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Good graphics=Fu*ked up game?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 8:40 pm
Lets look at some major fu*k up's, due to good graphics.

MGS-2:A huge hype, orginal was brilliant; put too much work into graphics and they mess it up.

FF-10:Another huge hype, messed up again by trying to show off good graphics. Gameplay sucked harder than a Dyson vacuum cleaner.

Spiderman:The first game on the PS was brilliant, sucked on the PS2.

Munches Oddysee: Wonderful series. Sequel sucked, but had its good points.

Resident Evil 0: Some may argue with this, but alor of fans agree: this prequel sucked.

Well, I'm sure I could go through more. But it seems that sequels that moved on to a next gen console seem to fuck up, because their too busy ''showing off.'' When faced with the graphical dissability of an old console, they concentrait on making the gameplay and story better, such as FF.
It's like movies, the high bidget films just show off. Take Starwars, the originals was fantastic, the sequels just show off. Same went for the Matrix. I'm not a fan of it, but many say the first was better and the sequel sucked--As I noticed, it seemed to be another excuse to show a CG art show.

Though not all games follow this strange path. Take Splinter cell--brilliant! Halo! But, they was fresh onto the next gen console. I think the game developers who created a decent game on a old console allways wanted to go further, so they bring out the sequel... then go too far, untill it becomes a extacy--they can't resist to show a amaizing graphical presentation to wow the audience--unlike before.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 12:30 am
by goaliefrk
LOL! What a stupid topic.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 12:43 am
by My Best Day is Gone
No good graphics do not make a bad game. A low budget makes a bad game.

Some of the games you mentioned as being bad are good... some of them can be considered average depending on the person.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 12:56 am
by shinneri
goaliefrk wrote:LOL! What a stupid topic.

Well said, Goaliefrk.

Graphics have nothing to do with how good a game is. Shenmue had the best graphics ever seen at its time, and the gameplay was equally astonishing.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 1:34 am
by etjester
Its all gameplay, who cares about graphics?

Look at goldeneye, that has got to be some of the worst graphics on any system better than a gameboy, but no one cares about that cuz it had totally awesome gameplay and is still one of the best FPS of all time.

Shenmue just happened to have good graphics, which is good, but would we have cared if it came out on the far less advanced saturn? i mean, assuming the story were the same, what difference does it make?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 1:56 am
by Gutcruncher
to me, the only purpose that graphics serve is to set a mood (well, in tandem with music).

Great graphics does not always equal crap game.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 5:04 am
by Shodan
Good graphics definately do not always = bad game. Like some of the above ppl said, Shenmue has some of the best graphics ever and also happens to have some of the best gameplay ever, and the best plot ever... ect. Damn! Shenmue is just too good!

Anyway back to the point. I thought MGS2 was a really good game and the graphics only made that title ever better. The sheer level of interactivity, incredible AI and brilliant plot twists made that experience an unforgettable one. Hmm. Then I suppose the original was even better... But I can't remember MGS1 that clearly though, so I'm really looking forward to playing The Twin Snakes later this year.

Resident Evil 0 is far from being the best survival horror game, but I thoughly enjoyed the experience, it had some great puzzles and definately more than it's fair share of sudden scares!
However what was most remarkable about RE0 is the graphics. OMG they are to die for! They're truly a sight to behold. I know it's pre rendered but some of the graphics were frikin' real life - it really is that good.

I highly recommend RE0(and the RE remake), the graphics alone make it worth the entry price, not to mention a good, solid game underneath.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 1:03 pm
by Zhao
if i knew a game had bad graphics i would never play or care about the. they need each other.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 5:42 pm
by My Best Day is Gone
etjester wrote:Its all gameplay, who cares about graphics?

Look at goldeneye, that has got to be some of the worst graphics on any system better than a gameboy, but no one cares about that cuz it had totally awesome gameplay and is still one of the best FPS of all time.

Shenmue just happened to have good graphics, which is good, but would we have cared if it came out on the far less advanced saturn? i mean, assuming the story were the same, what difference does it make?

If Shenmue was on Saturn the frame rate would make the game a lot less enjoyable. The story would not remain the same... I'm sure a lot of the stuff that was changed in the final for DC would have been left the same in the Saturn ver such as Joy being Wong's mother... or the scene where Ryo beats up Ren's gang in his warehouse... or the dear scene in Guilin or many of the other things cut out and replaced.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 12:26 am
by etjester
Marcel Randle wrote:
etjester wrote:Its all gameplay, who cares about graphics?

Look at goldeneye, that has got to be some of the worst graphics on any system better than a gameboy, but no one cares about that cuz it had totally awesome gameplay and is still one of the best FPS of all time.

Shenmue just happened to have good graphics, which is good, but would we have cared if it came out on the far less advanced saturn? i mean, assuming the story were the same, what difference does it make?

If Shenmue was on Saturn the frame rate would make the game a lot less enjoyable. The story would not remain the same... I'm sure a lot of the stuff that was changed in the final for DC would have been left the same in the Saturn ver such as Joy being Wong's mother... or the scene where Ryo beats up Ren's gang in his warehouse... or the dear scene in Guilin or many of the other things cut out and replaced.

im not talking about processor speed or how fast the game renders or disk space. im purely talking about the inferior graphics.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 11:08 pm
by goaliefrk
etjester:Goldeneye had sweet graphics, better than it's sequels(from EA)which all sucked, and all still do suck. So don't just start makin stuff up please.

Goldeneye is amazing.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 1:55 am
by Shodan
goaliefrk wrote:etjester:Goldeneye had sweet graphics, better than it's sequels(from EA)which all sucked, and all still do suck. So don't just start makin stuff up please.

You're right goaliefrk. The graphics of Goldeneye were years ahead of it's time, and were absolutely mind-blowing back in 1997. It easily compared to Half-Life during 1998.

And you're also completely right about the EA Bond games being crap. Agent Under Fire was trash, Nightfire was a pile of stinking s, and don't even mention the three Playstation 007 games cos they are worse than your worst nightmares.

EA's recent Bond games have much better graphics(and frame-rate) than Goldeneye, but at where it most counts - the gameplay and game experience, EA's titles just fall flat on their faces. Goldeneye was a quantum leap in both graphics and game mechanics. The single player was astounding, the gameplay was perfectly balanced shooting, but players could also tackle the occasional section with stealth. The objectives have great variety and the game just breaths quality.

Then the killer multiplayer just finished everything off. Having mates round has never been so much fun. The amount of strategy going into predicting your opponents location and the frantic duel that follows has got to be some of the most fun four people can get from a console.

So Goldeneye is definately one example of a game with the very best graphics for it time and had gameplay so good that not even it's semi-sequal could better(not quite).

Another example could be the sublime Halo, but that's another story...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 3:13 pm
by goaliefrk
Halo vs. Goldeneye. I'd have to go that's a toughee

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 5:58 am
by ChaiOgawa
As great as Halo is I would have to go with Goldeneye. Best game I have ever played. (Besides Shenmue)

FOr me graphica are second rate. Capcom vs SNK2 on xbox stayed with the sega esq graphics and the game is absolutley amazing who cares about graphics as long as the gameplay is there.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 11:36 pm
by goaliefrk
I think I'd go with Halo, because it's such a big world, and great music, it's just too good man!