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Re: Yu Suzuki - Reddit AMA Today!

For a new page.

I have compiled a best of list of all of Shenmue Dojo's questions and concerns throughout this entire forum. I hope I did it with accuracy and respect. Please comment on how these may be improved and do not come off as combative towards Suzuki-san. Please share it on GAF and other sites so we may have some communication and sharing of ideas between our fanbase.

1. Will Shenmue III enable PayPal or a means to donate the project when the Kickstarter ends? Projects like Star Citizen gained tens of millions in donations by allowing this.

2. In Shenmue III will Ryo's notebook and Timex watch return?

3. Why does the Kickstarter page not give a good summary of the series thus far? It makes the series not come off as friendly for newcomers. Also, the Kickstarter page does not have the sites updates on it. That could be useful information for backers, would you consider implementing it?

4. In Shenmue III, will battles return? There has been talk that you are simplifying them, does this mean we will no longer get Virtua Fighter like fights? How will fights work? Will they be entirely QTE-based as seen in modern titles like Heavy Rain or will they still have corresponding punch and kick buttons like before?

5. How accurately will Shenmue III be compared to your original vision of the game or will there be major compromises?

6. Will Shenmue III be at Tokyo Game Show, GDC, and PAX or only Monaco?

7. Many fans want the option to play the game with a Japanese voice track. Is YSnet considering implementing this?

8. Are all the towns listed in the Kickstarter stretch goals in the game already, or are the stretch goals only there as a means to help give them more features and spice?

9. Sony and other investors only funding a part of the games budget. Does this mean most of the budget will come from the Kickstarter? More importantly, how much does Suzuki-san want the Kickstater to reach in order for him to make the FULL vision for Shenmue III?

10. It would be helpful if the Kickstarter made stretch goals more straightforward. As they are now, they are quite vague and confusing, even to experienced Shenmue fans. For example, what exactly is rapport?

11. Will the gameplay in Shenmue III be more contemporary or will it be more in line with past Shenmue iterations?

12. Seeing as how the game is set in a remote forested region how sparsely populated will the game be, will there be wildlife?

13. What will the level of npc interactivity be and how detailed will their behavior be?

14. How much of an influence will fan base feedback have during the making of this game?

15. Will you try to finish the story over the course of 2-3 more games as you originally envisioned?

16. Online is a big component of modern day gaming, is there any consideration for incorporating some type of online game play? Some type of mini-games, co-op missions or fighting modes?

17. I am new to Shenmue and don't find the Kickstarter promotional video to be terribly informative. Are there plans in making a new one? I'd like to back it on Kickstarter but nothing on the page is telling me what Shenmue remotely is.
by Himuro
Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:10 am
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Re: Shenmue III Kickstarter marketing is fucking terrible.

How is the the Kickstarter campaign able to create items (such as the $3000 jackets) to give to pledges if they have no money themselves? I think there is more backing than we think, but it's really a case of being patient until they actually tell us the overall budget. We probably won't hear anything until into August after the KS has finished. We all need to calm down a bit and stop getting all worked up. We've been patient for 15 years, I think we can be a little longer.

No items were created. The rewards are yet to be set into production (estimate delivery 2017). But I do agree with you that we have to tone down the negativity, as panic will turn off potential pledgers (members of this forum and guests).

I made the thread.

Maybe you should consider modifying the title of this topic. I agree with you with a lot of your points, and I can see you pouring your passion into the cause but we have to keep ourselves level headed here. If we fans do not believe this campaign will work out in the end, the doubters out there sure won't.

Think about this. The marketing and Kickstarter team sure is not the best out there (I even bitched about it), but they do have redeeming qualities. They have a comment section which ACTUALLY listen to the fans, as they have been modifying the campaign page almost daily (ie Inclusion of more stretch goals and more reward tiers). And on the plus side, Yu Suzuki is going to answer to us live on Reddit in the end, even if the timing is not the most convenient to everyone.

So we would be better off holding on to the criticisms for the appropriate moment (as in the Kickstarter comment section of the Kickstarter and the Reddit tonight). In the end maybe we should all think of this entire thing as "PERFECTION IN PROGRESS", just like the Shenmue games!
by sand4fish
Fri Jun 19, 2015 3:21 pm
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Reddit AMA Answers

Thought I'd compile all the reddit Q&A in an initial post so it's easy to read for those who don't want to go through 10 pages. I'll edit my initial post as it goes on.

How accurately will Shenmue III be compared to your original vision of the game or will there be major compromises?

YS: There are a total of 11 chapters that make up the whole story. Over the past 14 years I originally planned for there to 4 or five games to the series. If at all possible, I would still like to realize the full story of 11 chapters.

Will Shenmue III enable PayPal or a means to donate to the project when the Kickstarter ends? Projects like Star Citizen gained tens of millions in donations by allowing this.

YS: I am still thinking about it, but have not decided yet.

Shenmue is a Peach Blossom tree correct? Could you tell us what type of tree exactly?
I would like to plant one.

YS: It is more like a cherry blossom tree, that blooms its flowers in the springtime. It is actually a tree I made up for the story.

Hello Suzuku-san! Will a day-to-night cycle and weather system return to Shenmue 3? They added so much to the atmosphere of previous games. Thank you Suzuki-san!

YS: Of course!

Will you reassure us that Ryo's face will be changed back to the Ryo we all know and love when Shenmue 3 releases, and not this impostor wearing Ryo's jacket that you have on Kickstarter? That is NOT our Ryo!

YS: I am not happy with Ryo's face. It will be the face I have in my mind in the end.

Will the gameplay in Shenmue III be more contemporary or will it be more in line with past Shenmue iterations?

YS: As for III, I would like to make a less stressful user interface, that will feature more usability. From now on, I will make that a focus.

Yu are my hero!
Shenmue is credited with introducing the QTE. Given the significant advances in gaming systems and technology over the last decade, are you confident that you can show the gaming world something we have not seen before?

YS: Thank you very much.

Will we see any capsule toys based on Ape Escape or any of the Sony franchise in Shenmue 3?

YS: I have not decided the capsule toys, so please keep your ideas coming.

Have you ever consider telling the rest of the tale for Shenmue in a book if the opportunity to make Shenmue III never came up?

YS: Yes, I have but if I did do that, it would give away the end of the story, and I thought that would be a big minus.

What was your inspiration for the story behind the first two Shenmue games?

YS: When I was making Virtua Fighter, I went location hunting in China. I was very inspired by Chinese martial arts. That very well may have been the beginning.

Will practicing moves make a return in Shenmue 3 along with the FREE battle system? A lot of fans feel not being able to practice moves was big piece missing in Shenmue 2, and I also personally loved being able to practice and make the moves stronger. It really makes you feel as if you are learning marital arts and then performing them in a skill-based actual battle feels very satisfying.

YS: I want to do it yes!

Will players have access to both the Japanese and English voice overs for the game?
And I wanted to say thank you so much for Shenmue and Shenmue II, it brought a tear to my eye seeing those games at E3 during the Shenmue III announcement, I cannot wait. Those two games are what made me curious about Japan as a child, and I am now trying to work as a Japanese translator!

YS: I am thinking about that, yes. However it is not for sure.
It is because of fans like you, I wanted to make a sequel. Thank you very much.

Will the band-aid ever come off?

YS: I am considering a special option where it could be removed.

Will we see Ryo's Journal return? Would be cool to be able to flip the pages using the PS4's touchpad.

YS: I would like to bring back the Journal. That is an interesting idea, I will look into it. Thank you.

What do you think of the current state of Japanese game development?

YS: I see the share of mobile games increasing, the budgets of games decreasing. It will be harder to express a game's vision.
I would hope the console and PC markets gain more popularity.

Any possibility of a bicycle finally being added to Shenmue 3? Thank you so much again, Yu!

YS: There is a 60 horsepower bike in Shenmue 1. For Shenmue, 3 I was thinking about something with 1 horsepower.

Will character polls compromise your artistic vision?

YS: I really want to get everyone's opinion on the characters. I have something in mind that won't break the world immersion.

In Suzuki-san’s opinion, what is the essence of arcade games? Are those influences in Shenmue?

YS: With an arcade game, you are restricted to a 3 minute window to express what the game is. That is how I made games for the longest time. I wanted to create a game that could be played at a more leisurely pace, so I created what ended up being Shenmue.

Yu, are you really going to be signing your autograph on the illustration for the $300 kickstarter signed collectors edition? So far there is almost 2000 backers, that is a lot of illustrations to sign!

YS: Of course I will write them all myself!

Will Shenmue 3 have any sort of multiplayer component? Perhaps Co-op or a versus mode?

YS: I am thinking about something that would resemble that.

Do you have any more details to share about the stretch goals? It's not clear to me what a "Rapport System" or "Character Perspective System" entails.

YS: They are new systems, so naturally they need new names. The Rapport System will govern changes in Shenhua's actions depending on your conversations with or actions towards her. The "Character Perspective System" will highlight different characters personalities as they go through the story.

What will Ryo do to earn money in Shenmue 3?
As great and engrossing as the story and gameplay were in Shenmue 1 and 2, I (and many others) really really liked the forklift driving. It was like I could learn a new (video game) skill, get good at it, and putter around the docks like a badass.

YS: There will be part time jobs that will be indicative of those you would find in China. In the Stretch goals there will also be the old favorites.

Do you have any dogs or cats?

YS: 3 yorkshire terriers and a turtle.

Love your work! You are a pioneer in this industry! As for my question:
How much game elements/features will we be missing in the game if the campaign doesn't reach the $5 million mark?

YS: I will say this: if we reach the $5 mil mark, one of the things I really want to do with Shenmue 3 will become a reality.
At $10 million, it will truly have the features of an open world.

Who would win a fight between Ryo and Akira?

YS: Akira! Akira is up to 5 now, and Ryo is still on 3.

Can we expect more duck racing in Shenmue III? That was the best easter egg I've ever seen in a video game.

YS: I would love it.

How was it working with mega64?

YS: It was really fun. I would love to do it again.
I hope they pitch in for the replica Ryo jacktet!

Will there be forklift gameplay in Shenmue III?

YS: Look for it in the Stretch Goals!

Given Shenmue 2's ending and previous items found within the series; will swordplay enter gameplay at all? What about the story, can we expect Ryo to use a sword at some point?

YS: I can't answer that.

Do you have a favorite game that you've developed other than Shenmue?

YS: I had fun making all the games I worked on, and can't say one was better than another. Boring answer I know, but it really is true.

I only have one statement. I think I speak for everyone here when I say that Shenmue is one of the greatest game series of all time. And one quick question, what can we expect for surprises in the 3rd installment without spoiling the storyline at all?

YS: How could I do that? Sorry, gotta pass. Thank you very much though!

I've always wondered, why did you set the game in the 1980s rather than present day?

YS: I wanted put forward the differences in culture and values between the two periods.

(Suzuki-san, thank you for coming today! Shenmue is the reason I came to Japan. Those living towns and people you showed in your games were so natural and real, that I wanted to see it for myself. So, now I am in my fourth year of living in Japan.
What I'd like to ask is, if you had billions of yen, what would your dream Shenmue be?
Also, were there any features or gameplay you liked that didn't make it into Shenmue 1 or 2?)

YS: One where the player could live in that world. A second life.

I have two important questions for you:
Do you know where I can find some sailors?
Would you like to try a game of Lucky Hit?

YS: Yes, but not right now.
Uh, ok.

I love the music from Shenmue, if anything kept me thinking about Shenmue from time to time during these 10+ years it was the music. Was is your favorite piece from the soundtrack? Thank you for bringing Shenmue to our lives, I can't thank you enough.

YS: Of course I love both the Shenmue and Shenhua themes, and all of them really, but the one that really sticks with me is the Tomato Mart.

Will there be more funding tiers added to the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter, specifically between the $500 and $3000 tier?

YS: Yes.

Shenmue 3 is just the start. How successful does the game need to be for us to get Shenmue 4 and so on until the saga is complete?

YS: If the fans are not happy with 3 there will not be a 4. So I please hope we can together make this game the best it can be.

What Sega console is your favourite and why?

YS: The Dreamcast. It has really good balance. I was involved with the hardware as well, so it had a lot of meaning for me.

Suzuki-San...welcome to the fantasy zone! It's finally happening. Any plans on more arcade games within Shenmue III?

YS: I plan on making plans.

Why do you create?

YS: Why does one climb the mountain?
The shark cannot breath when it does not swim.

Any info on the stretch goals for Choubu and Bailu village?

YS: Choubu is a riverside village with lots of shops, souvenir stores, hotels and temples. The quests in this village should be very enjoyable, I think.
Bailu is the village where Shenhua was raised and also a place that Ryo's father, Iwao, had visited when he was younger. Here as well the quests will play an important role as Ryo and Shenhua start their journey.

Are all the towns listed in the Kickstarter stretch goals in the game already, or are the stretch goals only there as a means to help give them more features and spice?

YS: They are there, but with more powered up through the stretch goals.

Will Ryo ever go back to Japan?

YS: Not in 3.

Who is your favorite Shenmue character?

YS: It has always been Shenhua.

Are you still involved in any programming activities?

YS: I still write algorithms, logic verification, and make simple prototypes.

Do you play airsoft, paintball, or anything similar?

YS: I think it was Afterburner that I really got into airsoft. The office floor was covered with plastic BBs. Yeah, the Berretta 93R rocks. I put a real hunting scope on that one.

Are you at all a fan of Anime? If so, what are your favourites?

YS: Sure, but its all pretty old stuff.

Will the game take advantage of the virtual reality goggles on PS4 and PC?

YS: Right now, there are no plans for a vr system compatibility, but I love the idea of using it to peer into the world of Shenmue.

When creating Shenmue 3, will you use any assets at all from 1 & 2? Or do you have to start all over from scratch because SEGA still owns the first two games?

YS: The assets from 1 & 2 will get a lot of use.
by Riku Rose
Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:22 am
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Re: It's official - Sony helping Shenmue 3 a little with fun

Sure thing, was just saying, it is pretty obvious to see how confusing the whole thing has been for some people, myself included. When I get back from holiday I plan on doing some front page work for things like this.
by Henry Spencer
Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:20 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 Kickstarter announced at E3 2015!

Shenmue fans, you can use these banners in order to promote this project.

Great banners, my only suggestion would be to maybe include the #10millionForShenmue3 hashtag? People might just go to the Kickstarter and think it's already reached its goal (not our fault, I know...).

Something like this?
by Asthenia®
Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:49 pm
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Re: Lets remake the Kickstarter video

Ok, so here's a second version which focuses more on the achievements of the first two games and uses them as an incentive to back the kickstarter for the third. I also outline that the majority of funding comes from us and that the more we pledge the more we get in return. I want to add a section to the video which explains the stretch goals (right after it cuts off) but I'll probably do that tomorrow. Hope you guys like it!

and is it just me or is the layout of the last few posts broken?
by Jibby
Sat Jun 20, 2015 6:16 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki Famitsu Article - Shenmue 3 Kickstarter

Just donated $100!! Had to be done!
by DoubleO_Ren
Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:22 am
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Re: Yu Suzuki makes statement on funding & budget on KS upda

I made this thread a full 10 minutes before you and you still got more replies :-({|= =D>
by Himuro
Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:47 pm
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Yu Suzuki makes statement on funding & budget on KS update

There have been many questions concerning Shenmue 3’s budget and what outside sources will be added to the money collected through Kickstarter. I apologize for not having been more forthright in this area and would like to take this opportunity to help clarify the situation.

Ys Net and I have been putting in many long years trying to find a way to bring back a sequel that so many fans have waited so long for. After learning of Kickstarter, I knew it would be possible to get Shenmue 3 started. Wanting to make the best game possible, I also knew that I would have to look to more traditional means to obtain all the funds that would be needed to create the game I had envisioned.

Sony and Shibuya Productions have been wonderful partners because they believe in Shenmue and want to see the best for the fans and the game. Their investment in (and support of) Shenmue have helped to realize a sequel that will stand proud with its predecessors. While it is not business practice to discuss the specific details of such arrangements, I can say that with their assistance on the production and marketing end, and in Sony’s case with some publishing support as well, Ys Net is able to use more of the money we collect through Kickstarter purely for Shenmue 3’s development. It is also important to note that your funds are going strictly to Ys Net for development of Shenmue 3 – Sony and Shibuya Productions are not seeing a cent of your Kickstarter dollars.

The outpouring of support from all of you, the backers, has been so inspirational. I cannot thank you enough. Having reached our funding goal, I am excited to say that the Shenmue story will go on, and our journey with Ryo and Shenhua will continue. Fans will be able to enjoy the sequel they have waited so long for, and newcomers to the series will be introduced to a unique gaming experience.

Of course, like with any Kickstarter, additional funding will only help us make a better game. On top of everything Shenmue 3 will already bring, the Stretch Goals that I have laid out will add extra quests, events, and new gameplay systems that will make the game even more immersive and take the series to the next level. At the $5 million mark, there will be an all new gameplay feature I would be excited to be able to add to the Shenmue legacy. If we should make the $10 million Stretch Goal, a much larger, completely open world will be yours to explore.

Even if these Stretch Goals are not reached, Shenmue 3 will already be a sequel true to its name, and one we can all be proud of. It is my hope though, that together we can make this Shenmue just as revolutionary as the first two were.

I understand this statement may by late in coming. Going forward, we wish to be as open as possible concerning the game’s development. I would like to again ask for your cooperation and support in helping make Shenmue 3 the best that it can be.

Sincerely, Yu Suzuki

Sounds like the clarification many have been asking for since the Kickstarter opened and all of the other funding sources started talking. Maybe this will shut up some of the negative press. What do you think?
by Supa
Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:42 pm
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Kickstarter Update #13 - Budget and Funding Statement

Update #13 from Shenmue 3
Jun 24 2015
Shenmue 3 Funding and Budget Statement

There have been many questions concerning Shenmue 3’s budget and what outside sources will be added to the money collected through Kickstarter. I apologize for not having been more forthright in this area and would like to take this opportunity to help clarify the situation.

Ys Net and I have been putting in many long years trying to find a way to bring back a sequel that so many fans have waited so long for. After learning of Kickstarter, I knew it would be possible to get Shenmue 3 started. Wanting to make the best game possible, I also knew that I would have to look to more traditional means to obtain all the funds that would be needed to create the game I had envisioned.

Sony and Shibuya Productions have been wonderful partners because they believe in Shenmue and want to see the best for the fans and the game. Their investment in (and support of) Shenmue have helped to realize a sequel that will stand proud with its predecessors. While it is not business practice to discuss the specific details of such arrangements, I can say that with their assistance on the production and marketing end, and in Sony’s case with some publishing support as well, Ys Net is able to use more of the money we collect through Kickstarter purely for Shenmue 3’s development. It is also important to note that your funds are going strictly to Ys Net for development of Shenmue 3 – Sony and Shibuya Productions are not seeing a cent of your Kickstarter dollars.

The outpouring of support from all of you, the backers, has been so inspirational. I cannot thank you enough. Having reached our funding goal, I am excited to say that the Shenmue story will go on, and our journey with Ryo and Shenhua will continue. Fans will be able to enjoy the sequel they have waited so long for, and newcomers to the series will be introduced to a unique gaming experience.

Of course, like with any Kickstarter, additional funding will only help us make a better game. On top of everything Shenmue 3 will already bring, the Stretch Goals that I have laid out will add extra quests, events, and new gameplay systems that will make the game even more immersive and take the series to the next level. At the $5 million mark, there will be an all new gameplay feature I would be excited to be able to add to the Shenmue legacy. If we should make the $10 million Stretch Goal, a much larger, completely open world will be yours to explore.

Even if these Stretch Goals are not reached, Shenmue 3 will already be a sequel true to its name, and one we can all be proud of. It is my hope though, that together we can make this Shenmue just as revolutionary as the first two were.

I understand this statement may by late in coming. Going forward, we wish to be as open as possible concerning the game’s development. I would like to again ask for your cooperation and support in helping make Shenmue 3 the best that it can be.

Sincerely, Yu Suzuki
by Himuro
Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:33 pm
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Re: Shenmue Dojo Donors Please Read

Shenmuehua wrote: Oh right purple. Sorry.

But can t find the option: could you help me there Thx

You are now. It'll always work out, just give it some time. It'll range from minutes to a day or two at maximum. If it's still not changed, PM me with the donation info.
by Yama
Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:07 pm
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Re: How much will you sacrifice to get Shenmue 3 to $10,000

Don't worry about the Kickstarter man. You need to take care if yourself first. There's no shame at all with dropping some of your pledge. Donate what your wallet says first, then your heart will be good with that too. I fully expect them to open PayPal after the Kickstarter. So you'll always be able to contribute. just said these words: "Shenmue 3 could not have been announced at a worse time." Stop and think about that. Man, we're freaking getting Shenmue 3!!! Don't get stressed, everything's going to be fine.
by elfshadowreaper
Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:43 pm
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Re: The KS is a huge success and we shouldn't be discouraged

2 words - Yu Suzuki.

That's who's hands this project is in. With the original members of the Shenmue series to date. This will look like a Shenmue game. Feel like a Shenmue game. Sound like a Shenmue game. Have environments like a Shenmue game.

I don't give a shit what the final amount is, the money will come from somewhere. The litmus test of the Kickstarter has been successful, with all sorts of records set once again by the franchise. We are all gonna set Shenmue 3, with boxes of Shenmue goodies delivered to our door to boot. Id day it's a safe assumption that Sega will want to grab the easy money and release Shenmue and Shenmue HD in 2016. I'd hazard a guess it's already been green lit. Why wouldn't it?? Sega have money there waiting to be given to them!

It's a fucking fantastic time to be a Shenmue fan, the best time ever! From Kikizo articles, to darkness. From "we'll see" and "I think Sega will let me make it". From photos of Suzuki looking tired and dejected, to photos of forklifts and him walking onto the Sony stage to the fanfare of Sedge Tree. Fuck "we only made 8.5k", and "ooohhh well Bloodstained....". Fuck some goober acting a pillock on camera for an hour!

Sorry for the language but rant over!

It's Shenmue 3!!!!!
by Peter
Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:50 pm
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Re: Shenmue II too big ?

7heavens wrote: Shenmue 2 made u feel like a foreigner lost in a big city so it fits well with ryos circumstance. And in shenmue 1 u knew everything and every1 again perfectly fits his circumstance as yukosuka is ryos home

this 100%
by drunkensailor
Sun Jun 28, 2015 5:08 pm
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Re: Shenmue 1080p

I made quickly these 1080p wallpapers by adding ash55's logo on Ricardo Valverde's works (Riken Productions).


by Yokosuka
Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:54 pm
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Message From Lisle Wilkerson

We've been communicating with Lisle Wilkerson over the announcement of Shenmue III and she's just as happy as all of us that it is going to become a reality. Below is a personal message from her to all of the fans.

“Hey Shenmue fans!!! It’s Lisle Wilkerson, the English voice actor for Xiuying Hong, Joy, and Yuan from Shenmue II.
Just wanted to say THANK YOU for all your undying support over the years! I have always loved running into Shenmue fans at the cons I go to around the world.

And I know that you guys have been waiting for Shenmue III for a VERY LONG TIME! So I am so very happy that you guys are finally getting it!!!

Hopefully we will be able to be a part of the Shenmue III game. : )

It is a VERY happy day! xoxo Lisle"
by Yama
Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:21 pm
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Re: A suggestion re this fridays q&a with yu Suzuki...

I think we are more likely to get answers to our questions if mulitple people tweet the same questions so they appear more often. with that in mind we might want to compile our favorites from the thread (and others) and have perhaps 10 set questions we will all ask via the hash tag.

These are the ones I would like to know:

** Will you use the "Shenmue Trial" as feedback to improve the game in the same way Square Enix have with the FF15 demo?

** Will there be official kickstarter/Shenmue 3 forums to discuss and give feedback throughout the development process?

** Will everything be voice acted in the same way as 1 and 2? or will budget constraints not allow 100% VO all the time?

** If you allow PayPal pledges after the Kickstarter finishes will you still let us know when stretch goals are met?

** Do you no longer have access to the 3d models used in the “Shenmue Passport” disc to help you model Ryo and other characters?

** Will all action scenes be fully motion captured like the previous Shenmue games or is this too cost prohibitive?

** If SEGA agree to release HD versions of Shenmue 1 and 2 will you allow save game imports into Shenmue 3?

I've provided links to my tweets in case you guys like the questions and want to retweet/favorite to make them more visible and increase their chance of being asked.
by RiGoRmOrTiS
Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:07 pm
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$20,000 pledge for the future of our Guilin school.

Hey everyone, my brother and I decided to contribute $20,000 for the making of Shenmue III. We spent many hours thinking about whether this is a good or bad decision. We spent $10,000 in 2012 to get our school off the ground and that went a long way. Because of our initial $10,000 pledge, the school received an amazing amount of attention in China, social media and gaming websites. I'll reiterate, We are not wealthy! This was a hard decision. We could have given $20,000 directly to building the school and it's programs but we feel that this pledge will lead to more exposure and support than what we could do through other mediums.

For those who don't know our school yet. We are called The "V.E.T. Program" (Volunteer English Teacher). You can find us on Facebook. We teach children and young adults English to help in their educational and career pursuits. Many of these kids come from small villages in the Guilin area and may not have an opportunity to learn elsewhere. You can go to the "about" section on the Facebook page to learn more.

We really need help in reaching our goals. We would love for you to like us on Facebook. We will eventually look outside ourselves and setup a way for donations to be made but we didn't want to distract from the Kick Starter or be overbearing donation hunters.

We decided to make the second $10,000 pledge a character in the game. We don't want to be a character attacking Ryo though. We are going to try and ask Yu Suzuki to let us have one of our Volunteer Chinese teaching assistants be a character in one of the villages. They deserve to be recognized for their hard work. They are volunteers and many of them come from poor rice farms.

We are also hoping that since we will be listed in the credits as a special sponsor that it can have our school with a logo and a website rather than our names.

I don't think any of this would be asking too much. I think it would help get attention to the school. We would love any assistance in helping us achieve this. We also would love to have Yu Suzuki come to the school some day but we won't don't want to be greedy.

Please, help our little school!
by wdrpgwd
Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:29 pm
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Shenmue Community

During this very important time for Shenmue I'd like to point out that it was the community as a whole that made Shenmue III entirely possible. Due to the efforts seen across multiple community outlets we are closing in on something we've all desired for over a decade. The Shenmue community is as powerful as it is passionate, backing up our words with a record breaking pledge. It is because of this we'd like to focus on bringing our efforts together as one. We may all have our preferred outlet for information or discussion, but that shouldn't create a barrier. Instead it provides us with options and multiple targets for important campaigns, discussion and more.

We're proud to support our friends at Team Yu and Shenmue 500K, who have both been incredibly vocal towards the resurgence of Shenmue. Through combined efforts, we look to make the message of #SaveShenmue and other campaigns louder and clearer than ever before. Look forward to hearing more about any future community events right here in our news section direct from the source. In addition, you may visit either outlet by clicking the corresponding links right on our index page. The same love and care will be given in return to any important Dojo created content that need be widespread.

Let's come together as one and continue to save #SaveShenmue!

Team Yu | Shenmue 500K
by Yama
Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:00 pm
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Are you looking forward to checking into Hotel Bird Dance?

The latest tweet from Yu-San shows us the plans of the first floor of the Bird Dance Hotel! It's the 1F plans.... I swear I got such a buzz off of this, much more so than his other tidbit releases. This completely reminds me of The Come Over Guest House and the towers of Kowloon, quite simply by just seeing "1F"!!

Choubu, please book me in for December 2017. Thanks!
by Peter
Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:04 am
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Re: Are you looking forward to checking into Hotel Bird Danc

After squinting at the tiny characters for a while, I've taken a best guess at what some of them say. Nothing too revealing though, unfortunately!

The other text was too blurry for me to guess, such as the clothes pole(?) in the inner garden area, and the name of the room at the bottom right.
by Switch
Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:32 am
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Yu Suzuki Twitter Q&A Recap 10/7/15

Bryan Figueroa - Considering how the Twitch video helped raise funds, are you willing to do another one before the Kickstarter ends?

YS: I would like to do Twitch and Reddit session again.

#SAVESHENMUE III - What is your worst fear when making a game?

YS: Creating new elements. hard to tell if it will work. Enhance by simplifying. If not, need to add more elements.

RiGoRmOrTiS UK - Will Shenmue 3 start in the cave? I want the satisfaction of leaving it myself! don't skip the moment!

YS: Either from Shenhua's house, or the road leading up to Bailu Village.

RiGoRmOrTiS UK - Ryo's jacket looks too neat and tidy, will it be changed to look closer to Shenmue 1 & 2?

YS: I'm thinking the same. I want it to be more worn out and fits more to Ryo. Brand new jacket doesn't fit.

ThePhantomPain = suzuki-san is it possible to maybe play darts & other mini games online against fellow shenmue fans in shenmue 3?

YS: It's one of the things I want to do, but we can't do it all, so still thinking.

#SaveShenmue - who would win in a race, Hang-On motorcycle vs. Out Run car?

YS: Definitely the bike. He can't lose to some joyrider with a girl in the passenger seat. or The not caught by police.

#SaveShenmue - what is your favourite Japanese food/dish to eat?

YS: Sushi.

ThePhantomPain - Hi suzuki-san if all goes to plan when will we see first gameplay footage of shenmue 3?

YS: The footage of final version will come out sometime in 2017

LEISURE GAMING - Will Shenmue 3 have controller support? I can't play with the keyboard and need a console controller to game on pc.

YS: I'm still thinking about what would be the best.

Barnaby Panton - What will be in the art book? Will it be art just from Shenmue III, or will it be art from all the Shenmue games?

YS: I'm want to hear requests and comments from you about what we will include.

#SAVESHENMUE III - Any chance to see Hamtaro as a cameo in Shenmue 3?


DO IT! - Will you draw new trailer for help the KS?

YS: Yes we are planning to publish it. Please check our KS page frequently.

Hibiki Rush - Did you base any of the Shenmue characters on people you knew in real life?

YS: Some of the characters are based on the team: Takimoto-san, Takeuchi-san, Hirai-san and Miyawaki-san.

シェンムー好きな人 - Does the Ryo call Goro?

YS: I like Goro, but I don't know how popular he is among the fans...

Sumio Kodai - And will we be seeing the classic QTEs style return with the flashing icons?

YS: Yes I would like to implement it. I want it to be cooler than Shenmue 1 and 2.

Rob Townsend - If you could create a spin-off game based around a character other than Ryo, who would you choose?

YS: I think it would be Ren. He grows from a rogue to the head of the HK Heavens. His fate is then changed by Ryo completely.

Neo Zeed - Please explain the High Ground Battle System stretch goal for #Shenmue3?

YS: It enables Ryo to have more interaction with his surroundings. I think it will be fun to increase the reaction chains.

シェンムー3発表やったね。 - Will there be a reappearance from Hiroshi Fujioka (Iwao Hazuki) who joined in on the Shenmue Gai announcement. I'd like to see his younger self and what he did.

YS: The other day Hiroshi Fujioka sent me some Fujioka coffee.

Mr Metal Gear - would you consider cel shading ONLY for the characters (Ico/Sotc/Last Guardian) to make it look more closer to the artworks?

YS: To fully express the nostalgia from S1 and S2, I'm not planning to use it.

Chris Redfield - where does your interest in Chinese culture come from?

YS: Its the romance of Chinese martial arts and Chinese history.

#SAVESHENMUE III - Why Niao Sun's breasts are so large?

YS: 98cm. You do the math.

Alberto Hdez. Sande - is it safe to assume that the CGi renders from Shenmue 1/2 are the intended final look for the character models?

YS: The models will have better quality than Shenmue 2

naflo - Could DLC be provided for Shenmue III ? any plan for additional contents after the release ?

YS: It's under consideration.

Chris Benn - Any chance of seeing a playable Virtua Fighter arcade machine in Shenmue 3?

YS: Shenmue starts around 1986 where full-polygon games do not exist, so what should I do....

Chris Redfield - Sometimes are you not annoyed that the interest of your fans mainly concerns shenmue, to the detriment of your other works?

YS: Not at all, but hope for questions about my other games. Before the KS, 80% of q's were Shenmue/10% Virtua Fighter/other 10%

Resnate - What are the 3 wishes @ $1400 tier? Will we see more jujutsu in #Shenmue3? What is AI Battling + High Ground Battle?

YS: Not decided, now its "strength", "more money", and "be popular with girls". It's the wishes of you backers, not Ryo.

Ming Ming - if the funding dosnt make 9M in 8 days, will we see a part time job anyway?

YS: Even if funding does not reach 9M there will be part time jobs. How many is still a secret.

#SAVESHENMUE III - Will Ryo shoot fireballs in Shenmue 3 like he did in the trailer of Shenmue Online?

YS: In Shenmue 3, the scenarios will follow very realistic moves.

#SAVESHENMUE III - Except from cows cats dogs birds fishes, what new animals can we expect in Shenmue 3?

YS: There are scenes set in Chinese mountain roads, so I want to have animals that fit the scenes. No spoilers here.

Nicolas Zurini - how did you consider using Unreal Engine 4 instead of other middleware (Unity for example)? What were the criteria?

YS: It was the color. I believe UE4 could express the "shenmue color". The atmosphere, the humidity, a world with "smell"

Adam Brooks - Yu, if Ryo was based on Akira was Lan-Di based roughly on Lau Chan?

YS: Lan Di uses the same martial arts Lau, but the character and the background setting are very different.

さつき@フェリシー - Since the hardware is different for Shenmue 3 we won't be able to transfer the save. Will that mean that moves like the brawling uppercut won't make an appearance? I ask because when going from Shenmue 1 to 2 I was sad to realize that the tornado kick was overwritten. I'm really looking forward for the launch of Shenmue 3.

YS: I'll think about adding Brawling uppercut and Tornado kick.

キリ - Which version do you recomend for someone who as neither of the two systems? Will there be any differences between PC and PS4?

YS: Both the PS4 version and the PC version will take advantage of the respective advantages of the hardware. So it doesn't matter which you buy.

サワ @祝!シェンムー復活 - I love Shenmue but I'm terrible at playing games. The only reason I was able to finish the game was because the difficulty level dropped since I failed so much. Will there be a system to help me in Shenmue III too? (please!)

YS: Definitely! There will be a variable difficulty level so that new players that don't know about Shenmue will be able to play.

Shaun Hastings - How did Joy and Ren become friends? Also I wonder how Guizhang would get along with Ren if they were to meet through Joy somehow?

YS: I think Joy and Ren are a good duo.

Hibiki Rush - Did any specific martial arts movies inspire you when creating the Shenmue story?

YS: Yes. Of course books on Chinese martial arts as well as Jakie Chen and Bruce Lee. I still watch HK Kungfu movies.

Hibiki Rush - Did any specific martial arts movies inspire you when creating the Shenmue story?

YS: The good and bad parts from Hong Kong B movies were the most helpful. JC&BL are complicated, hard to break moves down

芳賀 勇治 - Will you show something at Tokyo Game Show and events like that?

YS: As for this year's TGS it's undecided.

こんぶ - Will Ryo and Shenhua stay in the same room at the inns in Shenmue 3?

YS: That depends on the vacancy of Choubu Inn. (Translation)

Chris El-Sharawy - have you seen this incredible tribute yet , please enjoy , from you devoted loving fanbase

YS: Thank you all so very much. I will do my best to meet your expectations, regardless of budget, and make a great game.

Exogenesis - Will all Shenmue 3 staff be based in Japan or will you outsource to stretch the budget?

YS: Japan will be the main location for development.

Benji - why were the Bailu stretch goals the last stretch goals?

YS: Many of the new challenges in S3 are in Baisha. As a result the focus was put there.

Rubén Vera - Would you like to make new games for arcade machines?

YS: Yes. There is unique good about arcade machines. I want to make something that utilizes holographic image.

Exogenesis - Will we see Fuku-san again? Does he become a martial arts master?

YS: Look forward to his appearance through telephone calls.

Juan José Vélez - with the phone card, will you be able to call Nozomi many times and have different conversations?

YS: She will hate you if you call too many times.

Darin - Will i be able to follow people all around the villages?

YS: I will talk to Hirai about it.

by virtue of shenmue - Had Ryo been loved much to girls in Yokosuka high school? Or shoe box was full of love letter?

YS: I don't think so. He was't supposed to be like that.

Felipe Vasques - Even if the kickstarter finishes around the 5 Million mark, we will still have Bailu, Baisha and Choubu in the game?

YS: Yes they will be in the game.

FHZST - Suzuki San any details on the Magic Maze? That sounds really exciting and also is there more stretch goals after?

YS: Magic Maze is an auto-generating maze. If reached, the forest area will get much bigger + many events & elements along with it

ATUSI - Among the characters of Shenmue or you other games, who...
would you like to be friend with?
would you like to make your girlfriend?
do you actually hate?

YS: My wife is too scary, I can't answer that.

YS : Ryo (Akira) in student (in response to by virtue of shenmue above)

にゃふく@シェンムー3発売決定! - Will Ren, who said "This is getting interesting!" when Ryo went to Guilin, appear in Shenmue 3. (Translation)

YS: Spoiler: He will! I have an interesting appearance in mind.

Benji - I noticed @fumito_ueda , and @Kojima_Hideo follow you on twitter, could they support you in anyway?

YS: @diebenjidie @fumito_ueda @Kojima_Hideo Please support the Kickstarter Shenmue 3 project!

Celso F - What is your favorite programming language ?

YS: I think C# is a good one among the recent languages.

Mura - With QTE being overused in games now, often badly without deep thoughts, how will you approach this in Shenmue 3?

YS: I want to make a streamlined, Shenmue unique QTE.

Exogenesis - Any plans of a Shenmue TV drama once maybe the full story is revealed in the games?

YS: I look forward to your support!

Maurice Branscombe - How did Ryo get a Sega Saturn in 1986? Does he have time powers?

YS: That's a secret.

ひととにゃん - Is it impossible for you to work with a japanese crowdfunding site (like Makuake)? I'm not that confident with foreign websites

YS: At the official site there's an explanation of kickstarter so please take a look at that. There are Japanese speaking staff that can answer Kickstarter messages.

だいぞう@祝!シェンムーⅢ発売決定! - I loved the soundtrack more than the story or graphics. Will there be a special CD like the jukebox from Shenmue 1.

YS: We're planning on adding nostalgic tracks from Shenmue 1 and 2 on the soundtrack that comes with the 250 dollar pledge.


YS: Thank you very much everyone for your questions! I look forward to this again. Let's make this next week the best yet!

Credit to Capsule Toy Maniac for the translations.
by Peter
Sat Jul 11, 2015 12:31 am
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Re: 'Thank Yu' (by Mathew Rimmer)

phpBB [video]
by Sonoshee
Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:12 am
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[Video] Yu Suzuki SM3 Interview on Niconico Live [English]

English subtitles by Switch.
Warning : This interview contains spoilers

Update: The video now has full English subtitles, thanks again Switch

You can also download the complete English transcript in PDF format form here

phpBB [video]
by Technophilz
Sun Jul 12, 2015 10:42 am
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Re: Cedric bomb updates ???


$560 tier - Become an author in the local library - find your book in the library and receive a special reward.

$833 tier - Have your name featured in a special pathway. Find your name and receive a 'winning can'

$971 tier (20 available) - Have your excrement featured in the game. When you've got to go, you've got to go! Each time Ryo has to do his business, a special backer's stinky poo will be featured in the game.

$2,245 tier (40 available) - Have your name featured within one of the many arcade machine's score board.

$2,390 tier (7 available) - Have your lucky underpants featured within the game. As Ryo awakes in the morning, you will have the choice of which special backer's underpants to wear. "Let' get sweaty".

$3,560 tier (5 available) - Have your photo featured on Shenhua's bedroom wall in an exclusive poster

$4,700 tier (1 available) - Have Ryo's penis designed after your own. When Ryo decides to "get sweaty" with Nozomi or Shenhua, your penis will be featured in an exclusive scene

$6,100 tier (1 available) - Have Ryo's outfit modeled and designed entirely by you. Choose Ryo's socks, shoes, pants, tshirt and jacket.

$8,200 tier (3 available) - Have your artwork featured in a special temple
by Reprise
Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:57 am
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Re: $10 mill was never going to happen

I think we will still be number 1 KS game and I think we will also have something really to be proud of at the end of this thing.

Completely agree. We need to trust Yu when he said that he would make a proper and worthy sequel to Shenmue III at 2 million dollars.

Just imagine what he'll do with 5 million.... :D God I hope we don't end at 4.9 million... we need that character perspective system!! I also hope we beat Bloodstained imagine the publicity!!!
by SMDzero
Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:47 pm
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Just bought a dreamcast on Ebay with Shenmue.

Can't wait to play them again :D :D :D :D . If anybody is interested, Dreamcasts are going quite cheap on ebay now, and you're looking around £30-£50 for Shenmue.
by camy934
Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:31 pm
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Re: How likely is Shenmue HD?

Kobe wrote: Shenmue HD is not coming ever and I could easily bet Bill Gates salary on it.

Shit, how much did you lose on the announcement of Shenmue 3?
by James Brown
Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:09 am
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Shenmue II 100% COMPLETE Notebook Released!!

Its been a long and hard process, but for the first time ever, its my honour to give you all the 100%COMPLETE NOTEBOOK GUIDE FOR SHENMUE II.

I started the project a few months ago, and after lots of long nights and frustration, here is the finished product, firstly hosted by GameFAQ, and also a MS text. file for you to download.

The guide is text only, and follows the same format as the original Shenmue notebook guide that's been on GameFAQ for many years, completed by Force Vector. Its a simple "here's the entry - here's how to get it" piece, so hopefully you wont have too much trouble following it.

Here are the links, and also there is now a sticky topic in the Shenmue II forums for discussion and any questions.

GameFAQ Online Guide - HERE

Microsoft Word Download - Shenmue II 100% COMPLETE NOTEBOOK GUIDE.doc

Topic Link - HERE
by Peter
Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:46 pm
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