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Re: Shenmue I & II HD : FAQs Answered by Sega & d3t

I'm disappointed they didnt answer the most important question of them all:

Will i have more lives or rapid fire in Space Harrier.
by Peter
Tue Jul 03, 2018 12:04 pm
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Re: Adam Koralik explains the re-releases (4:3, audio etc)

This is a fantastic and explanatory video. Gotta love Adam. Although I will very slightly (and respectfully lol) split hairs and disagree dialectically and semantically with him in saying it's "not even really a remaster." In my nomenclature, coming from the audio world, a remaster means taking original premaster source material, without changing them at all, and taking them through higher resolution audio converters, digitizing them if you're working with older media (which is a bit like porting I suppose lol,) maybe alter the mix slightly (change the arrangement via pan, maybe duplicate some tracks if need be, basically just making things clearer and sweeter, bring things up in the mix or down etc. etc.) possibly use new compression if you can get away with it without destroying dynamic range, etc. You might add new effects, like new reverb since effects technology tends to improve (which to me is akin to them adding new post processing effects to the game,) and all of this is done sparingly and carefully so as not to change the original audio at all, but just make things as good as they can be using newer technology.

Imo, this is precisely what they've done with Shenmue here. So, for ME, that's a remaster. Anything beyond would be a remake, and anything less would just be a straight port. I know not everyone agrees with that nomenclature, and I totally respect that. But for me, these are absolutely remasters. And not only that, but true remasters, rather than the quasi-remakes which keep getting called remasters (looks at Spyro lol.) Ironically though, it's the audio in this release which hasn't been remastered lol.

But ALL of that having been said, great video from Adam I will share around online to try and inform people with questions about these things!
by Anonymous81
Tue Jul 03, 2018 11:21 pm
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Re: Adam Koralik explains the re-releases (4:3, audio etc)

I'm pretty happy with the HD versions. The mere fact they exist finally is a miracle.
by shengoro86
Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:11 am
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New Info + Details of S1&2 from Adam Koralik (7th July)

+ Bloom optional (enabling/disabling motion blur not confirmed yet)
+ Supports original resolution (480p) alongside higher resolution (1080p)
+ Gameplay sections playable in original 4:3 alongside widescreen
+ Fast loading times (1-2 seconds on base ps4/xb1 hardware)
- No micro-transactions
- No passport disc :*-( (alongside online features like leaderboards)
- No ingame product-placement

More videos+information coming soon from Adam and the official SEGA Europe channels
by FlagshipFighter
Sat Jul 07, 2018 12:05 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue HD Thoughts

Ok, I was curious and did some analysis using the stream uploaded on youtube, timelines are in the pictures and you can check yourselfs too.

Window in Dojo isn't rendered, it's passable I guess but noticeable:

Camera inside Ryo's arm, noticeable:

Camera inside lights, not very noticeable:

Kid stuck in the back, very noticeable:

Camera inside Ryo's head, very noticeable:

Fisherman stuck in the back, very noticeable:

Camera inside Hisaka-san arm, noticeable:

Camera inside Ryo's arm, noticeable:

Camera inside Ryo's head, very noticeable:

Actually it's kind what I was expecting, keep in mind that this is what I noticed (could be more) and I only did it until reaching the beginning of disc 2, didn't feel like continuing.
As you can see there's a lot of problems just for this portion of the game alone.

As for Shenmue 2 I didn't try looking at it yet but its a mixed bag, one would expect to be the best game to support 16:9 because of the letterbox already implemented but the game just keeps jumping from 19:6 to 4:3 in cut scenes with QTEs. Probably would be very jarring, everything would need to be cropped I guess...

Probably disc 4 would be passable since there's almost no QTEs there. I'm curious what they will do with this game actually...
by Mestre Ziming
Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:48 am
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Re: Shenmue I & II HD : FAQs Answered by Sega & d3t

Here's a summary of the latest information released by Sega and Adam Koralik since the release date announcement.
by Kiske
Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:04 am
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Re: The Shenmue Dojo - past, present and future.

It is sad, but we don't have time to dwell, and even though the current Dojo is on its last run, I am not having any slack. FlagshipFighter is a decent member as well as having vital modding experience from Yakuza boards so I am happy to bring him on board. He will take up Spaghettis role.
by Peter
Tue Jul 10, 2018 5:49 pm
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Shenmue - Return to Dobuita St. Trailer feat. Koralik+Yusuf!

Some really beautiful shots of Dobuita here alongside some new gameplay clips showing us more of the new ingame UI such as the Yen counter and the subtitles font. Game looking really sharp and clean.

Also the clown on Tom's Hot Dog truck has been colour corrected back to how it was in the original game! :O

P.S. 100 Yen soda drinks in Shenmue are priced at 130 Yen irl, the inflation is real! :O :D
by FlagshipFighter
Fri Jul 13, 2018 11:08 am
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Father in law painting Ryo and Shenhua *UPDATE 07/26/2018

This is an update work in progress by my father in law

*7/26 shenhuas clothing painted, still in progress :)
Fri Jul 13, 2018 5:31 pm
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Re: The "AI Battling" Stretch Goal

I don't really understand the sudden pullback from the campaign - well after the initial 6.3m push it has staggered for the last 2 years. How will not supporting the campaign now negatively effect sales? I thought considering the campaign was coming to a close that we'd encourage people to get involved. The idea of the 7million stretch goal was something to aim for, I jsut considered the more we put into this the more chance we have at Yu delivering the game he is content with. So now we're to just hold of as Deep Silver is going to cover everything? Just seems a little underwhelming that the community wants this campaign to fizzle out rather than end in a bang.

As for the Shenmue HD Remaster, I've bought 2 copies reluctantly due to it's technical limitations compared to previous HD Remaster releases on PS3/PS4 consoles.

There is no pullback from a campaign, because there was no campaign to begin with outside of a few fans like yourself posting an image and Wild Man of Boreno shouting at everyone to UP YOUR PLEDGES. UP YOUR PLEDGES!!!!!

As I've explained, 7 is nothing but a nice round number. On that point, they won't even end up with 7 million after accounting for PayPal fees as well as the cost of all those extra rewards you guys want people to up their pledges and get, so the figure of "7 million" is moot. Game development doesn't work like that. It's not as if Yu-san is sitting there with a 90% complete game, waiting to see if he hits 7 million and announce another delay, so they can develop and implement a brand new mechanical component. It would have been planned for, and incuded into their development schedule, so thinking along the lines of AI battling won't be in the game because 7 million is not achieved isnt the right way to think about it.

The era of crowdfunding this game passed long ago for us. The focus now has been the sales of the game at retail, and wether people agree or disagree on that is irrelevant. It's been stated by the Executive Producer of the game numerous times when asked about the future of the series being secured, and that's the advice we take.
We are at the point now where I would much rather see the headlines of "Shenmue 3 tops the European charts for the 4th week in a row", rather than, "Shenmue 3 hits 7 million and will include AI Battling - Future of Shenmue 4 uncertain at this point". It show on a public level that this game has support for future releases, which Yu Suzuki has said himself he needs.

I didn't ask for tell people not to up their pledge. People are free to do so. Go for it! I am just saying in terms of some huge push or campaign, there's no need for it, and it's not just the Dojo who feel that way. No one out there is organising anything. I will be buying add-ons also next week, but that's because I want copies for my collection etc, and as Spud said, with add one and upgrades, they will more than likely clear 7 million anyways.
by Peter
Wed Jul 18, 2018 7:05 am
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Re: Anyone disappointed with Shenmue 3 cartoon-like graphics

Im more concerned about the animation thats going to be applied to these graphics. From what they've shown, they've proven they don't understand animation basics.

Oh, really? What do you think is more likely... that the professionals working on Shenmue III somehow have landed this job without understanding animation basics? Or that a consumer who has been shown work-in-progress footage doesn't understand what they're seeing in regards to the overall game development schedule?
by Centrale
Tue Jul 17, 2018 1:17 pm
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Redream: A Powerful Dreamcast Emulator

Redream is a work-in-progress 64bit Dreamcast emulator for Windows, Mac and Linux that's getting a lot of attention lately, and for very good reasons.

One of the best features of Redream, is simplicity. It's one of the most simple and straightforward emulators, as it runs directly without the need to have a Dreamcast bios or to go through a complicated configuration process. It also detects and auto-configures many popular controllers like Xbox 360, Xbox One and PS4 controllers.

Another advantage Redream has over other Dreamcast emulators, is that it's being actively developed. The lead developer is actively working on improving and debugging the code, and he has expressed to me a special interest in improving compatibility with Shenmue games further.

Redream comes in two flavours: a free Lite option and a Premium which can be licenced for $5. Both flavours share basically the main features, except for high-res rendering which is enabled in the Premium version.

When enabled, high-res rendering makes a huge difference in terms of visual fidelity. I have been testing Shenmue running in 4K with widescreen and no-clipping fixes by Esppiral, and the main game looks and plays beautifully from start to finish. Redream has a clear edge in raw performance over every other Dreamcast emulator I've used to date, and the latest build performed exceptionally well in high-res on my mid-range PC.

In terms of compatibility with Shenmue games, What's Shenmue is playable however, I noticed some audio and frame pacing issues, the first Shenmue is almost fully playable without any issues, the only thing missing is Hang On arcade game which is not yet supported, but the developer is aware of those issue and they should eventually be fixed.

Shenmue Prologue in 4K widescreen

Shenmue iconic intro in 4K widescreen

Shenmue disc 1 gameplay in 4K widescreen

Shenmue disc 2 gameplay in 4K widescreen

Shenmue disc 3 forklift gameplay in 4K widescreen with extended draw distance

Shenmue disc 3 bike gameplay in 4K widescreen

Another really neat feature I noticed in Redream is the ability to uncap the framerate on-the-fly to fast-forward emulation, which is conveniently mapped to the menu button of the Xbox One controller, this feature can be extremely useful in almost getting rid of loading screens and make loading times almost non-existent with a press of a button.

Sound emulation is decent enough but not perfect yet, I noticed some sound issues especially in some cut-scenes and Shenmue Passport sections, the developer is aware of those issues and told me that they are being worked on.

Shenmue Passport in 4K widescreen and offline patch by Switch

Official discs of Shenmue II currently boot fine with Redream, and the game is playable in its letterboxed format and in 4K, except for some of the arcade games which aren't supported yet. Widescreen-fixed discs of Shenmue II have currently loading issues with Redream, this has been already reported to the developer and I will provide an update once this has been fixed.

In conclusion, Redream is a great Dreamcast emulator highly recommended to anyone looking for an easy-to-use and powerful piece of software to replay Dreamcast games.

Redream official site :
by masterchan777
Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:21 pm
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Re: Shenmue Dojo Streams Return! - Thursday 19th July 9PM BS

Unbelievable. I can't believe Sega were in chat. My jaw is still on the floor. Fair play to them, they really are reaching out. Sega in the Shenmue Dojo stream. That's insane to me. Inspires me more to get this new site out ASAP!!
by Peter
Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:23 pm
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Update #85: Survey Info #2: $7M stretch goal reached!

Hello Backers!

With the combined Kickstarter and Slacker Backer campaigns, we have reached the $7M stretch goal! Having reached this goal, the Battle System Expanded: AI Battling will be included! Thank you so much for your support!!  

Battle System Expanded: AI Battling    

This control system lets you automatically unleash the perfect technique in response to the opponent's positioning and distance. R&D for this system is based on Yu Suzuki's concept for players who are not used to fighting games or for those who want a full immersion battle experience. This battle system is highly compatible with, and will be an extension to the current battle system.         

The Slacker Backer and Fangamer upgrade & add-on campaigns are still underway, so don't miss out!        

And please make sure to get your survey in! Thank you!!

Add-on & Upgrade Announcement

The Toy Capsule Box Set is now available through Fangamer! Get the Ryo, Shenhua, Chai and Forklift set as either an add-on or upgrade. Alright! Have some more fun!

Survey FAQ

We have received many inquiries concerning the survey for the following which we would like to address here.

*Please note that policies and implementation may change without notice depending on applicable quantities and content.     

Name Credit Input

There are three fields in which to input your name for name credit rewards. The first is English only and is required. The second and third are optional and accept other languages.

If you choose to enter your name in the second or third field in a language other than English, these optional names will take precedent.

*This will not apply if there would be a systems conflict or if deemed to be against public decency.

Concerning Pictures, Images and Text

Below is the list of prohibited content for survey responses. Should the dev team deem that survey responses contain prohibited content, or if responses are unfit for development or sales of the game, content may be edited or deleted.

*For example, offending text will be replaced with asterisks (***). Offending parts of images will be edited or deleted, or in some cases the content will not be displayed in the game.

· Content that infringes upon copyrights, trademarks or other rights

· Content that engages in slander, discrimination, or violations of human rights

· Content that is contrary to public decency

· Content where religious or political activities are included

· Content containing personal information

Game development will move forward based on your responses to go out to fans all around the world. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

PC & PS4 Physical Version Disc Data

We would like to address the many inquiries concerning the physical version disc data. Development is moving forward to have all necessary data to play the game contained on the disc. Please rest assured that the disc will not be just a prompt for an internet download.

*An internet connection is a planned requirement for the purposes of game updates and reward activation.

That's the breaking news! The team would again like to thank you all for your wonderful support! See you next update!

---------- General Information ----------

Shenmue 3 Backer Survey

Backer surveys are now underway. For information on your survey, please see the email sent to you by Fangamer. Shenmue 3 can only be completed with your responses! Thank you for your cooperation!!

Please complete or make any necessary changes to your survey by these dates.

・August 13 (MON) 2018: Last day of Slacker Backer campaign, reward upgrades and add-ons

・September 30 (SUN) 2018: Surveys close

Choosing the PS4 or PC platform

We have a few notes to consider when choosing your platform. Also, if there would be any major changes in the requirements for either the PC or PS4 versions, the platform selection question of the survey is scheduled to remain open.

Choosing your PS4 region

Your PS4 region will be decided with your "Country" selection. Please note, if the disc region differs from PS4 system region, the unit itself, PlayStation™Network online services or DLC may not function properly.

System Requirements for PC Version


OS: Windows 7x64, Windows 8x64, Windows 10x64 (64-bit OS Required)

Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 (3.40 GHz) or better; Quad-core or better

Memory: 4 GB RAM

Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti or better (DirectX 11 card & VRAM 2GB Required)

DirectX: Version 11

Network: Broadband internet connection

Storage: 100 GB available space

Sound card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

Additional Info: Requires Steam Client to activate.

*Game is currently in development so system requirements may change without notice. We thank you for your understanding.

Fangamer and Third Party Use of Personal Information

YS NET has a written contract with Fangamer to carry out the backer surveys. Fangamer is a formal representative of YS NET to help process and fulfill all backer's orders through the surveys. Personal information is handed over and treated in accordance with the privacy policies of both companies for the purposes of conducting the surveys and reward delivery only. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

YS NET Privacy Policy
Fangamer Privacy Policy

Looks beautiful!!!
by FlagshipFighter
Mon Jul 23, 2018 3:13 am
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Re: Update #85: Survey Info #2: We have reached the $7M stre

Okay, now if you tell you are not excited about Shenmue 3 after looking at that pic you must be dead inside.
by sand4fish
Mon Jul 23, 2018 3:19 am
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You are not authorised to read this forum.
by Peter
Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:10 am
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You are not authorised to read this forum.
by Peter
Mon Jul 23, 2018 8:17 pm
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by Yama
Mon Jul 23, 2018 8:17 pm
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Re: Shenmue Inspired Travel Series

Updated original post with the latest part! Thanks :)

Part 2 -
phpBB [video]

In this episode I visited the Terracotta Warriors Army, The Master of the Nets Zen Gardens, The Venice of the East Canal District, and Tiger Hill (Pagoda / leaning tower)
by James Brown
Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:44 pm
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by Peter
Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:08 am
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

Also if you don't know who the model is based on, is it really any different from seeing a model that isn't based on anybody?
Thanks for the reply guys I feel more relieved now about this idea and that only 5 backers are going to be in it.
What about having your face as a capsule toy how many backers got that reward?
by The_Intruder
Wed Jul 25, 2018 8:51 pm
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Re: Goodbye Posts

I remember just a matter of a few hours ago when I joined and posted my introduction. Good times.
by Eneath
Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:25 pm
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Re: Update #85: Survey Info #2: $7M stretch goal reached!

the individual kanjis mean - strike, open.
but according to when combined it means
だかい - dakai - 'break in the deadlock​'

so maybe this is an indication of a successful counter attack. ie. the opponent grappled Ryo and he successfully executed a strike reversal.
Great theory!
best to wait for the switch translation.
Haha, well you guys have already nailed the meaning of the characters. I did manage to discover a couple more links with Bajiquan which you may find interesting. The research took longer than I expected, there wasn't a lot of easily-available information on it.

Link to post:
by Switch
Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:06 pm
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Re: Goodbye Posts

I remember that time that I joined then posted my introduction just a few days ago and got no greeting.
Good times. :king:
by Eneath
Fri Jul 27, 2018 9:29 am
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