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Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:40 am
by BlueMue
KidMarine wrote: Maybe they should just jettison modern Sonic altogether and concentrate on the Sonic that people actually like?

Definately not, Sonic can't live in the past forever. There are a lot of people, including me, that like Modern Sonic and the 3D games that go along with him and want to see a new game with a more serious tone. Not as serious as Sonic 06, but definately not as silly as Lost World. To me the Adventures set the benchmark of how a story can go.

I love the classics but the 3D games can give a whole different sensation of speed and fun. I see no reason why they should go. The Adventures were great, Generations was great and so were Sonics stages in Unleashed.

Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:37 pm
by Sonikku
BlueMue wrote:
phpBB [video]

Good god if they had had Sonic The Hedgehog Lego sets when I was a kid... :shock:

Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:40 pm
by myshtuff
Never forget.


Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 2:50 pm
by BlueMue
Ah, how many years it's been since I saw that picture. The Sonic cycle...
Technically it was already broken by Unleashed. Colours and Generations certainly didn't fit into it at all.
And Boom looked like shit from the very start. The cycle is really way too focused on Sonic 06.

Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 5:07 pm
by Henry Spencer
Well, it definitely did fit around the games that we got like Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic 4, Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic Riders, Sonic Boom and Sonic '06. Let's not pretend there hasn't been some damage done to the brand that's why it's ridiculed so much nowadays. It's not just '06 that sucked or was mediocre (and honestly, I wasn't a fan of Unleashed either, personally).

And the Sonic games that did break the mold for not sucking were the handheld Sonic games like the Sonic Advance series and Sonic Rush games which were 10x better than the home console Sonic games. Which is exactly why I'm more looking forward to the 2D Sonic game, even if it is retreading old ground, the latest efforts from Sonic Team have done nothing for me. Generations was overrated as hell. And Colors looked bland as hell.

Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:35 pm
by Englishhedgehog
KidMarine wrote: Maybe they should just jettison modern Sonic altogether and concentrate on the Sonic that people actually like?

"Hey Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his entitlement level?"

Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 5:09 am
by KidMarine
Englishhedgehog wrote:
KidMarine wrote: Maybe they should just jettison modern Sonic altogether and concentrate on the Sonic that people actually like?

"Hey Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his entitlement level?"

Hey I'd just like to see Sega make a good decision every now and then.

Sonic 1 and 2 sold 14 million and 6 million each. No modern Sonic has come close and almost every Sonic game in the past 20 years has been panned and hated.

If you like modern Sonic, you're very much in the minority.

Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 5:17 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
Is "entitled" joining "fanboy" as a standby for whenever gamers are in need of a pejorative term to express disagreement, whether it fits the context or not?

Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 7:37 am
by Hyo Razuki
The Mania thing looks solid and could actually be fun. Don't know if it'll be better than Sonic 2, Sonic CD or Sonic 3 & Knuckles but it looks alright at least. The 3-D one looks just flat-out boring to me.Worse than that. It made me cringe and brought up some horrible memories of Sonic 06. / And don't get me started on the Lego thing. Looks like the horrible Sonic 3D from Mega Drive.

Seriously, I'm just sick and tired of the bazillionth Sonic game being announced. It seems the only IPs Sega cares for are Sonic, Yakuza - which contrary to Sonic at least has always been up to certain quality standards - and maybe Sega Europe's Warhammer stuff and the Football (Soccer) Manager.

What about the other IP's though? Obiviously there's Shenmue they're doing fuck all with, then there's Panzer Dragoon (Orta was so great - where is that stuff?), the Phantasy Star main series, the Phantasy Star Online Series - any person in their sane mind would think a western version of PSO 2 is an effing no-brainer.

Shining, anyone? Yeah, I know there's that beat-em-up thing coming. But come on, a Shining BeU? Seriously? It's about time for a new Shining Force RPG. Or do a remake of SF3 ffs, and bring it to the West!

Shinobi? Skies of Arcadia, Streets of Rage, Crazy Taxi, Virtua Tennis?

I gotta stop. I know a lot of people on here feel this way. I'm not saying anything new, but I had to write this off my chest. Good riddance. [/rant]

Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 8:29 am
by Kintor
KidMarine wrote: Hey I'd just like to see Sega make a good decision every now and then.

Sonic 1 and 2 sold 14 million and 6 million each. No modern Sonic has come close and almost every Sonic game in the past 20 years has been panned and hated.

If you like modern Sonic, you're very much in the minority.

You'd do well not underestimate the enduring appeal of the Sonic franchise as a whole, whether you are a fan of classic or modern Sonic games. All across the games industry franchises rise and fall, most of Sonic's rivals didn't survive the 32-bit era; even Crash Bandicoot is long gone, that is unless you count a belated Skylanders cameo. Yet new Sonic games continue to be made, finding an eager audience amongst Sonic fans both young and old. Disasters like Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom would be enough to destroy any other franchise but not Sonic the Hedgehog. The fact that we are here at the 25th anniversary with two brand new Sonic games in the works is a testament to that fact.

Personally, I've been a Sonic fan for as long as I can remember. One of my earliest memories is of watching an episode of the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog on TV. I've watched the Sonic franchise evolve over the years, always striving for new innovations and to make use of cutting-edge technology. I count Sonic 2 as my favourite game of all time and I count the likes of Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Generations in equal regard. This is why I will be buying both Sonic Mania and 'Sonic Project 2017' when they are released. It's only by moving forward that the Sonic franchise will continue to thrive, what I've seen with these new trailers gives me every confidence that the Sonic the Hedgehog is on the right path.

Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 4:37 pm
by BlueMue
More gameplay from Sonic Mania in this video. It's only off-screen footage but the most complete as it shows the entire acts of Green Hill Zone and Studiopolis.

phpBB [video]

I think Studiopolis is just amazing. There are so many little details and nods to other Sega franchises and Sega itself.
Hornet Car from Daytona USA, Segasonic popcorn machine, Game Gear TVs, Streets Of Rage bar sign...
And the music! It has all the elements that made the original Sonic CD soundtrack great.
Very driving beat, the piano, orchestra hits in the right places and a few voice samples to top it off.

Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:25 pm
by InsanityIsCrazy
The party was the funniest pile of cringe I'd witnessed in months. The dude in the sonic suit, the sound problems, the chili dog buffet, it was the best worst thing.

Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:39 pm
by Jibby
I don't get why people think that a Sonic game with a serious plot is a bad thing. Sonic '06 might have been a rushed mess, but if they had fixed the glitches and rethought the weirdness of the character relationships I don't think it would have been THAT bad.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 had serious plots and whilst yes, the games are clunky by today's standards, I feel the storylines still hold up. But unfortunately all we get now is are games with a watered down, boring story and a 2.5D hold X to win control scheme. Unleashed did it, Colours did it, Generations did it, and from the new trailer, it seems that this one will be no different.

I think it's sad that SEGA won't return to the gameplay and story styles of the late 90's - early 00's games. Personally, I blame the failure of Sonic '06 which did try to do that. But it wasn't the gameplay style, or the plot (well, maybe a little bit the plot...) that made that game fail, it was the complete lack of development and rush to get the game out.

I'm not trying to trash the franchise, but there's only so long you can hold the X button before you get bored.

Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 8:52 pm
by Englishhedgehog
KidMarine wrote:
Englishhedgehog wrote:
KidMarine wrote: Maybe they should just jettison modern Sonic altogether and concentrate on the Sonic that people actually like?

"Hey Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his entitlement level?"

Hey I'd just like to see Sega make a good decision every now and then.

Sonic 1 and 2 sold 14 million and 6 million each. No modern Sonic has come close and almost every Sonic game in the past 20 years has been panned and hated.

If you like modern Sonic, you're very much in the minority.

Sonic 06 sold a shit ton of copies. Don't use sales to back up your argument.

And the whole every Sonic game in the last 20 years has been panned thing is flat out wrong. Say what you want about the Adventure games now, I still love them and so did everyone else when they first came out. Heroes wasn't great but definitely didn't fit the description of panned or hated. Unleashed got negative reviews but has received a massive cult following over the years and is now in the top 5 Sonic games for many people. Colours and Generations, I don't need to say much, the vast majority of people love them. Sonic has undeniably had shite games, I hate 06 more than anyone should be allowed to hate a game, but don't go into the cliche, ignorant mindset of "lol, every Sonic game was shite after Sonic 3." Because, I can and will go full nerd on you.

Re: Sonic 25th reveals - Sonic Mania and 'Project Sonic 2017

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:06 pm
by Riku Rose
Anyone who tries to argue that the Sonic series is in a good place needs to look outside of the cult that follows it to see it's become a joke. Since Adventure 2 there has been 12 console games and most (Sure Sonic fans may go crazy for certain games but that's not what I'm saying) would only say they like Generations and Colors.

The only people buying the games these days are Sonic fans who can't move on and are holding out hope and kids.