dev comment of the day topic

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby Spokane » Thu May 24, 2012 6:30 pm

Which some of those things people here don't like either.
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby Bluecast » Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:20 pm

"Nintendo is effectively a toy company with very deep pockets. They have highs and they have lows, but if you look at their IP alone, it's worth a fortune. Their platforms might be problematic in the near term, but only in the near term. They could easily put Mario on the iPad tomorrow if they so wished. They've got lots of options, lots of IP, and a tremendous amount of cash." - Eidos life president Ian Livingstone

Says the guy who put rape in a game.

Also every console or even Ipad is technically a toy. Games are toys. So deal with it
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby Bluecast » Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:41 pm

Epic Mickey and Deus Ex creator Warren Spector has generated a whirlwind of debate this week after suggesting that the games industry is relying too heavily on "ultraviolence." Urging developers to stop drenching the market in blood, Spector has said that it's time to put the guns and knives away.

"The ultraviolence has to stop," he told GI International. "We have to stop loving it. I just don't believe in the effects argument at all, but I do believe that we are fetishizing violence, and now in some cases actually combining it with an adolescent approach to sexuality. I just think it's in bad taste. Ultimately I think it will cause us trouble.

"... We've gone too far. The slow-motion blood spurts, the impalement by deadly assassins, the knives, shoulders, elbows to the throat. You know, Deus Ex had its moments of violence, but they were designed -- whether they succeeded or not I can't say -- but they were designed to make you uncomfortable, and I don't see that happening now. I think we're just appealing to an adolescent mindset and calling it mature. It's time to stop. I'm just glad I work for a company like Disney, where not only is that not something that's encouraged, you can't even do it, and I'm fine with it."

Harsh words following an E3 where pundits were concerned that brutality in games went a little too far. Personally, I'm all for the violence, and I don't think it needs a reduction, per se. Instead, I want to see more games pushing something else to balance the gory stuff. Adding to the market, rather than taking away from it, is the answer. And I think there is a market for it.

It's just that publishers are too cowardly most of the time to step away from what they think is an instant sale, which is where the true heart of most game industry problems lie.

I agree and I mentioned this the other day. In an ironic twist I think this makes gaming look less mature

Bluecast wrote:Playing Skies of Arcadia again for the first time since before I bought my Wii in 2007.
I love it more now than I did then. Simple reason. Most games today forget how to just be innocent and fun with a great sense of adventure. Oh and vibrant visuals. It didn't need head shots or helicopters or rape or bows. This just makes me want to buy VC on PS3 & PSP even more

Film had a time like this. OL cover your ears. The 80's Gaming right now is reflecting the 80's of film
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby ThyDarkAngel » Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:50 pm

too much meaningless, pornographic violence and at the same time the same old pathological fear of sexuality, even artistic one serving the story.
just like in Hollywood and, sadly, around the world.

human society can be so hypocrite and messed up.
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby Bluecast » Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:54 pm

I'm not against violence of course. I mean I did pre order Darksiders II.

I just think gaming atm is over saturated with it. Needs more balance instead of this 1980's approach.
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby ThyDarkAngel » Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:09 pm

yeah, it's not violent content per se but the way it is being conveyed and explored.

we need the yin who i adore and seve but we also need the yang. we need alternatives.

were are the games that glorify life instead of death.
the games were you want to preserve life, not obliterate it.
and yes like Spector says were are the games that make death revolting.

yep, we really need Burning Rangers 2.

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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby Bluecast » Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:10 pm

In order to make Skies of Arcadia & Gravity Rush fun. It needs throat stabs and blood.
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby Bluecast » Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:16 pm

“I feel the European fan base is very similar to the Japanese fan base. They like the worlds in the Tales series, and the characters as well, so I definitely feel there is love and passion from the European fans as well. I feel that the EU fan base is becoming bigger and bigger, especially as of more recently.” - Tales producer Hideo Baba

Disagree. JRPG's and niche titles often sell more in the states.
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby OL » Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:37 pm

^^They get screwed out of them pretty frequently though. On average, the european mainstream is far more open to originality, complexity, or depth of story than the mainstream in the US is. I have no doubt about that.

Besides, he doesn't say anything about them being more into this kind of stuff than those in the US. He's only saying that he thinks the European audience is similar to the Japanese audience. No mention of the US whatsoever. So there's not really much there to disagree with in the first place.
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby south carmain » Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:56 pm

Bluecast wrote:
“I feel the European fan base is very similar to the Japanese fan base. They like the worlds in the Tales series, and the characters as well, so I definitely feel there is love and passion from the European fans as well. I feel that the EU fan base is becoming bigger and bigger, especially as of more recently.” - Tales producer Hideo Baba

Disagree. JRPG's and niche titles often sell more in the states.

That's probaly due to no language barriers, and higher amount of gamers, but in % i wouldn't underestimate the European audience, especially the french they have this weird fetish for japan
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby Bluecast » Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:00 pm

Then how come Zumba fitness sold much more in Europe & the FPS market % wise sells higher there. No one in Europe bought Xenoblade while the US double the number it sold in Europe in a day. No one there bought the Last Story or Pandoras Tower. 60k for TLS. Come on.
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby OL » Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:10 pm

You're also talking about one huge country that gets all the same commercials and sees all the same stuff when they walk into a Gamestop (the US), as opposed to a multitude of separate countries and cultures spread out across the same continent, all of which feature different stores and advertising in their own individual communities (Europe).
It isn't a simple question of numbers. The US would obviously have a one-up in that regard.
It's a question of how certain things appeal to certain cultures and, for that matter, how big the gaming community is in each one to begin with.
Looking at the kind of stuff that appears in the US entertainment mainstream as opposed to the mainstream across Europe's multitude of countries, it becomes pretty obvious which one would logically be more open to JRPGs and creativity in general.

But again, that isn't what the guy was saying anyway.
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby south carmain » Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:20 pm

Bluecast wrote:Then how come Zumba fitness sold much more in Europe & the FPS market % wise sells higher there. No one in Europe bought Xenoblade while the US double the number it sold in Europe in a day. No one there bought the Last Story or Pandoras Tower. 60k for TLS. Come on.

Maybe because these games are no where to be seen anywhere, they are on the wii which only housewives buy for their kids, and because peoe who dont spend their time on the internet don't even know these games exist, and so what if fps sales are higher? People can enjoy fps's and rpg's and niche titles at the same time also why are you comparing the US and european sales i didnt even say they were more than the us i said that as a whole i wouldn't underestimate the european gamers as a lot of them actually enjoy these kind of games, in fact they even have a huge expo in paris called japan expo which is covered by the biggest music channel out there which specialises in niche japanese things and games is a big part of it

sure we enjoy our fps's and shovelware is at all the toystores so parents end up buying it for their kids but most gamers here grew up on rpg's, strategy games, and everything that defined the 90's gaming period and still enjoy them even if they do play call of duty, battlefield, pes and fifa
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby Bluecast » Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:22 pm

south carmain wrote:
Bluecast wrote:Then how come Zumba fitness sold much more in Europe & the FPS market % wise sells higher there. No one in Europe bought Xenoblade while the US double the number it sold in Europe in a day. No one there bought the Last Story or Pandoras Tower. 60k for TLS. Come on.

Maybe because these games are no where to be seen anywhere, they are on the wii which only housewives buy for their kids,

Ignorant bullshit
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Re: dev comment of the day topic

Postby south carmain » Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:28 pm

^ its true, thats who nintendo marketed towards and thats who bought it, most gamers here bought a ps3 or 360 and thought of the wii as a shovelware console as thats what nintendo marketed it as
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