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James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 4:35 am
So who's got EOE? The reviews its getting are shit-hot. Its being called 'the best Bond game, even better than Goldeneye.' Sounds like the dog's bollocks to me.






PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:07 am
by b_ren
Looks good, I have enjoyed every Bond game that has came out but this looks even better.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:09 am
by rens of heavens
Ha Jaws is back!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 11:30 am
by Dragonslayer88
I've played the demo so far. It's a quality game. I only wish I can see the chicks in it though! lol

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 11:30 am
by Sonikku
Yes I've seen great reviews of it as well. Although it's unfair to call it a better game then Goldeneye as it was a very differnt time when it came out YEARS ago. Goldeneye was more revolutionary in it's time then this is right now.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 4:16 pm
by Cyberman
Hey sounds like a great game! And Jaws is back! I should buy that game.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 5:03 pm
by CloudXenon
Only downfall is its in 3rd person,im still gonna check it out but 1st person shooters are better.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 10:48 pm
by Daemos
The graphics are jaggy. And the smg blast on the second pic huge.
(yeah, i'm a damn perfectionist :x)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 7:54 am
by asnozz
looks good, but, it is made by EA so i have my reservations

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 8:54 pm
by Neo-Ryo
Just rented the game today and it is better than golden eye.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 1:01 am
by Rhayno G.
im looking forward to playing it. the last one i played was nightfire, which was crap. they're saying that this is the 1st bond game of this generation that deserves the bond liscense.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 10:29 am
by asnozz
neo-ryo wrote:Just rented the game today and it is better than golden eye.

erm ok...*laughs sarcastically and walks away*

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 9:08 pm
by CloudXenon
I played EON for a couple mins at Gamestop..the motorcycle level..its not too bad,ill have to rent it..lets face it.

Goldeneye - Revolutionary game period,best Bond ever.

Tommorow Never Dies - Biggest Mistake in the Bond franchise.

The World Is Not Enough - More fun to play than Goldeneye in the longrun but not revolutionary for its time.

007 Racing - 2nd biggest mistake.

Agent Under Fire - Decent but far from great.

Nightfire - step toward goldeneye/world is not enough but fails to thrill.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 12:47 pm
by CaucasianSensation
I bought it and it's pretty good.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 11:03 am
I bought the game and I'm on the last level now. Its quite a good game, but I wouldn't say that it's better than Goldeneye, but it's definitely close.
Killing enemies is extremely fun. There is a sort of bullet time feature in it, but it's primarily for selecting weapons, so you can't select moves whilst in bullet time. However, if you punch or shoot an enemy, then go into bullet time, you will see the slow-mo action, which is intteresting.
One of the flaws of it is that the levels feel a bit short, but that's okay, because they're ultra-fun. Once you complete a shooting level, you're rewarded with an ultra-fun car level.
Oh, and WS, you're completely wrong about the graphics (you're insane). The graphics in this game are amazing. Bond looks exactly like Pierce, which is why this game feels more like a Bond film than any other Bond game.