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Re: Shenmue Postmortem Discussion

AncientAardvark wrote:Did all he say to Shenmue 3 was, "...?"

by IrishNinja
Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:50 pm
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Re: Shenmue Postmortem Discussion

The comments show that SIII is not in any kind of development. Sega aren't going to put up the money for it as the series has done nothing but loose them money so it makes more sense to put their money into stuff like Sonic. People can bitch about Sonic all they like but at the end of the day they make money on it which is more then they've ever made with Shenmue. No other publisher is going to touch the series with a pole as it will take a lot of money and there is no proof they will get a return on that. It's a series that sold about 1M games 15 years ago. I'd be surprised if half the people who played Shenmue in 1999 noticed if a third one came out as people move on. 2 of my brothers played the series back then and neither of them even own a games console any more since they've lost interest in gaming altogether. People can say Shenmue was ahead of it's time but a game like Shenmue would sell even less in the market today which is dominated by FPS's and high action games, just look at how the Yakuza series sells. Even if SIII did come the fact development hasn't started means we would have to wait a few years before we even got an announcement.

The main hope for any future with the series is a HD version of the first two games. It would be a lot cheaper and it's stupid to make the third entry in a game when no one new to the series can play the first two games anymore. Sony have come out and said that they're looking to discuss it with SEGA when they mentioned their big game list. Now we just have to wait and see if the two companies can come to an agreement on funding the game between them. Even if this happens it will take time to make so an announcement will be quite far away since when Adam Boyes said all that stuff they hadn't even started talking to SEGA about it. People expecting anything at E3 really need to look at the facts that it's far to soon for anything to have been made into a show-able state.

Personally I think the HD re-releases wouldn't sell well and do nothing but make SEGA think the series is even more of a financial failure then it already was. Still I think the only chance of anything Shenmue related being released is through this Sony building the list thing. If that Team Yu or whatever is targeting anyone it should be the people at Sony in charge of this. Keep the pressure on them and constantly keep Shenmue top of their most demanded games. I honestly don't see the point in targeting SEGA as they don't have any people in the right places on social media sites like Sony do who will take notice. SEGA's social media just seems to be handled by people who are there to give you PR bullshit and nothing else.

Rose Out.
by Riku Rose
Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:50 pm
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