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Re: Random Thoughts

Good luck. After trying to learn Japanese I decided fuck it, in just gonna learn more swear words in English.
by Peter
Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:03 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Cyberman wrote: Why are you guys posting in Russian?

We're trying to rig the dojo awards.
by south carmain
Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:48 pm
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Re: Politics

Eh, I could write a full essay about climate change, but I'll just say "climate change denier" is a word invented by the left. No one really denies that earth's climate is changing, but the argument is if it is caused my man made emissions or not. Trump doesn't think the federal government should handle public education for fear of indoctrinating the youth, which I think is a very valid fear considering nearly all young people are encouraged to get a 4 year degree when trade schools are a completely valid alternative. I could write another essay on that, as well.... Anyway, Trump actually said he wanted to get rid of the education department, he wants that stuff to be left to the States. As for the secretary of state, Exxon is a worldwide country and Tillerson had to make international deals as a result. Trump doesn't trust politicians and strongly believes in capitalism. Appointing the CEO of a large worldwide energy company was probably a no-brainier to him.

Honestly, the media has a heavy left bias and every single decision Trump makes is treated as the end of the world. There is also a large cultural bias towards the left among the youth and on the internet. To get any sort of fair analysis you need to really consider the side of issues that you do not agree on. Personally I use BBC as my primary news source. US media is so biased that I have to outsource the news. BBC isn't perfect but they are leagues better than any major news organization here in the US.

based on all the pushback he is getting, I think Trump is going to be examined through a microscope for the next 4 years, and will be held accountable for everything he does. This is GOOD. IMO, he really is what the US needs right now.
by Mr. Frozen
Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:41 am
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The 2016 6th Annual Dojo Award Show Hosted by Kelsey Grammer

Welcome ladies and gentleman to the 2016 6th Annual Dojo Awards live from the Kodak theatre. Last year was the biggest year yet so strap yourself in for an even bigger show.

*Riku Rose walks out on stage*

Riku Rose:
Welcome all. It's been a quiet year for us after the Shenmue III announcement but that hasn't stopped 10 page threads about a screenshot of a shoe.

A big thank you to everyone who voted and everyone who has posted throughout the year. I've not posted much this year myself as I'm not on my laptop as much but still find myself reading threads on my phone since I enjoy the people in this community so much.

Please see below for the list of previous winners:

Game of the Year :
2010 : Deadly Premonition
2011 : Batman: Arkham City
2012 : Assassin's Creed III
2013 : The Last of Us
2015 : Bloodborne

Buzz Killington Award:
2010: Ryudo and Dorian
2011: Dorian
2012: Ryudo
2013: AnimeGamer183
2015: Himuro

Biggest Bully:
2010: Ryudo
2011: Ryudo
2012: Ryudo
2013: QWERTY
2015: Riku Rose

Biggest Punchbag:
2010: Jokatech19
2011: Jokatech19
2012: Ryudo
2013: Animegamer183
2015: Animegamer183

Funniest Member:
2010: Kiba
2011: Spokane, OL, Animegamer183
2012: Kiba
2013: QWERTY and Let's Get Sweaty
2015: Riku Rose

Coolest Member:
2012: OL and MiTT3NZ
2013: Rakim
2015: St. Elmo's Fire

Worst Member:
2010: Jokatech19
2011: Ryudo and Dorian
2013: Animegamer183
2015: Brosause

Member of the Year:
2010: Kenny
2011: OL
2012: Peter
2013: MiTT3NZ
2015: Ziming

Now please put your hands together for our host this evening, Mr Kelsey Grammer!

*Kelsey walks out on stage*

Kelsey Grammer:
Hey guys, remember me? I lived with my dad and his dog. Anyway let's get going, here to present the game of the year is two black guys so everyone know's this show isn't racist like the Oscars:
Black Guy 1:
Yo Dawgs, Woz up?
Black Guy 2:
We love some Madden Yo!

In 3rd Place - Uncharted 4
In 2nd Place - Dark Souls 3
In 1st Place:
The Last Guardian

Kelsey Grammer:
Here to present the Buzz Killington award is the biggest buzz kill in the industry:

Louis CK:
I don't get any of this:

Buzz Killington:
In 3rd Place -AnimeGamer183
In 2nd Place - Shredingskin
In 1st Place -

Kelsey Grammer:
Here to present the biggest bully award is the guy who seems like the nicest grandpa ever:!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/awards-oscars.jpg

Big Joey:
Well it's not like I have anything else to do now:

Biggest Bully:
In 3rd Place - Shredingskin
In 2nd Place - Himuro
In 1st Place -

Kelsey Grammer:
The next award is for the biggest punchbag and here to present it is old Dennis Rodman:

Morgan Freeman:
Even if everyone here bullies you I still love you all very much:

Biggest Punchbag:
In 3rd place - Shredingskin
In 2nd Place - Himuro
In 1st Place:

Kelsey Grammer:
For the funniest award we have a woman who was kinda funny in that alien movie and The Rock who isn't that funny but we all kinda agree is funny for some reason:

The Rock:

Funniest Member:
In 3rd Place - Mittens
In 2nd Place - Let's Get Sweaty
In 1st Place:
South Carmain

Kelsey Grammer:
The next award is the coolest member award. Here to present it is someone so cool he hasn't had to try for 20 years:

Harrison Ford:
Let's get this over with.

Coolest Member:
In 3rd Place - St. Elmo's Fire
In 2nd Place - Raithos
In 1st place:

Kelsey Grammer:
Here for the second year in a row to present the worst member award is Kiba!:

The Government isn't in control anymore!

Worst Member:
In 3rd Place - Himuro
In 2nd Place - Shredingskin
In 1st Place:

Kelsey Grammer:
Well we're onto our last award. We thought that the last awards show was an amazing show but we had one request for this year which we have been able to fulfil.

I'm only disappointed that John Hamm didn't make an appearance.

Kelsey Grammer:
Ladies and gentleman! Jon Hamm!

Jon Hamm:
Hi, Ummm... Anyway

Member of the year:
In 3rd Place - Switch
In 2nd Place - OL
The Member of the year is:

Kelsey Grammer:
What a show ladies and gentleman. Well since I've already sang my song at the start of the show we have an amazing band to play us out. Put your hands together for FLEETWOOD MAC!

See you all next year
by Riku Rose
Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:36 pm
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Re: Why are today's game players so negative?

Pretty much because it's internet language.

Most of the people in real life would go "meh, this is kinda shitty", and online they just go rampage mode. It's also how news work, how clickbait works, and some marketing strategies work. Most people don't really have a medium/means/relevance to be "heard" so they scream at the only outlet that gives them the illusion of doing so.

Also there's a lot of competition, we are more aware of money, we have access to more information (specially for gamers).

And also things in the industry are kinda stagnant. And gaming is a hobby that actually requires quite a lot of time, so people get more invested and that can make people feel more attached/emotional about the subject.
by shredingskin
Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:13 am
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Re: Why are today's game players so negative?

A hundred years ago we would be complaining about awful and unsafe working conditions, limited heat, limited food etc. These days we have all of these things. So now we complain about the imperfections and curious design choices in our games instead.

Sonic is very serious business.
by Sonikku
Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:21 am
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Re: Why are today's game players so negative?

Because misanthropy, outrage, and trollishness are now the new normal in all areas of life, not just on the internet. It's just most prominent in online gaming discussions imo (present company excepted 99% of the time) because for some reason, gaming discussions have always incited enormous defensiveness and factionalism.

But yeah, it's everywhere. Look at the political climate. Look at any discussion, anywhere, about anything, online. It's disheartening and worrying, but there's little we can do about it sadly.

I also think the internet has changed how people communicate in not always healthy ways. It's cliche to say it, but interesting sociologically and psychologically, that people will say things to one another - and more pertinently, THINK In ways about one another - that they never would face to face.

The lack of nuance, social cues, body language, tone of voice etc. seems to make people online default to the worst possible, most defensive attitude toward absolutely everything anyone says. And the gamification of everything - likes, dislikes, followers, etc. trying to establish a digital presence - seems to encourage a territorial response in people. Like, this comment/webpage/account is my turf, and I want to get likes for it and if I get dislikes or people attack my turf, I have to defend it etc. (Not me personally, but it seems this dynamic happens constantly.)

I used to think the internet, because it connects the world, would be the greatest facilitator of better communication between different views and ideologies ever created. Now... I'm not so sure. Sometimes I fear it's fundamentally altering how people think about and empathize with one another.

There's a more benign, but still worrying, side to this too, though. Because it's mostly text on a screen, when people express concerns or criticisms of a thing/person/product/position/whatever, it gets default interpreted as an utter rejection or disdaining of its target, even if the reality is that there's a more nuanced opinion beneath the words that would read in person - because of tone of voice and other cues - more like, "I have these criticisms, but I'm not totally negative towards it either." Essentially, people just assume the worst, and then get defensive.

Second to lastly, some of it is also just that people are more conscious consumers now, and more aware of their own interests and needs, with many more options at their disposal. They also have more information about the history of a company and have more of an ability to play armchair analyst (and this happens with everything - people think they're authorities on everything now after reading about it for an hour on the internet) and so they're more cautious and wary and less willing to simply trust corporations whose job it is, ultimately, to extract money from them.

And lastly... while I dislike the word "entitled" and think it gets thrown around way too much... there is also just an element that we've all grown up for generations now without a world war, with declining rates of disease, longer life spans, supermarkets filled with prepackaged foods, and advanced technology at our fingertips and in our pockets that our ancestors couldn't even dream of in their wildest imaginings. In short... yeah, we're slightly spoiled and aren't always mindful of that or as grateful as we could be for what we have imo.

I think all of the above plays into the sense that everything is so damn contentious and filled with consternation and venom all the time online. But I also think that perception, likewise, is a product of us assuming the worst. I think things are actually less dire than we might assume based on the surface image it might give, again, because of the text on a screen + anonymity vs face to face dynamic.

For instance... I'm hyped as hell for Nintendo Switch and have one preordered. But I bet based on my lengthy posts about concerns I have about it, many would assume I must hate the thing and can never be satisfied. I think a lot of it is just that disconnect between thought, text, and real human interaction.
by Anonymous81
Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:28 am
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Re: Why are today's game players so negative?

It's an internet thing. Just go on Twitter/Reddit/NeoGAF/Facebook/Youtube and you can see it all of the time. Everybody on the planet has Asperger's nowadays, lol.
I think it does affect you mentally without realising. Ultimately people enjoy a good ol' moan. Especially here in the grim dark Northern regions of the UK. :mad:
by Henry Spencer
Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:55 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

south carmain wrote:
Cyberman wrote: Why are you guys posting in Russian?

We're trying to rig the dojo awards.

We succeeded
Funniest Member:
In 3rd Place - Mittens
In 2nd Place - Let's Get Sweaty
In 1st Place: South Carmain
by south carmain
Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:55 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

You were in US intelligence? What was it that became the breaking point in your job and what do you do now instead?

He deleted the response, but I saw it. He said he is a secret agent but "obviously cannot go into details." He basically said the data he gathered and analysed helped uncover and stop complex terrorist networks. That he did too good of a job and they didn't like it. He was under pressure from top brass once he worked his way to the top of the terrorist food chain. (summary, not word for word)

He also saved the president once. This all happened in one hour increments over a 24 hour period.
by Raithos
Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:22 pm
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Re: The reunion topic.


\:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
by csmakio
Wed Jan 18, 2017 4:23 pm
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Re: The reunion topic.

Not too bad. It's weird, I started posting on here at a time of my life that now seems "awesome" so is viewed with a lot of nostalgia, but also when the "internet" and forums were kinda new and crazy and people who trolled could be highly funny because back then you may not have seen that particular stunt yet. Definitely fun times. A lot of us are quite cynical old cunts now. :lol:
Totally. It's an indefinable mixture of nostalgia and a genuine sense that things were so different then. Most of us were so young and carefree so it's easy to look back through rose tinted glasses. The community was so tightly knit and active too, nowadays we have Reddit and stuff, it's bigger and infinitely more accessible but I would argue that it's not nearly as much fun. I don't have much free time these days but I never go too long without a good lurk here.
by Bambi
Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:52 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Yea that's what I was gonna say. I don't wanna lose my wanking hand man. Id rather have half a face than lose the hand that gives me the most pleasure. I will never be a leftie.
by Peter
Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:23 pm
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Re: The reunion topic.

It isn't all nostalgia though. Way back when the internet was nearly all geeks and other nerds, free of the dregs of society and their scams and endless pictures of what they had for dinner. It seemed like an untapped frontier of limitless untapped potential or government regulation. And it was ours . Technology was still improving so rapidly that the gap between N64 and Dreamcast generations was simply gigantic. The leaps in the games we were playing with titles like Shenmue have scarcely been matched since. We were still riding the coattails of the 90's, a golden age of prosperity so much better than the times we now find ourselves that the nation's biggest worry was a guy lying about getting a blowjob. Prosperity and liberty itself feel eroded since then, and I'm not sure that's all just rose tinted goggles.
by Sonikku
Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:27 pm
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Re: What TV series are you watching?

I am watching 'Medium' on TV and playing video poker at I finally have a day off, so later will probably watch Black Mirror. I love these series. These are television anthology series that show the dark side of life and technology.
by Megumin
Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:53 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

What if what we hate and what we love will... both ... ruin us? :-k

Yu Suzuki Illuminati CONFIRMED.


The ministry of truth is in full effect, and I guess that with the dislike Trump has for the press, shit is gonna get "weird".

So in a way, both guys were right (always bet on a dystopia).
by shredingskin
Fri Feb 03, 2017 10:31 am
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Re: Politics

I wouldn't consider myself a trump supporter since there are so many policies of his that I disagree with but I think he has a better stance on the wars in the middle east than Hillary and friends.
by south carmain
Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:01 am
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Re: Politics

As an American, I'm sick of wars. The Iraq war partly caused the the creation of ISIS. How is going back to the Middle East to fight them good? I'm absolutely fine with isolationism so long as it's about not meddling in the business of other countries. But if it means not allowing immigrants in I find it completely un-American being that everyone here is not native to this land unless you speak Cherokee or something similar.
I'm referring to this
Pursue aggressive joint and coalition military operations to crush and destroy ISIS, international cooperation to cutoff their funding, expand intelligence sharing, and cyberwarfare to disrupt and disable their propaganda and recruiting.
Instead of focusing on regime change he intends to cooperate with local authorities and allies to rid the region of them and other terrorist groups which is a far cry from Obama and Hillary supporting rebel groups pretending they're moderate and want democracy which was just throwing more oil on the fire. It's not my position to decide who should or shouldnt be allowed in to the US as I'm not an American to decide on that however his position on the Syrian civil war and situation in Iraq has a better chance at working than the policy Obama had been pursuing and that Hillary wanted to continue with.

As fro Russia "moving in to Europe" it's not as simple as that, they have no intention to invade any further than they already have since those areas are heavily Russian and pro-Russia. Russia isn't as big of a threat to Europe as people try to make it out to be, outside of some border areas it's more of a propaganda war that they're fighting but they won't be having tanks rolling out in to Europe any time soon that's for sure.
by south carmain
Sun Feb 05, 2017 12:24 pm
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Re: Politics

Himuro wrote:
south carmain wrote: Is World War 3 such a bad thing though?

Considering 70 million people died in WW2

Stop it I can only get so excited.
by south carmain
Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:22 pm
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Re: Politics

Is World War 3 such a bad thing though?

Considering 70 million people died in WW2, I'm not sure how you could possibly ask this with a straight face.

Well like I said, I am from the UK so it doesn't affect me, but I definitely don't agree with all of his stuff. Society being more "free" (abortions, gay marriage, better medicare, etc.) under Hilary would definitely have been something I'd have taken notice of and been in favour of. But as before, that doesn't affect me, and wars do.

I'm not entirely quite convinced it doesn't affect you, especially in light of Brexit and Le Pen. If the USA rolls back on those things, while the type of rhetoric is being popularized, those things could also come to Europe.

Fair enough regarding the other points. I voted for Stein in 2012. The problem with Stein is that she believes in conspiracy theories. She thinks wi-fi gives people cancer and that vaccinations causes autism.
by Himuro
Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:11 pm
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Re: Politics

I love that Trump has made good on his campaign promises so fast, which is something I haven't seen any politician do in my lifetime.

Except for those tax releases eh? :p And did you watch the swamp filling video above?

How do you Trump guys feel about the constant lying that's been going on? I mean that's happening all the time and everywhere of course, but rarely as obvious/childish/ridiculous as here. Alternate facts? :lol: Kind of a dictatorship style, ain't it. A clown parade is ruling your country now and makes the US look dumber than under Bush. You guys once again (and more than ever before) look like idiots to the rest of the world (your president very clearly is one and makes a fool out of himself everytime he opens his mouth or fucking tweets like an 8-year-old).. does that affect you at all? The fact that we live in a world where this is the lesser of two evils, where this is the better choice (I'm glad Hilary didn't win, that fucking evil cunt) makes me feel frustrated as hell. As you can probably tell.
by Monkei
Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:05 am
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Re: Politics

I'm proud to say that I worked on the Trump campaign in his building early in the campaign. Apart of the early rag tag team that was told it couldn't be done. You're welcome! :D

Dude, where can I get some Trump Vodka? I need it. For research.

Curious why those of Shenmue Dojo who support Trump. Whether you voted for him or you're not American and still support his policies, I'm curious why you support him. Are you worried about anything in particular regarding his administration? What are you looking forward to? How would you rate their first few weeks in office?

Not a judgement at all but curious to know and hoping we can come to some kind of understanding.

Big boy post incoming:

The Democratic party pissed on their voting base without even the courtesy of calling it rain. They held a farce of a democratic process consisting of some light-weights, an actual communist, and Hillary Clinton (it was her turn, you know?). They somehow thought the DNC tipping the scales for Their Woman wouldn't be seen as snubbing the youth vote. They ran on a platform of inclusion and "listen and believe" while shunning the be-labeled "Bernie Bros" and bragging about putting Bill Clinton in charge of the economy.

And they thought these were all positive things!

Not to mention the media's almost willing eagerness to play down the party's problems with email security, classified intelligence, and arguments as to which Trump supporter should be beaten to death first ("deplorables" was Hillary's "47%" comment and they still won't admit it). Democrats wonder why they have such a messaging problem? Health insurance premiums skyrocketed and Obama devoted actual television time to discuss transgender bathrooms. Hillary's official website seriously discussed the mind-blowing ramifications of a cartoon frog. How the hell did they expect that to play for anybody outside their bubble? Were they trying to blow this thing?! Considering their "pied piper" strategy, I guess it was all a part of the plan.


Sigh. Democrats let me down this cycle. Profoundly. They're being cannibalized by the tumblr sensationalism of white privilege, man-splainy lunacy. Not that I don't understand those ideas! I do! But bloviating about how shitty white people are is how they got their asses handed to them! And it doesn't seem like they've learned that lesson yet.

The media is absolutely part of the problem, too. In their own special way, they brought this hatred on themselves, by ignoring their professional roots and clinging to context-free sensationalism, using garbage social media as primary sources, and, oh yeah, propping up Donny as a joke candidate until he wasn't. All part of the plan, right?

Since I'm already insane, I knew Trump had a pretty decent chance back in September of 2015. That primary, to me, was the most democratic process I'd seen in years, even if the result was absolute madness. I had to admit, watching real-estate talky WWE hall-of-famer man utterly destroy the Bush and Clinton dynasties through bantz was magical. He, at least to me, was a protest vote that mattered more than any third party, and I'm willing to bet a decent chunk of independents felt the same way. Since I now own a piece of his victory, it's gonna be my job to follow how this all shakes out in the coming years, as I think a pretty decent chunk of democrats simply fell asleep after electing / re-electing Obama and stopped caring about some of the shady shit coming from his administration. There's potential for real atrocities in this administration, no mistaking it, but I'm wrestling against my left-of-center moral compass and trying not to blanket-condemn every thing he's done so far. Yes, even Devos, and even the travel ban, which is working its way through the courts.

What's happening now is a venting phase for Democrats. It's worrying to me, as their history of political violence is pretty well documented starting in the late 60s / 70s. David Hines had a decent tweet-storm about it and the coming phases here . They started believing the "Trump is Hitler" talk to the point that "punching Nazis" is gonna generate all the wrong problems, but honestly? I feel like the Ds and Rs have become so polarized to each other that, if not this cycle, it'd happen next cycle. So I guess this is where we are now.

The ride never ends.
by InsanityIsCrazy
Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:20 pm
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Re: Politics

phpBB [video]

phpBB [video]
by Ziming
Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:37 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

"Behave irrationally" no, think irrationally. Blanket statements such as "dear white people" being in popular media is of course going to create a reaction amongst people who see this as a recurring theme when most of them haven't particularly seen any real racism in their lives yet start seeing things that they are taught they should never say against other races being said against them. Every little thing like this contributes to a group mentally where people start to feel like there is an "us against them" atmosphere which will lead them to become more and more extreme.

You can mock them and belittle them as much as you want but in the end these things are having a real effect on American society and each piece of media like this that comes out will just throw more oil on the fire and if there isn't any real dialogue, movements like the alt-right and people voting for popularist candidates will continue to increase.
by south carmain
Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:14 pm
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Re: Politics

I can only see conflicts being lessened by having the CINC specifically stay out of problems that don't need antagonising though (talking stuff like Libya and Syria)...

I completely agree, and so does Donald Trump. That doesn't mean the U.S. can't have a strong military. The idea is deterrence, not conquest.
by Mr357
Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:48 pm
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

Got myself FFXV and popped it into my XB1. Installed the bloody massive disk content (think it was about 44GB) reasonably quickly. Game launches. "This game needs an update! Update size 13.35GB.". :???: :cry:

This is gonna be a "leave it on overnight" job, on this connection, 13GB is a huge deal! Fucking atrocious. :mad:

The worst part about it is I can't even watch Netflix to pass the time because the Xbox is using most of the bandwidth on a massive "update"!

#First world problems. :(
by Sonikku
Mon Mar 13, 2017 1:21 pm
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

I just got this awesome looking official LP, and feeling like playing the game again.


by sand4fish
Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:00 pm
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

^ You need a better connection Elmo. :lol:
by Monkei
Mon Mar 27, 2017 12:57 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen for sale on eBay. Not only that but two people have it on their watch list :-s . This dude had some games for sale so I click to see what else he had listed. I think I'll pass on buying from him lol.
by Raithos
Wed Mar 29, 2017 4:10 pm
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Re: Politics

The talk on the media took me right back to the Iraq war buildup in 2003, so I immediately thought false-flag.

Apparently Trump phoned Putin to tell Assad that this attack was gonna take place though?

Yea, to make sure his intentions were clear. Basically Trump saying "Hey some fuckwad used chemical weapons that we told them not to use so we gonna bomb the air base that the weapons were launched from, cool?" Imagine the shitstorm that would occur if the base was fully occupied with Russian and Syrian forces? The media and people are already trying to spin this shit as the start of Trump invading Syria.

Also, Frozen, since you know a lot about this stuff, I've seen a lot of comments today in reply to other people comparing this situation to Iraq, saying that Iraq DID have WMDs but they hid them under the ground in Syria when the inspectors came the last time before the invasion. Any truth to that? Some of them even suggest that the gas missiles Saddam hid were found by Assad and used all the times he has "apparently" done so already...
Would sure seem strange that the WMDs were considered important enough to invade a country for, but then to stop caring about them and looking for them the second Saddam was taken down...

I think Iraq is still a pertinent point mind you. Look how awfully it's ended up, and how much debt the main countries are now in. If UK people actually WANT another potentially never-ending Middle Eastern war with full UK involvement (unfortunately such saps who actually genuinely do believe that the UK and USA are white knights above reproach and full of goodness and therefore SHOULD be Policing the world actually do exist), then they'd better NEVER EVER complain the next time the govt doesn't have enough money for services like the NHS that we as taxpayers NEED, way more than we "need" a war with someone who may be bad, but isn't a threat to the UK or USA.

If a messy shooting war that involves Russia then happens, I for one will absolutely dodgy any draft or requirement to start working at a munitions factory. Not a chance I am gonna have my life put in even more risk just because some politicians couldn't be fucked to keep their egos in check...

Likely, but unverified. A couple of Iraqi generals claim that in the time frame between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq, Saddam moved his weapons to Syria. Makes sense considering Saddam was supposed to dismantle his entire inventory of chemical weapons in the 90s and the US finding this inventory would be a nightmare. However, the US knew that there were still old chemical weapons in Iraq. The CIA literally has been buying these weapons from an Iraqi seller in order to prevent terrorists from getting their hands on them. Due to the age of the weapons, they were not as potent as freshly manufactured weapons. Sarin gas is nasty stuff, if a person is exposed to high enough concentrations of the gas, it will stay on their clothes for a while and kill off anyone who tries to help the victim.

The first responders weren't affected by the sarin gas, which suggests that the weapons used had low potency, which is consistent with a weapon that is 40 years old, that used a compound with high sarin purity at the time of its creation.

I don't think this situation is similar to Iraq, though. A lot of the Iraq war business was fueled by the attacks on 9/11. It was a really complex web that is a conspiracy theorists wet dream. Today we do not have the same bloodthirst that was spawned by 9/11 so there is no reason for the US to go forward with a full on invasion with this shit. Literally everyone except for some crazies at the top is tired with this bullshit in the middle east and it would be political suicide to invade.
by Mr. Frozen
Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:21 pm
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Re: Realizing you're a bad person. What next?

Sorry for the bump. I got professional help. I found myself and worked to be better and still am. Changed my attitude. Stopped being angry,became more mellow. I snapped at little things and had control issues.If you feel you're in a place that brings out the worst in you than take a break or leave all together. Find something positive to get aggression out in the meantime.
by Bluecast
Tue May 02, 2017 5:46 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Grades just came in and I've officially graduated college. Took me longer than Tommy Boy but I don't care. 8)

phpBB [video]
by Thief
Fri May 05, 2017 1:11 am
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Re: Politics

St. Elmo's Fire wrote: Well not so much that part, I meant just having absolute power over everything!

You shouldn't bash something until you've tried it.
by south carmain
Sat May 06, 2017 10:53 am
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Re: What TV series are you watching?

I'm watching a few right now. I'm watching Designated Survivor, Timeless, The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Ren and Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, and I think that's it right now.
by dbzruler88
Sat May 13, 2017 6:58 am
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RIP Chris Cornell

Was mentioned in another topic, but this really deserves its own.
I don't think I've ever been this taken aback by a celebrity death before. Kenny mentioned it, I looked it up, and for several minutes I honestly couldn't form any coherent sentences. Just a lot of disbelieving utterances.
It's early, so I'm sure there's still more information that'll come out, but it's so far been ruled a suicide. And that just... I dunno, I find it hard to come to grips with. The guy has consistently been mentioned and lauded as one of the greatest singer/songwriters in the music industry for years now, and it's one of the few instances where I actually agree with the masses about that stuff, fully and wholeheartedly. I've recently been trying really hard to write my own music, and Cornell has always, always been at the fore of my mind when I'd think of inspiring lyricists. The guy was a legitimate poet and artist, and exemplified everything I'd personally like to be able to do in my own efforts. I also followed him on facebook, and he'd quite regularly post happy pictures with his kids backstage or while touring. Over his entire career, he consistently wrote dark lyrics, sure, but he never, ever struck me as the deeply depressed type (if that's even why he did it; you never know with artists).
Just watched a video of his very last performance, maybe hours before he died, and the part at around 6:35-7:55 is haunting as hell now. Those lyrics weren't in the original song. Then he followed it with the original lyrics "every word I said is what I mean."

He knew he was going to do it, and practically announced it.
I'm fucking wrecked right now.
by OL
Thu May 18, 2017 2:54 pm
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Re: Manchester explosion at concert. 19 dead. 50+ injured.

I'm not even shocked anymore, it's like this is just routine in Europe now.
by south carmain
Mon May 22, 2017 8:49 pm
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

It's early yet and not finished Persona 5/Gravity Rush 2 yet but Nier Automata & Yakuza 0 are my fave games this year thus far. I would put Astebreed & Soldner X-2 Final Prototype in there but they only got physical releases this year but are 2+ years old. PS4 is just a monster of a system. Easily one of my fave systems in recent years and so much more to go this year. Wonder Boy & The Dragon's Trap on disc,Night Trap disc,Ys Origins disc,Wipeout HD collection,Tokyo Xanadu,Ni No Kuni II,Ys VIII,FF12 HD,Yakuza Kiwami,possibly Shenmue III and more. I have played Valkyria Revolution..*sigh* sadly it's awful. I love VC and thought a spinoff ARPG would be great. It's just horrid. :sad:

I can wait on Switch tho there is a few games I do want. Some only announced and not out yet.
Xbox One there is a few but only 1 game that is truly compelling for me in Raiden V. Raiden V is just not enough to get a system for tho when I have enough shmups on 360 and PS4 to be happy.
by Bluecast
Mon May 15, 2017 1:15 am
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Re: The reunion topic.

Hopefully we all got the bullshit out of our systems by now. I'm 34 years old. I may have a inner child but no place to be childish at my age. It's crazy how some of us joined as teens or early 20s. Silas was the oldest member then at 39. 39 to a 20 year old is a lifetime away. Now it's just 4 years away. I don't even type in blue anymore. I mean I think it would look neat and all and oddly trend I kinda started. These days I am hesitant to do it as I don't want to give others a reminder of the Ryudo days. A name I have stopped using everywhere I can until PSN let's us change IDs.

Side note I find is funny 2003 is now OG. Back then if you did not join in 2000 you were not OG.

Yeah it was early teens for me and it was a crazy time- just didn't have a care in the world. Reading any post I made back then is just pure criiiiinge, I think I remember a couple of stupid arguments with Silas, he must have thought I was right thick idiot :shock:
by b_ren
Fri May 26, 2017 6:14 pm
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Re: The reunion topic.

Not too bad. It's weird, I started posting on here at a time of my life that now seems "awesome" so is viewed with a lot of nostalgia, but also when the "internet" and forums were kinda new and crazy and people who trolled could be highly funny because back then you may not have seen that particular stunt yet. Definitely fun times. A lot of us are quite cynical old cunts now. :lol:

Your not kidding, I used to get involved sorts of stupid shit happening on this forum during the troll years. In a way its a good thing and I'm glad I got it out my system in the early days of the internet and forums. These days kids are growing with Facebook/youtube and posting all sort of shit for the world to see which they are definitely going to regret in later life :lol:
by b_ren
Fri May 26, 2017 3:10 pm
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Re: The reunion topic.

I uncovered some old gems.
My Shenmue sig I once sported.
This is when everyone one day edited their avatars to look like a site admin since back then was easy to do. If I recall it was pretty funny. Maybe somewhere in 2004.
My first avatar.
Sonikku might remember this. :lol:
Peter made these back when he hosted the awards.
I don't remember why this was made but I guess in 2004 The Sonic members were a stable.
Jeff (then known as Congo) Had his freewebs Shennews site. This was his best "fake news" story. :rotflmao: 2005? Maybe 2006?
Finally this. I forgot all about this. Seemingly I made it in 2003. I have no idea why.

I found more stuff in a random folder but this is more than enough garbage. I have no idea how I still have this.
by Bluecast
Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:27 pm
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Re: The reunion topic.

Wow, those bring back memories!
by KiBa
Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:47 pm
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