What are you currently playing?

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Who Really Cares? » Wed Aug 17, 2016 6:27 am

Finally went back and finished the collectibles in Arkham Knight before doing the same with Quantum Break which I'm now playing on hard to 100%

After that I still have Witcher 2 to finish and 3 to start
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Monkei » Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:43 am

Playing the PS4 port of the PS2 port of Psychonauts, and having a great time with it. Still a great game.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby shredingskin » Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:00 pm

Danganronpa 2,I'm in the second trial, I don't know if it was the style shock of the first that made me like it or what, but this one feels less special for some reason.

Still pretty good though.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby OL » Thu Aug 18, 2016 3:33 am

ShenGCH wrote:
OL wrote: Also, since I'm apparently in a bit of a Batman/DC mood, I was thinking about Arkham Origins earlier and how I never got around to playing the Mr. Freeze DLC they put out, titled Cold Cold Heart.
Unlike most people, Origins was my favorite of the initial three Arkham games to be released. The other games were great, sure, but they always struck me with this really "videogame-y" vibe, the way their stories were basically just big excuses to cram as many villains and references in as possible. That kind of thing always feels a little forced to me, even if the writer was someone as fun as Paul Dini. Origins, meanwhile, felt a helluva lot more focused in its story, more like something that would legitimately work in the comics. There are lots of villains, sure, but they're mainly obscure ones, and they all actually factor into the plot in some essential way, rather than just being there for fanboy giggles. Really underrated game that a lot of people seem to ignore just because it isn't a Rocksteady game.
Anyway, was intending to just get the DLC and play that, but I got all wrapped up in the main game once again, so I figure I'll go through that first. Goddamn blast so far, even having playing it before.
I do have to say though, it's a terrible, terrible shame that the upcoming Return to Arkham pack is only going to include Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, but skip this one entirely. Though I love it, Origins is the one entry with more technical problems than the others, and really could use a nice remastering on PS4.
Anyway, I guess I should finally get Arkham Knight after this. It's down to about 20 bucks at most places anyway.

I'm in the camp with those who didn't like Arkham Origins, not because it wasn't made by Rocksteady (it wouldn't have made the slightest bit of difference who made it so long as it was a good game), but because it felt like a quick cash-in 'til Arkham Knight. I got the game at launch, and I was actually really enjoying myself for the twelve or so hours I was able to put into it... and then my save file corrupted and I refused to play it again until they patched it, which they did about a month or so later. Started a whole new game, was really enjoying it once again, but then it just started to drag and seem tacky with very little substance outside of being a generic open world with Batman as the main character. I hated what they did with the Joker, too, turning him from the evil, twisted motherfucker with an ambiguous and mysterious background that he was in the previous two games into nothing more than a theatrical assassin. There was no reason for him to be in the game outside of the fact that he just had to be in there because it's Batman, even though there are a whole group of other assassins from the rogues gallery after him. Completely agree that it's very comic book-ish; I think that works in its favour.

Arkham Knight is great (and a technical marvel, too), but I'd have to place it at #3 out of the four.

It's funny, the stuff with the Joker is actually what I appreciate most about Origins. They didn't turn him from or into anything; they present a point of introduction between him and Batman. Before Batman, the Joker is just wandering almost aimlessly, killing and having laughs however he can, pulling off odd plans for kicks, really just committing terrible acts with no purpose or meaning. I don't remember him being an assassin or whatever, but I'm playing up to that point, so I'll be refreshed on it soon enough. Anyway, the whole point of the game is that it shows why the Joker eventually turns out the way he does later; once he's met Batman, he finds a purpose. He finds his eternal dance partner, the one he feels he has to keep challenging and playing against for the rest of his life. In a twisted way, it's about him finding his other half. The therapy session he has with Harleen Quinzel is, to me, just about the most powerful scene in the entire series up to that point, because it finally attempts to show some part of the inner working's of the Joker's mind, and it does so brilliantly.
If anything, this is the one piece of media outside of the comics that I feel absolutely nails the Joker's character, on a level beyond just "insane clown." He's great in the other Arkham games, sure, but then they also don't make any attempt to explain his inner workings like this does. And for my money, Heath Ledger's Joker might be one of the greatest performances in cinema history, but aside from his line about being "destined to do this forever," he's not actually much of an "adaptation" of the comics version.
Arkham Origins though?
Goddamn nail on the head, in every way. It shows his development into the Joker we'd later dig so much, but also doesn't explicitly explain his actual background (there's still no explanation of his identity or where he came from, far as I can remember, so that sense of mystery remains).
Sure, the game itself might not have pushed the series to many new places mechanically (which is something I'll personally never mind in a videogame series; if it was good to begin with, I won't mind it a second time with a new scenario), but that storyline, man. As a longtime fanatic of the comics themselves, I appreciate the hell out of the thought they put into the story and characterizations for this one. It's all way more faithful to the source than many people realize, I think.

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby OL » Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:38 pm

Started playing the Nioh beta demo (just release on PSN today, I think), and good news for anyone who found the alpha demo too hard: they removed the restriction on movement when you run out of ki/stamina. So running out of it in this now has no adverse affect, outside of not being able to attack. You can still run away, instead of your character panting in place until it refills.
I didn't mind it in the older alpha demo myself; just thought it was an extra layer of challenge. But apparently a lot of people said "fuck this game" when it proved too hard before, so this should make it a lot more palatable to many people.
It's great how much work the devs are putting into getting this game right, and how open they've been to feedback.

EDIT: Oh, nevermind, it's still there. It just seems much more rare than before. Gonna have to experiment a bit to see what causes it.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Axm » Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:49 pm

Uncharted Waters New Hori Online

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby sand4fish » Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:52 pm


Monster Hunter Generations. I've been introduced to this franchise by a friend (first time playing in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate) and I've been hooked since. Very steep learning curve, but it's one of those games on a list you'd bring to a desert island, and I believe it's one the few IPs that it's keeping Capcom afloat these days.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Axm » Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:09 am

Absolute Drift: Zen Edition (PS4) Awesome addicting simple game with great music and controls.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Henry Spencer » Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:37 pm

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Has a bit of a lacklustre start but now I'm around 7 hours in it's much better, it's great playing as an Interpol agent in a Cyberpunk setting (finally in somewhere other than in the USA or Japan in a cyberpunk game for a change...or Hong Kong). The Side Missions are pretty much just as good as the main game itself and the game is challenging. It's still a stealth game, so people who bitched that fighting in HR was "rubbish" will still feel the same way, but for a full stealth experience, it's the best out on current gen, for sure. So many Augs to unlock in this one too. The fact that it's just one Hub area means they can populate the area with more unique NPCs and fulfill the promise of great side missions, for a more focused design. No 2 side quests are the same, none of this fetch quest crap either. Each and every single side quest features cinematics and lots of choices/fun level design. Not come across one lame side quest yet, they've all been at least good.

The dialogue system is also much improved upon and the story seems like a slow burn this time around as opposed to the batshit insanity the previous game had, some will like this, some will not. Maybe it kicks off later, but so far, it seems like it's more laid back and less linear overall. Music is as intense as ever and it wears its Metal Gear influences on its sleeve.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby MiTT3NZ » Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:38 pm

Henry Spencer wrote:it wears its Metal Gear influences on its sleeve.

Like MGSV does with Splinter Cell then?
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby ys » Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:19 pm

Henry Spencer wrote: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Has a bit of a lacklustre start but now I'm around 7 hours in it's much better, it's great playing as an Interpol agent in a Cyberpunk setting (finally in somewhere other than in the USA or Japan in a cyberpunk game for a change...or Hong Kong). The Side Missions are pretty much just as good as the main game itself and the game is challenging.

I'm also playing this one at the moment and agree with your post. I'm not that far yet but it seems as if the denser world helps the world building in general. Without spoiling things, early on, outside of missions, I was hacking some random pc and while reading the mail, I suddenly understood something that I saw earlier. It reinforced the grim reality of the world but without any quest or cutscene around it. I also liked that you could mess up or miss things while the mission goes on. Or that they made you quickly decide how to approach a situation during the opening part of the game.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby IrishNinja » Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:13 pm

Yakuza 5! tying up Haruka's chapter, gonna see where it goes from there but i'm loving it. thinking I'll do AM2R next, then finally play Dragon Force!
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Tue Aug 30, 2016 10:17 am

Dragons Crown rocks! I love this throw back goodness so much. Plus all the RPG elements and all the madness going on on the screen while I tear up enemies. Plus doing quests, customizing my characters abilities and stats (race specific and general) really adds some spice to the game, there are a few fun little quirks they threw in to keep it fresh, and I like how you can run through the areas over and over and keep collecting more loot and there are even ways to change how you want your items to drop and what will be inside chests. One thing I wish is that your other recrutable party memebers also leveled up, because you can only change equipment and level up your main character. I am sure the PS3 local multi-player and online multi-player for this is a blast, this is the kind of game i would actually play online with friends, its just a cool little release and apparently a spiritual sucessor to Dungeons and Dragons arcade, definitely has that arcade 2D side scroller feel and its reminding me alot of the NES and SNES days so nostalgia all through out, really enjoying this one so far, its a special game.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Monkei » Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:07 am

Inside (PS4), about halfway through. Holy fuck is this game darkly gorgeous.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Peter » Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:23 pm

Bought the remaster of RE4 for the Xbox. Enjyoing going back to Pueblo, but there are some issues like they didnt redesign the opening cutscene which still looks like its on the Gamecube, and there are some issues with the Hunnigan model on the videochat interface. Other than that, it looks solid.

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