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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting) ... 2838.phtml

Don't know about anyone else but seeing this video of Gabe Newell makes me glad we got a Shenmue 3 in the end...

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by FlagshipFighter
Sun May 22, 2016 9:58 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #56 - May Update

Mysterious tweet. Fans are linking this to E3, but I think it might be a meeting/progress update about the game and little else...

I don't want to put my hopes up, m'kay? :-p They'll be plenty of other games to see dammit!

Good kickstarter update though, glad they were in a position to hire someone like him, he seems really talented+a great cost-effective method compared to hiring someone like him from the start.

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Come On Now... :lol:

They are going to kill us :twisted:
Hahaha they literally will if they keep doing what they're doing and end up showing us nothing by E3 :-p

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by FlagshipFighter
Tue May 31, 2016 9:06 am
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Re: E3 2016 & Shenmue 3

Tbh Shenmue isn't at the forefront of my mind at E3 this year, probably because another game I'm anticipating in (Mirror's Edge) is coming out very soon and I at that point in the console cycle where I want to look forward to the newer IP's+new sequels unveiled at E3 this year. No matter what, last year will be the best E3 ever for me, nothing can change that, but similar to what someone else said here, I just want to enjoy watching E3 for the first time without having to wish upon a star for Shenmue news. And with that, hear your reactions/opinions, memes and everything else we love about the event.

Also, after backing a few projects prior Shenmue 3, I'm used to how the bulk of the news is direct, and how we just play the game that is 'anticipation' and look forward to its eventual arrival. I mostly look forward to progress updates, and visiting the dojo and checking up on the community. I'm indifferent to any Shenmue 3 related e3 news tbh, but not in a bad way...

I recently went to Comic-con in London, was in the queue for Tekken 7 and next to me was another avid Shenmue fan and the shortly after discussing our nostalgia, we just had to hug it, Huber-Hype style!

And BTW, I love you all! Spaghetti, keep your fingers on the pulse of our community! ;-)

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by FlagshipFighter
Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:20 pm
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Re: Shenmue: The Movie Remastered (Fan Remake)

phpBB [video]

Congrats Mr357!!!

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by FlagshipFighter
Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:18 am
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Re: Shenmue Heart of Gold campaign

Cool! Just pledged, unfortunately it wasn't much because I've recently made some big investments so I need to ease off spending atm but hopefully every little helps! :-)
by FlagshipFighter
Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:33 pm
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Re: Lan Di has sold the mirror to the Tokyo museum.

At first I was angry but then I figured it out and it's totally a-okay... Lan Di is a kickstarter backer! xD eff yeah!

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by FlagshipFighter
Tue Jul 12, 2016 4:22 pm
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Re: The Loading Screens - Kept or Removed?

I rather have seamless transitions than long ass waiting screens.

You can update them by putting the info on the bottom right hand side or something.

Agreed 100%, I like that feeling of presence. I still remember from shenmue 1 just before Nozomi gets kidnapped it shows the loading screen of 2am or something and I was like whaaaa? Love the genuine feeling of suprise both games had like this when they disrupt the usual/daily routine/cycle.

P.S. Stalking thingy-san in Shenmue 2 and going to each of the elevators was intense too!
by FlagshipFighter
Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:42 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #58 - Keiji Okayasu for Shenmue III

BTW I really like how in the video Okayasu-san asks us to keep our expectations high at the end. It instills a lot of confidence imo (great to see post-Mighty No. 9) and I think it's a great mantra to have and engage us with as I'm sure some of us like to keep things more 'in check' like myself.

Hopefully one day in my own level of work I can say that to my clients. Takes a lot of guts/courage to say that (and not feel the weight of pressure) and just think he said that to backers... of on of the craziest fanbases out there... arguably second to bronies!

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by FlagshipFighter
Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:43 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Thanks. I think so. My next big game will be Rise of the Tomb Raider (PS4) a little less than two weeks from now. Hoping for a good story.
Oh, you're in for a treat! I watched my brother play it last Xmas, very pretty game! I liked the first game, but personally got a bit burned out on that type of genre atm so I still haven't gotten around it. Would rather play uncharted 4 as I enjoy the story/vibes more (although, I don't really enjoy much of the gameplay in 1-3) but I still don't have a ps4 yet. Playing yakuza 4 though atm and loving that, recently finished 3 and over the course of the game loved it! Was really happy about this as I couldn't get into the first one. I have 3, 4 and 5 and if I finish them by the end of the year I may pick up a ps4 sooner (before shenmue 3) for yakuza 0 launch or yakuza 6 (if it comes out). Hopefully we hear more at PSX w/ shenmue!

Message from all: is any of the yakuza spinoffs worth playing? Im new to this series and don't know much about it, but I have seen a zombies one in a store recently... thx!
by FlagshipFighter
Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:39 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

^Guys I'm too frail, I don't think my mind or body is ready for any of this kinda news, it's making me shiver just thinking about it xD

I would take this to answer the above:

100% this is the real Shenmue. Yu Suzuki said that "the full on Shenmue experience we have been waiting for."

He wasn't lying.

is any of the yakuza spinoffs worth playing? Im new to this series and don't know much about it, but I have seen a zombies one in a store recently... thx!

It really depends on your tastes. If a third-person shooter with zombies is the kind of game that would normally appeal to you, then throwing in the Yakuza characters and sense of humor will only make it more enjoyable. But if all you're playing it for is the Yakuza-ness, then you might struggle to stick with it. Bit of a sliding scale really, but if you can get it cheaply then I'd say it's at least worth a try.

Thanks, I bought it and uhh, the controls are pretty funky aren't they? XD not in a bad way necessarily, it's endearing, reminding me of the simpler times in the DC/PS2 era.

I recently wrapped up Yakuza 3 after leaving it for the past few months, it was good but holy smokes I just finished Yakuza 4 and I loved loved LOVED it! The series has (finally) clicked with me!

Currently in the beginning of Yakuza 5 now and gameplay wise it's only going up, up and up. Love how the environment/roads now seems 'to scale' and the camera/fov is more shenmue-esque. The driving is cool too.

Just wanted to say thanks to you all for telling me to persist with the series, I think it's my new favourite thing. I just love roaming. I bought these games used from stores/psn because I got into these series late but you can be sure I'll be there to preorder/buy Yakuza 0/6 and buy a PS4 earlier than expected, by far my favourite Sony exclusive game.
by FlagshipFighter
Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:21 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

Yokosuka wrote:Arilan's metal cover remix of the Shenmue main theme

phpBB [video]


Oh my words, holy-freaking smokes... that cover left me speechless. What a masterpiece of work right there, thank you for sharing that!
by FlagshipFighter
Fri Oct 28, 2016 6:46 pm
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Re: Flagship's Shenmue Design Projects

Hey everyone,

It's been a while since my last update here, sorry about that! I've used this machine for a few work related and some quality of life projects but little else.

I've worked a little bit at some points earlier but didn't get to follow through... until yesterday during my playthrough of Yakuza 5 where I found myself bursting with joy with the games hilarious sidequests and engrossing pace that I had to make time to dedicate something cool towards my (now) two favourite game franchises.

And here we are, the dragon of dojima's tattoo and the 4 wude laser engraved (quite deep may I say) burned on wood. It took some time, I'm pleased with the results but deciding atm whether to use wood stain or varnish for full effect. Or might leave this as is atm and work on more pressing matters... for now xD.

Interested to hear your thoughts, excited for what may or may not await us at PSX!!! :-)
by FlagshipFighter
Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:36 pm
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Flagship's Shenmue Design Projects

Hi everyone!

With my product des. degree (finally) coming to a conclusion I invested in a 3d printer, engraver, scanner and drawing tool to learn how to keep up my interests and learn some new skills. I have a background in product, but I've never been familiar with working this sort of machine. And now that I own one, I'm keen on making it a hobby to produce some really cool pieces.

And what better place to start than Shenmue! I've just been running some quick tests by modifying images on google, but I hope to actually produce something bespoke whilst pertaining to Shenmue.

I started out with the Mirror to be drawn on sketch paper:

I was impressed with the output of this piece. I wanted the effect of natural ink strokes here. The machine took like an hour to do this though :/. I think next time I'll try engraving on cork...

Atm I'm in the process of benchmarking this machine in order to spot any defects as it's warranty period is short.

This piece may be unimpressive as you could just 2D print this, but I imagine it would look cool on a different material.

(BTW I think it's worth mentioning because I saw another 3D printing guy get flack for this on another thread, I do not intend to profit or sell this stuff, this is purely a pursuit of craft and passion for myself in my own time. I take the handling of other companies IP's seriously and wouldn't want to infringe. I do however intend to send some of the more 'creative' stuff to several of my favourite Dojo members as gifts for being awesome and an amazing source for this community over the years.)

Tl;dr Very excited to try out some more stuff and add to this thread! Share your thoughts! :)
by FlagshipFighter
Sat Aug 13, 2016 9:09 pm
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Re: Flagship's Shenmue Design Projects

Just a quick update: this was done a little while back but here are a couple looking more pieces done, using a the same technique as the prior two above.

Both these vectors are tracings and stylistic interpretations I've done based on reference images on shenmue/yakuza images on google (which I'll add citations once I have computer access), in order for the machine to effectively transcribe and engrave at a highest quality.

The shenmue one especially took around 16hrs to do! The room stank so hard of burning basal wood (think matchsticks) at one point my mother came over, walked inside and exclaimed "are you taking drugs?" xD priceless


Unfortunately one of the shenmue projects I was working got deleted. It was my most ambitious one yet and was a little disheartening to lose those 2ish hours of progress :(. But I've learned a long time ago that one shouldn't be put off by these setbacks and rather tackle the task again and with better knowledge + efficiency.

P.s. just finished watching the 3rd one of Peter's dojo streams. This has been my new favourite thing to look forward to in the week and a true reward for the middle of the week. I want to take this moment thank Peter for being an amazing host and the community in chat, it's been the biggest step for the dojo community since tapatalk integration imo xD thank you all and hope you all end 2016 on the highest note whilst it's still around!

Take care, love and respect!
by FlagshipFighter
Thu Dec 29, 2016 9:53 pm
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Hi ShenSun!

I just had the opportunity to play your game today in between some of the 3D modelling/printing projects I had going on throughout the day and all I can say is... WOW!

I feel like you captured the vibe and atmos of shenmue incredibly well, and I like the sense of community happening between the characters, it was very fun to see and participate (as myself!) in. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute and the experience felt very immersive.

As anonymous81 above me says, a lot of moments were incredibly funny and entertaining, and I found myself laughing out loud throughout.

(Perhaps because I had to pause at some moments during gameplay) but I wanted to acknowledge that the lapse of time felt incredible and it genuinely gave me the sense that I went through a whole day in Shenmue-land.

Love how Chai was scrooge, thought that was really cool. Also enjoyed that beautiful moment during the dream sequence, and I almost choked on my drink when I saw the likes of Goro and Kazuma and all the one-liners! And I love how you fleshed out characters like santa

It's very nicely put together with so much love and care, it left me with a smile throughout and after. Thank you very much for taking the time to put this together, I didn't really have many breaks this holiday (and I wasn't in the mood to play anything on my console either) so having this bitesize yet big-on-heart experience has left me with something very memorable and positive for my holidays.

Thanks again, I look forward to all that's yet to come from you and the community. Love and respect, keep friends with those you close to you x
by FlagshipFighter
Sun Jan 01, 2017 6:44 pm
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Re: Domain Registered

Doods! I kept calm when I saw the domains, it definitely feels like progress for sure, but (to me) the effort for a corporation to do such thing is still relatively small. At least the domains were registered way back in September (around the time in which they explored interest and were "investigating" doing such a thing).

As I said before though, it's all still good progress I do want to be hopeful, but I don't want to set myself up for disappointment either (That time when that Sega marketing exec teased the shenmue and skies of arcadia ports still hurts).

However seeing that second (fake?) leak about an August release w/ both instalments (+Xbone) did get my heart racing there for a few minutes (darn that leaker!). Although it would be disappointing, I do see how SEGA would not port the remasters to PC (straight away compared to consoles) if Valkyria Revolution proves anything, because that game that pretty much thank its existence to steam, and yet they (for now) only announced PS, Xbox and Vita (I know it's a great handheld for this game, but c'mon I'm sure it would've performed better on steam in comparison). Hopefully to those who want it on steam maaaybe they just need to give it more tlc to make it a good port. SEGA have been doing great PC ports/games from their European division so I hope that has set a standard for them to match.

Hopefully E3 will bring many surprises instore... :)
by FlagshipFighter
Fri Jan 06, 2017 8:22 pm
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Re: Box Art

I'm really excited to see what new art, images and assets they will conjure for this game! It's a nice cover OP but I think over time those images from the earlier games retro-fitted into new covers. Also the collage of characters are not well constructed/considered nor is the use of colour imo.

I know it has mixed opinions, but I really liked the Xbox (european) cover to Shenmue 2. The reason is because of the homage it pays to Drew Struzan's work from and all the Star Wars/Indiana Jones boxarts. It gives the game the right impression, that is of a world and story of an ambitious and unprecedented scale. What I liked most about it is that (unlike most things today) it's actually handmade (painted) which totally gives it the right, timeless vibe and imo stands out from the others, especially with that colour pallet.
by FlagshipFighter
Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:13 pm
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Re: Which character deserve a spin-off game and How would it

Fantastic question OP!

I like @JohnDoom's suggestion a lot! More of Xiuying would be great!

Maybe this is the Yakuza 0 hype train talking, but I would love to see a prequel of sorts Shenmue 1, which would delve deeper into Ryo's personality and relationship with his friends prior to the day the snow that turned to rain. To keep it interesting as a game, maybe it could cut back and forth with a playable Lan Di covering the events that @southcarmain mentioned?

With it being a prequel and all, maybe this can be marketed to new players much like Yak0 did? Haha maybe we should all get together to create a pitch for SEGA xD

(I do think a 'Shenmue 0' could work using a medium other than games, like a TV series, animated or otherwise. I wish there were more 'published' Shenmue lore out there). Anyways, looking forward to tomorrows update!
by FlagshipFighter
Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:46 am
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Re: When do you think we will see in this month's update

Just for some light-hearted fun here:

by FlagshipFighter
Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:07 pm
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Re: When do you think we will see in this month's update

As spags says, I'm sure the waiting game is the best thing going for us right now (at least until the 3rd of Feb), but I'm sure something tangible and cool is coming soon before Monaco.

So I thought I'd produce my own update for this month on my thread in the community section to summarise what I've been doing, hopefully it will fill some of the void of no kickstarter updates today, but no promises xD Hope you enjoy, stuff like this helps keep me sane from the day to day grind!

UPDATE: Apologies for broken image links, FIXED!
by FlagshipFighter
Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:56 pm
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Re: Flagship's Shenmue Design Projects

January 31st Update:
Greetings everyone, we're already towards the end of the first month of the year! :O Crazy! I managed to get up to quite a lot of stuff done for here, though I'd never talk about it 'till it was done, just like sony and the other big boys, I like to shadow drop, I'm sure you would agree it's more fun to see results rather than talk-talk-talk of intentions, I sure do! xD Here's the rundown!

SEGA DVD/Blu-ray Stand:
I've been wanting a cool desk stand for my games for a while now. This month I thought I would take soem time/steps to designing one:
After the design/3D modelling phase was over, I was ready to start printing the pieces:
And through that journey, there were many setbacks and failures, that's the name of the game when it comes to product design, you can't let yourself get discouraged for too long, you must persist!
And then we get to post processing and assembly to complete the final product. As a one-off personal piece, I'm happy, but going forth if I wanted to produce some more, I would think about improving some of the draft angles on the sides of the design as well as producing a more cost-effective+weighted piece. (I haven't printed the back part of the rack connector yet due to some work commitments with my machine and not being happy with its current state)

Coin Series - Poker/Chess Pieces:
I like iconography and appreciate good graphic design and art, especially from video games! I thought it would be cool to print a set of 5cmx5cmm study coin pieces.

I know for a fact we have splinter cell fans at the dojo! :D I'm sure you'll recognise that this is from SC Blacklist (the icons for each of the distinctive playstyles: ghost, panther, assault). Printed with transparent filament to give it a cool camo/armour effect. Been thinking to paint the middle icons gold)
And a set I've very much been wanting to make, Valkyria Chronicles wooooh!!!1 Again, I just need to sand+paint the inner icon.

I also produced two more wooden plaque engravings for my collection from stratch (only references): one based on a movie nobody's heard of, the other based on Asura's Wrath.

And finally, I produced some graphic design art yesterday for kazuma kiryu called 'the beast is unleashed' to covey his inner dragon spirit in a very altered beast/Bill Bixby sort of way. I hope to make an engraving of this as well! :-)

And that about wraps the month! Thank you for viewing, hope you enjoyed the journey, I knowthere is a distinct lack of shenmue this month but after i lost the files to my previous shenmue project I did loose a bit of steam in the stort term. I hope to pursue and complete it by the end of Feb but we shall see how things turn out. 'Please be excited' for the end of February, hopefully it will bring many new and interesting stuff. Hope by that time, we do get an juicy update for Shenmue 3! Thoughts? Love and Respect everyone! :-)

UPDATE: Apologies for the broken image links. Google, you've failed me!
by FlagshipFighter
Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:47 pm
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Re: Part Three! YS Interview + images [DenFamiNicoGamer 26 D

Loved reading it Switch! Thank you so much for this!

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by FlagshipFighter
Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:46 pm
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Re: Shenmue I&II HD in 2017, SIII maybe 2

celsowm wrote:
Can we imagine those kind of reactions:

phpBB [video]

oh my gosh I'm crying :lol: I've not seen that and i can honestly watch it forever, great share! :king:
by FlagshipFighter
Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:03 pm
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Re: Shenmue I&II HD in 2017, SIII maybe 2

Hmmm, seems the pieces are coming together, I'm going to keep my wits together like you lot in case this doesn't work out (i was burned pretty hard by that sega exec guy from 2012 about the shenmue/soa xbla port lol), but man i can't help but feel excited about this, this is great news! I would love to see what shenmue would look like now...
In fairness to the SEGA PR guy, it seems people misread what he was actually saying in that interview.

He was talking about what fans would ask for next, not what is coming next, but he muddled the messaging.

Yeah in retrospect I do agree with you, it seems like he really buckled under pressure his wording. It was a different era mind you, I imagine I exploded back then just because for shenmue to get any recognition (from anyone!) back then was spectacular in itself. Knowing less about the industry too, I assumed anything said from him reflected sega's true motive and give more weight to all the journalism/articles out there at the time would've resulted in a comeback. I remember lots of my favourite franchises like street fighter, mortal kombat, monkey island etc were getting reboots too. I kinda regret not buying jet set radio on day 1 in retrospect too :p but ohhh well, here we are, and if this shenmue hd is a thing, i'm going to buy the crap out of it!
by FlagshipFighter
Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:25 pm
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Re: Shenmue I&II HD in 2017, SIII maybe 2

Hmmm, seems the pieces are coming together, I'm going to keep my wits together like you lot in case this doesn't work out (i was burned pretty hard by that sega exec guy from 2012 about the shenmue/soa xbla port lol), but man i can't help but feel excited about this, this is great news! I would love to see what shenmue would look like now...

Please though, 1080p widescreen, Jap+Eng Voice options, (achievements/trophies are mandatory anyway)

Physical release would be cool. less pop-in+faster loading (if possible). bonus features would be cool. again, wishful thinking but shenmue saturn would be hype. in-game brands are a acceptable loss for me.

sorry I'm already jumping the gun i'm trying to tell my heart to stop oh my gosh *collapses, starts foaming from mouth*
by FlagshipFighter
Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:37 pm
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Re: What do you think we will see in this month's update

Well, we are rapidly approaching mid-March. Soon, we will all be clinging to hope of a Match update as we head into April.

To me, the biggest sign of a delay was when someone(forget who) said the SB could run to the end of the year. I don't see any reason it could feasibly do that unless a delay was imminent.

To me it looked as if Suzuki-san didn't have the right staff/talent at the time he needed it, whether it was a lack of UE4-equipped staff or an unforeseen circumstance, as the recruiting process would (naturally) create some setbacks to his original goal. (On this subject, does anybody know if those positions at were filled or are they still open?)

However, I do want to shed light on how I interpret Yu's work ethic: Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm (pretty sure) I read somewhere shortly after the Shenmue 3 was funded that Yu-san found it quite daunting to share work-in-progress projects for reasons relating to scrutiny and favouring a more organic process with his dev team rather than one that is completely driven by player-feedback and iteration. After all, he's adopted a very versatile project management system (agile) which is often not been popularised or designed for game development in mind. So, considering all this and that he is most comfortable to doing things the same way that he did during the sega-hardware era, I really think that this is his strength here and what's best for the game.

Sure, I get the opinion on engaging in light banter on month's where they don't have updates or have a community forum of their own with the devs on it, I do enjoy that from other KS projects and all that's good but I think things like that reflect the personality/ethos of the company and benefit smaller scale projects more. As Peter mentioned prior, it's definitely not straight forward for them to do that as they have to go through AJ etc. Obviously if there is any concern I do think it's important for them to be transparent about it (like Doublefine was) but we also have to be prepared to give them some breathing room, however long that may be. Personally if I was Yu I'd be like "Thx everyone but stfu now i got work to do please give me some time!" xD but I'm sure it's difficult for them to communicate that as plans change. After all, Shenmue 3 is probably the most ambitious crowd-funded game project seen so far.

With Shenmue 3, I think that silence is golden and I look forward to whenever Yu-san decides to splash it all, E3 or otherwise. I'm not sure about everyone else here, but my attention has leaned more towards how/if sega will be handling the shenmue hd ports, it's still difficult to imagine what they'll be like running on current gen hardware/pc's, I genuinely think I'd cry seeing that announcement.

And I agree with you @Spags , I know that they have a bunch of surprises we haven't seen yet, but especially with how game marketing is done today I definitely think it wouldn't have been announced yet.
by FlagshipFighter
Tue Mar 07, 2017 7:08 am
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Re: what resolution will you play shenmue 3

SledgeNE wrote:1280x720 is enough for me. ;-)

Screw that I'm going all out and force cropping to 4:3 and 480p via VGA on an old dell CRT monitor for the truest Shenmue experience!

Any updates for the game will be fed through a 56k modem because I'm the real Sega OG
by FlagshipFighter
Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:09 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Tangent: this whole story reminds me of a tale I was taught as a designer. A EU car manufacturer (I've forgotten which one) consulted with a product firm to design a car cd/stereo unit following their guidelines verbatim. The design firm agreed to produce it as best as they could in order to prevent that contract going to competitors.

Through lots of great research, they actually built a stereo system that was smaller, better with more features, more power efficient and cost-effective (cheaper). They struck gold and the head of the design firm was so happy he green-lit it.

However, once the car manufacturer saw what they produced, they were like "wtf, this isn't what I asked for!" and they refused to purchase all the units that were produced.

Granted, this was in the late 90'-/early 00's and design communication has changed rapidly (it's better and yet somewhat worse now lol) but still there's an important lesson to be learned in that that I think pertains to shenmue on the switch. It just isn't a priority. Most firms would now collapse over good intentions like that sadly.

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by FlagshipFighter
Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:00 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Thanks for sharing this OP. I like the photoshop render of the controllers! It's great to hear the enthusiasm that comes from different communities, the Switch community sound really passionate for this to happen. The idea for this port has been perusing in my head since that awesome 'Snake Pass' game trailer.

Sadly, I'm going for have to agree with the others here, not with the intention of supporting the switch, but for the sake of not retreading the same pitfalls as other kickstarter devs (like comcept) who over-promised with really ambitious stretch goals that included ports which ended up making the end game suffer more as a result.

Even if it does just take a week or two (like it did for Snake Pass) I would rather spend those two weeks of development, polish or preparation for launch.

Just so you know, this is coming from someone who only owns an xbone to play current gen games atm! As much as I'd like to see a port for it on that (or heck scorpio compatibility) I would always prefer they deliver exactly what they envision to accomplish really well over promising more when it isn't a priority. I'm planning to buy a PS4 for this game so I can play in an environment familiar to the dreamcast. It would be cool to see xbox one and switch ports after launch though. Going through a scenario similar to mighty no. 9 would be really painful if it were to ever happen... :-/

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by FlagshipFighter
Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:42 pm
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Re: Yakuza series

Just revisiting Yakuza 4 for some sidequests today and I was laughing my ass off when I stumbled across this:

A Shenmue reference?! I had no idea about this if true! Kazuma is reading the cover of a porno-dvd that some ex-yakuza scrubs gave him (to which he reads what's shown in the above image). Oh devs, thank you for not forgetting your roots...

Really looking forward to getting a ps4 and playing Yakuza 0 in a couple of months from now.
by FlagshipFighter
Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:05 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #65: Dev room update

Hey everyone! I haven't really written my reaction to this awesome update outside of the twitch streams etc but I want to shed light as to why I am excited. This game is coming along really well and I also think these updates will slowly help to set peoples expectations onto what this game will actually be like as it heads towards its eventual release.

Before the kickstarter announcement ever happened, I expect whenever people envision a potential Shenmue 3 it was something similar to what was seen in the Yakuza 6 trailer perhaps where it would be really grand in its budget and aiming to redefine the genre that it's in etc. And I actually feel that a more modest budget (even though it's still a decent amount!) is going to do more good for Shenmue 3 than a blank cheque was ever going to do.

Shenmue 3 from the get-go seems to have a lot more focus/vision in terms of what they want to accomplish and the new update really communicates that well. The notebook, the simple act of opening cupboards and the chair, the QTE's and (potentially) the Nightfall fade that Himuro speculated all give the impression of this being a direct sequel without any other concerns/guff based on contemporary trends. It just feels as if I can jump into the game with the same mindset as if I was 12 year old again! :-) It's so cool to see all the dev's team comeback and be willing to do it (I'm sure fans of many other franchises could say the same thing!)

Another great reason to get excited about Shenmue 3 is that this is by FAR the best generation for it to happen outside of DC/Xbox OG. Could you imagine if Shenmue 3 was made for the Xbox 360/PS3 era? Not only would it present more limitations tech-wise for the team but it would've incredibly more expensive for them to produce. The best advantage of current gen isn't necessarily in CPU+GPU but just the ease of the development environment and the tools/engine (like UE4) allowing indies to do more faster and spend much less. It doesn't surprise me at all the pace at which Peter describes was accomplished, and it's great to hear that UE4 is indeed doing wonders for them.

I want to also convince some of you guys that I don't think the budget will be too much of a concern for it's impact on quality the game, especially in terms of scope and fidelity. I think the team is making the right decision in terms of focusing on the world/game logic elements first atm, that imo is the real star of Shenmue, not how pristine Ryo's hairs looks like atm. You gotta 'feel' Shenmue as well as see it (+the audio is obviously a HUGE part of the shenmue experience, no doubt is it guaranteed to strive in this regard). Despite what we've discussed about different teams handling different assets, the world looks incredible and the attention to detail. As Spags mentions, it is often better to leave the finishing touches like the models for later especially if they're working in a small group, which often brings its own advantages especially in terms of communication. A lot of this reminds me of what I saw during the Broken Sword 5 kickstarter, especially when details such as the face sticks out to the fans, but eventually:
I'm glad have included disclaimers at the bottom of the game footage whenever they show this stuff now!

There are a lot of videogames achieving so much with so little these days, people often mention the Witcher 3 in terms of budget+output of quality but I actually want to instead bring up two other games with pretty low budgets (+ don't have the advantage of tax breaks etc in their country) which are getting their own 3rd entries after so long within the next month: Dreamfall Chapters (for consoles) and Syberia 3. The originals were point and click adventures as you can see but it doesn't mean the latest entries are lacking in their vision. For me this genre is one of the reasons why I've always like shenmue so much at the time with aspects of how the game felt like an evolution to the storytelling seen in adventure games. It still seems crazy to me what is accomplished here with so little.

Syberia 1:
Syberia 3:

The Longest Journey (Dreamfall 1):
Dreamfall 2:
Dreamfall 3:

Onto features, perhaps the notebook tabs will cover events from previous games and chapters? I think that would be really cool. I also think it would be really interesting to discuss/debate (formally! xD) what concessions fans are willing to make for this game if it comes to it (such as full voice-overs, lips sync and and fighting sequences) I can understand people's concern over time for them just because they're so challenging for any game of any budget to accomplish but we've gotta just believe and hope in this regard. And I believe the father of VF knows what's best for the game. Personally voice-over was important to me at one time but I think it's become less important for me personally (especially after the Yakuza games, funnily the lack of it at first was so jarring to me at first lol).

Apologies if this post was lengthy but as you can see, there's just so much to be happy about I couldn't keep quiet about it! I'm really excited about the direction this game is heading in, the timing and passion involved all-round. Revisiting the older game briefly, I don't it's out of question for them to achieve that Shenmue roaming experience in 2017/18 again, they've got all the ingredients to do this and imo the experience distils down to a matter of the dev's unique taste and approach I think.

(It's going to be a bit scary for when this game does get closer to it's eventual release though, I don't think I'm physically or emotionally prepared for it yet xD.)
by FlagshipFighter
Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:09 am
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Re: Ryo and the Tiger-skin Pants [PhantomRiverStone]

Fascinating! Really appreciate everything you do! (I feel like I don't say that enough) Thanks :-)

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by FlagshipFighter
Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:26 pm
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Re: Sega E3 Product Categories

Great find! Looking through this and trying to make sense of it all, we can definitely start to piece a few things together.

I personally would also categorise the Shenmue series into the 'Action/Adventure' category but in the case of these listings I don't think it is. On the Atlus/Sega the devices listed here are super vast (WiiU, VR, 3DS,VITA, SWITCH, etc) and to me it doesn't seem to fit into those categories.

So I think the OP was right to predict that the Shenmue Remaster is a lot more likely to be listed under 'Role-playing' on the SEGA Europe page (as the only consoles listed here are PC, PS4 and Xbox). Some could see this as Valkyria Revolution but I don't think it is as we definitely know that is developed/published by Atlus/Sega and distributed by Deep Silver. And as far as I know, Sega Europe works of a very narrow/iterative style of Strategy/RTS/Simulation games, so it does stand out to see 'Role Playing' here, especially so for consoles (as they almost exclusively produce PC games).

Which leads us to: How possible is it for SEGA Europe to publish this game? As far as we know it's very much a possibility. They were the ones who (a couple of times) openly discussed about the possibility of the remasters and answered that fan question on the SEGA Youtube channel. I believe the url's from last September also traces back to them specifically.

The only inconsistency here is the RICE Digital rumour, in which cites an anonymous source at Atlus. While he never disclosed that Atlus was specifically publishing Shenmue (they could still aware/report rumours on behalf of its development at Sega Europe) but imo that rumour starting to sound slightly less credible especially when considering 'Shenmue 3 is getting delayed to 2018' and just the just how there's nothing tangible to it (people here joke that anyone could've said that after all).

Before I continue and sound like Jim Carrey in 23, could it be possible that it isn't in the listings yet? If it is indeed one of them (perhaps the SEGA Europe one) like Sonoshee I'm happy to see it (potentially) coming to Xbox! The bulk of games that I purchase does lean towards that platform and it'll be easier for me to purchase an additional copy/recommend to family/friends who only own one platform (I'll be buying it for all platforms I think, depending on whether my potato laptop could run it, otherwise Xbone/PS4). It does mean sony is unlikely to shadow drop it by releasing it on that day (which would cause so many people to make impulse purchases like with Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3) but perhaps it could come out shortly after or be a timed exclusive (like MvC3) for 3 months and tie that into it's announcement on Sony's stage only (and mention other platforms at the booth).

My body is prepared for excitement! 53 days left! :-p

(Also, props to SEGA supporting so many platforms! The Atlus/SEGA page is crazy! There doesn't seem to be any exclusives. The WiiU seems to be getting a lot of love there, hell even the PSP getting something! :-O)
by FlagshipFighter
Fri Apr 21, 2017 7:25 am
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Re: Shenmue III The Story Goes On (Slacker Backer Support Vi

Dude if I saw this as the Shenmue HD trailer @E32017 I would flip mai shyte!

Great trailer, 10 Jibbies outta 10!
by FlagshipFighter
Mon May 08, 2017 1:52 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

I think it'll come at the end of May. No idea what it'll be. It'll be nice to see Waves frothing himself into a mess over a "HI AND BYE HARAM WINE SCHUZUKI PISS GOAT" update.
I haven't visited the kickstarter comments in some time and... oh my words, is that a rap song about Ryo getting high? WHY???

Can't even make it through the other posts and keep memory retention, waves is... one helluva spirited/imaginative fella xD
by FlagshipFighter
Wed May 10, 2017 9:38 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

Vanquish releasing on May 25th. Hopefully this trend of monthly ports continues, and that we see the samurai boy from Japan next month...

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by FlagshipFighter
Wed May 10, 2017 11:24 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

Vanquish releasing on May 25th. Hopefully this trend of monthly ports continues, and that we see the samurai boy from Japan next month...

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My dreams/bet:

- June: Shenmue 1
- July: Shenmue 2
- August: Skies of Acardia
- September: Resonance of Fate
- October: Virtua Fighter 5
- November: Anarchy Reigns
- December: Jet Set Radio Future
I think Shenmue I and II HD will release together.
Agreed, I don't want to sound spoiled or anything but I just hope that it'll hit consoles too :D And physical releases would be awesome too if possible!

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by FlagshipFighter
Wed May 10, 2017 12:55 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

Agreed, great work @Kiske, you're last few findings on Shenmue HD have been great! We've got your back if shyte hits the fan! xD

This forum was built on hope, and damn be to us all if we're ever gonna give it up this easily!

I didn't place much credence to the rice rumour as the days progressed either, especially with the 'shenmue 3 delay' and I really do hope it doesn't follow suit in the say that Bayonetta/Vanquish has in that it's only available on PC/steam. Regarding that I'm sure we'll know more soon enough, but glad to see they were right on another rumour outside of the KOF14 one...
by FlagshipFighter
Mon May 15, 2017 8:35 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

Right on @Peter! And I'm totally going to print that out @Jibby thanks for making that! xD
by FlagshipFighter
Mon May 15, 2017 2:30 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

@jibby I have it setup in my workshop, now I know what I'm fighting for lol [emoji106]

And instead of having chocolates like a casual I'm going to have dry sliced carrots! XD

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by FlagshipFighter
Mon May 15, 2017 3:32 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

I never did get to watch the PSX Dojo stream from last December (I gathered up with a couple of friends and they wanted to see the easyallies stream), but the events that unfolded sound really unfortunate. I had a lot of reservations of the games reveal back then (as I'm sure many were) until Cedric Biscay's comments on the matter... which was a unfortunate set of events that followed here but I hope it is something the community has live and learned through. And going by what we know of it planned have changed, and it's difficult to communicate those changes. I'm sure whatever went through was the best decision (if it were half-baked trailer that seemed incomplete I feel like things would've been much different).

The thing is: Despite PSX 2016 not having a Shenmue reveal... it was a really great event! Granted, I wish Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite wasn't leaked so that it had more impact on stage but that was really awesome to see. In addition, I genuinely never thought Yakuza: Kiwami would get a western release (you never know with that franchise) and it getting sandwiched 6 months between Yakuza 0 and Yakuza 6, that seemed totally insane to me and pretty much made 2017 the coolest year of all time xD. And heck, I'm not familiar with wingjammers, but I'm glad to see those fans have their game up in the limelight (and oh my I am so glad the event went smooth... unlike Sonic's Anniversary #TotinoStuffedNachos)
(memes are also okay especially outside of the big three xD).

It's going to be exciting see such a grand event unfold from every competitor. And if all else fails, nothing can take away from the spectacle that was E3 2015 (shenmue frickin 3 was in time magazine and on bbc news website!) and the effort everyone put into that campaign watching the numbers increase... then plateau... then increase. That was one heck of a month.

This time I'm planting my feet firmly at the dojo stream if I can help it (if my internet is funny I'd have to go to a relatives or friends house like last time and watch it with them :/) and it's going to be magnificent.

Live to play, play to live! Now, time to try out this phantom dust port...

P.S: I'm so glad you went through the efforts of making that twitch channel and streaming despite any of that.
P.P.S. Spags beat me to it and said it better :p
by FlagshipFighter
Tue May 16, 2017 3:13 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

Hey everyone, just checking in an... holy mother-chedding smokes! I was only gone for 24hrs! :p

But a few things come to mind (warning: heavy speculation): How would this CEO know of this sweet intel? Let's think of his connections shall we: he ports games, therefore may know of other independent port-houses in the UK. If we look at that list of those untitled E3 games at SEGA's booth from a few weeks ago, one stood out from SEGA Europe. It was listed as 'adventure' (or 'rpg', doing this off the top of my head) for PS4, Xbox One and PC. These platforms in particular stood out as sega europe rarely produces anything outside of of PC and strategy/simulation games.

May be a stretch for some, but I think those two can be linked. Which potentially means this 'port' or 'remaster' (depending on what they're actually doing) is happening in the UK or Europe by one and/or a combination of these studios:

- Blitworks (Jet Set Radio)
- Modern Dreams Games UK (House of the Dead Overkill)
- That other UK dev that ported Valkyria Chronicles and possibly Bayonetta/Vanquish to PC (forgotten their name; can't find their website)

I think he would have likely have known about it from them. Anyone noticed how a lot of these publications/rumour sources (RICE digital, that journalist, this CEO from Just add water) are all within proximity of the UK? I'm starting to think it's less likely that bluepoint's project is in relation to Shenmue HD.

Sorry if this seems like useless fodder, it's just the first thing that came to my mind hearing all this, as the picture gets clearer and the dots connect. As someone pointed out earlier, it could also very much be a case of my cognitive bias especially with everything that's out there xD so let's remain cautious as always. As Shenhua says: I'll await whilst praying...
by FlagshipFighter
Thu May 18, 2017 11:54 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

By modern standards, how likely would a Yakuza Kiwami situation be? The games were ahead of their time at the time, but would a remake of 1 and 2 be remotely possible? Someone like Kidnocon recreated the environments with modern tech pretty easily, at least for 1.

Yakuza Kiwami was a special case from what I'm aware of, the developers of that game had only 6 months to produce that game, and much of that knowledge came from how Nagoshi-san and the Sega R&D team were so familiar and comfortable with using the Yakuza 5, 0 and Ishin engine (which is a modified version of the Yakuza Kenzan, 3, 4 and dead souls engine). All the time and experience they had with those tools meant that they could develop a 'HD' version of 1 by using the animations from the PS2 game cutscenes and build upon many of the gameplay assets and models produced in the later games. It was basically an easy and highly profitable port to produce. It is one of the reasons why the game is coming out in the west at such a budget pricepoint, it cost little to begin with because much of the investment came from the development of prior titles. Another reason why is the fact that the port faced a very mixed reception from fans/reviewer because aspects of the game felt poorly considered (e.g. the Majima anywhere system' where Majima disguises throughout the map and surprises you at any moment for battle).

So taking all that into consideration, approaching Shenmue in the same way isn't really possible. All the locations need to be built from scratch as well as the game itself. They are unlikely able to borrow much from the original games in which they can embed, it'd pretty much need an overhaul in that situation.

There are people to really want to see a Kiwami version to Yakuza 2 but it may be a while off because the Yakuza team have moved on from the Yakuza 5 engine to the 'Dragon engine' in Yakuza 6 (which the engine still isn't finished yet, and the locations aren't as open as prior games yet because the fidelity is so high and they were evidently rushed with that game).

I think a kiwami would be interesting (even in the Yak0 engine which many seem to be fatigued with even though I think it's great!) but I don't know well that would fly to everyone as a whole. I feel like that scenario would require a reboot from another director's vision as well as a budget similar to the Yak games now, which seen to be incredibly costly with all the facial capture, cutscenes and high profile actors they have.

Sadly I don't think a Shenmue Kiwami could happen, at the very least it could if shenmue 3 was a huge success and sega wanted to get more involved with the franchise, but even then would they be willing to use shenmue 3's code, animations, art and assets to build up is determined on the quality of how good of a framework shenmue 3 can establish.

Kidnocon's work is amazing and I look forward to seeing/hearing more of his involvement in shenmue 3. really intridged to try yak-kiwami, seriously six months sounds crazy! Glad they rerecorded the VO at least for a higher bitrate but i can imagine that's easier to implement alongside development schedule.
by FlagshipFighter
Fri May 19, 2017 9:09 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017


I'm kinda looking forward to it (E3) and I'm kinda not because I'll be a year older just a couple of days after Sony 's E3 and that's always a scary time for me (kinda like new years), so I'm kinda selfishly happy time has slowed to a crawl for now lol.

#IBelieveInYu and I hope everyone here is super happy with the end result of all this :-)

UPDATE: Well butter my onions! Red Dead 2 is delayed till next Spring, I hope this gives Shenmue 3 more of a fighting chance if it's hitting it's target (Red Dead 1 already killed Alan Wake lol :sadface:)

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by FlagshipFighter
Mon May 22, 2017 4:07 pm
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