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I can't be the only guy who doesn't want Shenmue 3, right?

I think this website is a lot better at preserving the timelessness of a true classic than pushing (or mostly just discussing) a sequel.

Don't get me wrong - if the game was announced today I would have to buy a new console just to play it. But I think deep down the majority of you are aware the series has such a niche following that even if it didn't have a terrible history of financial loss, it still wouldn't sell to make a return as per today's requirements.

Just give it up. I don't even mean any offense by this, because I took part in some of them, but if you were to list all of the stunts you've pulled to get Sega's attention, some of you would be embarrassed. Not because of the actual lengths you went to do something, but because they were huge failures. You have spent over a decade now holding onto your seats in blind and fading anticipation.

They won't even release downloadable HD versions to consoles. Didn't it take Sega like eight years to make Shenmue 2 backwards compatible with the 360?

Let's put the series to rest and accept the fact the series is over. It might be a lot more fun and open ended dreaming about the impossible remaining chapters than hoping they get made.
by Half Dead
Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:03 am
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Re: I can't be the only guy who doesn't want Shenmue 3, righ

Hmmm... Give up? Not wise decision, It's not like we losing something by not giving up isn't it?

You're losing nothing but precious time, unless the thrill of dreaming is such an intense hobby that even after 12 or so years you feel you must carry on. If that's the case then we can't relate on any level.

the fire has gone out in his heart.

The realization that a sequel being funded or even interested in, and the fire second. There was a stage I was foolish enough and unfamiliar with how life works when I truly believed purchasing capsule toys and sending them to Sega was going to get the attention of decision makers.
by Half Dead
Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:01 am
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