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Re: Shenmue extras, pre and post art

Have been lurking on these forums for as long as I can remember - but until now - never felt the need to post. Not sure if anybody else noticed this (or whether the information has been posted elsewhere before) but...

【Shenhua Ling】

At first, we had prepared a different character as the main heroine of the game. Later, when we provided the image sketch for a young girl whom Ryo would meet in Tibet , our producer decided on the spot to use her as the main heroine.

I appreciate that there is no way of verifying this information - but if it does come from a legitimate source; could it be an indicator that Ryo's journey will take him to Tibet?
by tomboz
Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:11 pm
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Re: I hope Sega are gutted

i mean what the fuck is the issue here?

In the nicest possible way; your topic is stupid.

but the point of my topic is that SEGA will be gutted if shenmue 3 is released and sells really well.

Sega losing the Shenmue TM in the US has no bearing on Sega's ownership of the Shenmue IP.

If Shenmue 3 is made it will be because Sega have allowed it to be made. If Sega allow it to be made they will want it to do well. If it does well Sega will make a lot of money.

Why exactly would Sega be 'gutted' about making a lot of money? :-s
by tomboz
Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:12 pm
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Re: Speculation: Why there is no HD version of Shenmue

Like I said going from normal to HD or VGA is a huge thing but going from VGA to HD is very insignifcant.

Are you for real? The only difference between scart/composite/RF and VGA is that one outputs an interlaced picture and the other progressive. I'm in no mood to go into how the two work - but in short - progressive means that all of the pixels are being updated at once as opposed to just half with interlaced. It's certainly a better image - but it doesn't come close to the difference between SD and HD.

The Dreamcast outputs in 480P or 480I - both of which equate to 307,200 pixels. 1080P offers 2,073,600 pixels - which is 6.75 times as many as 480P.

With VGA all you're getting is a smoother image rather than one which is better defined. If done correctly (these being the key words here) - HD versions of Shenmue would be a massive step up from playing the originals on DC (especially if you're playing them on a 32" monitor or higher).

I agree however, that the majority of HD re-releases we've seen to date suck major balls.
by tomboz
Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:18 am
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Re: NeoGAF: New Japanese trademark from Sega (Shenmue)

Are people genuinely expecting something from anyone? Take a look at the games, their grandeur, their development studio, their costs. After presenting their games today, could you really see a Shenmue related game/announcement being made? Seriously?

It's been repeatedly said Suzuki barely has a team big enough to develop a mobile game, never mind a game that could stand side by side with any of the games on display today. You are on glue if you are watching any of the presentations with excitement of seeing a Shenmue trailer.

How so? Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony are always talking about innovative gaming. Microsoft's showing today was demonstrative of just how bland gaming has become and I refuse to believe that there are not more people like myself who are beginning to feel disenfranchised with the industry.

I'm yet to buy a 'next-gen' console and wont until I see a game that warrants me purchasing one. I don't think there's been a game released since Shenmue that can come close in terms of depth and ambition - so why wouldn't one of the big three look to bring Shenmue (or something like it) to their console as an exclusive? There's already a fanbase and I dare say a large amount of people waiting for Shenmue or a game like it. Exclusivity could shift a lot of consoles.
by tomboz
Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:31 pm
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Re: NeoGAF: New Japanese trademark from Sega (Shenmue)

I doubt it's large enough to make Shenmue 3 a viable financial risk.

The reason that Shenmue failed to turn a profit for Sega had nothing to do with it's budget and everything to do with the limitations of the Dreamcast.

Shenmue sold over 1.2m copies on a console which sold little over 10m units. That equates to more than 10% of Dreamcast owners purchasing the game. Had the game been released on a more successful consoles it could have potentially broken records.

Let's say, for example, that Shenmue had been a launch title on the PS2 instead of a Dreamcast game. The PS2 sold over 155m units over it's lifespan and so taking our 12% sales per console figure we're looking at around 18.6m copies sold - which would have beaten GTA San Andreas' 17.33m sales and made it the best selling game on the PS2 (Considering GTA SA was the sixth game in a hugely successful franchise - that's pretty damn impressive for an new ip). Add in the fact that the better launch games tend to get a boost in sales due to the limited variety available at launch as well as the exponential growth in sales through word of mouth - and Shenmue could have easily sold 20m+ units on PS2.

Had it not been released on a dying/dead console (or not released at all in the case of the US) I've no doubt Shenmue 2 would have outsold the original due to several areas being drastically improved (the GTA series has shown a steady increase in sales per release as gameplay has improved) and so it's entirely possible that the games would have clocked in 45m+ sales which would have equated to about $1 development and marketing costs per copy sold and in turn - HUGE profits.

Of course this is all hypothetical and there are plenty of arguments to be made and flaws in my logic - but I'm positive that had it been available to a wider audience rather than just Dreamcast owners - Shenmue would have been a commercial success (at least 18m copies between the two games). Given the capability of modern consoles, the drive and passion of Yu Suziki and the innovative nature of the series - a reboot would be hugely successful (unless it's on the Wii U, of course).
by tomboz
Mon Jun 09, 2014 5:35 pm
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Re: Need help defeating Greg More please

Just spam the block button whenever he attacks while using elbow assault in between. It's not pretty - but it gets the job done.
by tomboz
Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:15 am
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Re: Shenmue HD Remaster (Fan Made)

Just wanted to point out that the creator of these released a new video a while back and says he's hoping to release more in November. Based on the first couple I'm pretty excited!
by tomboz
Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:02 pm
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Re: Why I think Ryo and Shenhua are brother and sister

What if Lan Di is the third sibling?

(1) Iwao Hazuki coincidentally had a life in China. Lan Di is from China. He also has a connection to a mirror made from a specific material only found in Shenhua’s village.

(2) Trees are featured a lot in Shenmue. Lan Di's mirror was found buried by the Cherry Blossom tree in the Hazuki residence.

(3) Ryo and Shenhua have strong feelings for each other which manifests in Ryo’s dreams. Lan Di also features in Ryo's dreams.

(4) Shenhua, Ryo and Lan Di ALL have supernatural abilities. Lan Di is able to invade Ryo's dreams. He knows of Shenhua's existence (see bad ending of Shenmue 2) without having actually met her.

(5) Why exactly are Lan Di and Ryo destined to meet? What is so special about getting those two people in particular to be together? Why not just call Ryo and Xiuying – she seems competent enough as a fighter. The only reason Ryo and Lan Di should have to be destined to fight is because they share something. Might not be a stretch to assume it involves a relation to each other.

You get where I'm going with this so I can't be bothered to write more. Nice theory though.
by tomboz
Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:20 am
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Re: RIP George Martin, Beatles Producer and Arranger

Now we'll never get to know the ending to Game of Thrones :cry:
by tomboz
Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:13 am
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Re: Shenmue 2 jewel case

All PAL Dreamcast games have double sided holders (the blue parts of the case where the disc attaches) meaning that they're very easy to replace. The Shenmue games are simply comprised of two regular Dreamcast cases which are held together by a cardboard outer sleeve.

Unfortunately PAL Dreamcast cases were designed poorly and are very prone to breaking (the hinges and disc holder teeth usually being the culprits).

As mentioned above; your best bet is to look for some cheap sealed games and swap out the cases. I recommend buying a few as the price on Dreamcast games over here is continuously rising to the point where even the 'cheap' games are getting a little pricey.
by tomboz
Thu May 19, 2016 6:28 am
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Re: Shenmue model hunt help.

Got to agree with ReeceKun on this one.

Making these things for yourself and selling them for a small amount to other fans to cover the time and effort it took you to make them is one thing. Racking up the prices and then expecting others to put in their time and effort for nothing to provide you with resources just so you can continue to profit from fans (not to mention licensed material) is quite another.
by tomboz
Wed Apr 27, 2016 6:18 pm
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Re: Shenmue Phoenix and dragon mirrors back in producti/requ

first of all i did not get these models from anyone and they were never ripped from anywhere, they were 100% created by me, they belong to me, and are unique to me as a modeler, i did every process started with a cylinder extruded the shapes and made it all watertight then triangulated every last damn polygon on these models nothing was from a game or anyone else... so before you go off and become a lawyer here, you need to realize that if something is "fan made" and 100% me putting time in with my wacom tablet and maya 2014 and my up mini 3d printer and my acryllic paints who do i give credit too? ME! it is inspired by the mirrors from the game but not ripped or stolen at all. please just everyone stop with the damn negativity here. its sickening.

Thats like going on ETSY and saying to 99.9% of the pople who create fan art items such as pokemon, zelda and heck EVEN SHENMUE STUFF and accusing them they stole designs from zelda, mass effect, skyrim, i can go on and on... so please just chill out... i am doing nothing illegal at all its actually comical how people get when they see someone else doing something good, there is always going to be those people out there in the world, and as a artist i know it comes with the territory.

the files are mine i created them, and if you have nothing nice to say say nothing at all, i have over 10 hours in each set i create in paint alone.

also i am sure if you compare my models to the ingame ones they do not even look alike at all! i used extrusion technique and low poily design to make the phoenix and dragon using create polygon tool in maya, i am 100000% sure the ingame models use a flat shape and use the texture. so before you go about thinking you know about how models an geometry work and talk check your facts first dont just jump on the bandwagon and say hey you are wrong because i am 100000% right in creating and selling these they are "inspired by the game" and created by me from scratch not direct rips like you think.

Whether or not you modeled them yourself is irrelevant. The intellectual property belongs to Sega and Yu Suzuki. You clearly have no idea how percentages work (the clue is in the name) - but regardless, you are not 'right' to sell these morally or legally.

Going back to the model issue; I seem to recall you constantly begging people to rip models for you for your 'Amibo' products because you were too lazy/incompetent to rip them yourself. If you're unable to rip a pre-made model I find it somewhat suspect that you're able to model from scratch (not that that would make what you're doing any less illegal).

I'm sorry if the 'negativity' is affecting your ability to illegally profit from somebody elses IP. I suggest either contacting Sega about licensing or contact your government about making an exception to copyright laws just for you because you disagree with them (Maybe they'll let you get away with a few murders too?). Until either of those things happen I suggest you quit whining and take your illegal business elsewhere.

The next time I see you posting about these mirrors or any other unlicensed Shenmue merchandise for sale I will be reporting it to Sega ;-)
by tomboz
Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:59 pm
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