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Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:21 pm
by Bluecast
Jeff wrote:
Ryudo wrote:
Jeff wrote: my Playstation 3 is primarily used for Netflix and movie rentals when a have some chick come over.

So it never get's used then.

Oh, you mean like you with a treadmill?

I have at least used one once. So still have one up on ya.

Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:22 pm
by Jeff
Ryudo wrote:
Jeff wrote:
Ryudo wrote:
Jeff wrote: my Playstation 3 is primarily used for Netflix and movie rentals when a have some chick come over.

So it never get's used then.

Oh, you mean like you with a treadmill?

I have at least used one once. So still have one up on ya.

I have a gym membership and go 3 times a week. Next.


Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:23 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Ryudo wrote:
Jeff wrote: my Playstation 3 is primarily used for Netflix and movie rentals when a have some chick come over.

So it never get's used then.

Ryudo wrote:never get's used

Ryudo wrote:get's

Ryudo wrote:'s


Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:24 pm
by Bluecast
^ Mitts sunk down to Geoff level

Jeff wrote:
Ryudo wrote:
Jeff wrote:
Ryudo wrote:
Jeff wrote: my Playstation 3 is primarily used for Netflix and movie rentals when a have some chick come over.

So it never get's used then.

Oh, you mean like you with a treadmill?

I have at least used one once. So still have one up on ya.

I have a gym membership and go 3 times a week. Next.

Going into toddlers section doesn't count mental spaz

Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:26 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Girls you're both pretty.

Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:28 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Segata Sanshiro Jr. wrote: Girls you're both pretty.

Jeff wrote:Image

Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:36 pm
by Bluecast
Moving on lol.

Anyone know how to switch HDD's from one Original Xbox to the other. I have a Xbox screw driver but some of them won't fit it. Also need to know even if able to get all the screws out of that swap is even possible without major repercussions.

Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:37 pm
by Stocke
I brought a Wii u recently and i have to agree. After about two days i was already lost, i just started playing my old Wii games on the thing. It'll get better eventually, but i do wish i held off now.

Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:39 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Ryudo wrote: Moving on lol.

Anyone know how to switch HDD's from one Original Xbox to the other. I have a Xbox screw driver but some of them won't fit it. Also need to know even if able to get all the screws out of that swap is even possible without major repercussions.

You on about torque screws (star-shaped ones)?

Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:42 pm
by Bluecast
Yeah. I have one. Just som eon the original Xbox on the casing that holds the HDD in are to big. May search online for a bigger one I guess. Rest of the screws on the system the screwdriver works fine. I originally bough it to change cases on a 360 controller but gave up on the idea when I got a new 360 with the black pad. Original Xbox died in 2009 but the HDD is fine has all my data.

Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:50 pm
by MiTT3NZ
I've found that allen keys tend to work well with torque screws if you're having difficulty finding the right size. Obviously it'll fuck the heads up slightly, but because of the shape it'll just file it down into a hex socket anyway.

Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:34 pm
MiTT3NZ wrote:
GKDAIR wrote:Does anybody else think that older games are just better than newer ones?

Hell yeah, games like Tetris and Space Invaders kick the shit outta Deux Ex: HR and Arkham City...

I can't tell you if are being sarcastic or not, so my response will assume you are.

Way to take the most extreme example of apples and oranges, but what else should I expect from the internet? You can't even compare these games remotely on any level, so your example completely falls apart.

How about Morrowind and Skyrim. Morrowind is 8 years older than Skyrim. Skyrim improves on the graphics and physics, but on everything else it can't hold a candle to Morrowind, and quite honestly is an RPG for idiots. It's an RPG for people who don't like RPGs. About the only "deep" thing in that entire game is leveling up, for an RPG it's disgraceful. Completely dumbed down and made stupid for the lowest common denominator of people, because that is where the sales are.

Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 3 - Pretty much stripped of all RPG elements. Planet exploration is gone, no more open levels, everything is a giant hallway shooting range, journal is extremely simplified and downright horrible, focus of a tacked on multiplayer, one of the biggest disasters of an ending and left a permanent black mark on the series.

Vice City to Grand Theft Auto 4 - Went from over the top hilarity to realistically bowling with your cousin. I shouldn't have to add any more.

I could go on and on and on and on and on. You still have a good game come along every now and then, but the industry as it stands now cannot hold a candle to it's older generations.

Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:52 pm
by MiTT3NZ
It's all subjective. Never played Morrowing or Skyrim. Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 3? I preferred the third. The original had it's place, but there was so much shit side-tracking you that it didn't feel like the cinematic experience BioWare were shooting for, so if anything, Mass Effect 1 got it wrong, the second tried to correct it, and the third got it right.

Vice City to GTA IV? Preferred IV. SA's my favourite, but I can't deny the sheer quality of the gameplay in GTA IV. Going back to VC now? Not even able to control the camera? Awkward shooting system? In terms of Gameplay, GTA1 beats it hands down. Don't get me wrong, everyone loves Vice City. It was great at the time. But it's a game I'll only ever look back on fondly, it's not a game I'd go back to because it just isn't good enough for me to waste my time trying to get back into.

You can't just simply say that older games are better than newer games. I'd say Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time kick the shit out of any recent or earlier Zelda game. I'd also say that the original Splinter Cell shouldn't even bother turning up to a fight with this gen's version of Double Agent. AC: Brotherhood was better than the first AC, Sonic Adventure 1 was better than Sonic Adventure 2, Super Mario World wiped the floor with Super Mario Bros., R/B/G/Y are still hands down the best versions of Pokemon, and there are loads of people who prefer SI's Championship Manager 3 to it's current incarnation of Football Manager.

I'm sorry, GKDAIR, but I've never read such a vague, poorly thought-through argument as the one you're trying to make. "Older games are better than newer ones". What bollocks. The worst thing is that you're putting one generation up against six others. Hardly a fair argument, is it? And it's definitely not a smart one either.

Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:57 am
MiTT3NZ wrote: It's all subjective. Never played Morrowing or Skyrim. Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 3? I preferred the third. The original had it's place, but there was so much shit side-tracking you that it didn't feel like the cinematic experience BioWare were shooting for, so if anything, Mass Effect 1 got it wrong, the second tried to correct it, and the third got it right.

Vice City to GTA IV? Preferred IV. SA's my favourite, but I can't deny the sheer quality of the gameplay in GTA IV. Going back to VC now? Not even able to control the camera? Awkward shooting system? In terms of Gameplay, GTA1 beats it hands down. Don't get me wrong, everyone loves Vice City. It was great at the time. But it's a game I'll only ever look back on fondly, it's not a game I'd go back to because it just isn't good enough for me to waste my time trying to get back into.

You can't just simply say that older games are better than newer games. I'd say Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time kick the shit out of any recent or earlier Zelda game. I'd also say that the original Splinter Cell shouldn't even bother turning up to a fight with this gen's version of Double Agent. AC: Brotherhood was better than the first AC, Sonic Adventure 1 was better than Sonic Adventure 2, Super Mario World wiped the floor with Super Mario Bros., R/B/G/Y are still hands down the best versions of Pokemon, and there are loads of people who prefer SI's Championship Manager 3 to it's current incarnation of Football Manager.

I'm sorry, GKDAIR, but I've never read such a vague, poorly thought-through argument as the one you're trying to make. "Older games are better than newer ones". What bollocks. The worst thing is that you're putting one generation up against six others. Hardly a fair argument, is it? And it's definitely not a smart one either.

Ah so you're just going to personally attack me then? We learned about people like you in Philosophy.

Like I said I could write a book and give literally hundreds of examples over how this generation of games sucks, but I'm not going to. I've done it several times before in plenty of other forums, and I'm not going to waste my time writing an essay for the 4 people who visit this forum regularly.

A game shouldn't be a cinematic experience, period. You're losing so much of the game's value when it becomes that. Think about all the times the camera magically pans over to get the perfect angle for that super glorious explosion, think about all the times the cut scene blends in with the game so you don't know if your actually controlling anything or not. Think about all the times the game has made you press a button to preform an action instead of actually preforming the action. Mass Effect 3 is guilty of all of that. When a game becomes the "cinematic experience" you so desperately want, you turn your brain off and practically play the game on auto-pilot not thinking about anything, you become a zombie.

I can see you are the type of gamer that the current generation caters to. The less you have to think, the better. That's not attacking you or calling you stupid, it's literally the kinds of games you prefer. How anybody could find GTA IV remotely interesting is beyond me. What GTA does technical wise is nothing short of amazing, but the problem is when they put that into a game environment the player just becomes bored. NOBODY wants to go bowling with Roman, we want to pile up in the biggest car we can find and drive down main street causing hell, but even GTA IV made that boring. The entire game is just generic and bland, and Saints Row 2 basically curb stomps GTA IV into Oblivion. Saints Row 2 was like San Andreas 2, it played like the older GTA games on steroids, which is what gamers wanted, and it's why Saints Row become such a popular series. Now people tend to think Saints Row is too over the top, and I agree, but I will take that over Bore Theft Auto anyday. I don't care that my character realistically carjacks someone, I care about my character running full speed and smashing through the windshield to carjack someone. That's what a game should be. Not realism. Games and Realism should never ever come in the same room.

Again, you are cherrypicking games to suit your own argument, and it's quite sad. I'm telling you we learned about people like you in Philosophy and how you debate and rationalize your beliefs. You're not even following the statement of the question, you're jumping around all sorts of generations and picking games from the same generation just to make your argument look better.

Going back and playing older games, you can clearly see how todays games have just gotten stupider to appeal to the lowest common denominator of players, which from your argument, sounds like you. If todays games cater to you then that's fine, but I like my games with a bit more heart and soul put into them.

Re: I unplugged my Wii U and put my Xbox 1 in it's spot.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:13 am
by MiTT3NZ
GKDAIR wrote:Ah so you're just going to personally attack me then?, I was pointing out the fact that your argument is massively flawed. Trust me, you'd know if I was personally attacking you.

GKDAIR wrote:We learned about people like you in Philosophy.

Ah, we have ourselves a classic case of the two-class college kid genius.

GKDAIR wrote:Like I said I could write a book and give literally hundreds of examples over how this generation of games sucks, but I'm not going to.

So you'd put Portal 2 in the same category as Cooking Mama? Every generation has a broad range of quality when it comes to games. You could pick out a huge lump of shit and a well-refined diamond from literally any generation.

GKDAIR wrote:I've done it several times before in plenty of other forums, and I'm not going to waste my time writing an essay for the 4 people who visit this forum regularly.

I'm sure there's more than 4. And don't worry, I've already given props for the extremely witty comeback of "alright, five then."

GKDAIR wrote:A game shouldn't be a cinematic experience, period. You're losing so much of the game's value when it becomes that. Think about all the times the camera magically pans over to get the perfect angle for that super glorious explosion, think about all the times the cut scene blends in with the game so you don't know if your actually controlling anything or not. Think about all the times the game has made you press a button to preform an action instead of actually preforming the action. Mass Effect 3 is guilty of all of that. When a game becomes the "cinematic experience" you so desperately want, you turn your brain off and practically play the game on auto-pilot not thinking about anything, you become a zombie.

...o-kayyy, you do realise you're on a Shenmue forum, right? And that "cinematic experience" doesn't mean "look at that explosion over there"? Or that the abbreviation for "you are" is "you're"? Evidently not.

GKDAIR wrote:I can see you are the type of gamer that the current generation caters to. The less you have to think, the better. That's not attacking you or calling you stupid, it's literally the kinds of games you prefer.

And where, may I ask, did you get this from? Your assumption is based on few facts. My favourite type of game is one that makes me think, detective-style and stealth games. Then again, I also enjoy going on a game for a quick blast to have a bit of fun, like FIFA or Duke Nukem.

GKDAIR wrote:How anybody could find GTA IV remotely interesting is beyond me. What GTA does technical wise is nothing short of amazing, but the problem is when they put that into a game environment the player just becomes bored. NOBODY wants to go bowling with Roman, we want to pile up in the biggest car we can find and drive down main street causing hell, but even GTA IV made that boring. The entire game is just generic and bland, and Saints Row 2 basically curb stomps GTA IV into Oblivion. Saints Row 2 was like San Andreas 2, it played like the older GTA games on steroids, which is what gamers wanted, and it's why Saints Row become such a popular series. Now people tend to think Saints Row is too over the top, and I agree, but I will take that over Bore Theft Auto anyday. I don't care that my character realistically carjacks someone, I care about my character running full speed and smashing through the windshield to carjack someone. That's what a game should be. Not realism. Games and Realism should never ever come in the same room.

Now this one made me smile. I'd like to bring you back to the previous quote. "I can see you are the type of gamer that the current generation caters to. The less you have to think, the better." Then we can follow it with this: "I don't care that my character realistically carjacks someone, I care about my character running full speed and smashing through the windshield to carjack someone."

On top of that, didn't Saints Row 2 come out after GTA IV? Surely it couldn't have, I mean, your whole argument is that "older games are better than newer games", and I know for a fact that you wouldn't contradict yourself on a consistent basis like this, especially considering you have the ability to write a four-page essay on it.

GKDAIR wrote:Again, you are cherrypicking games to suit your own argument, and it's quite sad.

Didn't you already use GTA and Mass Effect as examples? I've got an idea, let's just pick games out of a hat and debate what we get. That way, I won't be cherry picking, and you won't just be talking about GTA and Mass Effect.

GKDAIR wrote:I'm telling you we learned about people like you in Philosophy and how you debate and rationalize your beliefs.

o rly?

It can be quite easy to rationalise fact, considering it comes pre-installed with a heavy dose of reality.

GKDAIR wrote:You're not even following the statement of the question

Your question was, and I quote, "Does anybody else think that older games are just better than newer ones?" My first reply was indeed sarcasm. My second reply answered it directly, using facts to back it up. My answer was that it is all subjective, and that there are people who prefer older games to newer games, people who prefer newer games to older games, and people who judge each individual game based on what it is, what has come before it, and what was expected, therefore answering your question quite well indeed.

GKDAIR wrote:you're jumping around all sorts of generations and picking games from the same generation just to make your argument look better.

You made the comparison between Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 3. Both of the same generation.
You made the comparison between GTA IV and Saint's Row 2. Both of the same generation.
You made the comparison between Vice City and GTA IV. Both of different generations. I took it a step further and added a game from another generation in the form of GTA1.

I made the comparison between Wind Waker and OoT. Both are from different generations.
I made the comparison between Splinter Cell and Double Agent (360). Both are from different generations.
I made the comparison between Super Mario World and Super Mario. Both are from different generations.
I made the comparison between Championship Manager 3 and Football Manager. Both are from different generations.
I made the comparison between Pokemon R/B/G/Y and the others. They are from different generations.
I made the comparison between Assassin's Creed and AC: Brotherhood. They are from the same generation.
I made the comparison between Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2. They are from the same generation.

Can you see what happened there? Neither one of us could refrain from "jumping around all sorts of generations" or "picking games from the same generation". I'll let you figure out why that is.

GKDAIR wrote:Going back and playing older games, you can clearly see how todays games have just gotten stupider to appeal to the lowest common denominator of players, which from your argument, sounds like you. If todays games cater to you then that's fine, but I like my games with a bit more heart and soul put into them.

Okay, so making your own way from point A to B in 3D space, using different combinations of equipment, interacting with different characters and objects, choosing which skills to upgrade in order to cater to your preferred method of play isn't as complex as "run from left side to right side of screen, jump on everything"? Go and tell Telltale Games that Morrowind has more heart and soul than The Walking Dead.

This generation I got to play at the Etihad Stadium. I got to take down two terrorist threats, gathering intel on hostiles and targets, achieving it all with zero casualties and not spotted once. And I got to actually fucking be Batman. So yeah, I'm glad this generation's catered to me. I'm glad I'm considered the lowest common denominator, because now when I play games like Mirror's Edge, Hotel Dusk, and Deus Ex: HR, I can think to myself "these games were made with me in mind".

So, thank you for that startling but cheerful revelation, because all it says to me is that dev studios do give a shit, do put in their heart and soul, and they definitely do strive to please me.

I sincerely hope you read this, because I can tell it's not every day that common sense comes by to bitch slap you in the face.