What are you currently playing?

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Zoltor » Sun Nov 22, 2015 5:24 pm

I'm in a Tactic/RPG mood, and while I wait for Final Fantasy Fates, I figured I would play the Disgaea 2 remake, since I haven't played it in a while.

Such a awesome game, and this is how you make a remake :)
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Kenny » Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:37 am

Back to not having fun with MGS5.

Now it's a bullshit convoy mission where I'm taken back to half the map when they blow the fuck out of the convoy van in supposed to take. Then I have to wait until it pops up cause I don't feel like going around the route and getting spotted by eagle eye visioned motherfuckers in my horse. And I'd use d-dog but then I'd have to run everywhere making it take longer to do this mission.

I'm this close to just Youtubing the entire story.


Okay I just found out I can switch buddies, but I'm just Youtubing a strategy for this. Fuck trying to figure this shit out now.


I just blew everyone up with explosives and now I'm trying to get this stupid, poorly controlled convoy extracted somehow even though Miller is too busy being unhelpful. I'm going to look back at this game as the migraine inducing thing it is once I'm done with it...
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Monkei » Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:01 am

^ Sounds like that game just wasn't made for you.. :lol:

I'm currently working on finally finishing the PS3 portion of my backlog for good.. only a couple of games left. After Afro Samurai I'll get to Driver: San Francisco, then Yakuza 5 and The Walking Dead: Michonne and then that's it.

I'm thinking about getting Ratchet & Clank: Q-Force though, the only PS3-R&C I didn't play, but I don't know if it's for me, with that tower defense gameplay and all.
I've also been thinking about Heavenly Sword and Folklore, which I've never played. But I think I'd rather wait till they show up on PS Now, so I can play them on my PS4, possibly with trophies added.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Crimson Ryan » Mon Nov 23, 2015 4:00 pm

Monkei wrote: ^ Sounds like that game just wasn't made for you.. :lol:

I'm currently working on finally finishing the PS3 portion of my backlog for good.. only a couple of games left. After Afro Samurai I'll get to Driver: San Francisco, then Yakuza 5 and The Walking Dead: Michonne and then that's it.

I'm thinking about getting Ratchet & Clank: Q-Force though, the only PS3-R&C I didn't play, but I don't know if it's for me, with that tower defense gameplay and all.
I've also been thinking about Heavenly Sword and Folklore, which I've never played. But I think I'd rather wait till they show up on PS Now, so I can play them on my PS4, possibly with trophies added.

I can answer this for you now, PS Now only streams the game as if it were playing natively on the PS3, don't expect any improvements like frame rate or trophies out of thin air..
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:48 pm

Fuck Konami, just fuck them.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Monkei » Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:53 am

Crimson Ryan wrote:I can answer this for you now, PS Now only streams the game as if it were playing natively on the PS3, don't expect any improvements like frame rate or trophies out of thin air..

My guess is they'll be revealing their "trophies out of thin air" trick pretty soon, possibly at PSX. A patent for making it possible was registered in 2013. See for yourself:


What does that mean? It’s simple. Games that don’t inherently support Trophies can -- with the technology behind this patent -- be remotely patched without ever having to alter the original title.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby OL » Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:37 am

AnimeGamer183 wrote: Fuck Konami, just fuck them.

Will do.

But if that was in regards to MGSV, the game isn't as messy as it is because of Konami; it's pretty much all Kojima.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Kenny » Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:38 am

Pay no attention to me, I'm just a big baby who needs an outlet.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby St. Elmo's Fire » Tue Nov 24, 2015 3:58 pm

Getting a bit more into Fallout 4 now. Raithos was right, the base-building thing is a whole big thing! Took a few Googles before I knew WTF I was to do, but once the basics are worked out it's really easy. Engine looks quite typically Bethesda, you can even spin and zoom the pictures on the loading screen like you could in Skyrim. By Christ it's a lot harder than Skyrim though, enemies having guns and being actually quite good at taking cover and hitting you from miles away makes all the difference. Though a few idiots have thrown explosives at me when they're standing right next to me, dunno if it's deliberate but a molotov in the face does hurt.

VATS makes things a bit easier, but can lead to swearing when I've got the shot set up nicely but not enough AP, meaning I have to scurry away for a little bit.

Once you get the armour suit, are you meant to wear it all the time? It ran out of power so I just left it in Sanctuary and have been laying the game as just the guy ("Steve") ever since, even though I've found some more of those power core things needed. I think I just left it because I didn't want it to run out when I really needed it, and/or when I'm miles away from anywhere and have to just abandon it...
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Tue Nov 24, 2015 6:12 pm

OL wrote:
AnimeGamer183 wrote: Fuck Konami, just fuck them.

Will do.

But if that was in regards to MGSV, the game isn't as messy as it is because of Konami; it's pretty much all Kojima.

I'm not convinced. I am sure Konami "influenced" Kojima in some way, perhaps even released the game before it was ready, but I feel as if MGS5 probably had some kind of negative impact from kojima just because of the circumstances, nothing game breaking of course. Idk im just not even really that interested in MGS5 tbh, I feel like it will ultimately be the game that ended the series (as it will never be the same with out kojima). The more i read, wait, and think about MGS5 and the circumstances, the less and less I care about it.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Axm » Tue Nov 24, 2015 6:49 pm

I thought it was already confirmed by someone at KP that the game wasnt finished and pushed into launching on time.
Either way, just as is, the story IS lacking.
Gameplay however is great.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby OL » Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:37 pm

But does pushing the game to release really make Konami the ones to blame for how flawed the game is? It was in production for a long damn time already and had gone higher in budget than they ever intended. As a company, it was their money being used to make the game, and the returns for such a project were progressively getting smaller and smaller thanks to the extra time and money being spent on it. Don't get me wrong, they've turned into a shit company who seem to have absolutely no good plans for the future at this point, but pushing this particular game to release was just a corporate decision that had to be made. This is a business, and Kojima was progressively lessening the money that would have been made from their product.
Looking back on my time with the game though, it's very, very clear that even a bit of extra time spent in development wouldn't have saved it. While it does have excellent gameplay, the experience as a whole is nothing I have any interest in revisiting. Certainly not any time soon, if ever. While there are some cool aspects to the story (I stand by my opinion that the twist at the "end" is great, and the inclusion of characters like Mantis and Eli give some great fanservice), I can't recall any particular scenarios in it that urge me to experience them again. From an atmosphere and style standpoint, it's just ridiculously "blah" compared to any of the previous games. Even as wonky as it was from a story standpoint, I'd easily take MGS4 over this one.
I was a bit more optimistic about MGSV back when I first finished it, but having let just a little bit of time pass and played some other (better) games since then, I think my outlook on it has turned quite a bit more negative. I honestly have no clue why I spent so many hours on it. It's weird to think that in over 120 hours, there's almost nothing in the story that I look back on as a kind of "oh hell fucking yes, everyone needs to play this" kind of experience. The sniper duel with Quiet was great, the intro is flashy and fun, as are the actual Metal Gear fights (all two of them), but otherwise... what was there?
Not much.
And that almost solely comes down to Kojima's directions and ideas for the whole thing (the structure of it is really pretty sloppy), rather than Konami saying "release the damn thing already."
The gameplay itself is damn near perfect; the scenarios that they apply that gameplay into, however, are very, very sub-par. That's not a corporate issue, it's a directorial one.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Ryuuji95 » Wed Nov 25, 2015 1:25 am

DC Universe Online. great game.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Ash » Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:24 pm

Undertale. I don't think I'll be able to do No Mercy. :P
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Monkei » Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:32 pm

^ Are you the Ash? Oldschool like always been on Shenmue Dojo Ash?
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