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Re: It's shocking how many people don't know you can fight..

Look Zoltor, I'm not trying to call you a liar. But this is really hard to believe as there were many Shenmue completionists before you who painstakingly went through every nook and cranny of the game, without noticing the fight loop you refer to. I think it's natural for all of us to be a bit skeptical, so that's is why I ask you of any video or pics you might have of your incredible find because it's incredible to me.
by sand4fish
Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:49 am
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Re: It's shocking how many people don't know you can fight..

God damn it I swear, if you don't document everything you do, and bookmark every page you ever visit on the net, there's always people like you, with the BS take of, SS/video or it didn't happen.

Hey this is no BS mate. This is a major find (if proven) as we all would be seeing a totally brand new scene from a decade and half old game, not mentioning the possibility of playing the game in a different way, skipping the alone training time altogether to master all moves. So requesting a documented proof is not unreasonable I believe.

After all, if I started telling everyone that I know a way Ryo could fight Lan Di inside the Dojo just before the bad ending kicks in, without providing even a single screenshot, would you just take it at face value?

PS edited.
by sand4fish
Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:20 pm
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Re: Shenmue Collections & Merchandise

^To David:

This guy on EBay is selling a set of the 5 TGS posters,including the Shenhua one.
You might want to ask him if he can sell you it individually. (Link below)

The seller definitely won't part with them individually. Many tried, including myself =).

BTW, lovely collection David!
by sand4fish
Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:22 pm
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Re: It's shocking how many people don't know you can fight..

As always, nothing better than pics/videos or it didn't happen.
by sand4fish
Mon Oct 05, 2015 8:23 am
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Re: Videogame Series You're a Total Slut For

For me that would be the "metroidvanias". I hate the unnecessary backtracking and worse yet, the endless grinding of those games; and still I find myself killing the same enemies over and over, and looking forward to that 100% map and item completion (Major autism and ocd case here). Thanks Iga!
by sand4fish
Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:28 am
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

In the spirit of Halloween , I watched a horror movie... a great one for a change. It's called "It Follows" and it's totally awesome, one of the best in recent years. It has has an original premise, plays around with known genre troupes, contains parallel themes and it has an amazing atmospheric soundtrack to back all this.

But if anyone is checking this out, I recommend lowering your expectations as there's not much of jump scares or gory scenes. It's just not that kind of movie. Instead it's about tension and atmosphere.
by sand4fish
Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:00 pm
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases


So much goodness inside a single disc.
by sand4fish
Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:45 am
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Re: Adding to your pledge

I'm absolutely certain that you will be able to upgrade your current pledge before the December deadline. I'm confident on this because I have backed many past projects on Kickstarter and all of them, with no exception, allowed me to have that option. It will be done through a survey sent to your email (the one registered on you KS account).

The Bloodstained KS for example has sent me a survey pretty recently and it allowed me to upgrade my current pledge. The only thing I find odd about the whole Shenmue Slacker Paypal campaign is that it has such an extremely short period of time, as some of the projects I have backed like 2 years ago are still accepting Paypal donations to this day.
by sand4fish
Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:04 pm
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Re: Last dinner in Tokyo...

Hyo Razuki wrote: There's still one question we need to clarify: Is this Yu Suzuki's favorite t-shirt or is it his only t-shirt? :lol: 8)

You just have to open Ryo's wardrobe in the game and you'll find your answer.
by sand4fish
Wed Nov 11, 2015 4:42 pm
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

LOL @ star wars newbies "ep 4 is dated" :lol:

But really though, ep 1 isnt as bad as people make it out to be. I personally think episode 2 is the worst of the prequels, 3 is the best, the prequels in general arent that bad to me either. I think some hardcore star wars fans pointed out certain things and brought down the prequels in general, outside of jar jar and the corny/badly acted attempt at romance in ep 2 its really not that bad imo.

I found difficult siting through episodes 1 and 2 TBH. If it wasn't for the brand name I wouldn't bother watching them at all. Now for episode 3 I revisited it recently and I actually liked it better than The Return of the Jedi. So to me Lucas finished strong in the end. Definitely no hate for the guy.
by sand4fish
Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:11 am
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

I got this for IOS. Never played it before, and I'm surprised how good it actually is as I was just trying to build myself for the big hype later this month.

PS. I developed real Jedi like skills playing the swoop racing through touchscreen. I dare anyone try it. Talk about challenge.
by sand4fish
Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:25 am
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Re: What are you currently playing?

I still didn't get the chance to watch the new movie, but for this past month I've been trying the different Star Wars games I never played before. I finished up KOTOR recently and it was a pretty fun game, even though I wasn't immensely impressed by it (probably because I played too much Mass Effect and Dragon Age before it).

Now that I'm done with KOTOR I'm trying this one at the moment:

The early levels were a bit slow for my taste, but once I got my hands on a lightsaber this game became the ultimate Jedi Simulator :D . I'm having such a good time with this game, and I still didn't touch the early Dark Forces series yet!
by sand4fish
Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:44 am
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Axm wrote: ^You should really play the two Force Unleased games if you haven't already. Really great Jedi games that make you feel powerful. And the art is brilliant. Will probably replay them soon myself.

I try them out some time, thanks! I heard the story was awesome.
by sand4fish
Sat Dec 19, 2015 11:43 am
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Re: "Metal Gear Solid Creator Takes His Team and Leaves Kona

I'm aware I'm in the minority, but I love MGS Rising as well. It's definitely a underrated game. Platinum rarely if ever disappoints with their titles. I might say they are the best in the industry for action games.
by sand4fish
Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:25 pm
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Re: What did you all get for Christmas?

I got one of these from my girlfriend, an amazing seat to witness this legend next year:

by sand4fish
Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:55 pm
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Re: Who are the most beautiful girls in gaming?

Blaze Fielding, the first female playable character I laid my eyes on.


by sand4fish
Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:17 am
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Re: Must Have Games For Must Have Consoles

Sega Genesis
1. Super Shinobi
2. Streets of Rage 3
3. Herzog Zwei
4. Strider
5. Alien Soldier

1. Super Metroid
2. Super Mario World
3. Super Mario Kart
4. Fire Emblem Genealogy of War
5. Earthbound

1. Vagrant Story
2. Metal Gear Solid
3. Castlevania Symphony of the Night
4. Resident Evil
5. Tenchu

1. Power Stone
2. Illbleed
3. Jet Set Radio
4. Resident Evil Code Veronica
5. Berserk Guts Rage

1. Metal Gear Solid 2
2. The Shadow of the Colossus
3. Ico
4. Deus Ex
5. Max Payne

1. Demon's Souls
2. Deadly Premonition Director's Cut
3. Metal Gear Solid 4
4. The Last of Us
5. Virtua Fighter 5
by sand4fish
Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:55 pm
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Re: Shenmue II: The Movie

I downloaded your first movie off the youtube. Almost 8 gigs later, I watched it and every single second was worth it! Thanks so much for the work and I can't wait for this! :D
by sand4fish
Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:27 pm
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Shenmue VR Forklift Simulator

SANLAB SimPro3, AKA Shenmue Forklift Simulator, at Gamescom 2016:

phpBB [video]

phpBB [video]

I'd love to put my countless hours on Shenmue's forklift segment to the test!

by sand4fish
Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:18 pm
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Re: Shenmue II: The Movie

Let's appreciate the work done by Mr357. He didn't have to come up with the movie for us to begin with.

Hats off for the awesome job done here!
by sand4fish
Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:54 pm
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

I didn't play it yet, but looking forward to it this weekend. And I also pre-ordered this:

Not particularly a fan of grinding JRPGs but I'm a sucker for Shin Megami Tensei games. Love them no matter how old I get.
by sand4fish
Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:04 pm
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Re: What Song Are You Listening To Now?

No matter what genre of music you are into, you can't go wrong with The Beatles (or Clapton).

phpBB [video]
by sand4fish
Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:40 pm
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Re: Pre-orders for F4F Lan Di statue begins Nov 3rd!

I ordered the LE Lan Di statue the first day it became available.

I even received a Dark Souls statue offer email today,but have yet to receive a shipping confirmation email as well.

Maybe I got lucky and had mine shipped earlier. If I were to give an advice, to be certain I would check my credit card statement to see if payment went through (should be pretty recent) or contact f4f.
by sand4fish
Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:12 am
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Re: Pre-orders for F4F Lan Di statue begins Nov 3rd!

Pending is way better than either cancelled or payment declined. I wonder what's the holdup... It's not like they are making one at a time given their sweatshop like manufacturing scale.

by sand4fish
Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:39 am
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Re: What TV series are you watching?

Just binge watched Stranger Things last night. Haven't been so hooked up to a series since True Detective. The soundtrack and 80's references alone warrant the viewing if you are fond of that period.
by sand4fish
Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:55 pm
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Re: Shenmue voted #1 in "Top 200 Dreamcast Games 2016"


In the Shenmue 3 has been in the number 1 spot for more than a year in the most anticipated games category.
by sand4fish
Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:16 pm
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Re: I need your opinion. I need your help

I believe the divorce talks are a bit rushed, unless you already set your mind for it. It's unfair for me to judge you or your wife as I don't know you in person, so I think you guys need an objective, professional eye like a marriage counsellor to dig deep through your problems and go from there. It seems (by your account) that your wife is clueless of her actions being detrimental and any word from you would bring her to a defensive stance or a simply shrug, so that's why a professional third party would be ideal as it would put her "denial" open to talks.
by sand4fish
Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:25 pm
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Uncharted 4: A thief's End

Right off the bat we can all agree that this game is stunning visually. On the game mechanics, this is the most polished Uncharted. Aside from what Nathan could do before, he now can make better use of the environment for stealth attacks, mainly in the form of being able to hide himself in tall foliage; and the introduction of the grappling hook, which allows for wild and amusing attacks and improvised emergency escape routes. Gone this time it's the invincibility meele dodge button from the previous instalments, which it's a good thing.
That being said, this is the same old Uncharted game we all played before. No matter how pretty or big it looks, there's very little interaction to do with its world. We just take in its beauty for a minute and move on to the next gunfight or rock climbing scripted scenario. This all wouldn't be so bad if the game upped its challenge with each coming scenario, but that didn't happen. The parkour challenges are linear (no substantial alternative routes) and Nathan fights the same goons throughout the entire campaign. My major problem with this series is that despite the amazing stuff Nathan can do, no antagonist comes close to match him in skill set. It's like you are Spider-Man and everyone else is just your regular Joe in this world. I thought for a moment that the game would give Nathan his match with the character Nadine, but I was wrong. To be honest I was only able to finish the game in sporadic play sessions because the action sets had that sameness feeling to them that it was really tiring to play the game for long stretches of time.
On the positive side, there were bits of brilliance to be had by being able to explore the game world a tiny bit better with the Jeep and by boat, even though those moments were brief and far between. And staple to the series, some of the scripted sequences were truly memorable like the chase with the armoured truck and the hopping between enemy vehicles to save Sam. All in all, I truly believe Uncharted 4 to be the best in the franchise.

My final score: 3/5
by sand4fish
Wed Nov 23, 2016 5:19 pm
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Re: Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding

Reedus, Del Toro and now Mikkelsen... Wow, the production values must be through the roof! I really didn't expect this, but this game might even outshine the MGS series. No kidding that Kojima's trying to attain Hollywood's level of ambition. And damn cryptic and creepy trailer again!
by sand4fish
Fri Dec 02, 2016 1:37 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Before anything else, this is a Kickstarter project. Disappointment on delivery of updates on game development and the delay of the final product is almost 100% to happen. Here's a link for an article to show you the statistics (though a bit old, it still applies today). I think I can consider myself a veteran Kickstarter backer (for what's worth) and I've backed many high profile game projects like Torment Tides of Numenera (backed since 2013) and Bloodstained Ritual of the Night, Kickstarters older than Shenmue 3 that still were not released. Speaking of Bloodstained, which dates just months prior to Shenmue 3's crowdfunding and appears to have some serious big time investors behind the project, has a window release for Q1 2018 so it'll be no surprise to see Shenmue 3 being pushed way beyond December 2017. Another title that I backed, Divinity Original Sin, had only a partial Kickstarter campaign to extend game features and it still was delayed for almost a entire year from their original projection (and very sparse on updates as well). That's simply just the nature and historical track of crowdfunding projects.

The comparison of Shenmue 3 to Mighty Number 9 is fair, given both were unexpected successful campaigns and were received with great hype. But Yu Suzuki is not Keiji Inafune. Inafune's most acclaimed feat to date is to have worked on character designing for the Megaman series (sorry if this offends Megaman fans), and later producing or creating series like Onimusha and Dead Rising. But he is no director and game designer. Foremost, the man is a beyond ambitious businessman trying to spawn an entire MN9 universe (with animes and side games simultaneously) before proving his initial product. Meanwhile Shenmue 3 has most of its key original staff and Yu Suzuki at the helm as director and designer. So the worst that can happen to Shenmue 3 is to be a generic looking game (graphically) and to have a disappointing small world to explore compared to contemporary peers. Because gameplay and vision wise, the game has its concept locked down since the first game's inception more than a decade ago. It's pretty much a safe bet for a Kickstarter project for people to invest their money on, specially if they are fans of the previous games.

On even a brighter side, given that Yu was handed total freedom to do whatever he wants with the series (without any need for approval from Sega) this might turn out to be the most ambitious and fleshed out Shenmue we have yet to experience. I'm saying this because some of the best games (pushing their genres forward) I played these past few years were Kickstarter games: the aforementioned Divinity: Original Sin (one of the best RPGs I played and I don't particularly like the genre) and Planetary Annihilation (RTS with battles with a scope that can go from a determined planet to beyond even a solar system).

Well, what trying to say in the end is that everything will eventually be sorted out, updates will come and the game will be fine to say the least.
by sand4fish
Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:29 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Superb post - really puts things into context.

Thanks for putting this into perspective.

Thank you and you are welcome! It's just like many here, I've put a lot of money into Shenmue 3 (way more than any project I've backed so far) and the waiting time is killing me. But I just wanted to put into perspective that this is another Kickstarter project, and this simple fact changes many things concerning the creation of the game. All I wanted is to avoid feeding bad press by some game journalists because for some reason Shenmue really draws the slightest negative reaction of fans as a sign to publicize an article to badmouth the project. Anyway we can always direct our unhappiness on how things are going to Awesome Japan or Ysnet with an e-mail. I really have had many experiences with Kickstarter campaigns, and Shenmue 3 is easily one of the safest bets mainly because of how many eyes are on it, either to see it succeed or fail miserably. This is just too big for Yu to run away, so he has no choice other than to impress the world and even deliver more than what was promised, as his name and career are on the line.
by sand4fish
Sun Dec 04, 2016 5:22 pm
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

Once again, when everyone decide to dig deeper on what a Kickstarter project entitles to, people will realize that the ONLY OBLIGATION Yu Suzuki has towards its backers is to complete the game and fulfill whatever category of rewards you have paid for. Deadlines are actually not an obligation of any Kickstarter project because you are given only estimates when you decided to pledge your money in. So basically the game could be released in 2022 and you given a preview of the game only a few days before its launch if that's what Yu wants and needs to do. And actually that's fine as long as the project comes to a completion. To clarify, fine is not even my feelings towards the issue, but actually what it's deemed to be legal and acceptable by Kickstarter standards. By the way, the Kickstarter website itself urges backers to be PATIENT towards its project creators. For a better understanding, read the KICKSTARTER 101.

In short, no one is entitled to a Shenmue 3 footage in E3 or PSX 2017 unless Yu says so. And even if a trailer doesn't show up in the next year at all, it will only mean Yu doesn't deem the development stage at the moment to be ready for a public display, so more time is needed. This is not an assumption, but a logical conclusion based on my personal Kickstarter experience and research, as mentioned in the other PSX 2016 topic. And by my experience with other crowdfunding projects, Shenmue 3 is currently in smooth sailing mode right now.
by sand4fish
Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:48 pm
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

I'm sorry but Ysnet and even Awesome Japan don't need to respond or defend themselves to any backers at all. The current status of the game development is ongoing and they just posted a video like last week,, as they having been consistently doing since the end of the campaign. So there's actually no red flag here.

To be clear, being a backer doesn't buy any backstage entrance to be in the loop on the game development, unless stated in the reward price point, because I didn't see it stipulated on what I paid for. Whatever they decide to show to any backer is simply a sign of goodwill.

People may be confusing all of this to something like buying some shares on Ysnet, and they thought they are just being shareholders demanding answers from their investment. But the truth is you are just paying some money in hopes that a project or idea you have interest in (which would not happen in any other way) will come to fruition some time in the future, plus whatever extra bonus you are willing to pay more than others. That's Kickstarter in a nutshell.

Delays, understaffed, limited resources and budget are the name of the game here. We should give them some room to be honest as the project is just about a year old. That's like being a baby in Kickstarter years. Take it from me.
by sand4fish
Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:29 pm
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

I will try to be really thorough this time. I noticed some here took Bloodstained KS to compare and critique on that of what is being done in Shenmue 3. As I am a backer of both projects, you should know that Bloodstained has a total of three entire development studios behind the game and a playable demo already available for the backers. That's why there's much to talk about it at the moment. I have mentioned before that there was some serious outside investment on this project behind the scenes. That's just the power draw that a Castlevania title (not officially but) can command.

Unfortunately that's not the case for Shenmue. Let's not pretend the series has been a commercial success. Right now it's being developed solely by Ysnet, a company which most of their work (if not all) comprises of mobile titles (correct if I am wrong). It's seriously understaffed for a project like Shenmue 3 (they are still hiring after all if you look at their website). Basically what you are looking is: one development team versus three, one fully 3D game with the size of a small town roughly vs a 2D sidescrolling platform. What about the difference in game mechanics? That's an entire level of complexity apart from each other. Do you see the disparity on scope versus resources? You just can't have Shenmue 3 at the same speed process as that of Bloodstained (marketing or development wise). That's like trying to squeeze water from a stone. Wanna really run Yu Suzuki dry till the man loses all the remaining hair he still has? That's cruel.

But why not show some footage of some kind at PSX just to please and reassure backers that the project is on track? Sure, showcasing gameplay of of two twitchy wireframed Minecraft characters fighting each other on a background made on MS Paint or release a new trailer based on the models of that "awesome" early E3 footage could surely gain the hearts of new adopters and appease the existing fan base. But well, Yu decided not to. What are we gonna do? Complain? By the way, I didn't actually see that much of exposure from Bloodstained on the big events like you guys expect Shenmue 3 to have.

Now on the failings of Shenmue 3 campaign. Are you kidding me? What failings? All I saw was one shy dude (Yu) and his small team managing to snag a known IP from Sega and put into crowdfunding in front of one of the biggest gaming events in the world, and breaking a world record in the end with the help of a clumsy group called Awesome Japan (they were part of it after all and hired by Yu with his own money). To date, the project managed to attain most of the key staff from the original games, including the original voices (English and Japanese) of the protagonist! To top it all, it's one of the very few Kickstarters that managed to retain the original IP name and not be one of those spiritual successor bs titles. This is no short of a miracle and a great accomplishment by Yu Suzuki and his team.

What about promoting the game? Well, if the initial E3 in US was not enough, how about MAGIC Monaco and China's Chuapp Conference? That's basically worldwide reach, and a stroke of a genius (reaching out for an untapped huge market). Do you guys really know that many crowdfunding projects that had that much success? I sure don't.

by sand4fish
Tue Dec 06, 2016 12:14 am
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

I'm honestly surprised to see so many Shenmue fans so disappointed. I thought Shenmue fans were used to disappointment by now. ;-)
At least we're getting the game...that's all I care about. The less the game gets spoiled the better.

I'm more surprised at the fact that some are even willing to threaten to bring the development team under a negative spotlight for the rest of the gaming media because they are being, at the moment, denied of seeing a footage that some backers paid like, I don't know, $10,000 to have that privilege.
by sand4fish
Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:44 pm
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

I understand the situation for Shenmue III. It's wise to bring nothing than to bring something that looks really bad and immature. This Project should have the time it needs. It makes me sad when Shenmue III is categorized as a Indie-Title. But time changes.

Interestingly, Indie may have the connotation of being amateurish and low budget but the term can also be applied to auteurs (in gaming) whose creations are impervious of influences of company executives over their own. I'm talking about how the creator's personal influence and artistic control are so great that even their names are carried along with the title screen. Examples would be Sid Meier, Cliff Bleszinski, Hideo Kojima and the folks at Platinum Games. These are surely independent game designers. Look at Kojima's case alone. The man will spend millions in a single 5 minutes gameplay along with a 45 minute cutscene with flamboyant characters speaking in gibberish. Gamers might complain and Konami hate him, but will the man give a damn? NO. Even after being fired, did the man get tamed by another game company? Surely not. That's a true indie auteur right there.

Now about Shenmue 3. Actually that's the same story. The only difference is that Yu is working with limited resources and budget. But he still has full control of everything regarding Shenmue as an IP (including the staff that worked on the originals), and this alone is unheard of for a Kickstarter project, specially when the IP is this popular, though not highly successful. Basically the man has been battling against the odds, and so far he beat everything down his path to a pulp. So I'm not sure where the discontentment is coming from with what he's doing.

Personally, I rather see his team focus on whatever they are doing than spend time prepping a documentary of rudimentary gameplay or another trailer advertising how beautiful Chinese landscapes can be on Unreal 4 for a gaming event that are already packed with pretty much trailers of games ready to be shipped in a few months time. It might impress fans, but utterly meaningless to newcomers. Who's paying for that anyway? Opportunity cost. When you want someone to stop working at the Ysnet office to show off a trailer at a PSX, some group of people must be there at the event to talk about it and answer questions right? Are they gonna use part of the $6 million for travel expenses alone? Is this really going to sit well with the backers or even the media? Because I certainly will feel "happy" knowing that I pledged money to see Joel Tess enjoy a Big Mac at lunch and a bath at Hilton's.

Now seriously, reality check here. Be prepared to see Shenmue 3 being ready to be released only in 2018 at its earliest. Not a gut feeling, because when you take a company like Inxile Entertainment (who has Kickstarter projects under their belts like Bard's tale, Wasteland 2 and Torment: Tides of Numenera) an average of three years to complete their games you just can't expect a tiny company like Ysnet to do it in two. Painful as it may be, expect delays (whether on updates or game completion) and they do not mean any doom sign to the project. Game companies (big or small) are just bad at projections and meeting deadlines. All I wish is for people to give them some space, because it must be hard to focus at work when in their heads they are like: "Man, I've been sitting on this desk for like 14 hours a day staring at this screen and this f***ers still complain? What else am I supposed to do? Pack my bags, sit on a plane for 16 hours, and prepare a presentation when all I've got is some really rough pre-alpha work? Man I would get an F in college for handing in this s**t, but hey if that it's what the fans want. F**k this!"

Well, this is basically a rambling topic. Guess I've outdone myself.
by sand4fish
Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:05 pm
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

Fan feedback scares me.

It should scare everyone. Fan feedback will in the end undermine the author's vision and artistic control of his own work. If people have concerns with game mechanics, bugs and other in game problems there are professional testers for that kind of stuff. That's what their job are for. Damn me if this entire game becomes something like what happened to Mass Effect 3, where its ending was hated by fans so Ubisoft caved in and altered the original vision for the story.
by sand4fish
Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:32 pm
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

At this point, I'm guessing that if you criticize Shenmue III upon release you might even be banned. How dare you criticize our lord and savior!

Really? After you saying that Shenmue 3 deserves SO MUCH that it MUST have a E3 screening because it's an equal to a title like Final Fantasy VII Remake (without a solid base for such opinionated claim), you really dare to imply that the rest of us are simply fanboys?

Sandfish said I want constant promotion. I really don't. I just want an update on the game and do not find the recent updates satisfactory. I do expect to see an update before E3, but if they don't have one as the OP of this thread surmises, then they have left their hands to fate.

I find my position fairly logical and reasonable. Certainly, after having the support of over 70k people world wide, Yu and his team would agree that not having an big update on how the project is going before or during E3 would be unacceptable. Only a complete fanboy would argue otherwise.

If they haven't shown anything before and during E3 then I mean, it's on their inaction to show the fruits of their labor that has the sum of nearly 7 million dollars over of 70k people's hopes. The fact that they'd not show anything before or during E3 despite those numbers is begging for bad press anyways. Also, this has more to do with the trailer and more to do with what they're doing with peoples money if they have managed to miss two E3's in a row. Concern for the status of the development would legitimate, especially with a supposed December 2017 release date.

How would I know that you will not want more after your demands are met? When usually threats are attended to, it just means they work and now people feel like they gained power in their hands. It's just a natural course to continue doing so. And soon other people will follow (or did you think you are the only one with wants and needs?) Do you see the really DANGEROUS TREND you are trying to set here? Even if you don't follow through your intentions, others might think it's okay to threaten the development team to get what they want. When said demands can't be met, Ysnet will have to waste money and resources just for damage control and waste time (which is literally our money) that would be otherwise spent on making the game.

Please answer me this: What real difference does it make if a "substantial trailer" is shown RIGHT NOW or 2 years from now in the long run? After all people know the game has evolved to some extent, because some backers have already seen it. And there's simply no fact that keeping up with "substantial updates" (and of the like suggested documentaries and creation of in game items) will bring worthwhile money to cover its costs (unless you show me the numbers or statistics for comparison). But it's a logical conclusion that it will be detrimental to the final product, because the team will have to allocate more time and money (resources that we paid for) on making fans "happy" that could be focused solely on the development process of the game. The opportunity cost Yu chose in the end is the wise one, as seen with other successful Kickstarters. How am I a fanboy here? I really think what I wrote so far makes sense.

I noticed also that you, Himuro, wrote some post about how the entire campaign could be improved. First of all, most of the suggestions are just to keep fans "happy" while waiting for the final product and it does not improve on the game itself which is all we really care about in the end. Your jacket suggestion actually just makes the entire gaming process harder. Besides having to go through the trouble of creating such artifact, they have to test it throughout the final build for possible crashes and bugs. Plus it will be another added promise that Yu will have to fulfill to the backers in the end. Where does the laundry list stop for such a limited budget and small scale team? And FYI any company or organization has room for process improvement, including your workplace or business. There're entire jobs just focused on that area. So don't just go treat everyone like idiots as if no one knows what they are doing, but a few selected non fanboys. We don't even know at what capacity the jobs of the members from Awesome Japan extends to in the end. Probably Yu would have to raise their salary in order for them to perform according to your standards.
And if you are still so keen on improving whatever it's being done, why not do it yourself? Go draft those improvements and send to them. The team will surely make some good use of your improvement suggestions if it's within their job description and capacity. Otherwise talk is easy to go around and everyone just loves to play the boss.

The entire discussion is circular and no one is budging an inch.

Not circular at all. I have no beef with you. I apologize if any of this offends or insults you. I certainly know you are as passionate about Shenmue 3 as the rest of the community. My only intention is just to STOP YOU from planting these ideas to other people that just because you are a backer Ysnet has to listen to you. Threats are not okay. You are willing to take measures to your own hands while not having the consensus from the rest of the community. I just hope that with my posts people understand that no one here is a shareholder of the company and Ynet has no OBLIGATION whatsoever to entertain backers, and not even promote Shenmue 3. Their only obligation toward us all is to deliver a finished game some time in the future (no deadlines requirements, read carefully the stipulations of a Kickstarter project), and the respective perks for those who paid for them. Just let them do their jobs.
So far, the project is on track as some backers already witnessed further development of the game process, unless you want to doubt them. There have been consistent updates (in the form of small interviews mostly) just to let people know that the project is doing okay. There are simply no red flags at all.

Sorry for the long post and thank you to those who read it.
by sand4fish
Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:04 pm
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

Please, stop the discusion, shall we?
I think this, the shenmue community is one of the best, if no the best communitys about videogames.

We all love Shenmue, we have been waiting for this for more than 15 years, we should do whatever is in our hand to make Shenmue 3 profitable in order to get Shenmue 4. We can't do nothing but wait for them to release the game and info whenever they CAN.

There are already some people on the kickstarter page whining because Shenmue 3 didn't appear at psx, insulting Suzuki saying his is a drunken and so. The last thing we must do is something like this.
I was so disapointed about psx but I understand making a game takes a lot of time (years) and I don't have waited 15 years for ruining all of the sudden because they don't release as much info as I want.

Please, this discussion follow path to nowhere, let's put a end to this.

Unfortunately I have to disagree. I would really shrug this off if I didn't think it was a serious matter here. Ignoring this will not make this issue go away, but on the contrary I fear it might probably make it bigger later on down the road and with serious repercussions. Imagine if the scenario of the team being heavily criticized by the media becomes true, because some fans were discontent with not being 100% in the loop on the game development process. How much time and money must Yu's team use to fix the problem? Everyone loses. So it's better trying to come to a consensus now than regret not doing anything later. This topic will always come back after any little disappointment fans might feel towards the project.

I'm really trying to be informative here and with hopefully reasonable arguments, and be as courteous as I can (No cursing names on my part). I don't need people to be on my side, but I really need people to understand how Kickstarter works and the rights people are entitled to as a backer. Even if people are discontent with how the process is moving and still decide to act, I just want to make sure they are fully aware of the consequences of doing something like "reporting" them to the media. Money and time are at stake here. Once again there will be no winners in the end if that happens.

And to be clear, I have no ill feelings towards fellow member Himuro. I respect her for being a passionate fan and her work on hyping the campaign. I just happen to strongly disagree with her stance on this matter.

by sand4fish
Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:05 pm
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

Thank you Himuro! Know that I really was not trying to win an argument against you over this issue. I'm really invested on this game as you are, and I was only really trying to give out as many facts or reasonable arguments for the cause. Once again forgive me if anything I wrote came out as an insult.
by sand4fish
Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:29 pm
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Re: Ways to improve the Kickstarter campaign, a community ef

I will throw you a bone here, as this will not cost much anyway for whatever they are already doing and will specially pique your interest Himuro. So basically the video team right now will run out of staff interview footage ideas, seeing that they just started doing that weird "what's your type of music?" thing with Yu, and I guess it will continue with other staff members. So how about replace all that with a segment like "What is Yu working on right now?" or "What is the team working on right now?". So they wouldn't have to show any footage per se, but just talk about their focus at the moment very briefly and maybe touch on a few concepts on paper at a minimal level (there's no chance that they would spill their entire development process and ideas to the public) How about that? It would take away the fans' insecurities towards the project and be a little substantial update every time no?
by sand4fish
Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:34 pm
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Re: What TV series are you watching?

I guess Black Mirror really became the new favorite TV show of the Dojo community.
by sand4fish
Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:49 pm
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

phpBB [video]

It has been forever since I played a Mario game, but this sure made my day.
by sand4fish
Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:26 pm
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Re: Reveal Shenmue 3 trailer to backers or public first?

I agree with the post above. Showing it only to backers is the same as limiting your target audience, and so forfeiting potential revenue that could contribute to investors and Yu's consideration on making a fourth game.
by sand4fish
Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:43 pm
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Re: Gaming Deals

Whoever lives in NA, BestBuy is having a 3 games for the price of 2 kind of deal (only PS4 and Xbox One). Only lasts until December 10.
by sand4fish
Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:57 pm
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