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Re: Team Yu needs you!

As any newcomer to the campaign will discover this Tuesday, participating in the monthly Shenmue Tweetathon is a quick and easy task. But when fans of this momumental gaming series put their minds to it, they are ready, willing and able to contribute whatever work is required to spread their message.

The Shenmue500K Facebook group has just completed a collaborative project to produce a collage featuring photos of 24 ardant fans from 11 countries spelling out exactly what they require from Sega if Shenmue III still ain't on the cards: #GiveYuTheShenmueLicense

This hashtag binds the Tweetathon together every 3rd of the month, representing the frustration felt by every gamer who has patiently waited over 12 years for a conclusion to a story that captivates new players to this day. New players who must locate and rely upon ageing Dreamcast hardware to experience the game, due to the conspicuous absence of Shenmue from Sega's recent spree of HD ports to modern consoles.

This Tuesday's event is the latest in a campaign that has taken Twitter by storm for monthly 24-hour periods over the past year and a half. Its aim is to rally fans together in an act of community protest, and raise awareness amongst gamers of Sega's indifference towards a customer base that was promised a sequel to one of the medium's most tantalizing cliffhangers way back in 2001.

Those who wish to take part need only tweet their thoughts on the 3rd using the aforementioned hashtag, but to avoid the risk of forgetting on the day, signing up via Thunderclap will store your customized tweet and see it posted automatically from your account at the exact same time as those from other supporters:

The photo collage, organized by Rob Boucher (@builder_dirge, holding the # symbol in the top-left corner), demonstrates what can be done when the Shenmue fanbase works together for a common cause. And this Tuesday, the ever-growing Shenmue Tweetathon will continue this tradition. So spread the word and be heard on the 3rd: #GiveYuTheShenmueLicense!
by Let's Get Sweaty
Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:35 pm
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