Review The Last Game You Beat

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Riku Rose » Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:17 am

Recently a lack of press and sales of games in the JRPG genre for anything not called Final Fantasy has left many feeling like the genre has gone away or is lacking what it used to have. An RPG asks for more than most games do in wanting you to spend sometimes over a month playing one game. Is Ni No Kuni something that is worth spending that time away from other games?

In the game you play as Oliver a young boy who just like any kid lives a carefree life running around town with his friends in a perfect little American town. When his mother gets into an accident Oliver is left alone since his Dad didn’t care enough to stick around and the local authorities have no problem with an 8 year old living alone. Left with nothing but his life in ruins Mr Drippy a fairy with a welsh accent from a mysterious world appears telling Oliver he can bring his mother back by becoming a wizard. So the journey begins as you jump into a gateway to a brand new world.

The women don't even wear proper bikini's so fuck this game

As mentioned above the story is quite simple. Oliver must learn to become a wizard so he can bring his mother back. Sadly that’s the problem with the story and it lacks being an engaging epic story like many other RPG’s and doesn’t actually feel epic at all. You‘re told to go meet someone so that they can teach you some magic and after jumping over some obstacles to meet them they teach you a trick or two and give you the name of the next place or person you must go and see. The only time the story seems interesting is when we see the bad guys themselves rather than random enemies and dungeon bosses. It would have been nice to see more of them as they seem to only appear once every 5 hours and only feature heavily in the last few hours.

The main characters don’t do much to aid the story and are really rather boring. A few of them make good first impressions but soon fall back into just standing next to Oliver in cut scenes and pointing out the obvious. Conversations drag on for about 20 dialog boxes which consist of nothing more than maybe someone in town knows where we can find a key. When Mr Drippy first appears he oozes personality and charm but after 2 hours he becomes nothing more than a nodding head and being the third person to mention that maybe we should go to the next town. It may have helped a little if Oliver himself was a bit brighter but his role is to be confused by everything even when the player figured it out half an hour ago.

I thought drug trafficking was a strange side quest at first but it works

The worst people in the game are the NPC’s in town who need your help which makes up the side quests in the game. You will get the regular people who need you to go and find a hammer for them that they dropped in a cave or to deliver a letter but some are broken hearted. This is when a piece of their heart such as courage or ambition has been taken away and they walk around like mindless zombies. You need to go around town and find someone who has enough to spare so that you can share with the person who needs it. After doing this 50 times it gets pretty boring to listen to a guy who doesn’t have the ambition to tie his shoelaces anymore. I found myself skipping the dialog and waiting for the red highlighted word so I knew what I had to get.

Take away the NPC’s and you have a beautiful world. There where times when I would stop and think that in the distance was just a Studio Ghibi style drawing only to find I could go there. There’re 6 towns in the game which are all beautiful in their own right but it would have been nice to see more bright and colourful locations as after the halfway point of the game everywhere is very dark and drab.

Any game where you can name a creature Matt Damon is good with me

In this beautiful world are a kind of Pokemon animal which are called familiars which you capture and use in battle. Every member of your squad can equip 3 each to make a tag team system of 12 playable characters. Since you only control one character or familiar at a time you have to trust the AI with some instructions on what you want them to do. It’s pretty much impossible to get them to do exactly what you want leaving you a lot of the time as the only one with MP and not getting killed. A menu option like FFXII where you could give strict instructions outside of battle would have been much better and saved a lot of sighing and eye rolling. Outside of the battles the game lets you know when you’re ready for the next boss battle by enemies running away from you in the field. This takes away some tension that other JRPG’s have when you don’t if you have what it take to beat the boss, leading up to the boss you will walk through the dungeon like you own the place with enemies running at the first sight of you. The boss fights themselves feel a little silly as you control a small animal that would struggle to reach your knee with an even smaller sword as it fights a giant lava monster ten stories high that’s just climbed out of a volcano.

The music is something that is undoubtedly epic. Having surround sound makes it even more amazing as you walk over the bright green hills you feel like you have an orchestra in the room with you. One problem with the music is when it plays over some of the characters with masks making it sound like Bane if he had walked around with a violin player at all times.

I wouldn’t say Ni No Kuni is the thing to ‘save’ the JRPG genre as it falls short by quite a bit. It’s not a bad game but if someone was to ask for suggestions on games I would place it quite low on my list of suggestions even if it does offer 50+ hours of gameplay.

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Henry Spencer » Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:56 pm

Metal Gear Rising

(Here be no spoilers)

The Rise of Raiden


Raiden sees red.

Okay, so to start off Raiden is my favourite playable character in a Kojima game. Why? Well, he's human for one, he has weaknesses that show, unlike your stereotypical bad ass who can get himself out of every situation with not a scratch, Raiden always stood out to me because of his flaws. Hey, I really like Solid Snake and Gillian Seed too, but Raiden is the antithesis of what the Metal Gear fanbase wanted in their long awaited sequel. I was right with him when things turned from bad to worse in MGS2's storyline. I felt for the guy, he really has had it rough. Dare I say, more rough than any other character in Metal Gear, full stop. In Rising, it feels like the natural evolution for his character. He started out weak, now, he is incredibly strong. Ridiculously so. Metal Gear always struck me as Kojima attempting to do a social commentary in the confines of an American Comic Book but with the visual style of a movie. The world breathes in the silly, extremely convoluted, over the top narrative and in turn, breathes out interesting themes, characters and messages. Rising carries on this same tradition. This should come as no surprise, since the storyline is being handled by Kojima Productions themselves. What is a surprise if the new staff member, Etsu Tamari, is the writer of this game and does a great job with it. So what's the storyline like with Kojima's involvement? Consistent, surprisingly so, that in fact, Tamari actually did a better job with the consistency with the rest of the series, that he even doesn't, to my knowledge, retcon anything. That's right, he retcons absolutely nothing. In a way, he's already better than the series creator himself. This was a big surprise to me. Raiden's growth as a character here is nothing short of brilliant. Here, he carries himself well into the next generation, where everything is batshit insane. It felt like a natural progression for his character after MGS2, much moreso than his dramatic turn in MGS4 ever did!


Now, on to the other characters and main storyline. The characters all feel very much a part of the Metal Gear universe. Nobody feels out of place, again, a considerable task for a new staff member with absolutely no experience with Metal Gear. Kudos are in order to Tamari for creating some of the best boss characters since MGS2. I like the Cobra Unit, I guess, but some of them didn't feel integral to the storyline as they are here, just like FOXHOUND and Dead Cell were. Every encounter Raiden has with the enemy unit is interesting, they all have a different kind of crazy. My personal favourites are Monsoon and Armstrong. And yes, in typical Metal Gear fashion, the speeches are epic. There is no "RAAAAAGE" or "The PAIN!" here, everybody has plenty to say for themselves. Particularly, the final boss which definitely gives nostalgia to a certain other favourite Metal Gear character.

The codec cast are great and all have their own quirks which sets them apart. Make sure to speak to them often, since they are always talking about the events of MGS2 (even more than the events of 4). All in all, this is my favourite Metal Gear cast since 2.

As for the storyline, all I will say that it is crazy in a good way. Some people may be put off as to where it goes, but I personally really enjoyed it.


Wow, where do I even start? This game does not have the feel of a scrapped and restarted project. It feels, well, really tight in its design. Kenji Saito is a director to look out for. Formerly a programmer on such games as Viewtiful Joe and Breakdown (my favourite Xbox game) this is his first work as a Director. And what a job well done. The gameplay systems include a Max Payne styled slow mo where everything turns slow, even speech (which I always find funny to listen to) and you have the option of slicing the enemies into a million pieces before grabbing their "life force" to perform Zandatsu. Zandatsu is basically the essence that regenerates Raiden's life and energy (to perform said slow mo kills). This means you will be slow mo diving a lot to survive, since the enemies hit you hard, especially in late game. The "parry" system requires that you accept the enemy's attack and follow through with a combo of your own. This lends well to a fresh perspective on hack 'n slash games, meaning you should tactically think through your attack process, more than in most other hack 'n slash games, where amazing combos win the day. Here, you should take your time and plan your follow through attack wisely, or otherwise suffer the consequences. It's nice that these same principles could also be applied to real life samurai. The same here, except, you know, it's cyborg ninjas and samurai, and totally a video game.

As the game progresses, so too, do the enemies. Massive varieties of enemies may swarm you and attack you at once, but as long as you either "parry" the attack or "dodge" then you are in for a good time. Mindlessly slashing away at the enemies will result in a quick game over (unless you are playing on easy, of course). As it stands, I don't think I have seen such a wide variety of enemies in a game like this before (hack 'n slash). And once you get the attack patterns down, it really is satisfying killing the shit outta the enemies in this game. In fact, killing the enemies in this game is so incredibly satisfying.


Raiden needs some eye drops really badly.

Is stealth here? Sort of. They designed the game so that stealth is an option for some parts of the game. Some enemies are pretty tough and some maps have a few of them, so it encourages you to put good use to stealth when it's there.

How are the stages? There is an incredible wide variety of them. From skyscrapers to Japanese gardens, from warehouses to high speed trains, from oil factories to deserts there's never too much of them. If anything, there is never enough of one environment before they move you to the next location.

The boss battles are just incredible. I cannot praise this aspect of the game enough. Every boss encounter is excellently designed and every fighting style is unique to the character. I do not wish to spoil this aspect of the game, since it is so good.

The VR Missions are very hard and I suck at them. The music is magnificent and fits the game so well (half a PG title, half a KJ title).

The length is misconstrued as the game clock is not actually the length of the game, it's the length of the timed battles (not all battles are timed and rated) and the codec, cutscenes and just general exploration spots are not counted towards the end game clock. So no, the game is not four to five hours, it's more like eight to ten hours (closer to the latter for me, since I used codec so much I almost got a headache).

The replay value is great too, there's loads to discover and unlock. Just like in the good old days, you want to play more VR Missions? Then go and get great ratings in the scoring. You want new difficulty modes? Then get S ranks and beat Hard mode. The amount of blades on offer is also worth noting; each with their own styles. Similarly to Devil May Cry, you can equip more than one type at once.


Yoji Shinkawa is back on as lead artist for this game. And the art design is top class, despite some problems I had with past Platinum Games and their art department, here, when you have a capable guy like Shinkawa leading, the outcome will be much better than usual.

Final Conclusion

This game lived up to the hype, my hype was incredibly high. And I've actually sat on my opinion for a couple of days now, having completed it on Wednesday, just to make sure that I am not misjudging how I feel. But honestly, I have not felt so satisfied when the end credits rolled before than I have with this. This game has just reignited my love for Metal Gear, reinforced my love for Platinum Games and made me very excited for the next product from this franchise and from the company. Sorry if you feel that I am over-blowing my praise for this game, but I can't stop myself, this is the best action game I have played this generation and can see myself playing it over and over again.

Simply put, I love this game.

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Kenny » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:20 pm

Asura's Wrath.

It's pretty much only good for the action cutscenes and gameplay. But since a majority of the whole game is trying to stuff this big dramatic narrative down your throat, it just feels frustrating to wade through all the fat just to get to the only parts that are enjoyable. If the intention is to just enjoy it for the action, they kind of failed at that. They really believed this dramatic narrative was more important and put more emphasis on it....and it just didn't work.

Which is a shame cause if the narrative was more compelling, the overall package would've been spectacular. Great interactions, great relationships, higher stakes for the hero to overcome....this all would've made the action BETTER. If we're really involved in the hero's plight, seeing him reach the goal would've been engaging and adrenaline fueled. Instead it was reduced to "hey look, that's cool....oh the cool thing is over....this is boring now....hey, the cool thing is back!.....aaah, it's gone again." I mean they had great character designs and great cinematic direction in the cutscenes (the art direction is fucking gorgeous) but they all felt wasted unless they were used for the action. And it shouldn't have to be that way. I could see they wanted it to have the feel of an OVA series, but it was just annoying to see the previews and the card slates where a commercial is supposed to fit in-between.

Probably the most annoying were the interludes. I didn't care to watch them after one, and of course I felt like the story in some sections "skipped ahead" because of it. But it's the same issue I had with FFXIII, I don't want to go through a whole history class worth of exposition to get into the main story. I want it IN THE GAME ITSELF, while i'm playing it. And I refuse to go through long slideshows in between loading up the next level unless it was a special features deal (which I'll check out AFTER i'm done with the game). And if the story becomes less compelling because of it, then it probably wasn't that good of a story to begin with if you don't have the ability (or the willingness) condense it to fit it in a regular play session.

Moving on to the gameplay, it was definitely fun to play for the most part but I can tell why they went with the narrative overload. It gets really repetitive. The move lists are very limited for on-ground combat (there are like three buttons to attack and a couple of strings to use) and I never felt like I was on my heels. It was like a game of fist-tag, they hit me....then I hit them back. If I hit too much, they overpower me. Then I get my turn to overpower them. I wish there were more variation and a better dodge system where I can parry my opponent's moves and they can in turn parry mine. Otherwise, the Rage and...whatever that other system was are very cool. I really liked how there isn't a Power Bar for the bosses. You just fill your Rage meter and go.

The shooting segments were very average. Just hold a button and wait for your Rage meter to fill. They spiced it up sometimes with the cool slanted angle view and in one part you have to chase a baddie, shoot them than take them out with your fist. But they were largely throwaway. The QTE moments felt thrown in too. I never had the feeling that if I missed a QTE, it'll be the end of the game. Occasionally, if I missed it an alternate cutscene would happen. But other times, it looked like it would play like doing anything wouldn't have made a difference. Not to mention it distracted from watching the cutscenes sometimes.

In my review of Walking Dead, I noted that you need to experience the game in order to really be immersed with it. Watching Youtube videos won't do it justice cause the story can twist and turn at any direction based on your personal choices. Here...if it really wasn't for the nice gameplay, I think it may have been ultimately worthwhile to only experience this game on Youtube via action cutscenes. From what I understand, the story has an alternate ending but since the story isn't very good, I don't really care.

Verdict: RENTAL.
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Bluecast » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:23 pm

Don't agree. Find it to be a awesome as hell game with great presentation. Yasha is awesome. (best in the game IMO) music is great. Found it to be a fantastic game. My only gripe is Capcom crippled it with the DLC.

I'm also biased as a big cyberconnect2 fan
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Kenny » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:29 pm

Good for you. But as a neutral party, it could've been better. Like, Madworld better.

And what's up with getting more episodes through DLC? Lame.
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Bluecast » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:37 pm

Kenny wrote:

And what's up with getting more episodes through DLC? Lame.

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:47 pm

Ryudo wrote:
Kenny wrote:
And what's up with getting more episodes through DLC? Lame.


sums up the whole thing perfectly
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Bluecast » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:52 pm

Segata Sanshiro Jr. wrote:
Ryudo wrote:
Kenny wrote:
And what's up with getting more episodes through DLC? Lame.


sums up the whole thing perfectly


I have nothing to add. Just wanted to post this gif

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Thief » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:00 pm

I feel the presence of Dorian...
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:05 pm

No we need to hate something to truly channel the Dorian.Being a couple of gay snarks posting Korean gifs isn't enough.
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby OL » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:13 pm

It looks like a duck, it just doesn't sound like one...

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Bluecast » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:19 pm

OL wrote:It looks like a duck, it just doesn't sound like one...
Thief wrote: I feel the presence of Dorian...

Grrr kojima is a hack and underpants on Vanille is disgusting and perverted. Now I need a dick to suck.

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby St. Elmo's Fire » Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:22 pm

Get Kenny to talk about DMC, then the Dorian-channeling can start. ;-)
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Kenny » Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:55 pm

St. Elmo's Fire wrote: Get Kenny to talk about DMC, then the Dorian-channeling can start. ;-)

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:38 pm

Well the Virgil DLC is out
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