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Next Generation Speculation

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:09 pm
by Riku Rose
Don't look forward to playing Halo 4 on the next Xbox or Ni no Kuni on your PS4, because if the predictions of EA's Blake Jorgensen come to pass, it won't be possible.

"An important thing to remember is that next-gen consoles will most likely not be backwards compatible," the Electronic Arts CFO had to say yesterday at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference in San Francisco. Gamasutra was there to cover the event and came away with the comment, along with Jorgensen's thoughts on several other aspects of Sony and Microsoft's upcoming next-generation consoles.

How about the rumors that the next PlayStation and Xbox may lock out used games, or go fully digital?

"It's one of these classic double-edged swords. In one way the used game business has been critical for the health of the retail channel, and having a healthy retail channel is an important thing for us. The business will probably never be 100 percent digital."

How about when these two new machines would go on sale?

"If you're a FIFA player and, and the soccer season's starting in August, and all your friends are playing FIFA, you're going to want to be on the same box that they're on. So if they all go out and buy a gen-four box if it comes out at Christmas, then you'll most likely do it."

All interesting comments to be sure, and there are several more worth perusing in Gamasutra's full article on the event. Will there ultimately be any truth to Mr. Jorgensen's predictions, though? We'll have to wait to find out for sure, but we're hopeful that some of those questions will begin to be answered one week from today – when Sony's expected to unveil its fourth PlayStation.

I hope they do BC at least for the first year or two I don't want 20 systems under my TV.

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:40 pm
by Axm
Its upsetting to me because I know these companies have us by the balls if both the xbox and PS4 end up doing the same restrictions. But if one has clearly less restrictions then the other we should and will not support the lesser of the two.

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:17 pm
by Bluecast
A VG247 source said today that PS4′s rumoured controller touch-pad is real. The input is on the front of the handset. The Start and Select buttons have been moved as a result.

The controller is “more or less” the same shape as the current DualShock. We’ve been told today that the L2 and R2 buttons have been remodelled for the better.

The existence of the touch-pad has been previously reported by Edge, but claims a “Share” button exists on the controller from the same report were debunked by our source today. Apparently it isn’t there.

Rumours regarding the machine are now coming thick and fast. It was reported that it will come bundled with a camera last week, and Gaikai tech and a $400 price-point have recently been suggested by Nikkei in Japan.

Sony is expected to announce PlayStation 4 at a New York event next Wednesda

Dualshock 4(or whatever it's called) is a Dual shock with a vita touch pad and camera.

I really wanted a boomerang

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:26 am
by Sonikku
The good thing about the boomerang controller was that if you got angry and threw it, it would come back to you. :D

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:19 pm
by Bluecast
The controller is being called “SplitShock.” It incorporates PS Move technology and PS Vita touch technology into the PS4 controller. The biggest change is the removal of the thumbsticks we have been so accustomed to over the years. Gamers will instead use a Vita like touchpad to control their games. The new controller is also rumored to have 4gb of built-in memory allowing the controller to double as a memory unit as well.


So every time you get mad the controls suck without analog you can toss it break it but put it back together. Thanks Sony!

Then we are told we don;t need analog....then a year later we will get this

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 3:01 pm
by Henry Spencer
No interest in next gen, at all. The only way I'll be interested in the PS4 and next Xbox is if they showed off a new Ivalice game or Vagrant Story 2, Shenmue 3, Drakengard 3, Resident Evil 2 Remake, Forbidden Siren 3, Front Mission HD Collection, Breakdown 2, Legacy of Kain, Parasite Eve 3, God Hand 2, new Shin Megami Tensei (that isn't Persona) and Growlanser VII. And they won't, you know why? 'Cos none of my favourite games and series get sequels aside from on handhelds, henceforth my last of interest in consoles anymore. So meh to all this speculation. The usual suspects will be there at E3; Uncharted 4, Killzone, Halo, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, Final Fantasy XIII-4; a big bore all around. I'll just go back to my 3DS and PS2 now and shut up.[/whineover]

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 3:07 pm
by Bluecast
Agree that hand helds are really where it's at. DS/PSP and hopefully Vita/3DS can be half as good as those were.

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 3:12 pm
by OL
Ryudo wrote:*controller stuff*

That's fucking stupid. They finally come out with a handheld with dual analog sticks, and then they remove the sticks from their next console controller...

Henry Spencer wrote:No interest in next gen, at all. The only way I'll be interested in the PS4 and next Xbox is if they showed off a new Ivalice game or Vagrant Story 2, Shenmue 3, Drakengard 3, Resident Evil 2 Remake, Forbidden Siren 3, Front Mission HD Collection, Breakdown 2, Legacy of Kain, Parasite Eve 3, God Hand 2, new Shin Megami Tensei (that isn't Persona) and Growlanser VII. And they won't, you know why? 'Cos none of my favourite games and series get sequels aside from on handhelds, henceforth my last of interest in consoles anymore. So meh to all this speculation. The usual suspects will be there at E3; Uncharted 4, Killzone, Halo, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, Final Fantasy XIII-4; a big bore all around. I'll just go back to my 3DS and PS2 now and shut up.[/whineover]

Still have to see what will actually come out in the next gen (people were saying the same stuff about the current gen as well, but it still resulted in some of my favorites), but so far I hear ya. I'm just feeling so "blah" about the whole thing. I get much more excited looking up old games that I may want to buy or try out, rather than hearing about all this extraneously-fancy new bullshit.

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 3:27 pm
by Bluecast
^ Remember when PS3 was new and Sony said we don't need rumble. PSP came out Sony said you don't need dual analog. Then later Dualshock 3 got released and Vita had dual analog. Why I did the second pic one year after PS4 launches (that is if this so called source claim is true) a year later Sony will release a new controller with analog. Oh also don't forget Sony said the PS3 controller would be a banana then people said shove it so Sony said Just kidding here is sixaxis. So even if it doesn;t have analog. Wait a year

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:07 pm
by Axm
I kinda like the concept behind that controller.. If its excuted well.

At the same time I also believe they will probably let the DS3 work with the PS4 but that would also make too much sense and imply perhaps that Sony is making PS4 BC with PS3 games..
Wouldnt it be cool if we all got what we want come E3?... This shit is scary atm.

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:36 pm
by south carmain
pic of PS4 devkit whith controller taken at an event yesterday which I cant remember the name

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:38 pm
by Bluecast
^That looks cool actually. Closer to the second pic I posted.Oooh! Also using the Vita Dpad. FINALLY! Dropped the old dpad

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:40 pm
by south carmain
Ryudo wrote: ^That looks cool actually. Closer to the second pic I posted.Oooh! Also using the Vita Dpad. FINALLY! Dropped the old dpad

I'm not sure if it's the final design though, I can already imagine the speaker being as annoying as the wiis

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:42 pm
by Bluecast
So if this thing spits it looks like the back of the thing might slide off. So PS4 will come with a camera confirmed since that is a MOVE light on the back. Built in or not to be determined

Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 6:02 pm
by Bluecast
I want a Dreamcast controller with VMU to come back. No not Wii U 7 inch. That'c cool but I'm a DC fanboy and want a tiny screen on the controller so I can go TEE HEE IT"S SO TINY! CHAO ARE CUTE! Again..I will keep dreaming,will anyone cast again?. :oops: