What are you currently playing?

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What are you currently playing?

Postby Axm » Sun Sep 04, 2016 2:08 am

In the middle of the Uncharted 4 campaign still. Just finished the most amazing chase sequence ive ever experienced before. How fluid and seemless it went from section to section was so impressive. The controls, graphics, sound, music, timing, emotion.. it was a huge accomplishment in execution by Naughty Dog. Uncharted 4 is shaping up to be the best in the series so far.

edit: All followed up by an emotional cut scene that fans of the series will nearly cry over..
Fucking hell this shit is good.

edit2: Then a island area that shits on any other island area before it.


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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Calshot » Sun Sep 04, 2016 3:23 am

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Axm » Wed Sep 07, 2016 8:49 pm

The Tomorrow Children by Q Games.

The president of Q Games Dylan Cuthbert is a friend of mine, so this was highly anticipated. It's a really interesting game so far. I don't think it's for everyone as it involves alot of what seems like actual work.. but it still has so much charm and depth that I keep wanting to play it. It will appeal to those who like Minecraft, No Man's Sky and other collecting/building type of games.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Thief » Sun Sep 11, 2016 10:27 pm

Demon's Souls

First time playing a Souls game. Went for soldier build sword and shield (although mainly using a hammer right now). So far I'm 20 hours in and I've beaten the first two parts of world 1, all of world 2, all of world 3, first part of world 4, and the first part of world 5. Spent a little while today in the Valley of Defilement and died to the Colossus guy who kept poisoning me or something and just needed a break. I think it's a really good game, but after a while I get annoyed with having to run through the same stuff over and over again. One death means wasting my time trying to get back through the stuff I've already conquered. Overall I'm really enjoying myself.. just need a break for right now.

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby OL » Wed Sep 14, 2016 4:43 pm

Hauled out the ol' original Xbox just now. Was having a conversation with my brother about superhero videogames, and The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction came up. Never got around to beating it way back when it first came out (eleven friggin years ago), and didn't actually play much when I re-bought it last year (I think it was last year, at least).
Seriously excellent game. It's kind of like the Arkham Asylum of Hulk videogames, in that finally a developer got their hands on the character and took him in the right direction, pulling off all the awesome shit you might want from the character and more, just like Arkham did with Batman. I'd say, alongside the Arkham games, this is easily one of the best comic-based games ever made.
Nice little bonus feature, it's also one of the very, very few original Xbox games that can run in 720p HD, if you're using a component cable. Doesn't make it smoother necessarily, but it does make it naturally run in widescreen and all that. Looks really good considering the hardware.
Just a shame I apparently can't play as Gray Hulk until I beat the game. I always preferred the gray look over the green.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Bambi » Tue Sep 20, 2016 5:27 pm


Not a popular game round these parts but I always re-sub for a new expansion.

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Mr. Frozen » Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:19 pm

Rocket league is pretty much the only game I play these days. It is insanely fun. Super easy to get into but the skill ceiling is ridiculously high. I also think it is the type of game that could make e-sports popular. You do not need to know crap about the game to enjoy watching others play it. Here is a video from last year's MLG finals so you can see what I mean:

phpBB [video]

EDIT: Just so you know, regular play is nothing like this. I would say about 80% of players do not know how to hit the ball in the air, and the rest just hit the ball, hoping it goes towards the enemy goal. In many unranked games it is complete clusterfuck, which is what makes the game fun. I played once with Paschy (one of the players in the video, there was probably another MLG player on his team as well but I cant remember the name) and his team completely just wiped the floor with us. They pretty much played the game entirely in the air while we drove around on the ground like idiots. I'm just honored that the game thought I was good enough to play against them.

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby OL » Sun Sep 25, 2016 11:28 am

Been playing through Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2. Finally.
I've been meaning to play it for such a long time, but I think I needed to wait a good long while, since back in the day I played the hell out of the first game then watched the full 100+ episode anime straight through. I wouldn't say I was necessarily burnt out, but Ken's Rage 2 does re-tread much of the same ground found in the first game (and the anime of course), so I just needed to wait awhile.
Definitely helped, since I'd actually forgotten certain bits of the story, making it feel a little fresher. Finished the complete Raoh saga (basically the first 22 "levels"), and now it's moved on to the Celestial Emperor and New World arcs, which is the stuff that wasn't adapted in the first game at all.
Having a fuck-ton of fun. It really does feel like something made for established fans though; the actual gameplay sections are pretty sparse, with the story scenes arguably taking up the most time overall. Objectively, it's actually kind of weak as a "game," but as a stylish, interactive re-telling of the anime/manga, it's pretty fucking rad. So a non-fan might not see the appeal of it, and I'd totally understand that. But as a fan, I'm finding tons to fall in love with. Soooooo many playable characters, and with a few omissions and alterations, the majority of the story has been really lovingly recreated with a ton of passion by the devs. I remember initially being a bit disappointed that so much of the story was being told through comic-style still panels, with the actual cutscenes only appearing here and there, but I totally understand why they did this now. There's just so much story contained in here that animating every single bit of it would have been insane.
And after the main story is over, there's still the "Dream Mode" which has a ton of side-stories for every single playable character, taking place on Dynasty Warriors-style battlegrounds where you have to capture bases and all that. So there's still a lot of content to hit up, even beyond the expansive story.
Friggin' fun times.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Thief » Wed Sep 28, 2016 5:36 pm

Dark Souls

Just beat my sixth boss or so and got the key to Blighttown. There are a lot of little nitpicks that bother me about this game compared to Demon's Souls (that I won't mention because they're not that big of a deal), but overall the pluses far outweigh the little negatives. Great game, and I'm thoroughly impressed with how they designed the world (from an interconnectivity standpoint).

Also, I don't know if it's just because I came off playing Demon's Souls, but I find Dark Souls to be significantly easier than Demon's Souls. I haven't had any trouble with the bosses, and since the bonfires are so close to the bosses, if I fail I know I can easily get back there. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing yet, but since I'm only six bosses in, I'll wait and see how the rest of the game is like.

Long story short, great game so far.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby OL » Mon Oct 03, 2016 1:28 am

Finally got around to seriously playing Resonance of Fate. Always wanted to, and I certainly remember being pretty hyped for it during development, but I'm bad about starting JRPGs. Finally getting to it now though, and hey, only six years late.
I remember hearing a lot of talk about how difficult it is, but now that I've given it about eight hours, I don't really think it's that hard. As complexity is concerned, the mechanics are actually really simple; they're just avant garde enough that it might take some time for most people to really "get" it. But once you understand the basics (roughly half an hour in the training section of the arena takes care of that) it ain't that difficult. At least not in these early areas. The battles are actually less about special powers or abilities (it's mostly just setting a course, sending the characters off running, and shooting stuff), and more about strategic positioning. Pretty refreshing.
And man, loving those aesthetics. The world seems really interesting (super surreal, lightly post-apocalyptic), the characters seem to be pretty likable, and that friggin' Kohei Tanaka/Motoi Sakuraba soundtrack is majestic. Visual customization on the characters is pretty nice so far too.
Enjoying it quite a lot.

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What are you currently playing?

Postby Axm » Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:46 am

Its a really great game, but unfortunately eventually I hit a wall in difficulty and couldn't progress. I'd keep going back to the game every once in awhile and still couldn't do it. I think it was just that the timing of the commands and positioning was too demanding between the 3 characters. I wish they had a lower difficulty just so I could have gotten through the game for the brilliant world. Maybe I sucked at it though. Good luck.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby redline » Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:08 am

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Monkei » Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:31 am

Starting The Order: 1886.. let's see what all the hate and disappointment is about :p
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Axm » Tue Oct 04, 2016 6:55 am

I got a Biohazard value pack here in Japan which includes Zero, REmake, 4, 5, 6.
Playing 4 atm.

Also still going through Uncharted 4.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby MiTT3NZ » Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:02 am

Still on Phantom Pain at the awkward bit where you have to replay missions on a higher difficulty to advance the story. Fucking cop out cunts.
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