Historic Video Game Frustration

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Postby teddykrueger » Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:20 am

sonic adventure 2 - the goddamn knuckles levels...find the 3 gems, pure bullshit game design, also the later levels "gadget.." something, sonic in 3d = FAIL!

Mirror's Edge - sadistic fucking game =( where's the fuckin fun gameplay, it annoyed the shit out of me.

Borderlands - enemies keep respawning, i kill a bunch of fucks, then go buy some ammo, get back to the same place AND THEY HAVE RESPAWNED WTF!

Skies of Arcadia - OK, it's ONE thing that killed the gameplay for me,, the goddamn RANDOM ENCOUNTERS when youre in your ship exploring the skies...totally killed it! =( too bad cus the atmosphere and all that is very nice...too bad...
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Postby Jokatech19 » Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:39 am

^ I hear you on Skies to a degree. The dreamcast version had tougher bosses and easier enemies. The GC version was the complete opposite- they actually did that shit on purpose too (according to them). Anyway, on the DC version, when you have to fight Ramirez at the end, I almost killed everyone in my house back then. I hate bosses with instant kill spell that they can use at any time. In the GC version, it was all good till I fought the Ixa'ness Demons- those amazon bitches that you don't even have to fight. I sought them out for hours until I found them. That fight was demonically hard.
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Postby Oppy » Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:36 am

teddykrueger wrote:Mirror's Edge - sadistic fucking game =( where's the fuckin fun gameplay, it annoyed the shit out of me.

Hmm, thats bullshit. Mirrors Edge was challenging and frustrating in tiny clusters. But overall it was a very enjoyable game. Im not a big FPS or FPA fan but Mirrors edge was quite fun and really wasnt a very difficult game.

The Most frustrating game moments for me are.

-MGS2: Playing on european extreme, the button mashing scene where solidus is strangling raiden towards the end of the game, With the old skool chunky xbox pad it was hell. I got so pissed off failing it so many times. every time i failed i yelled FUCK. the neighbars complained one morning and i told them to fuck off.

-FFVII: The first time i played this when i was 13 I had trouble with the monster in the temple of the ancients. I cant remember the name of the monster, but it was the one that comes out of the wall when you walk across the clock after seeing the scene with sephiroth. My ps1 memory card was very full so i could only have 2 ffvii saves, and the second save was from way earlier in the game. and between the latest save point and this boss there was no random encounter battles, so i couldnt level up. I think i fought it about 50 or so times before i threw in the towel and loaded the earlier save. When i got to the temple of ancients again i leveles for hours on the world map before entering just to make sure i would beat that boss.

-Shenmue 2: The first time i played shenmue 2, when i got upto do niu i found him almost impossible to beat, espessially scince my only xbox gamepad was fucked, and the buttons had to be pushed really hard for them to work. I lost so many times i threw the gamepad at the tiled floor and fucked it for good. I then bought an S controller and that made the fight so much easier.

-Pokemon Red: The first playthough of this, when i got to the pokemon leage at the end. the 4 masters/ trainers/ whatever they were were fucking near damned impossible. I would leave and train and come back and loose and leave and train again and this cycle went on that many times that i decided to do the rare candy cheat and feed my pokemon cloned rare candies to level them up. After i finished it by cheating. i never played that game again.
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Postby Crimson Ryan » Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:41 am

Mirror's Edge only gets frustrating when guns are involved. Looking at you server room..
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Postby Kenny » Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:55 pm

Killzone 2 is terribly hard on Hard (go fig).

There's an even harder difficulty mode but seriously, fuck that. The final level is so intense I rather watch people play through it than subject myself to that torture again. Its the perfect speedrun game to watch in fact.
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Postby Riku Rose » Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:55 pm

Oppy89 wrote:-FFVII: The first time i played this when i was 13 I had trouble with the monster in the temple of the ancients. I cant remember the name of the monster, but it was the one that comes out of the wall when you walk across the clock after seeing the scene with sephiroth. My ps1 memory card was very full so i could only have 2 ffvii saves, and the second save was from way earlier in the game. and between the latest save point and this boss there was no random encounter battles, so i couldnt level up. I think i fought it about 50 or so times before i threw in the towel and loaded the earlier save. When i got to the temple of ancients again i leveles for hours on the world map before entering just to make sure i would beat that boss.

I know what you mean evrey time I have played it that boss has got me. But the last save point before it you can level up. This will probley annoy you more but all you hhad to do was go back in the room with the writing on the wall. Like I said evreytime I play it I grind there.
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Postby myshtuff » Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:58 pm

Crimson Ryan wrote:
myshtuff wrote:
Jokatech19 wrote:^ LOL! You just reminded me of my best friend who did the exact same thing one night with his xbox controller due to anger as I looked on. I laughed my ass off. I hate when a boss takes you to the limit and then gives you an easy win after 100 tries! But to me as long as a game is difficult and has a decent story, I can play it forever.

BTW- has anyone tried Coded Arms for the PSP? Very underrated game and the difficulty had me slam the desk at my job last night and storm outside into the rain. I couldn't help but laugh at myself in embarrassment.

thats awesome. I have not tried that game. Sounds fun. On a side note, 2 out of my 3 ps3 controllers have loose parts inside and jingle when shaken.

One of mine does that. It annoys me..


I mean its my own damn fault, but still. They need to start making these things out of steel.
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Postby Jokatech19 » Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:26 pm

Thinking about it, the Temple of Enlightenment in Lost Odessey was insane. I actually never beat it. The enemies in there are WAAAY beyond beatable. There are a few fights you can survive and level up with, but at any moment you will run into a fight with 20 mage monsters. What happens here is that they get to go first- all 20 of them. Each one has a spell that does enough damage to kill 1 character. Figure out the rest. Every moment in that temple was spent on edge and in fear. After a while I just ran with the experience I got and slaugtered the last boss. Hard Ass Temple. I still laugh at the blind rage I flew into over that. LOL! You know that moment when you sit down ringing your hands with a crazed and quiet look in you eyes wondering if it's the appropriate time to lose it?! This happens after you've smashed the controller. LMAO!!!!!
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Postby myshtuff » Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:40 pm

One more great moment. I was playing my xbox one time and hit the floor so many times that my step dad came into my room and unplugged my t.v. and xbox. At the time I was pissed, but looking back it was hilarious.
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Postby Jokatech19 » Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:55 am

I know I touched a bit on this before, but Coded Arms' difficulty should be documented. I'm surprised I haven't heard any complaints. It's easy to run out of ammo and the enemies pump you full of lead in seconds. I also must say that I don't see the wackness all the reviews talked about. They made the game sound horrible. It's one of the best looking and overall games I have played on PsP. WTF?!
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Postby Peter » Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:17 pm

Good topic. Games that frustrated me (in order)

3. Control Room - Goldeneye N64

Trying to beat the game on 00 Agent difficulty and having the russians PILE into the control room whilst you have to defend Natalyia! Man it wasnt worth it.

2. Tomb Raider 1, 2 and Last Revelation

With no guide books, nor the days of Google, trying to find keys and swotches that were basically in camouflaged areas would drive you insane. Oh and then theres any of the water based levels. Im not saying anymore im saving my anger for the top frustrating game.


Ok. Sorry about the tourettes, but if anyone ever owned this black cartridged lump of shite for the N64 then you will know exactly how i feel. We are not talking about a hard game here, we are talking about a mere impossible feat in gaming. The levels were so vast, huge, tricky, camoflagued, winding, confusing... and those were the beginner levels! Throw in random teleporters on the last level, Primagen Lightship and its all over. You WILL kill yourself. I actually could write a thesis on this game. But im tired. Fucking die makers of Turok 2
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Postby Kenny » Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:13 pm

They did die. Acclaim went bankrupt years ago as a punishment for making bullshit for two decades.

Also have to add Jasper Batt Jr. on that list. I eventually beat the bastard after a week or two on Bitter difficulty. He was hard as hell even on Mild. Haven't played the game in awehile but I was on Sweet, not sure how that will fare. But goddamn, he almost made me hate the game. I haven't been mad at a VG for years 'till that point. Seriously, two bullshit hard as hell/impossible to block moves in one session is way too much to handle.
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Postby Bluecast » Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:55 pm

I loved the first two Turoks on N64 after 2 they sucked ever since.
But I do get where Peter is coming from,the final boss was a fucker,cheap ass bitch.
I admit I cheated on that guy.
Kenny is also right about Pizza Batt my god what an ass.
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Postby OL » Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:08 am

^^The most recent Turok was awesome. It got average reviews, but that's only because it doesn't necessarily innovate. If an FPS doesn't innovate, critics have no patience for it. But that doesn't mean it wasn't still a solid, fun game.
Very different from the N64 iterations, though.
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Postby Razzmatazz » Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:50 pm

Peter wrote:

Ok. Sorry about the tourettes, but if anyone ever owned this black cartridged lump of shite for the N64 then you will know exactly how i feel. We are not talking about a hard game here, we are talking about a mere impossible feat in gaming. The levels were so vast, huge, tricky, camoflagued, winding, confusing... and those were the beginner levels! Throw in random teleporters on the last level, Primagen Lightship and its all over. You WILL kill yourself. I actually could write a thesis on this game. But im tired. Fucking die makers of Turok 2

Good call. I couldn't handle that game and just resorted to the cheat "IBELIEVEOBLIVIONISATHAND" I believe it was, gave you everything. But then it ruined it. Still have that game just so I can hear the sounds of a Cerebral Bore.

One game that frustrated me was Gran Turismo 3, just because it required you do mundane things like driving in a circle for half an hour. Death Adder on Golden Axe used to do my nut in as a child too. And them Blaze clones in Streets of Rage. Agree with Natalya on Goldeneye too. One game I recall being a bastard too was Armed & Dangerous on Xbox. Had great dialogue but was tough, in fact any shooting game like Bangai O, had that on Dreamcast and could only do first level before turning that shit off. House of the Dead 2 was tough too, funny as the other light gun game Confidential Mission was possibly the easiest thing burnt to disc.
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