you go into them with the menu, just use the 4th player controller debug menu to set the time in the game to a time where the shop is open!
NOTE from above: Alpha Trading Office and Harbor Cafe are both a part of the MFSY sub IPAC sector data. You can not warp into these two places using the debug menu. You need to go to the harbor and walk through their doors.

Are there bugs?
Yes! Like all arcane Shenmue hacks, bugs will exist.
-What's Shenmue Dobuita has a soda machine that is fused with the retail soda machine. (This is easily fixed)
-Ryo's House is completely broken and invisible.
-Random textures disappear and pop in when you are walking through walls. (This is normal and cannot be fixed.)

NOTE: You cannot play through this as normal!!!!!! It is disc 3 AND the maps are hacked to the point where the normal game will not flow and cutscenes may not trigger. It is for exploring only!

What can I play it on?
Confirmed working on NullDC, DEmul, Reicast, Chankast, and actual DC hardware via CD-R or GDEMU.



So whats next?
I am now working to make a final version of this hack.
Things to finish:
-BETA Dobuita free roam.
-Shenmue Passport Maps converted to walkable freeroam maps. (I've almost struck gold on this hack)
-Fixing Ryo's house as it keeps breaking when removing Pre ECAM data
-Vertical clipping so stairs are walkable
-Main menu credits

How do I download it?
Send me a pm and I'll share it with you.
I don't want to get my MEGA account banned.
by shengoro86
Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:45 pm
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Re: RELEASE: Shenmue Explore Mod V1.4

Reecekun. Done and hacked!

I managed to remove the colli ipac data from the level and bingo.

by shengoro86
Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:01 pm
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Re: RELEASE: Shenmue Explore Mod V1.4

ReeceKun wrote: Cool nice one, I didn't really expect to see a cockroach I just find it amusing that it was in there.
Here's a sneak peak of Soba V2.0

Nice dude! Looks great!!
by shengoro86
Wed Dec 21, 2016 11:55 am
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Shenmue I, Shenmue II & What's Shenmue Widescreen HEX hack.

Hi I bring you an hex fix to patch a Shenmue I 1ST_READ.BIN/ISO/GDI/CDI.

This hex hack will make Shenmue display in Widescreen aspect ratio without clipping or glitches unlike NullDC extra geometry option or previous action replay codes, it will basically render the extra geometry necessary for 16:9 TV's.

The hack works great on emulators, as do on a real Dreamcast. (Click Show for download links)

Shenmue PAL Disc 1 (GDI) - FireDrop |
Shenmue PAL Disc 2 (GDI - FireDrop |
Shenmue PAL Disc 3 (GDI) - FireDrop |
Shenmue PAL PassPort (GDI) - FireDrop |
SHENMUE, E MK-5105950, V1.00120001005

So with an hex editor find and replace the following values.

Value 1


Render fix

203F090C 8BC78AD4 FFE55224 51145214

303F090C 8BC78AD4 FFE55224 51145214
Render Fix

09000900 09000900 09000900 09000900 09000900 09000900 09000900 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 09000900 09000900 09000900 09000900 00000000 00000000 00000000


09000900 09000900 09000900 09000900 09000900 09000900 09000900 00008C42 0000F042 0000803F 0000803F 09000900 09000900 09000900 09000900 0000803F 0000803F 0000803F

Old Widescreen hack

New Widescreen hack
by Esppiral
Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:10 pm
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Re: Shenmue I Widescreen ISo/Hex patch

Thank you Esppiral for this great finding ...

I made a simple patch that makes this new & improved hack much easier to apply without the need of manually editing any files:

This is only for PAL GDI version of Shenmue.

1- Download & extract the patch zip from this link .
2- Copy track06.bin from each original GDI disc into the correct extracted "Disc#" folder (e.g. track06.bin from original disc 1 GDI folder into the extracted Disc1 folder).
3- Copy track07.bin from original GDI Passport disc into the extracted Passport folder.
4- Run patch.bat.
5- Copy track06.bin from the correct "Disc#/Fixed" folder back to GDI disc folder (e.g. track06.bin from Disc1/Fixed folder back into original disc 1 GDI folder).
6- Copy track07.bin from Passport/Fixed folder back into the original GDI Passport folder.
7- Play & Enjoy ...

Note: Always backup your original files.
by masterchan777
Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:28 pm
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Re: How can I remake a tmp file extracted from a compressed

I went through the struggles of that during the making of this mod . Obviously, It requires tedious hex-editing. And, if I remember well, it went like this (some steps may not be necessarily justified):

- Open the PKF/PKS file with a hex editor and see if it's compressed.
- If it is, then extract it (I used GZIP, both for decompressing and compressing).
- Use a PVR extractor and converter from PVR to PNG. That was helpful to see the order in which the textures appear in the file.
- Edit the PNG image or make a new one.
- Convert the PNG image to PVR. This step needs special attention. It needs to see the attributes of the relevant original PVR. Attributes like its size, the pixel format, its data type etc. [ PVR Graphic Format ]
- Open the extracted file of the PKF/PKS with a hex editor. Replace the block of bytes of the relevant original PVR data with the new one created.
- (Re)compress the extracted file of the PKF/PKS to a PKF/PKS file. (However. If I remember well, this is not necessary. And, thus, the extracted file could just be renamed to the prefix of the PKF/PKS it got extracted from. I think Dreamcast decompresses GZIP decompressed files on the fly. Decompressing these files reduces the size of data, but it increases the time of loading.)
by Giorgio
Thu Dec 24, 2015 11:26 am
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Re: Shenmue I, Shenmue II & What's Shenmue Widescreen HEX ha

Shenmue Ultrawidescreen (21:9) running on a real Dreamcast,

Video was captured from My Dreamcast conected to a VGA2HDMI box, then conected to my Xbox One streaming to windows I then recorded using Bandicam and finally recompressed to keep the 21:9 aspect ratio since the source video was 16:9 on top of that the youtube compression.... lol

So the quality isn't the best possible actually it introduced quite a lot of stuttering and artifacts not present during direct gameplay, but you get the Idea, it is quite impressive seeing it running on the real thing.

In the whole 40 minutes gameplay there are only 2 times when the games lags, mostly in the intro.
by Esppiral
Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:03 pm
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