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my shenmue tattoo


I know some of it looks really bad - part of it was still healing in the picture. And the dragon needs a LOT of work. Still, I love this thing.
by xbluemystx
Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:01 pm
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Re: How did you react to the announcement?

Like most people, I stopped getting my hopes up and ignored E3 for years. As much as I hate the website, I sometimes check the Dreamcast boards on GameFAQs. Someone posted a thread about Yu making that twitter post and it really got me thinking. I concluded that if the creator were to mislead us like that, I would consider giving up hope... but part of me felt like he wouldn't do that to us. I was doubtful but my conscious told me to check out the conference.

I had the event streaming live on my TV. At first, I paid attention to it but quickly became hopeless and turned my chair to my computer to play my online game and completely stopped paying attention yet left it running. I don't remember exactly what I said but as soon as I heard the song start, I freaked out and quickly turned back. I said "omg" and "holy shit" plenty of times eventually. I couldn't sit still. I was flipping out so much that I missed most of what was being said... which very quickly made me scared that it was just an announcement for HD remakes (this seemed to happen in a lot of reaction videos). I kept shouting "remake or three?! remaster or sequel?!" or something along those lines. Part of me was almost ready to scream and cry "don't do this to me!!!". After it was confirmed, I couldn't stop my body from trembling, my heart was racing so fast that I was having chest pains, and I was sweating. I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs but I was temporarily in a place where the walls were very thin, so I couldn't.

Like someone else said, despite how overwhelming this was, part of me was offended that one of the best announcements of my life was being forced into public funding... big corporate business backed away for financial fears and acted like this was some homebrew that they didn't want to lose out on. But it wasn't enough to ruin the moment. I donated $500 to kickstarter, couldn't calm my tremors or heart for nearly a hour, and I only slept for 2 hours that night. The next day, I shed a tear or two. Also like others have said, I spent hours and hours watching reaction videos and couldn't believe how much joy they brought me - I've archived many of them. For weeks, I would watch Michaels reaction multiple times per day - it made me so happy to see.
by xbluemystx
Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:17 am
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Re: my shenmue tattoo

Pretty wicked. Makes me feel like mine is too basic, lol.

Sorry for the removal. It's back up.
by xbluemystx
Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:27 pm
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