Review The Last Game You Beat

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Postby Tomato Convenience Store » Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:36 pm

Brutal Legend: 8.5

Hilarious game with a really creative setting. I enjoyed the hybrid hack-n-slash/RTS gameplay though it seems to be a "love it or hate it" mechanic. It does take a while to get used to, especially since you need to develop your own strategies over time. My only complaint is that it's just begging for more game content. There are really only a few secondary missions that were worthwhile (the racing and hunting missions), the rest are generally the same thing over and over (ambush, mortar, and shooting gallery) though they're fun the first couple of times you play them.

It took me about 10 hours to beat the single player campaign, which isn't too bad considering it has a multiplayer mode but I want MOAR!!! The setting, backstory, and gameworld are too detailed for the single player campaign to be finished that early (and I took my time, I think most people finish the game in 7-8 hours). I did read they're coming out with DLC, but I hope it's not just multiplayer maps. I would totally pay $20 for an expansion that added 3-5 to the single player campaign with more varied secondary missions and more items in the motor forge.
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Postby Crimson Ryan » Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:53 pm

Uncharted 2: A perfect score. 5/5, 10/10, 100/100 - whichever you prefer.

Great action, solid puzzles, unbelievable amounts of detail and atmosphere and great characters. Only one small thing that bothered me that was different in this game then the first is a minor spoiler so I'll cover it up.

[spoiler]The lack of Sully! Appears at the beginning, disappears for a lot of the game and appears briefly at the end. Considering he had such a big role in the first game, it's a shame he had to move over for new characters to develop. Here's to you, Sullivan![/spoiler]
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Postby Vyse Hazuky » Fri Oct 23, 2009 3:47 am


Unique style and presentation. Fantastic sountrack. Challenging, and most importantly, entertaining puzzles.
It might be a little short and unambitious (especially towards the ending) but the result is tremendous for an independent company.

And it has that indefinite charismatic charm that only certain games can achieve.

If you're fans of adventure games, you won't be disappointed. Far from it :D
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Postby OL » Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:39 pm

Uncharted 2

Motherfucking 10/10.
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Postby OL » Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:48 am


I was a little surprised at how non-horror the game actually ended up being. I was also surprised by how much nudity they were able to sneak past the censors. For whatever reason, the imagery of an alien forcing its way down a black woman's throat was censored for the US release, while that same woman completely naked with a decapitating vagina monster between her legs was apparently okay. Also a sentient supercomputer shaped like a pregnant woman's legs held up in stirrups with an eyeball vagina.
Despite the... odd imagery and melting little girls, I was also surprised at how artful the game attempted to be. Kenji Eno was apparently trying to make a meaningful statement with the game's themes, and to some extent he actually did manage to make an impact, though that impact may not have been entirely clear...
Nevertheless, this game is definitely another example of a somewhat rare breed of "art house" games. The only other ones I could compare it to would be Killer 7 and Flower Sun and Rain, though these games are actually nothing alike. I only compare them in the sense that the gameplay clearly takes a back seat to the imagery and message each respective game was trying to communicated.
Problem with D2, however, is that its dialogue is almost always much too long-winded for its own good, making some characters unbearably irritating. I fucking hated Kimberly. She's got to be one of the whiniest bitches I've ever seen in a game. Or in anything else for that matter. I actively wanted her to die, just so I could get some goddamn peace and quiet while Laura tried to find a way out of Canada.
But I digress. D2 isn't a bad game, and it certainly puts forth an admirable effort at creating art with the videogame medium. But it suffers from dire voice acting, annoyingly long-winded movie scenes, and gameplay that only half-satisfies.
I want to like it more than I do. And maybe I will, eventually. But as it is now... I think I'll probably be able to live the rest of my life without playing through it again. I don't say that with malice, as I certainly don't hate the game. I'm just being entirely honest.

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Postby Riku Rose » Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:44 am

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days: 9/10

Well I loved it. If you've played the other Kingdom Hearts games (and you need to or your be confused as hell) you should play this. It answers alot of questions and also sets some up for the next game.

Bad things:

Some bosses take way to long to kill.
Story only picks up halfway through.

Good Things:

Great story (When it got going).
Best graphics on DS.
Panel system is great.
30 hours to beat.

Now to wait for this:

But in the mean time I'll go and get started on Uncharted.
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Postby OL » Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:43 pm

^^I was looking forward to Birth By Sleep... until I saw that there's a Lilo and Stitch level.
Stitch is the single most irritating and worthless character in Disney history, and they've gotta hurt an otherwise awesome-looking game by throwing him in there.
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Postby Kenny » Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:55 pm

Ratchet and Clank

Epic game. Surprised how high quality it is for a debut first generation PS2 title.

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Postby Riku Rose » Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:07 pm

OL wrote:Stitch is the single most irritating and worthless character in Disney history,

Stich is awsome and one of the best Disney films in recent years in my opinion.
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Postby OL » Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:20 pm

Your opinion is wrong.
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Postby Riku Rose » Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:06 pm

Damn you.
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Postby OL » Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:23 pm

I know, my infallible logic is infuriating, isn't it?
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Postby Riku Rose » Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:37 pm

Uncharted 9/10

Got annoyed at times with how long it took to kill certain people. It seemed like they were eating bullets. It would take a full clip to kill someone. Also it was really short. On the last level I was thinking 'What the end?' Other then that amazing game. I don't think I'm going to rush on getting the second one since after Christmas I could most likely get it for half the price.
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Postby Crimson Ryan » Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:43 am

Riku wrote:Uncharted 9/10

Got annoyed at times with how long it took to kill certain people. It seemed like they were eating bullets. It would take a full clip to kill someone. Also it was really short. On the last level I was thinking 'What the end?' Other then that amazing game. I don't think I'm going to rush on getting the second one since after Christmas I could most likely get it for half the price.
You can have mine for £30. PM me if you're interested.
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Postby Riku Rose » Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:57 pm

Thanks but I'll wait got alot of other games to get through. And should soon be able to get brand new for about £15-20. Got the original for £10 from Argos.
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