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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

I'm the opposite, I don't so much mind a candidate with a religion different from my own. But I did question his leadership. It's just that he doesn't seem to want to "guide" the mob. He wants to be part of the mob. That for me is a concern when the GOP continuously shifts further and further to the right. I suspect a candidate as "Go with the flow" as Romney from one week to the next would not take the reigns of the party and get them back on course, on the contrary. I suspect it would have been the party puppeteering him.

That and whole "I have a great plan but I can't talk about it/I have tax loopholes in mind to close but I can't say what they were" ect didn't help matters. :lol: What little of his plan he did tell us anything about involved shrinking the deficit through ballooning military spending and slashing taxes. It seems so hard to reconcile from the math side of things to the point where if those were the things he was willing to talk about, what kinds of things was he planning that he wouldn't talk about? :shock: Ah well, election over. I'm glad to be 2 and a half years away from being bombarded with political ads again.
by Sonikku
Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:08 pm
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Re: Grand Theft Auto Series

But also a lot of that should be countryside


One of my favourite things to do is drive across from Los Santos to San Fierro. I did it once in a small tractor, going at snails pace, listening to K-Rose and absorbing the scenery and cars casually driving past me. I love that so much. Especially round the back of Mt. Chiliad. It was an excellent way of reflecting on the story up until that point, and also created a proper sense of excitement and achievement hen you get to your destination. RDR also did this for me, but to a lesser extent due to the limited modes of transport and more barren scenery. But countryside definitely gets my vote!
by Peter
Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:03 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

The democratic party candidate for Washington state's 4th legislative district (which covers Spokane Valley) was Amy Biviano.

Being that this is politics, somehow a topless Playboy picture of her from 1995 surfaced.

NSFW obviously.

Uncensored link

did she genuinely expect not to get found out! what the fuck was she thinking! jesus christ, are all politicians COMPLETE morons?

I for one approve of people that may have worked a very degrading line of work in their early lives later trying to make something of themselves with more reputable and respectable roles, public service among them. It breaks up the monotony of the wrinkly old geysers born with a silver spoon in their mouths telling us about how much they care about all us regular folk.

Also her ta ta's are quite nice.
by Sonikku
Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:24 pm
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Re: Grand Theft Auto Series


:D :D
by Who Really Cares?
Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:59 am
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by Guest
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

After a talk with Yama, i will be staying in my post, but some things will be changing. George will reveal more when things are a bit more ironed out. But finally after 21 and a half hours i can get some sleep, and end this day a lot happier than when i started. Oh and theres a ban on registrations so there will be no more bots until the security issues are fixed.

Night Dojo'ers :nice!:
by Peter
Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:34 am
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Re: Next Xbox to be named....

Yukupo wrote:
AnimeGamer183 wrote: ^ That and Fable.
It's on PC too actually. :P

by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:27 am
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Stay thirsty my friends...
by Jeff
Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:10 pm
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Re: Salute

Sorry I had to edit the original image to something more appropriate. Jeff deserves special conservative treatment.

by Ziming
Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:04 pm
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Re: Salute

Ziming wrote: Sorry I had to edit the original image to something more appropriate. Jeff deserves special conservative treatment.


by Sonikku
Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:30 am
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Re: Yakuza series

I just started playing Yakuza 3 last night. Man I forgot how much I loved these games. I didn't have a PS3 for the longest time so I just had to sit after playing Yakuza 2 all those years ago. The game looks great too. It's cool to see Okinawa. :P
You're going to love Yakuza 4 then, I've never seen the series look so good or feel as immersive. Well, until the fifth installment anyway.
by Yama
Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:21 pm
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Re: Skies of Arcadia HD news (GAF topic)

Gah, I remember logging on that day in '05....was totally out of the blue and I was quite literally doing flips and somersaults around the house.

I still think Doree wasn't bullshitting us, and that - as he said - the situation changed after that article was published. He really was a big Shenmue advocate and I don't think he'd fabricate that story. I think his eagerness and excitement as a Shenmue fan clouded his judgment. It's a damn shame. That was 7 years ago! Crazy. I never would have thought it would have taken this long to play more Shenmue.

Shenmue is valuable IP. Even if it doesn't make money, there is value there. I just hope Sega finds a way to set up a realistic budget. Problem is, even if it is announced, officially....there's a huge wait from that point, and lots of time for things to take a disastrous turn. I don't even play video games at all anymore, and I'm not even too sad about it anymore (wistful and nostalgic, yes), but I do think if the day ever comes that I hold a copy of a new Shenmue game in my hand that'd it be one of the more surrealistic and memorable moments in my life.

"I feel like I've known that tree, from a long time's a strange feeling."
by Lan Di-sama
Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:25 pm
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Re: Unpopular Opinions

Slavery was not good for black people, period. First off, the slave trade is responsible for the current condition of some of the Africa's undeveloped ares. Second, several thousand Africans died on during their boat ride, far beyond holocaust numbers. Us decedents of Africans did not need our ancestors to be captured and enslaved to have a "better opportunity". Hell, I can make allot more money if I move back to Africa (which I probably will at some point.)
by Brothaman
Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:36 pm
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Re: Unpopular Opinions

Apple isn't innovative.
by Samanosuke Akechi
Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:33 pm
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Today has finally arrived.

I have been talking about it, and planning it for a year, but today i leave Belfast and travel to Australia. To say i am nervous would be an understatement, but i will just keep powering through and try to enjoy the ride. I will be logging on as much as i can and keeping you updated, and i wont forget about here. :)
by Peter
Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:14 am
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Re: Skies of Arcadia HD news (GAF topic)

I think the worst ever was final fantasy 8 when you had to trek through a long cave with a tough random encounter gradually depleting your resources and will every step of the way to Omega Weapon. (and just when you think you can be all "Lawlz No Random skillz equipped", it bullshits you by giving you randoms anyway.) Omega weapon was some seriously ridiculous bullshit. Certainly one of the toughest bosses in video games, and the entire time the randoms EVERY SINGLE STEP wears you down. Even if you do beat him, in spite of the frantic randoms, you still have to make the trek all the way back before you can save. They must have handed out a lot of pay cuts at Square that week that content was created.

Still didn't have to put up with that randoms crap when in your airship, though.
by Sonikku
Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:56 pm
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Re: Skies of Arcadia HD news (GAF topic)

Deep sea research lab? That was Ultima weapon, you could draw the GF Eden from him! I do know what you're talking about now though, if you did something wrong with the steam valves, you got spammed with enemies. Omega was WAY harder than Ultima though. ;-)
by St. Elmo's Fire
Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:44 pm
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Re: What TV Series Are You Watching

One thing that bothers me about Walking Dead is that, while it excels in some areas, such as characters development and well executed tension inbetween the people, it can get a tad predictable in others
For example,
The time Carl goes into the forest by himself in the 11th episode
That on its own is already stupid enough, since a kid raised up in that environment, knowing the dangers of wandering alone, would know better than that
And the fact that the kid instead of just shooting the walker, he approaches it and it was painfully obvious that something was going to happen. And as the boy escaped, I already knew that that walker was going to kill someone, and since Dale was being the main character of the episode, I figured it out it was going to be him

another thing is how the whole zombie attacks are executed, more than once they go with the sneak attack and that just does not go well with the walker theme. they're not smart, they're not cunning and they are certainly no stealth machine. They're animals that are always groaning whenever they're on camera, so it's hard to believe they can actually make a jump on someone without them noticing. However it seems to be one of the favorite ways to kill off a character and it just bugs me

This kind of things really bum me out, since I was thoroughly enjoying the show, but it prevents it from being a great show, it's just an above average one.
However, overall it was a pleasant surprise since I wasn't expecting it to be that good. I've never liked the whole zombie craze, but that's really not the strong point of the series.

All in all, I'm happy I gave this show a chance
by Absentia
Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:41 pm
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Yep. After nearly a decade, it's done, people :D

Ever since casting my eyes upon screenshots of Shenmue published in the (now defunct) UK magazine Computer and Video Games, I have been absolutely enthralled by the series. This game was definitely something different. As the famous tagline proclaimed in the trailers before its release – RPG had changed. Sure, hailing the game as being its own exciting new “genre” with a somewhat silly acronym as its name (FREE- Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment) was being a tad overzealous perhaps, but you had to admire Yu Suzuki’s ambition for this game. When I finally got to play it on the Christmas morning of 2000, it did not disappoint. The atmosphere created was just amazing to me – a realistic, living, breathing town with over 300 individual characters – all with their own specific daily routines and, in supplementary materials, all named and given detailed biographies! Throw in the fantastic music and the engaging (if not completely original) story and you really had something special. And this was only part one of the saga...

Bundled with the game was the ‘Shenmue Passport’ disc. Through the Dreamcast’s internet connection, this enabled access to all sorts of information about the game, as well as ranking leaderboards for the various mini-games and the chance to get exclusive capsule toys. One of the best features was the character profile section however; as you met and conversed with the characters during a playthrough, their profiles would gradually be added to the Passport. Now to some, giving all 300+ characters names, stats, and biographies may seem extraneous, (especially given characters that Ryo can’t even speak to have detailed information about them!) but it really shows the love and care put into the game by the developers and the amount of depth to Shenmue that few games have matched.

The Passport service was eventually taken offline in April 2002, but thankfully the character profiles had also been published in Prima’s strategy guide book for the game, so the information was still readily available to fans.
Which brings us to the sequel game, Shenmue II – which I got the following Christmas in 2001. This sadly could end up being the last game in the series, despite it ending on a cliffhanger and at a game-changing point in the saga’s story. Nonetheless, the sequel’s world was even bigger than the first’s– Ryo travels to Hong Kong to continue his quest, with most of its areas completely dwarfing Shenmue I’s in terms of size, as well as the amount of characters – around 700. There was also a lot more mini-games and sidequests to discover, and fans generally agree it is more action-packed and that the plot moves a lot quicker than the first game (though some will argue Shenmue I’s atmosphere has more charm) And what of these 700-odd characters? Were they all named and profiled as per the original game? As it turns out, yes – but these were not readily available to the fans outside of Japan.

Firstly, unlike the first Shenmue, there was no Passport. There was no Prima guide either, as the Dreamcast version had been cancelled in America. America eventually saw an updated version of Shenmue II on the Microsoft Xbox, and a Prima guide was finally published. However, unlike the Shenmue I book, there were only profiles on the main characters; Ryo, Shenhua, Xiuying, Fangmei, Ren, Joy, Wong, Lan Di, Dou Niu and Yuan. The Xbox version, with the new snapshot feature, did include profiles on some of the other characters; unlocked when you took pictures of them, but it didn't come close to having profiles for all the characters. Would we ever know the names and backgrounds of the reams of anonymous characters?

Shortly after I had completed Shenmue II, I looked around on the internet for fansites/information about the series, ultimately finding the excellent Shenmue Dojo website. I joined the forums, and this was in fact one of the first message boards I signed up to on the internet. My handle on the forum was (and still is) ‘Miles Prower’, as I am also a long-time fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog series of games (and Sega games in general). I made a lot of good friends through the Dojo community and have many fond memories associated with the forums. I think between us we have probably discussed every single aspect of the games to death, but as many fans will attest, you find or notice something new with every playthrough of these wonderful games. Not to mention the very active hacking/modding scene that developed, mostly headed by longtime member LanDC, in which reams of unused content was discovered and many interesting and or humourous modifications made to the game. I still get a warm nostalgic feeling every time I watch LanDC’s Road to Amihama videos in particular.

And indeed, the question of whether detailed character profiles existed for Shenmue II’s cast was raised in discussion. In a thread from 2003, a member named Eek the Cat shared some scans of a guidebook he owned published in Japan called the Shenmue II Perfect Guidebook. The scans showed that there were indeed names and profiles for each and every character.
Eek was even kind enough to put all of the scans together on a CD for me and mail it to me, and even threw in a couple of audio CD’s he had compiled containing music from Shenmue II (sadly the second game never had any official soundtracks released).

The problem? Being that this book was from Japan, the character names were in Chinese and the information in Japanese. Through discussion in the topic, another forum member called khien agreed to help with translating the character names as she could read Chinese. And so began the effort to translate the many character profiles. I began by gradually posting them within the topic, and then eventually creating a website (which, thanks to Web Archive, you can still view here , albeit with most of the images missing).

Continuing into 2004 and beyond, progress was quite slow, mainly due to me starting university. Khien’s life ended up becoming quite busy as well, but thanks to the efforts of another forum member, Oda Ryo, the translation work still continued. The forum member Kiyuu (possibly Japan’s biggest Shenmue fan, and often referred to as the ‘Shenmue Queen’), also informed me that another book existed, the Shenmue II Complete Guide, which contained profiles for characters not included in the Perfect Guidebook; namely those for the many pedestrians who wander the streets of Hong Kong. I made the effort to acquire this book myself and make scans for the remaining profiles.

As the years went on, however, my free time became less and less. I studied for three years at university and after graduating in 2008, I was working full time; in short I was growing up. It was also looking increasingly unlikely that a Shenmue III would ever emerge. Life went on. However, my enthusiasm to complete the project was somewhat fired up again when Peter from the forums (who most likely owns the biggest Shenmue collection in Ireland) got in touch with me on Facebook asking if I was still working on it, as the Dojo staff had managed to get an interview with one of the voice actors for the English dub of Shenmue II (a very interesting read by the way, which can be found here , and they had requested that video clips be assembled of the characters he voiced, which he supplied a list of – but only by name and brief descriptions. Using the information from my project I helped with finding some of them. I then found myself wanting to get the project finished once and for all, and got back in touch with Oda Ryo who happily assisted me with getting the remaining names translated.

I had also spoken to the member ‘thegreatchai’, who had also been attempting to catalogue the character information on her wiki site, and over time we assisted each other greatly. I began transferring the information to an Excel spreadsheet with the intention of creating a complete database of all the Shenmue II characters – which after assembling a numbered list I discovered there are exactly 700 – surely a deliberate intention of the creators? At any rate, after a few months work the project was finally finished. I am glad that this information is now easily accessible to Shenmue fans, and while some may consider me obsessive or downright insane for pursuing with the project, it was worth it for a game series that I love so much and one day hope will be continued in some form. We can but hope. The saga may still go on....


Please feedback and let me know if you spot any mistakes or errors, or any factoids about the characters that I may have missed. Most of all, enjoy :D
by Miles Prower
Tue Nov 27, 2012 2:41 pm
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Re: Lost that touch

If anything, I became more impatient with games that take longer to complete. I used to hate the fact I couldn't get 40-50 hours off a single game.

Now I deride any game that takes longer than 8 hours to complete. Or even 4. I just don't have that much time to spend on them anymore.
by Kenny
Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:41 am
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Re: Last Game/System/Peripheral You Bought ... ble-bundle

Saint's row 3
Company of Heroes
COH Opposing Front
COH Tales of Valor
Metro 2033
Red Faction Armageddon

Paid 6.50
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:58 pm
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Re: So what do you do?

I have no degrees or training in anything 3D or 2D, programming or anything real computer wise with experience and its my main strength.
I make sligs and busses :P (WIP :P)
Thats it really. wip and a kobe tower ill dig out later.
by mrslig100
Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:24 pm
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Re: So what do you do?

I'm a support worker for people with autism. Been working with learning disabilities for the past four years (since graduating from uni basically), can be very hard work at times but ultimately very rewarding :)
by Miles Prower
Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:09 am
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Re: So what do you do?

I'm a support worker for people with autism. Been working with learning disabilities for the past four years (since graduating from uni basically), can be very hard work at times but ultimately very rewarding :)

Hey I do the exact same thing! I am teaching at a school for autism, and doing support work with multiple families on the weekends. I have been doing this since I graduated in May. Very rewarding work indeed :D
by ShOzO MiZuKi
Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:30 am
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Re: So what do you do?

Finished my degree awhile ago. I work for a telecom company now in business sales for the past 2 years. I make good money, which is important because when I move back to Japan a year from now ill need plenty to buy/recondition a house, get a hybrid car and have some kids.

Actually never talked about this one before because of NDA and I didnt care to discuss it, but I actually used to work for Sony Computer Entertainment here in San Diego for about a year in the QA dept. Went in as a temp, writing up bugs and braking games. I got promoted to full permanent within my first few projects. I worked on quite a few small and big titles out there and you can actually find my name in the credits of some games. I also worked with the Move controller in some of the launch games before it came out.
I found the work at first to be very nice. I liked Sony as a company alot and they have great offices. I got along with alot of the people there which is why I got promoted relatively quickly. But once I was in with more of the higher ups their were people that really rubbed me the wrong way, who were on power trips and one person in particular that had it in for me big time because of a misunderstanding. I felt like my job was being threatened because of it, so I found a new higher paying job somewhere else, (where I am currently) and was done with it asap. The work was getting tedious and destroying my love for games anyways. But ill always value that time cause I can say I worked in the industry and for Sony at that. Which looks great on my resume.
by Axm
Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:44 pm
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Re: Final Fantasy

Its too bad that so many new RPGs are afraid to do turn based (look at how great Resonance of Fate is)

The modern idea that Action>Turn based is a bit silly considering they're just so different its all about style. I think a series that highlights this is the Ogre series, theres people who think March of the black queen is rubbish and let us cling together is brilliant, then again theres people who think the opposite too. If a player want to slow things down and have more of a plan thats one thing, if they want to run in and make quick decisions based on a small pool of actions its another. Both are fun for different reasons.
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:40 am
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Re: It's still early but what the hell. Christmas coming up!

Also put actual Xmas decorations around the house. I'm very anxious and if you read last thing you bought topic my last post as of December 3rd 2012. I will have the christmas for the ages. Because I can finally give someone something they never had in thier adult life. An Adult 72 years of age. To fix something that has bothered me since 1990.
by Bluecast
Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:25 am
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Re: Last thing you bought

Sorry DP.

This is it for my mom. I don't really have the money but will be ok I believe. I'm overwhelming er with gifts. I never really had money to buy her anything. Also I want to do something for her she has never had in her adult life on christmas. Be showered with gifts. Esp when back in 1990 she went full out and had these massive gigantic santa bags full of toys. Gifts stacked to the ceiling for my dad and sister. I was 6 year sold. Then after were are opening all this stuff my sister says "Open one Linda" My mom said "Nobody got me anything" ..yeah...That christmas has been in my mind ever since. And this year is the year she get's that christmas back.
by Bluecast
Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:40 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Finally have an interview lined up for tomorrow. I'm feeling nervous that if everything doesn't pan out soon I might be running out of places left to apply.
by Sonikku
Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:48 pm
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Re: Christmas coming up!


Revised a little :P
by Bluecast
Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:27 pm
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

The only reason I want rare back with Nintendo is because of Banjo, and I imagine Nintendo would fully support a 3D platformer Banjo-Kazooie. Even if Rare isn't the developer, I'm sure there are plenty of people who are capable of making a good Banjo game.

Believe me, I was there when gamestop opened for Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, and the employee looked at me like I was retarded and said, "You know, the shipment doesn't come in until noon... so come back later...". The game is good but a huge departure from the rest of the series, and not what I would have preferred.

Banjo-Threeie is up there with Mega Man Legends 3, Chrono Break, and even Shenmue 3 for my most wanted games. If Nintendo can make it happen then I would be all for it. Of course, I've been talking as if this rumor isn't complete shit but whatever, :P

I'm not so much concerned about Rare but their IPs... and really only Banjo.
by Thief
Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:04 pm
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Re: Shenmue Dojo Hosting (Please Support Us!)

And you'll never have to.
by myshtuff
Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:59 am
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Re: Any other bronies on the dojo?

Those are obviously some pretty extreme cases and not every fan is going to be like that. I just don't really trust the "fuck bronie" mentality. People have seen these extreme cases of fandom and have extended it to the entire -- in this case male -- fanbase, which results in a "Twilight" effect. If only people would bother to see if the show is actually good, despite the fanatics. However, it's a trap. The minute you watch the show, say it's good (if you like it), you're deemed a bronie by a bunch of idiots with an inability to think for themselves. I should really watch the show soon; curiosity really gets the better of me sometimes.
by Thief
Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:25 pm
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Re: Any other bronies on the dojo?

Don't really get the My Little Pony thing myself, but I don't really see the big problem with it either. So what if some men happen to appreciate a cartoon show with cutesy characters? It's not really anything new or that out of the ordinary.
by mue 26
Thu Dec 13, 2012 8:08 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Wanna hear the amazing joke I made up? You do!? Ok. *ahem* Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach were going to see a movie at the theatre. It was a re-release of an old film; a real classic. However, Bach ended up not being able to go because he was Baroque. You're welcome.
by Thief
Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:21 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

I asked Bach during the November elections whether or not he was in favor of Mitt Romney and the Republican party. He said he preferred Baroque Obama.
by Calshot
Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:27 pm
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Re: Last Game/System/Peripheral You Bought

Nice yukupo I just got one too. :)
by Axm
Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:44 pm
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