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Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 1:02 pm
by Raithos
Holy SHIT its about time! SC next week! ... 3665655808

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 1:28 pm
by AnimeGamer183
Just saw that, im shitting my pants right now. FUCK YESSSSSSSSS

Change of plans, drop everything, forget everything, play second chapter thats whats happening. This is just the news I needed right now, its funny because right before I layed down a little over an hour ago, I was checking the Trails FB page as I was thinking about out of all the RPGs that are coming out, which ones take the highest priority? I came up with SC and Xenoblade, sorry Zestiria, but you are just going to have to wait. 8)

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 2:11 pm
by Raithos
LOL if I wasn't already a good ways into Zestiria, I would be doing the same thing. No turning back for me now. I'm trying to finish them as they release, because when Xenoblade is out I won't touch anything else until its complete. Mid way through or not everything else gets pushed to the curb.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 2:18 pm
by AnimeGamer183
Thats how it is for me for Second Chapter (I know Second Chapter is a better game than Zestiria), it would/will be that way for me for Xenoblade when and if I can get a Wii-U in the mean time (doubtful). I could cancel my Zestiria order and have a bit more money to put towards XB/a Wii-U, but I feel like it would be wiser to keep it since I already have the system to play it on.

Such an expensive year for games this year... But I get one of my most anticipated of the year next week, they really dropped the ball on us and so soon??? I'm diggin it, too bad they werent able to come through with the physical/CE that everyone was hoping they were planning, but idc at this point, I just want to play. Now the next ordeal, what do I get it on, Steam or Vita?

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 2:44 pm
by Raithos
Steam no doubt. The Falcom engine runs so damn smooth on PC. Plus I hook my PC up to my TV so I sit back and play on the couch rather than look down for 70+ hours lol. I don't mind it, but avoid it if I can. I wish they would of done like Gaijinworks does for some of their titles. People pay upfront for a physical copy, and they only produce what was sold so they don't lose out on money. That's how they did Summon Night 5 for PSP, which should be at my doorstep in the next few weeks.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 3:08 pm
by AnimeGamer183
I want to do steam, but my gaming computer is sadly still down. I know I can play on my laptop (I looked at the system requirements for the game a few minutes ago and lol'd), but im gonna hook up my laptop to my PC monitor via HDMI, only problem is im not sure about how sound will work, guess i need to test everything later. If not, i'll get it for Vita, I like both i just enjoy the bigger screen on my monitor.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:21 pm
by AnimeGamer183
phpBB [video] ... sky-second

Release date trailer, website, and localization blog 3.

Some caution in the localization blog, apparently they may be expecting some bugs and/or text issues, and they are saying these issues will be easiest to fix on the PC version, they say this is mainly due to the sheer amount of text in the game. It may even be wise to wait to start playing it and get any potential bugs sorted, but they seem to think it should depend on each persons PC hardware.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:04 am
by AnimeGamer183

I basically played the first 5 hours of TITS2 in one sitting. Im already hooked, IDK what it is about this series but I cant put it down. It picks up literally right where the first game ends. It really does seem like its part 2 of the Legend of Heroes VI trilogy, alot of things are the same as the first game, graphics engine, battle system etc. with minor upgrades and tweaks, and plenty of new content.

Stop everything you are doing and play Trails in the Sky.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:29 pm
by AnimeGamer183

Trails of Cold Steel Dec. 22.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:27 pm
by Raithos
Yeah I saw that earlier. I was like man, no rest for the wicked! Fallout 4, TiTs SC, Xenoblade, and now Cold Steel.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:00 pm
by AnimeGamer183
Just got my pre-order for Cold Steel on New Egg. You have no idea how epically long SC is... you would think I would have been playing it more, but im only 40 hours in. Idk I really dont wanna rush through the game, since its so story intensive, I think its best played slowly (especially on the first play through).

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 8:00 pm
by AnimeGamer183
phpBB [video]

Battle Trailer

phpBB [video]

Launch Trailer

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:30 pm
by AnimeGamer183

The 2015 RPGamer awards have been posted and The Legend of Heroes was all over it. including 2nd and 3rd place for RPG of the year with Trails in the Sky Second Chapter AND Trails of Cold Steel being out done only by the Witcher 3. I cant stress enough to everyone how classic these games are, and they were on the top of my most anticipated list for a reason.

RPGamer Also awarded Second Chapter and Cold Steel 1st and 2nd place in best story followed by witcher 3

AND gave Second Chapter the nod for best music!

As I said these games were all over these awards, and I can personally clarify that Second Chapter deserves every bit of recognition that it has gotten, if you still have been hesitant to get on board with this series, here is further proof that not only are they great games but classic JRPGs that I am still trying to figure out how they were not localized before now considering how similar they are to many other JRPGs that were fan favorites here (names like Lunar, Grandia, Xenogears, Suikoden, Star Ocean, Tales series all come to mind) , do your self a favor and play these games.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:12 pm
by Raithos ... 9485986816

3rd TiTs game is being localized for PC. First two titles are on sale right now through Steam.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:00 pm
by AnimeGamer183
I saw! There are still alot of questions left unanswered after the second game, plus from what I have heard this game sets up the Crossbell Arc which are the next 2 games, and those games set up Cold Steel trilogy. Still not sure exactly when im going to play Cold Steel because from what I have heard there are alot of spoilers to the other games we have not received just yet.