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Creepiest moments in gaming

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:27 am
by Bluecast
Since this is october we should have a topic about moments in gaming that was freaky/scary/disturbing.

This was just unexpected to me for a zelda. TP had it's odd and creepy moments like early on with the white eyes scene.but this is just total WTF


I know this is an altered version with a shitty sparta joke at the end but it's sadly the best I could find. First few seconds are unaltered

Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:52 am
by Bambi

It may seem comical now but on a first play through it made me jump out of my seat.

Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:21 pm
by OL
Ryudo wrote:This was just unexpected to me for a zelda. TP had it's odd and creepy moments like early on with the white eyes scene.but this is just total WTF

That's pretty much the same reason I made that 20 second Onimusha 2 video. It isn't that it's actually "scary", it's just a total "open your eyes wide and say 'what the fucking hell...?'" kind of moment. Very different from the rest of the game, so you're kind of taken aback by it.

I would try to post some, but the majority of moments I could are all about context; they just aren't freaky/scary/disturbing unless you experience them in-game, taking in the atmosphere and whatnot up to that point.
Otherwise the moment is completely lost.
Might try to think of some good ones later on anyway though.

Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:47 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Batman: Arkham Asylum

When Scarecrow's fear gas makes you think your Xbox has fucked up. Not scary in the traditional sense, but a nice touch that makes you shit yourself nonetheless.

The Octabrains in Duke Nukem 3D used to shit me up too, and I hate em even more in DNF.

Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:52 pm
by Kenny
Crimson Heads coming to life in the REmake.

I read about it ahead of time but when it actually happened, I was floored.

Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:04 pm
by AnimeGamer183


:lol: couldnt resist

Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:15 pm
by Bambi
Kenny wrote:Crimson Heads coming to life in the REmake.

I read about it ahead of time but when it actually happened, I was floored.

Oh God, agreed. I first encountered them in that hallway with the birdcage and the mirror, Jesus, that got my heart racing.

Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:21 pm
by Henry Spencer

Yes, the Crimson Heads was definitely one for me too.

Being a late blommer to Resident Evil, around three years ago when I played RE4, which was my first Resi Evil, I was freaked out by the Regenerators & Iron Maidens. It was the first time a horror game actually frightened me in any shape or form just from those enemies alone. Shortly after that I played through the rest of the series and found Mr. X (Resi Evil 2 Tyrant) and Nemesis to be other moments in the series which took me by surprise and elicited similar scare moments. Those two gits always turned up when you least suspected it and chased you around everywhere...and soak up all of my bullets

Call of Cthulhu is the one game to give me a real sense of dread throughout, even after getting weapons and fighting back. Just didn't know what the fuck I was against in that game, the creatures really did stay in the shadows in that game watching you nd it freaked me out [there's constant POV camera shots showing it from the monster's eyes]. Aside from that the game gave off such a richly paranoid atmosphere.

Siren: Blood Curse in the hospital playing as the little girl has be the biggest one I've encontered in gaming yet though...holy shit. The elevator and the sight jacking, listening to the whispers of these creatures just freaked me out. Such an incredible understanding of what horror really is from these developers.

Speaking of which, I am having a Resident Evil marathon right now and currently playing RE2, RE3 and RE4. REmake and Code Veronica X will be next. I should get RE0, never played it...really forgot how much I love this series.

Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:31 pm
by Kenny
^^ If you guys played RE3, Nemesis was also a heart stopper.

You didn't know when he'd pop up and panic swept the entire room whenever he came on (whoever was watching someone play the game anyway).

With RE0, its good. Not great (I mean a singing leech man, really?) but worth playing.

Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:51 pm
by Henry Spencer
Having played RE2 first, Nemesis felt like a Mr. X rehash as first, but he got interesting when he transformed and his arm extended really far. Made him that much harder to get away from. I always liked Mr. X (Tyrant in RE2) more overall...

Yeah, heard all about RE0's shortcomings. I'll just enjoy it because it's got that classic old school feel of the older RE. Hopefully.

Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:54 pm
by Bluecast
RE0 is good darn good and Billy is my personal fave character from the series. (also awesome mother tatt) as good as it was it was the weaker of the two on GC.

Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:59 pm
by OL
Yeah, I loved RE0, personally. No order, my favorite RE's are 2, 0, and 5.
I haven't played it in a long time, but I seem to remember playing as Rebecca, finding herself in the Umbrella labs from the first (or maybe it was the second) game, and having to fight a Tyrant all by her lonesome. That took me by surprise, and I'm sure my heart was beating pretty fast at that point.

Henry Spencer wrote:Siren: Blood Curse in the hospital playing as the little girl has be the biggest one I've encontered in gaming yet though...holy shit. The elevator and the sight jacking, listening to the whispers of these creatures just freaked me out. Such an incredible understanding of what horror really is from these developers.

Fuck. Yes.
God, that game was so great. And the constant claustrophobic atmosphere and almost total darkness just throw it over the top as far as horror greatness goes.
The mission with Bella in the house surrounded by the Shibito family is great. Even better when
she finally escapes and starts to leave, but her mom, now a Shibito herself, blocks her path and starts chasing her.

Another heart-racer there.

Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:18 pm
by silent killer
Because I'm a coward, any thing from Fatal Frame series.

Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:29 pm
by Bluecast
I have talked about this game many times. Sweet Home. Came after the mediocre film. However the game made by Capcom and the biggest inspiration for the RE series.(RE on PSone almost was a remake) The story is kinda creepy and downright gruesome. NES in the US was heavily censored so we did not get this. This scene was not just shocking for how gruesome it is but the part of the story here if fucked up as well. I mean this is one crazy evil bitch in the game.

This character sacrifices himself to help save a little girl. As he comes out The ghost melts him like acid in front of the other characters eyes.


Re: Scary/Freaky moments in gaming(To celebrate halloween)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:32 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
The start of Bioshock, when everything is still setting in, you have no idea whats going on and you just keep finding these badly mangled corpses and deformed creatures wearing masks.

The end of the first level especially when you're about to duck into medical and andrew ryan comes on screen to taunt you was pretty good since you catch the shadows of slicers running back and forth, and since at that point you've got no ammo and theres no vita chamber near by they might as well be singing "we're gunna rape youuu"