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Re: Your favorite SEGA Console

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:10 pm
by OL
Genesis/Megadrive easily.
Never had a Saturn, but I've looked through its library of games many times, and there are still only a scant few gems that really catch my attention. And the Dreamcast is great, and has a few of the greatest exclusives ever, but I think the system gets built-up a little too much by "cult" gamers these days as some kind of golden shining moment in gaming history, going on about some kind of nonexistent "cohesion" between the various Sega-made games in its library and whatnot. But at the end of the day, I just see it as another gaming console with only a small few games that truly appeal to me. Granted, some of those games are among the greatest ever made, but the amount of them is far too small for me to give much credit to the DC itself.

The Genesis is pure gold, though. The original Sonic games are near perfection, and the system is home to a huge host of brilliantly fun titles.
Rocket Knight Adventures, Ranger X, Shining Force, Wings of Wor, Comix Zone, Gunstar Heroes, Flashback, Shinobi III, Bonanza Brothers, Target Earth, Landstalker, Phantasy Star series, Alisia Dragoon, Beyond Oasis, Rolling Thunder series, Uncharted Waters and New Horizons... the list goes on and on.
So many games with so few negative points to them.
More than almost any other era of gaming, the 16-bit era was all about good, simple fun. And the Genesis/MD was absolutely exemplary of that.

Re: Your favorite SEGA Console

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:10 pm
by Spokane
Who Really Cares? wrote: Dreamcast.

Sega were also at their game making best during that period IMO.

So you can kind of say they went out on top.

Re: Your favorite SEGA Console

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:40 pm
by Thief
OL wrote: Genesis/Megadrive easily.
Never had a Saturn, but I've looked through its library of games many times, and there are still only a scant few gems that really catch my attention. And the Dreamcast is great, and has a few of the greatest exclusives ever, but I think the system gets built-up a little too much by "cult" gamers these days as some kind of golden shining moment in gaming history, going on about some kind of nonexistent "cohesion" between the various Sega-made games in its library and whatnot. But at the end of the day, I just see it as another gaming console with only a small few games that truly appeal to me. Granted, some of those games are among the greatest ever made, but the amount of them is far too small for me to give much credit to the DC itself.

The Genesis is pure gold, though. The original Sonic games are near perfection, and the system is home to a huge host of brilliantly fun titles.
Rocket Knight Adventures, Ranger X, Shining Force, Wings of Wor, Comix Zone, Gunstar Heroes, Flashback, Shinobi III, Bonanza Brothers, Target Earth, Landstalker, Phantasy Star series, Alisia Dragoon, Beyond Oasis, Rolling Thunder series, Uncharted Waters and New Horizons... the list goes on and on.
So many games with so few negative points to them.
More than almost any other era of gaming, the 16-bit era was all about good, simple fun. And the Genesis/MD was absolutely exemplary of that.

That's kind of the thing for me. I look at exclusivity and then games that actually interest me. If I were to honestly say which system is best, I would go with Dreamcast. It has an amazing line up of games but the problem is that I just dont care about most of them anymore. It's become the case for the Genesis as well (and the saturn if we're being completely honest). The only Genesis games I would care to own are the 4 sonic games and maaaybe the phantasy star games. However, there are so many other great games the system has to offer. They're just not for me.

Ive really tried to limit my video game collection to only my favorite games. I only play most games once, to be honest and I only want to keep the games I know I'll replay in the future, my true favorites. The Dreamcast and the Genesis may have a longer list of worthwhile games, but there are more games on the Saturn that I actually care about.

Re: Your favorite SEGA Console

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:07 pm
by Peter
As much as the DC is my favourite, i absolutely share the thoughts of OL. The Mega Drive II was my first gaming console (Commodore and Amiga hardware do not count) and that damn thing was truely epic. The key word you use is fun and there is no better word to sum up, or describe that age of gaming. Everything about it, from the hardware, games, magazines, adverts, tv based shows.... They all have that fun quality of them and i felt that Sega were the biggest company in terms of the gaming wars even though it realistically went to Nintindy. There was also a sort of attitude to it all, like a bad ass attitude but not an adult themed bad ass attitude, more like a breaking put of the mould type of bad ass, where Sega specifically were saying "its cool to be a gamer!". Definitely a close second to the Dreamcast. I wish they would come back to the hardware wars, but i dont know if we will ever see that happen again.