Controversial gaming opinions

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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby MiTT3NZ » Thu Feb 19, 2015 6:25 am

How is it ignorant to call a game by the name it has on the cover? It's standard to state which version when talking of shared-name games. For instance, I prefer SC Double Agent 360 to the PS2 version. Anyone confused or annoyed by that? Now, I'd understand if I said that I prefer Double Agent to Double Agent, but there are relatively few people who are genuinely stupid enough to say that legit.
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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby Thief » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:38 am

Being ignorant isn't an insult, it just means they're unaware of the actual name of the game. I don't see the point of referring to them as both Final Fantasy III (the NTSC-U Super Nintendo Version vs. The NTSC-J Famicom Version blah blah blah). God it's so wordy and needlessly confusing -- just call it Final Fantasy VI. Nobody is fucking confused by that, and I'm certainly not being pompous when I refer to the game this way.

If someone continues to call FFVI, FFIII, after learning of its localization and the reason for its name change, then yeah, I think they're being kind of annoying and needlessly confusing. If someone calls it FFIII because they don't know it's actually FFVI, then they're ignorant... because they don't know. Defining ignorance here. whatever.

As for your Splinter Cell argument, those are two versions of the same game. For Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy III, we're talking about two entirely different games. Why would the fuck would I call two different games by the same name, especially when they already have distinct names? This isn't the early nineties when people didn't know -- we do know... so call it by its actual name.

Of course there are games like Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis), and Sonic the Hedgehog (360), which are two different games with the same name... which is dumb. Fans had to come up with their own name for the 360 version, Sonic '06, because referring to two different games with the same name is confusing. But this particular instance isn't the fault of the fans, but the fault of the dumb-asses at Sega who thought this was a good idea.

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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby Perfect_Chaos » Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:10 am

Destiny is a damn good game. im 99% satisfied with the way it turned out.
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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby Axm » Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:56 am

I was about to agree but 99%...? Damn. Ya now thats controversial. I think its a good game, but being 99% on it?
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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby Perfect_Chaos » Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:29 pm

my only complaint is there isnt enough strikes. now im just doing the raid, nightfall, and weekly heroic once a week and thats enough to keep me going for quite some time. other than that, i do bounties when i get a new gun to gear it up but thats the only time i break the weekly routine
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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby Chaos » Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:04 am

WoW is a better game now than it was back in vanilla and burning crusade

It was more fun back then because the world was new to everyone and exploring was fun, but as far as gameplay goes, it's a lot better now.
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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby St. Elmo's Fire » Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:52 am

^WAY too many people hated on that game, played it a bit back in the day and it was good fun...
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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby Sonikku » Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:41 pm

I've was with WoW from the beginning and I think it peaked with Wrath. That seemed to be the games highpoint of overall best gameplay, wonder, balance, exploration, content and excitement held together all at once at any one point. Any other point before or after the games history skewed too far to one extreme or the other to really be considered perfect.

What made Vanilla great was the sense of wonder. It was a large, living breathing world. Not just one continent, but a world. There were few portals to whisk you away from one end to another. There was no garrison for you to stand in all day while you waited for your dungeon finder tool to pair you up with a match maker raid for loot. You actually had to go out in the world and make those things happen all on your own. To get to a raid you had to fly out and travel to the ominous Firelords doorstep. Caves and npcs and all sorts of things were thrown into the world that didn't even have a quest attached or direct "purpose". They were just "there" to be found and be seen and to be added to the ambiance of the background of the greater scope of the world ll around you.

Of course, the balance was awful. Paladins had a tank tree but only Warriors could tank. Paladins had a dps tree too, but couldn't dps. There was wide disparity in potency between specs and classes and Blizzard did nothing to balance them. The questing system was a mess. You would pick up a quest tuned for a level 20 character that would have you fight level 20 mobs. You complete it, turn it in, get the follow up. But the follow up knee jerks to level 30 mobs on the other side of the zone (!). Unless you just jumped ten levels, you might as well abandon the quest and move on or keep it in your log for weeks. You would quest in a zone, move onto another zone, then come back to the first one when the follow ups became manageable. What a disaster. :lol:

If nothing else, many of the awkward and bizarre situations you encountered necessitated a strong community that relied on each other that has since grown far apart. Draenor is clearly better balanced than vanilla. The classes are balanced within a couple % points of each other. But everything is so detached and efficient that you barely have any reason to guild or step foot into the open world.

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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby Chaos » Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:24 pm

Sonikku wrote: I've was with WoW from the beginning and I think it peaked with Wrath. That seemed to be the games highpoint of overall best gameplay, wonder, balance, exploration, content and excitement held together all at once at any one point. Any other point before or after the games history skewed too far to one extreme or the other to really be considered perfect.

What made Vanilla great was the sense of wonder. It was a large, living breathing world. Not just one continent, but a world. There were few portals to whisk you away from one end to another. There was no garrison for you to stand in all day while you waited for your dungeon finder tool to pair you up with a match maker raid for loot. You actually had to go out in the world and make those things happen all on your own. To get to a raid you had to fly out and travel to the ominous Firelords doorstep. Caves and npcs and all sorts of things were thrown into the world that didn't even have a quest attached or direct "purpose". They were just "there" to be found and be seen and to be added to the ambiance of the background of the greater scope of the world ll around you.

Of course, the balance was awful. Paladins had a tank tree but only Warriors could tank. Paladins had a dps tree too, but couldn't dps. There was wide disparity in potency between specs and classes and Blizzard did nothing to balance them. The questing system was a mess. You would pick up a quest tuned for a level 20 character that would have you fight level 20 mobs. You complete it, turn it in, get the follow up. But the follow up knee jerks to level 30 mobs on the other side of the zone (!). Unless you just jumped ten levels, you might as well abandon the quest and move on or keep it in your log for weeks. You would quest in a zone, move onto another zone, then come back to the first one when the follow ups became manageable. What a disaster. :lol:

If nothing else, many of the awkward and bizarre situations you encountered necessitated a strong community that relied on each other that has since grown far apart. Draenor is clearly better balanced than vanilla. The classes are balanced within a couple % points of each other. But everything is so detached and efficient that you barely have any reason to guild or step foot into the open world.

I agree with pretty much all of that. I think a lot of problems I have with the game in it's current state would be fixed if they got rid of flying, and made you travel to dungeons like back in vanilla.

I think flying was the single biggest mistake they ever made with WoW. Being alliance back in vanilla and having to run to scarlet monastery with your group was a small adventure itself. Now you can get to any single point anywhere in the game in about 3 minutes. (Not that you ever need to go anywhere except a couple daily quest areas and your garrison)

Having multiple difficulties for raids is what I think makes the game a lot better gameplay-wise though. I was never a raider, so having LFR or even flex raiding is a lot nicer for people like me.

Also, people trash it for stupid ass reasons, but the new talent system is SO much better than the old one.
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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:26 am

Im still waiting on blizzard to make warcraft 4. WoW needs to die as far as im concerned, or make WoW 2, SOMETHING. The 2004 tech has gone on quite long enough. Idk about blizzard anymore tbh though, it seems they have sold out to the success of WoW, I kinda fee like we lost blizzard because of WoW. Course thats been the case for years now, anyone know what new games they are actually working on right now?
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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby Raithos » Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:17 am

Nothing worth a damn IMO. Overwatch is leftovers from the Titan MMO they were working on, and Heroes of the Storm is a MOBA. Nothing like the Blizzard of old.
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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby Chaos » Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:23 pm

AnimeGamer183 wrote: Im still waiting on blizzard to make warcraft 4. WoW needs to die as far as im concerned, or make WoW 2, SOMETHING. The 2004 tech has gone on quite long enough. Idk about blizzard anymore tbh though, it seems they have sold out to the success of WoW, I kinda fee like we lost blizzard because of WoW. Course thats been the case for years now, anyone know what new games they are actually working on right now?

I think it'd be weird to have warcraft 4 after so many years of WoW. So many major characters have died and so much has happened. The story is pretty much a joke at this point so their best bet would be to just say "none of that shit actually happened, we're just gonna do warcraft 4 as a continuation from 3". ](*,)

I never did play the original warcraft games though, because I've never been able to get into RTS'. I tried warcraft 3 a few times after I first got into WoW, but they're just not for me.

Honestly though, I don't think they should kill WoW at all. The game has evolved a lot since it was first released, and it's still super popular. I mean fuck, look at Everquest. EQ was released in 1999, and is STILL releasing expansions, despite not being nearly as popular as WoW.

I don't see them making a WoW 2 anytime soon either. I don't think they wanna split up their fanbase between two MMOs while WoW still has so many subscribers. I could be wrong though.

WoW is never gonna die. \:D/
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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby Sonikku » Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:41 am

I don't see them making either a WoW 2 or a Warcraft 4. The RTS side of things is already being covered by Starcraft so Warcraft 4 would just be Starcraft 2 with a Warcraft coat of paint. But you can get the warcraft lore and flavor in WoW already while those that just like RTS games can have Starcraft, so there's little point from an investment standpoint. As for WoW 2, it would make sense if they weren't constantly upgrading the game with every expansion. But they just sunk a massive investment in retooling all the character models and animations in the game from scratch into something more modern. That isn't the move of a company planning to make a WoW 2. For my part, WoW ended with Wrath. Everything after that was just non canon obligatory cash cow continuation as far as I'm concerned.
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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby Chaos » Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:12 am

It's a shame where they went with the story after wrath

cata was terrible all around (except for the redone old world and talents)
pandaland was a good expansion with awesome zones but a retarded story
warlords is a good expansion it seems, but again, the story is stupid as hell. I got my two main characters to 100 and stopped playing for now.

story has never been a strong point with WoW though so whatever
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Re: Controversial gaming opinions

Postby Axm » Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:28 pm

Fuck WoW. It systematically addicts you for BS reasons.
I remember the year I played WoW..some days it was like literally rolling out of bed and into the computer chair to grind mobs for materials to craft some gear that was for a class tree I didnt like but was "more powerful" for raids.
After I completed the set I was like...oh cool so now it takes a 1 less hit to down a mob yipeee...there went a solid month of my life trying to craft that for a marginal gain. After that I realized I could have been having more sex and a social life instead.
Fuck that game.
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