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Re: Shenmue HD Fact sheet

TheThreeevils wrote: "We can finally reveal that the d3t team have been resurrecting Shenmue from the original source code written over 20 years ago", from D3T's official Facebook page.

Oh god it's right there in the OP as well, hahaha.

Very good news though.
by Spaghetti
Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:14 pm
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Re: Shenmue 1 & 2 will be $29.99

Come back in a week, when you learn this place isn't based on your individual thoughts or personal circumstance. I must be out of my mind to only issue a ban for a week, but as i said, this place isn't what it was. Your posting attitude is not flying around here anymore, and i wont have it spreading to other members. Every thread in here has been in good spirits with constructive criticism and positivity, even from some of the more hard-line critics we have seen on the boards in recent years.
Come back in a week with a changed attitude or don't come back at all.

Now, this topic is regarding the price point of the games. Keep it on point.
by Peter
Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:07 pm
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Re: Concerns about Shenmue HD.

So if I'm reading this correctly you believe they've removed the letterboxing and just "blew up" the image remaining to fill the screen for the 16:9 shot in the trailer. Am I understanding that right?
No? Your description of my statement makes it sound like you think that I think that there's additional information added to the scene. What I'm saying is that it's the original content, but formatted to fill a 16x9 because they don't need to letterbox anymore. If you compare it side-by-side, it's the same. They don't need to do anything to update Shenmue 2's cutscenes content for 16x9 because they were already 16x9.
Just look, I did the side-by-side for you:
(time in both might be slightly different, I didn't go frame-by-frame to find exactly the same frame)

No it's not, unless you misinterpret the intentions. If the same thing were true after the game releases we'd just be making the same comments then. Might as well make them now so there's a chance they can see it's something they might want to consider in case they didn't plan on fixing it.

We're not crying "oh this is wrong the game is going to be bad because of these things", it's "here are some flaws we see with the work in progress that you've shown us, we hope you fix those before you're done".
Frankly it's just the conceit of this thread, being that within 24 hours of getting something we've all campaigned for over years and years, we're already picking holes in it and finding negativity. Especially when "WIP" was clearly listed on the trailer, and as per Adam Koralik we only know "5%" of the full story of what's happening with this remaster. We couldn't even go a day without a thread like this popping up.

And I don't buy the constructive criticism angle when the OP post is already declaring this a poor job and somehow worse than emulation.
It's not worse than emulation, going back through the thread nobody even said that. I would not have wanted them to emulate this, they are doing the right thing by porting it. I can see looking at other threads today that you and several others are getting personally offended by pointing out their opinions on what was shown so far and nobody's even attacking you. I'm sorry that you're upset, but there's no harm in talking about this. You don't need to defend the team, everyone posting here can read, so they saw the disclaimer that you're keen to point out. You're exactly right, we don't know what Sega's plans are for this, which is why we are sharing our thoughts on what we've seen so far.

I guess I'm also coming at this from a different perspective than you. I didn't find the opening post to be negative, it doesn't imply to me that he thinks it's bad. I don't think it's bad either. There has been some negativity here this weekend, especially with Peter fighting with that Polish guy that he eventually banned, but I didn't notice anyone disparaging the work that has been done. We've been through a similar situation already over the past 7 months regarding Shenmue 3's character models. They look fine to me, but other people are not satisfied yet. I'm not going to argue with other people about what they think, that's their decision, but I'm willing to talk about it to find out why they feel that way.

My entire point can be summarized as this: I personally hope they put an effort into presenting the first game's cutscenes in 16x9. The video shows that might not have done that, or didn't do it yet. If they don't it's not a big deal, but it would be a shame given the circumstances. Please don't take it personally.
by Sappharad
Sun Apr 15, 2018 6:43 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

Just gonna drop this here
I noticed that too, thanks for making a gif. (Source: The kickstarter documentary video pinned to the forum right now)

I'm assuming that was the footage they shot in 2016. It's really great to see it was looking like a playable game way back then, whereas we didn't get to see the first official gameplay screenshot until today almost 2 years later. I can't wait to see any other early footage they can show, it will be even more fascinating once we have the finished product to compare it to.
by Sappharad
Mon Jul 23, 2018 8:47 pm
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